Another update.<br /><br />It appears that 2008 AF4 is settling in to where it is going to wind up on the risk chart until the next close approach in 2012. Since it is moving further away (even though another few months of optical observations are possible) it seems unlikely any major changes will occur. It's too far away for radar obs until at least Aug 2012, and Arecibo may be decomissioned by then; perhaps Goldstone is big enough.<br /><br />It is possible that before 2012, a rare observation might come in that would cause a substantial change, but it will be a challenge.<br /><br />I will continue to document the process, since it's a good way to document the evolution of risk over time.<br /><br /><br />Analysis based on<br />455 observations spanning 30.879 days<br />(2008-Jan-10.39652 to 2008-Feb-10.27536)<br /><br /><br />Torino Scale (maximum) 0 <br />Palermo Scale (maximum) -2.73 (1/9/2089)<br />Palermo Scale (cumulative) -2.34 <br />Impact Probability (cumulative) 2.3e-05 <br />Number of Potential Impacts 26 <br /><br />Earth MOID = .00247556 AU <br /><br />It looks like, unless there is a big change, it will remain a Torino Scale 0 object, in 3rd place behind Torino 1 2007VK 184.<br />All other objects are Torino scale zero.<br /><br />It could drop below Apophis in the near future if impacts other than the most likely one in 2089 are eliminated.<br /><br />Current risk rankings (for objects with more than 2 days of observations)<br />Object/Palermo scale cumulative risk<br /><br />2007 VK184....-1.82<br />2008 AF4...-2.34<br />2004 MN4 (Apophis)...-2.52<br />1994 WR2...-2.96<br />2004 XY130...-3.04<br />1979 XB...-3.07<br />2000 SG344...-3.08<br />2006 QV89...-3.22<br />2007 RY19...-3.26<br />2007 FT3...-3.27<br />2007 QS7...-3.27<br /><br />Of this top 11 list, only 2008 AF4 is currently observable, hence is likely to change.<br /><br />A new object, 2008 CK70 has a cumulative Palermo ranking of -3.36, but the arc is only 1.7 days. It MAY make a 1 Lunar distance close approach on the 15th but is <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080"><em><font color="#000000">But the Krell forgot one thing John. Monsters. Monsters from the Id.</font></em> </font></p><p><font color="#000080">I really, really, really, really miss the "first unread post" function</font><font color="#000080"> </font></p> </div>