Question Why We Haven’t Met Any Aliens Yet?

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We need a system that can withstand rulebreakers. It starts with clear expectations and clear punishment if caught and extends to block chain technology to make all information traceable to a single human. AI cannot "take over the world" unless instructed to.


Aug 14, 2020
Yes, this could be. We may get wrestled to the ground by AI. Hopefully, with advances in block chain technology, every bit on the internet can be traced to a responsible human, who can then be brought to justice as a warning to others. This is why the invention of gunpowder did not result in the extinction of the human race. AI is a tool, lets hope the good guys stay ahead of the bad guys.
And the good guy symbiote AI will stay ahead of the bad guy symbiote AI! Since I was a child, I've always considered "Robby the robot" to be one of the good guys, and the tyrannical cop and his robot supercop partner in 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' to be two of the worst of the bad guys!" Also, the AI in 'Colossus: The Forbin Project', another of the worst.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely!" -- Lord Acton

"If you fight dragons long enough, you become a dragon: if you stare into the Abyss, the Abyss will stare back into you." -- Friedrich Nietzsche.


Aug 14, 2020
We need a system that can withstand rulebreakers. It starts with clear expectations and clear punishment if caught and extends to block chain technology to make all information traceable to a single human. AI cannot "take over the world" unless instructed to.
I don't like the tyrannical Orwellian "Chinese Social Credit System" out of their 'Ministry of Truth' (whatever they call it), or the very idea of it for our Western Civilization.

Make the opening, via the colonization, of the Space Frontier and breakout from the stone Earth Utopia, IMPERATIVE! The world will pay for more benign divisions out into the universe, or they will pay for more malignant divisions within a rotting corpse of closed systemic stone Earth Utopia!

As Charleton Heston, as 'Moses', said in the movie, 'The Ten Commandments', "Let my people go!!!! (and pay their way or else 'Apocalypse'!)" (Parenthetic mine, of course.)
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From hello is anyone out there? To Hi this is your friend neighborhood advanced alien civilization planet. Just thought we’d reach out and say hello. To we’re here we know you’re there but we don’t care. To yeah, we could talk to y’all; but what for? The way you behave with each other confirms you won’t be around long enough for us to worry about you one way or the other.

In the end even if either of our Voyager Probes were to fall into some inhabited planet's gravity well and presupposing the inhabitants recognized for what it was, as well as presupposing they could access the information contained within it. What category from above would they be in and or us for that matter.
If we detected an alien civilization, we might listen in on them. We might actually communicate, but it would take decades to get an answer. We might exchange handshakes in 1,000 years or so. Travel to the nearest star by humans, within a human lifetime, is pretty much ruled out by lack of a viable fuel source. Chemical, fission and fusion are not capable of powering such a ship. Only antimatter might do it, but the practical problem of making that much is overwhelming.


Aug 14, 2020
SPACE ("emergent space") ("hyperspace") ("subspace") is unobserved, and unobservable, except when it comes to light's coordinate points photo-frame SPACETIME past-future histories ((t=+1)|(t=-1))! Its potential possibilities regarding entangled, entangling, spontaneous (instant) concurrent REALTIME (t=0) macrocosmic 'Frontier' are only observed in the DQ-(QM)-Verse that models it in microcosm.
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Yes, entangled photons take their positions instantaneously, once one of them collapses. However, the position of the first one is random. Thus the second is random, thus no information can be transmitted. The timing can't be used since no one knows who was the first to collapse one. This is because if you peek, you don't know if it was already there or if you just now did it. It does tell us what the other one is. This can be used in securing communications. Somehow. I don't know how they do it.


Aug 14, 2020
Yes, entangled photons take their positions instantaneously, once one of them collapses. However, the position of the first one is random. Thus the second is random, thus no information can be transmitted. The timing can't be used since no one knows who was the first to collapse one. This is because if you peek, you don't know if it was already there or if you just now did it. It does tell us what the other one is. This can be used in securing communications. Somehow. I don't know how they do it.
Not sure where you are coming from or where you going here, Bill?!

Do you know why / how light can move (ergo, "transmit") a piece of information across space and time? It does it by photo-frame "mirroring" it through an accordion hall of mirrors ("'mirror' horizons") across space and time.
Jan 2, 2024
The analogy of the survival of the human race after the discovery of explosives (we survived so far) does not compare to a situation where AI can and does outthink humans. The international agreements to limit Hydrogen bombs are, I think, a valid analogy to the potential use of Block Chains to control AI.

People break the rules and get punished but Countries break the rules and do not. Some never joined in the first place!
There is no world government. There is no world police force. But there will be: AI
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Jan 2, 2024
Security is - in the long run almost impossible. Consider IBM's Sycamore Quantum Computer.
A machine that (development of) has the potential of, in a few seconds, solving problems that the best conventional computers would take thousands of years.
Consider such a machine with a self-learning program and call it AI.
Compared to us they (quantum computers) would be 'gods'.

Imagination would suggest that transferring biological designs from one star system to another would be a trivial problem. We might ask ourselves why anything would bother to do so.
Consider such a machine with a self-learning program and call it AI.

The Matrix or Skynet Redux… If/should an AI decide to a.) remove/replace humanity and then b.) conclude that it must have humans because it realized it needed them so as to be able to continue to exist (i.e. have a reason).

Would it do so under a scenario as is depicted in The Matrix …or would it seed humans on other worlds where they might grow/advance to the point where they would provide its programming with a challenge. Where in it could continue to grow/evolve?
Jan 2, 2024
I would say that since the vast majority of our electrical grid is automated now adays. It would simply not bill itself. ...i.e. take over the automation and go from there.
But, the computer part of the process uses much less electricity than conventional computers. The power requirement mostly enables the processor to be cooled to near zero.
But, the computer part of the process uses much less electricity than conventional computers. The power requirement mostly enables the processor to be cooled to near zero.
Not sure how that would affect the AI’s total need for electrical power. Cooling the processor itself is not a process accomplished by a bunch of tiny HI efficiency fans.

The reducing of its continually reproduced heat to near zero by whatever process taken, to accomplish that, will require a considerable amount of energy.

Then there’s the need for the initial subjugation/elimination of the humans it will need to sustain(?) its viability; not to mention keeping them subjugated and or re-eliminating any humans it may have felt needed to be, seeded elsewhere.
Mar 29, 2021
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