Nitrogen supports life. Where does all this nitrogen come from? According to google it’s from the young planets formation. I believe this to be wrong. I have had this idea that there is actually abundant matter inside the suns gravitational reach. This could explain the abundant amount of nitrogen found in our atmosphere.

Where would all this matter come from? Well the sun is a burning nuclear reactor that I suggest gives off astronomical amounts of smoke ash, gases, and even water vapor. The bi product of a nuclear fission can be steam. I could consider it factual that the sun is giving off steam on the surface from this process.

Why do we not detect matter in space? I theorize that the atoms are magnificently smaller making them hard to detect. I did a mass conversion of a balloon of air shrinking in freezing weather. This experiment leads me to believe there is matter all around our galaxy we just do not have a way of detecting it.

There are so many ideas I have to support my idea that there is abundant matter in space that I would love to chat about it. The significance in finding matter in space, would open possibilities to farming water in outer space for my orbiting farmland idea.

My main idea to support the theory of being able to farm water in space is chemistry. A few years ago I took chemistry and I was trying to make a rain machine idea for farming. After hours of theorize what makes rain besides heat. I was almost certain that some clouds actually are from outter space or parts of them anyway. The sun is not a black hole it still gives off a lot of light and heat. I believe this heat would be trapped in the suns atmospheric zone until there is too much heat . Then the heat is pushed out and cooled even though these particles are billions of times smaller they still are abundant enough to be pushed all the way to Pluto. When these particle s make it past the earths magnetic field there is also a pressure of the atmosphere being hotter pushes most of the matter away.

Any knowledge on nitrogen or possible ways to obtain water in space would be a fun idea.
There was proof of a flood and an ice age. This proof of global flooding supports the sun produces rain. Nitrogen being an elemental gas very likely could be given off by the sun. The sun is the biggest chemistry equation in our solar system with it containing elements unknown to earth. What happens when you enter water or a denser atmosphere. You can actually float in space which is proof that outter space is not empty. I believe it is frozen gas atoms that make it possible to have a space craft.
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Jan 6, 2025
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Nitrogen supports life. Where does all this nitrogen come from? According to google it’s from the young planets formation. I believe this to be wrong. I have had this idea that there is actually abundant matter inside the suns gravitational reach. This could explain the abundant amount of nitrogen found in our atmosphere.

Where would all this matter come from? Well the sun is a burning nuclear reactor that I suggest gives off astronomical amounts of smoke ash, gases, and even water vapor. The bi product of a nuclear fission can be steam. I could consider it factual that the sun is giving off steam on the surface from this process.

Why do we not detect matter in space? I theorize that the atoms are magnificently smaller making them hard to detect. I did a mass conversion of a balloon of air shrinking in freezing weather. This experiment leads me to believe there is matter all around our galaxy we just do not have a way of detecting it.

There are so many ideas I have to support my idea that there is abundant matter in space that I would love to chat about it. The significance in finding matter in space, would open possibilities to farming water in outer space for my orbiting farmland idea.

My main idea to support the theory of being able to farm water in space is chemistry. A few years ago I took chemistry and I was trying to make a rain machine idea for farming. After hours of theorize what makes rain besides heat. I was almost certain that some clouds actually are from outter space or parts of them anyway. The sun is not a black hole it still gives off a lot of light and heat. I believe this heat would be trapped in the suns atmospheric zone until there is too much heat . Then the heat is pushed out and cooled even though these particles are billions of times smaller they still are abundant enough to be pushed all the way to Pluto. When these particle s make it past the earths magnetic field there is also a pressure of the atmosphere being hotter pushes most of the matter away.

Any knowledge on nitrogen or possible ways to obtain water in space would be a fun idea.

