bigbrain said, [yellow]<br />Then go to: [/yellow]<br /> <br />page 10. <br /><br />[yellow] With that computer and with that joystick did you land on the moon? [/yellow]<br /><br />so a picture of a joystick somehow 'proves' we didn't go to the moon [rolleyes]<br /><br />you also said [yellow] Hey, go to: <br /> <br /><br />"...Develop a system that can control a 13,000 kg spaceship, orbiting at 3,500 kilometres per hour around the moon, land it safely within metres of a specified location and guide it back from the surface to rendezvous with a command ship in lunar orbit. The system has to work the first time, and minimise fuel consumption because the spacecraft only contains enough fuel for one landing attempt. <br /><br />Do this with a computer that has barely 5,000 primitive integrated circuits, weighs 30 kg and costs over $150,000. In order to store your software, the computer doesn't have a disk drive, only 74 kilobytes of memory that has been literally hard-wired, and all of 4 Kb of something that is sort of like RAM...". <br /><br />Hard disk 74k <br />RAM 4k [/yellow]<br /><br />this is what you conveniently forgot to quote from the same site...<br /><br />"Sounds daunting? <br /><br />That's the task that faced Peter Adler and Don Eyles of the MIT Instrumentation Lab who were responsible for developing the software for the Apollo Lunar Module.
Their system worked, but almost caused the first moon landing to be aborted in the final minutes before the touchdown. <br /><br />
(emphasis added)<br /> <br />Stark Draper ran the MIT Instrumentation Lab that developed the Apollo Computers - the first to use integrated circuitry. <br />The Apollo mission was conceived at the height of the Cold War. Planners were concerned that the Soviet Union might try to jam any navigational information sent from the ground, so the on-board computers had to be capable of having autonomous co