Question Would we expect the Gravitational Effect off mass to be the same at a Lagrangian point has it ever been measured.

Nov 30, 2019
Gravity is very weak according to what I have read. the fact we don’t feel the suns gravity is due to our orbit around the sun, just like how orbital speeds keep things in earths orbit, they are Infinitely falling but never crashing, because there forward speed balances out gravity

so my question would be, at a Lagrangian point where gravity is in balance rather than being negated by motion, would gravity of small objects created buy there mass be the same as we see under conditions on Let’s say the International space station? Where particles can collect slowly due to there own micro gravity?

a side question, as gravity of stars and planets attract each other How much slower is the earth orbiting around the sun because of earths own gravitational attraction to the sun.

Ok one more :)

what’s the theoretical max range for gravity, the speed as I understand it is light speed, and the suns gravity reaches about 2 light years away before its effects are balanced of by other stars, but that doesn’t say what it’s maximum range of effect is?


"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
Gravity is very weak according to what I have read. the fact we don’t feel the suns gravity is due to our orbit around the sun, just like how orbital speeds keep things in earths orbit, they are Infinitely falling but never crashing, because there forward speed balances out gravity

so my question would be, at a Lagrangian point where gravity is in balance rather than being negated by motion, would gravity of small objects created buy there mass be the same as we see under conditions on Let’s say the International space station? Where particles can collect slowly due to there own micro gravity?

a side question, as gravity of stars and planets attract each other How much slower is the earth orbiting around the sun because of earths own gravitational attraction to the sun.

Ok one more :)

what’s the theoretical max range for gravity, the speed as I understand it is light speed, and the suns gravity reaches about 2 light years away before its effects are balanced of by other stars, but that doesn’t say what it’s maximum range of effect is?
First, No. Gravity is not weak. It is weak in only microscopic and quantum scales, but the strongest in cosmological scales. And, it is not the reason why we revolve around the Sun in orbits. The reason is that the universe is also expanding. And the thing is, we are in a balance between the expansion and the gravity of the Sun. And, there is no limit of gravity, the thing is, it is just dominated by another thing's gravity 2 lightyears away as it gets weak when it reaches there.
Nov 30, 2019
. The reason is that the universe is also expanding. And the thing is, we are in a balance between the expansion and the gravity of the Sun. And, there is no limit of gravity,
I understand we don’t orbit because of gravity, we settled into an orbit at a point that neutralise the suns gravity, the earths orbit which include our speed and distance is governred by the earth and suns Mutual gravity.
if we stopped orbiting and avoided all the problems of stopping At our high speed, and became stationary we would crash into the sun in 85 days due to the suns gravity. The expansion of the universe would not have much effect on that outcome.
. If the sun had greater gravity, we would be in a different sized orbit. To the one we are in now.

gravity if what I have read can stretch for billions of light years.
But it’s effects are tiny.

I find gravity odd it seems to work without a tangible connection, it’s almost like the made up tractor beam from sci-fi books.

if all matter creates gravity even if it’s a tiny amount it would seem to me to not be a property of matter but of the universe.
it also seems stackable like the more matter you have one place the more gravity you get. The tighter matter is packed the more unified the gravity becomes. Hence a neutron star Has more gravity than the star that formed it. Even after it lost mass. Because matter is packed tighter so the gravity it creates is more in sync.

gravity has then been building since the Big Bang as the more mass in our universe Coalesces the greater The amount of gravity the universe creates.

Does gravity weaken Over distance in a uniform way or by another measure.
it seems unimaginable that gravity can uniformly stretch billions of light years in every direction from its source., the shear power of that is unimaginable yet no energy seems to be lost or consumed.

time and gravity are supposed to be linked, ie the bending of space time. Creates gravity. all I can say is the memory of mass is very powerful.

I expect I am incorrect on many counts lol.
I understand we don’t orbit because of gravity, we settled into an orbit at a point that neutralise the suns gravity, the earths orbit which include our speed and distance is governred by the earth and suns Mutual gravity. {Wrong - Bob}

. If the sun had greater gravity, we would be in a different sized orbit. To the one we are in now. {Correct -Bob}

gravity if what I have read can stretch for billions of light years.
But it’s effects are tiny. {Correct - Bob}

gravity has then been building since the Big Bang as the more mass in our universe Coalesces the greater The amount of gravity the universe creates. {Wrong - Bob}

Does gravity weaken Over distance in a uniform way or by another measure. {Uniformly according to Astronomical observations - Bob}

I expect I am incorrect on many counts lol.

I see you don't understand Gravity.

Mass exerts an attraction to other mass. That is Gravity. Einstein explains it as a local warping of space and time. This is experienced as a force.

Everything in the universe is moving relative to something. You are moving relative to the Earth. The warping of space makes your path intersect the Earth.

As you strike the Earth, your velocity changes. Change in velocity is force. That is the force of the
gravity you feel.

As nearly as Science can tell, the amount of mass-energy in the Universe is constant. Mass and energy can be exchanged for each other to a minor degree. But the total mass/energy is responsible for all the gravity there is.

