An object has been photograped by Mars rover, which has internals that are being revealed, when you compare the infrared and visual picture.<br /><br />Its shape also suggests, that it might be of biological origin.<br /><br />http://mywebpages.comcast.net/mycommon/2p441-2P165514877EFFA918P2536L7M1-finger.jpg<br />The size is about 10x2 cm.<br /><br />Below is link to a movie, comparing visible and infrared pictures. <br />The movie shows, that there is a warmer or wet part inside the object...<br /><br />http://mywebpages.comcast.net/mycommon/fingerM-BW.gif<br /><br />If you compare the movie and the still picture, you have to conclude that the object has moved ahead about half of its length during those about 5 Sols that separate movie and still.<br /><br />e <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> s<br />