If we define our first and most inportant rule as energy can not be created out of nothing. Why then would a wormhole ever be possible, if you go from one place to another there will be a change in potential (gravitational) energy. Thanks in advance
If we define our first and most inportant rule as energy can not be created out of nothing. Why then would a wormhole ever be possible, if you go from one place to another there will be a change in potential (gravitational) energy. Thanks in advance
Who said wormholes were possible anyway?If we define our first and most inportant rule as energy can not be created out of nothing. Why then would a wormhole ever be possible, if you go from one place to another there will be a change in potential (gravitational) energy. Thanks in advance
Who said wormholes were possible anyway?
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Everything I learned about How The Universe Works - I learned from watching Star Trek. Star Trek series said wormholes are used for space travelEnjoy David.
Theoretical physics is a fascinating field, but it mathematically allows things that cannot exist in the real world. There is no reason to believe that anything such as a “wormhole” or “subspace” exists. “Warp drive”, and all the other FTL concepts, are nothing more than plot mechanisms used to complete a story line within a small portion of the characters’ lifetimes.
Wormholes are a hypothesis based on a theory which is based on an assumption of something we still do not know for sure exists. “Wormholes in space” probably do not exist. The proof that the wormhole/warpdrive/hyperdrive does not work is we are not now part of an intergalactic trade organization with regular visits from alien vendors. Naturally, this depends on the existence of at least one ET Alien race somewhere that was capable of developing this technology. Of course there are plenty of wormholes in apples, and in wood, and in the ground, but they probably won't take you where you want to go.
Theoretical Physicist John Wheeler did science a great disservice back in 1967 when he coined the phrase “Black Hole”. The highly misleading term leads many people to think it is, or can be, an actual “hole” leading somewhere. I prefer “hyperdensity”, a term I coined. Besides, “black hole” becomes obscene when translated into French or Russian.
It has been suggested that so-called “black-holes” would be the source of a “wormhole”. That, of course, is utter nonsense. Rather than being a gateway or “tunnel” to somewhere else, “black holes”, if they even exist, are the densest objects in the known universe, virtually the exact opposite of a hole. Currently there is no proof that “wormholes” (the space travel variety) of any size exist, micro, macro, or in between. There are a great many mathematical concepts that do not have a counterpart in the real universe, and so-called “wormholes” is one of them.
In order for the wormhole/space travel concept to work, the wormhole would have to be a “shortcut” to another area of space. Now, this is not a mathematical explanation, but it explains graphically why the “fold in space/wormhole hypothesis is unrealistic in the real universe. The inaccurate and totally misleading misrepresentation of space as a flat sheet or membrane makes it look easy. But, space is not flat like a sheet of paper, it is solid like a bowling ball. It is easy to fold a sheet of paper, but not quite so easy to fold a bowling ball. IMO, too many people have taken the woefully inadequate 2D flat sheet model and applied it literally to the 3D Universe.
A better and more reasonable representation of space and gravity would be that of a giant sponge the size of the Universe. The effect of gravity (i.e. a star) would be like reaching in to a point deep within the sponge and pinching some of the sponge material. You would end up with a region of dense sponge at the point of the “pinch”, immediately surrounded by a region of rarified density which gradually reverts to the original density as you move further from the “pinch”. The density of the sponge surrounding the “pinch” is analogously inversely proportional to the gravitational force of the star. Notice that no matter how hard you pinch an area, it never brings it any closer to any other area. It only changes the density of the sponge in that immediate vicinity, and that change in density varies inversely with distance from the pinched area. With this more accurate model, all those notions about folding space vanish.
Using this model, how would a “wormhole” work?
Your selectively leaving out essential parts of my comment is dishonest, and constitutes the Logical Fallacy of the Strawman Argument. It was clearly a visual tool to graphically represent the difference between a flat, two dimensional Universe and a three dimensional Universe.
