bigbrain---Hi all my fans I have often said Mars is a potato: <br /><br />bigbrain, <br /><br />You forgot the dips, or should I say, my paychecks! Where are they? <br /><br />First of all, the former Soviet Union had the ability to have known whether the United States had gone to the moon or not and they’ve proclaimed their superiority in space over the United States. First question: <br /><br />1. Considering the communist mindset during the space race, are you claiming that the former Soviet Union was part of an American conspiracy since they would have known one way or the other if we landed on the moon? <br /><br /><br /><br />You have claimed that since the motor of the lunar module is installed below the module itself, it would have been too unstable to land. Remember, you had said: <br /><br />_____________________________ <br /><br />bigbrain---“If you try to keep it vertical making it to go backwards, using its rocket engine as a brake, you will see it is impossible.” <br /><br />bigbrain <br />06/23/05 05:31 PM <br /><br />“The lunar module has a rocket engine on the bottom and gravity forces act above it and tend to turn it upside-down in all directions.” <br /><br />“Helicopters are not too easy to fly. They can fly them because the thrust is on the top and gravity forces act under the rotor, the pivot point, and act as counterpoise to engine thrust.” <br />__________________________________________ <br /><br /><br />Next question: <br /><br />2. Why haven't you addressed the issue of the Delta Clipper, which took off and landed on multiple occasions? <br /><br />http://www.clavius.org/techdcx.html <br /><br /><br /><br />Note the position of the pilot in relation of this vehicle’s engine. Why doesn’t it flip over as you have been claiming, would happen? <br /><br />http://www.hiller.org/flying-platform.shtml <br /><br /><br /><br />You have yet to address my