Again, throwing the dice, shooting the works, as usual!

I always do my picturing, my modeling, as it comes to me. I couldn't write a straightforward book if my life depended on it. Also, I haven't any formal credentials in cosmology to do so. Well here goes:

I described again and again, single-sided 2-dimensional frames of light time histories. I've also decribed the crossroads of such times (such histories) in space. I've described Captain Kirk and his Enterprise spanning them in a powered, made, warp-bubble-soliton a few, and almost infinitely many, of them at a time. A traversable grid of light time histories crossroads throughout space, made possible by two or more facing the single-sided 2-d frames of light time histories (always, still, with no rears, no backs, to them, just facing that we will always travel into, never chasing from the rear because there is no such thing as a rear, a backside to any one frame (two opposed sides, opposed frames, traveling at the speed of light in differing directions, meeting in crossroads, crossing through as if crossing through Hawking's "central stations,", of and in space, is a different matter altogether)).

Above, in the pointer, I found my picturing, my modeling, in my Atlanoverse, addressed somewhat differently by microcosmic quantum mechanics, but being virtually, I might almost say exactly, the same thing I describe for the macrocosm. It's called "net zero momentum" in quantum mechanics. Find it, the two faced, dare I say multi-faced or faceted, entity, in the article, if you wish.

Throwing the dice, shooting the works, here, after saving and getting this much of it out, to be continued ....
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May 31, 2023
I always do my picturing, my modeling, as it comes to me. I couldn't write a straightforward book if my life depended on it. Also, I haven't any formal credentials in cosmology to do so. Well here goes:

I described again and again, single-sided 2-dimensional frames of light time histories. I've also decribed the crossroads of such times (such histories) in space. I've described Captain Kirk and his Enterprise spanning them in a powered, made, warp-bubble-soliton a few, and almost infinitely many, of them at a time. A traversable grid of light time histories crossroads throughout space, made possible by two or more facing the single-sided 2-d frames of light time histories (always, still, with no rears, no backs, to them, just facing that we will always travel into, never chasing from the rear because there is no such thing as a rear, a backside to any one frame (two opposed sides, opposed frames, traveling at the speed of light in differing directions, meeting in crossroads, crossing through as if crossing through Hawking's "central stations,", of and in space, is a different matter altogether)).

Above, in the pointer, I found my picturing, my modeling, in my Atlanoverse, addressed somewhat differently by microcosmic quantum mechanics, but being virtually, I might almost say exactly, the same thing I describe for the macrocosm. It's called "net zero momentum" in quantum mechanics. Find it, the two faced, dare I say multi-faced or faceted, entity, in the article, if you wish.

Throwing the dice, shooting the works, here, after saving and getting this much of it out, to be continued ....
Tell me Charlie X was your favourite episode
Throwing the dice. Shooting the works. Part 2:

I've always liked the idea of macrocosmic gravity being microcosmic strong force, a closer union than the electroweak force in that there is no union because the one in the macrocosm is the other in the microcosm.

I've hesitantly put forth the idea before, long ago, then abandoned the idea because something seemed not right to me. Now I'm a believer in my own idea of the graviton string-ring-horizon being an [outside-in] entity all the way to the Planck collapsed constant of closed up Horizon and infinity, just as I have it, and have described it, as inside-out to the Big Bang collapsed constant of closed up Horizon and infinity . . . the same closed up Horizon, the same infinity, and the same Black Hole constant of closed up Horizon and infinity. Outside-in (toward the Planck), Inside-out (toward the Big Bang), one and the same collapsed constant closed up Horizon and infinity; gravity strong to both, to itself (as Black Hole Horizon), to infinity, as being the dimension of Mirror mirroring itself.

Black hole gravity is a powerfully strong force to its string-ring-horizon. And I saw that outside-in rendition of that kind of force being illustrated as the Casimer-like illustrated effect (without any plates!) of what the strong force is and does. To me now, the gluon and the graviton string-ring-horizon are one and the same entity. And the strong force is quantum gravity.

And I don't think anyone can or will prove me wrong in this picture, this Atlanoverse modeling, this belief. They are going to have locate 'quantum gravity', produce it on the scene, as a separate entity from the strong force, to prove me wrong.

That still leaves the now 2-fundamental force (quantum cosmological) "monopole moment singularity" always inside the string-ring-horizon (to the Horizon and infinity). The electroweak force. I've, to my satisfaction now, got them down to a primal fundamental binary base2 . . . and still four. I simply moved the strong force away from the electroweak and over in with gravity, as being quantum gravity (the quantum strong force).

I've thrown the dice and shot the works on it, as usual ("From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara with having seen or heard of one or the other").
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Something I'm guessing brand new out of post #1, here. A microcosmic 'transphoton' (it has, they have, "net zero momentum"). It's macrocosmic translation, 'trans-light-time-history' frames (they have "net zero momentum").
A mystery solved?

Like heck solved! Where did / does the "soupy dense fog" come from?! Then the question: Where did / does the cause of that effect come from?! What was / is it and what preceded / precedes it?!

The loud, very loud, sound of silence!

The present (fairy tale-like Once-Upon-A-Time) Creationist state, view, standing, of Big Bang -- from out of nowhere and nothing at all -- Theory still remains pure idiocy in wisdom and common sense, and classical as well as quantum physics!!!!

My problem is it, a Big Bang dimensionality, suits me in my steady state kind of modeling as well as them in their complete opposite to it. It's their premise that suits me NOT AT ALL!!!!

"If just one infinity exists, they all exist." -- Atlan0001 (among many others).
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May 31, 2023
A mystery solved?

Like heck solved! Where did / does the "soupy dense fog" come from?! Then the question: Where did / does the cause of that effect come from?! What was / is it and what preceded / precedes it?!

The loud, very loud, sound of silence!

The present (fairy tale-like Once-Upon-A-Time) Creationist state, view, standing, of Big Bang -- from out of nowhere and nothing at all -- Theory still remains pure idiocy in wisdom and common sense, and classical as well as quantum physics!!!!

My problem is it, a Big Bang dimensionality, suits me in my steady state kind of modeling as well as them in their complete opposite to it. It's their premise that suits me NOT AT ALL!!!!

"If just one infinity exists, they all exist." -- Atlan0001 (among many others).
Apart from that, is everything OK ? 😉
Apart from that, is everything OK ? 😉
Naw. There are some other things such as a monolithic relativistic speed of light. Closed systemically it -- as a ceiling barrier -- is correct. Open systemically it couldn't be more wrong. You could travel at a powered, a constant of acceleration such as a constant of 1-g, infinite speed, relative to an observer on Earth, and both of you measure the same horizon constant of the speed of light locally to be about 300,000kps (locally closed system accelerative) distant from you both. I deal in more than one view of quantum entanglement when it comes to horizons and what is observable horizon and what isn't observable horizon.

Metric measure of space is another quarrel I have. Locally I measure a meter to be a meter. Non-locally . . . no way! Aboard a vessel like the Star trek Enterprise travelling through space I might measure a meter locally to the ship to be a meter. Non-locally, "at a distance," I might measure the same meter to be the distance between Sol and Alpha Centauri and have the Enterprise, and the physics of the universe at large, make it so . . . just as long as in my navigation I didn't try to stern chase (in time travel) Alpha Centauri by way of travelling straight into the spacetime curvature of its light from Earth. Even that close, I'd want to get out front of it and rendezvous with it somewhere besides where-when light shows it to be. Light is a map of histories, and the map is not the territory that is! regardless of Relativity telling us different . . . that it is the territory that is!

And so on into other things I've covered again and again. Nice going. Socrates.
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