You responded to what you quoted. Your deliberately leaving out the essential phrase was dishonest, misleading, and changed the tone of my comment. Your response WAS a clearly Strawman argument. As explained, the terminology was used to graphically represent the difference between a flat, two dimensional Universe and a three dimensional Universe.
Again you misrepresent what I said, creating yet another Strawman Argument Logical Fallacy. I said “solid”, not “round”. In over 12 years you are the only person unable to grasp the concept of 2D vs 3D.
And before you get on your high horse and argue about “solid”, remember that even a solid bowling ball is actually mostly empty space.
FYI, there are no round planets. AFAIK, there are no spherical planets. Planets are all oblate spheroids.
Just the facts, ma'am.
Great explanation and I agree with your statement that space is not a flat sheet which people used to explain the concept of wormhole.But, space is not flat like a sheet of paper, it is solid like a bowling ball. It is easy to fold a sheet of paper, but not quite so easy to fold a bowling ball. IMO, too many people have taken the woefully inadequate 2D flat sheet model and applied it literally to the 3D Universe.
Wormholes are interesting and your point too. I have this book, 'Black Holes & Time Warps, Einstein Outrageous Legacy' by Kip S. Thorne, 1994. Much discussion about wormholes and time travel. Some discussion too on quantum gravity that seems needed to model such ideas, e.g. black hole singularity in General Relativity vs. quantum gravity model. I prefer viewing the Galilean moons where Newton's gravity has good observational evidence in my telescope views![]()
"what would the Universe be floating in?"
Long live semantics! Like!Everyone should know the universe is floating in a non-measurable and non-observable "dark aether" (at least according to Einstein, etc. - see below).
If we cannot see dark matter and dark energy, why should we be able to detect a dark aether? Sometimes science advances in the least expected ways.
quoting from Albert Einstein:
"We may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an aether. According to the general theory of relativity space without aether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. But this aether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it."
And Sid Deutsch, a professor of electrical engineering and bioengineering, has the nerve to conjecture:
"that a "spherical, spinning" aether particle must exist in order "to carry electromagnetic waves" and derives its diameter and mass using the density of dark matter."
Finally from Robert B. Laughlin:
"The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic aether. But we do not call it this because it is taboo."
But that vacuum is not perfect since nature abhors vacuums, as we also should know. Thus the aether!
Case closed.
And there are a lot of wormholes in my back yard. At night I can catch a lot of jumbo night crawlers. Do you suppose they are inter-dimensional beings?
This is a test. It is only a test. If this was or was not the real thing, it might or might not have been posted.
There seems to be a misunderstanding here. My apologies for repeating this, but I think the context of quoting my quoting someone else's post needs clarification. This is the full quote: Post #14 CatEveryone should know the universe is floating in a non-measurable and non-observable "dark aether" (at least according to Einstein, etc. - see below).
If we cannot see dark matter and dark energy, why should we be able to detect a dark aether? Sometimes science advances in the least expected ways.
quoting from Albert Einstein:
"We may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an aether. According to the general theory of relativity space without aether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. But this aether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it."
And Sid Deutsch, a professor of electrical engineering and bioengineering, has the nerve to conjecture:
"that a "spherical, spinning" aether particle must exist in order "to carry electromagnetic waves" and derives its diameter and mass using the density of dark matter."
Finally from Robert B. Laughlin:
"The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic aether. But we do not call it this because it is taboo."
But that vacuum is not perfect since nature abhors vacuums, as we also should know. Thus the aether!
Case closed.
And there are a lot of wormholes in my back yard. At night I can catch a lot of jumbo night crawlers. Do you suppose they are inter-dimensional beings?
This is a test. It is only a test. If this was or was not the real thing, it might or might not have been posted.
Let me say, immediately, that I am not a great fan of the wormhole concept – invented, I would suggest, as a cheapskate alternative to FLT or extremely long drawn out Startrek episodes.
With regard to infinite energy, many of you will be aware of my loathing for the word infinite. It is a concept which takes over when imagination boots out rationality beyond recovery.