So called Dark Energy seems to be pushing the universe apart. We call it Dark because we don't know what it is, and can't see it anywhere. We only see the effects. Gravity should be slowing the universe's expansion. Instead, the universe appears to be speeding up it's expansion. Dark Energy is whatever it is that is speeding things up. We have no idea what that might be.

Come back in fifty years and things might be different. We're still learning.

Sir Isaac Newton 'invented' gravity to explain the actions of falling objects and found that it also predicted the motions of the planets, with some minor margin of error which was believed to be errors in measurement for hundreds of years. Albert Einstein refined this and accounted for the small errors.

It's easy to say, but gravity is hard to predict correctly. Doing that takes mathematics. Algebra is sufficient for a crude approximation, but Calculus, including Differential and Tensor Calculus is needed to really express things.
Nov 30, 2019
I see you don't understand Gravity.

Mass exerts an attraction to other mass. That is Gravity. Einstein explains it as a local warping of space and time. This is experienced as a force.

Everything in the universe is moving relative to something. You are moving relative to the Earth. The warping of space makes your path intersect the Earth.

As you strike the Earth, your velocity changes. Change in velocity is force. That is the force of the
gravity you feel.

As nearly as Science can tell, the amount of mass-energy in the Universe is constant. Mass and energy can be exchanged for each other to a minor degree. But the total mass/energy is responsible for all the gravity there is.

So called Dark Energy seems to be pushing the universe apart. We call it Dark because we don't know what it is, and can't see it anywhere. We only see the effects. Gravity should be slowing the universe's expansion. Instead, the universe appears to be speeding up it's expansion. Dark Energy is whatever it is that is speeding things up. We have no idea what that might be.

Come back in fifty years and things might be different. We're still learning.

Sir Isaac Newton 'invented' gravity to explain the actions of falling objects and found that it also predicted the motions of the planets, with some minor margin of error which was believed to be errors in measurement for hundreds of years. Albert Einstein refined this and accounted for the small errors.

It's easy to say, but gravity is hard to predict correctly. Doing that take so mathematics. Algebra is sufficient for a crude approximation, but Calculus, including Differential and Tensor Calculus is needed to really express things.
While you think you do understand gravity.
Which is laughable until dark matter is found or understood.
Yes I understood gravity in the way you explained, how it works and how orbits balance it out with motion.

motion is created by energy and the Big Bang what turns it into orbits is what we call gravity all motion is effected by gravity even rogue asteroids or comets they will eventually fall into a gravity well and come to a stop and convert partly to energy. But there entire lives are still governed by gravity because it fills the entire universe.

what was odd was you said this.

But the total mass/energy is responsible for all the gravity there is

energy doesn’t exert gravity only mass, so as the balance of energy converted to mass Or vice versa the balance of gravity In our universe changes. Are you sure you understand gravity? Because as far as I knew energy in the form of light had no mass, and all the others.
In fact energy mostly works against gravity, the motion of earth that energy is working to escape gravity the fact we are trapped in an orbit doesn’t mean that it will win and just like the moon we will slowly lose the battle to gravity. The not quite vacume of space will slow us down.

Energy may have other forces or attractions which we now pin on dark matter because we cannot make the math work.
Spooky action at a distance could be dark matter at play.
We may end up calling dark matter the fastest thing not light. Something that has no energy and no space time mass, is the fastest thing because it impinges absolutely zero on space time.
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Nov 30, 2019
Dark matter, if it exists is what I think is, it is what the universe is expanding out into, but not like a balloon more like a scatter shot at the beginning we expelled all dark matter but now we fly around and past it leaving pockets of it inside our expansion wave and it has mass but it’s out side our space time.
Because it’s outside our space time it can have gravity which seems inevitable for mass where we get gravity from increasing mass it gets it the Opposite way.
it could also be where black holes mass escapes too as it drops out of our space time into a singularity and escapes to the spaces we think are filled with dark matter.we get the energy so the event Horizon and grows but the mass becomes dark matter and is expelled.

this is just for giggles but it’s as likely as any theory we have lol.

as daft as this guess is the fabric of what we know as our space time exploded out into after the Big Bang being dark matter is not total stupid, matter with the absence of time or energy but having gravity is not totally stupid.
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All matter is made of atoms and atoms are made of particles. That's it.
To find gravity, you have to search the atom. When you do, you'll find a charge-less particle in orbit around the nucleus. Unlike the electron which is attracted to the proton, this particle is at much greater distances from the nucleus than the electron. This "graviton" particle simply bumps into everything producing a tiny force. If you collect a lot of atoms into a lump the size of a planet there are a lot of these gravitons buzzing around the lump, bumping into things and applying a force (gravity).
The source of gravity is the atom itself. If you can get two atoms close enough together, they will become held by gravity. Bring enough of them together and you'll have a solid. Spread the atoms apart slightly, you'll have a liquid. Spread them even more and you'll have a gas. Gases are held apart by bouncing photons, the thing that spreads the atoms.
Remove some of the photons and the gas will condense into a liquid. Remove more photons (chill it) and it becomes a solid. Alfred Schrader 2020
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