There was proof of a flood and an ice age. This proof of global flooding supports the sun produces rain. Nitrogen being an elemental gas very likely could be given off by the sun. The sun is the biggest chemistry equation in our solar system with it containing elements unknown to earth. What happens when you enter water or a denser atmosphere. You can actually float in space which is proof that outter space is not empty. I believe it is frozen gas atoms that make it possible to have a space craft.
You clearly need to stop comflating otherwise unconnected science and events.
The abundance of nitrogen in the universe is relatively low compared to elements like hydrogen and helium but significant in the context of heavier elements. Its abundance is often expressed in terms of mass fraction or relative number of atoms compared to hydrogen.
  • Cosmic Abundance by Number of Atoms: Nitrogen is approximately 7.9×10E-5 relative to hydrogen.
  • Cosmic Abundance by Mass: Nitrogen constitutes roughly 0.1% of the total baryonic matter in the universe.
Nitrogen is primarily formed in stars through nuclear fusion and is released into the interstellar medium during supernovae and the later stages of stellar evolution (e.g., via planetary nebulae). The abundance of nitrogen varies locally, such as in interstellar gas, stars, and planetary atmospheres, depending on the region's history of star formation and nucleosynthesis.

Nitrogen is a very common gas, it exists in the atmospheres of Mercury, Venus (has more N2 than Earth by molar mass), Earth, Mars, Triton, Titan and Pluto, it has also been detected on the surface of several dwarf planets (it forms ices), Charon, and is indicated as being present as a minor component in the exosphere's of Ganymede and Callisto.

As for the nonsense about smoke and rain from the Sun - seriously!!
I apologize for the nonsense. However the sun should have massive amounts of biproducts drifting from galactic movement or solar system movement. I apologize if it’s a definite no. I did really good at chemistry and every few years I have a book of ideas. I feel like there is way more factors than heat and evaporation.

When I was young the moon was thought to be cold. Our knowledge of space is broadening I just try to make brand new observations like the bubble pressure generator was my own idea but it’s been done before.

Since space was thought to be cold at the moon is it possible that there are areas by or in the sun that give off steam and smoke. inside the suns gravitational reach. I believe the sun does have a layer of steam or smoke matter that reaches all the way to Pluto or further.

While the moon is not inside the earths atmosphere it is scorching when it was thought to be near zero. This is an example of fast moving particles in a place we thought they were slow.
Jan 6, 2025
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I apologize for the nonsense. However the sun should have massive amounts of biproducts drifting from galactic movement or solar system movement. I apologize if it’s a definite no. I did really good at chemistry and every few years I have a book of ideas. I feel like there is way more factors than heat and evaporation.

When I was young the moon was thought to be cold. Our knowledge of space is broadening I just try to make brand new observations like the bubble pressure generator was my own idea but it’s been done before.

Since space was thought to be cold at the moon is it possible that there are areas by or in the sun that give off steam and smoke. inside the suns gravitational reach. I believe the sun does have a layer of steam or smoke matter that reaches all the way to Pluto or further.

While the moon is not inside the earths atmosphere it is scorching when it was thought to be near zero. This is an example of fast moving particles in a place we thought they were slow.
Lets unpack this shall we.

  1. The Moon is cold, incredibly cold by Earth standards, space is cold, incredibly cold, namely around -273°C (~-460°F). The mistake you are making, the same as most people make, if understanding what temperature actually is and that temperature is different to heat. On the Moon, in the full glare of the Sun, temperatures can rise to over +120°C (184°F) because if you are in direct sunlight, there is insufficient atmosphere to attenuate and absorb solar insolation, thus things heat up because they stuggle to reradiate thermal energy in the virtual vacuum that we find on the surface of the Moon. Because the thermal energy absorbed by materials on the Moon is not easily radiated back into space, the materials heat up until they reach thermal equilibrium, whereby they radiate IR radiation (heat) at the same rate they absorb it. However, this does not negate the Moon being incredibly cold by human standards.
  2. The solar wind is a stream of charged particles, or plasma, that comes from the Sun's corona, its outermost layer. The plasma is made up of mostly electrons, protons, and alpha particles (effectively double ionised Helium nuclei) . The Sun does not absorb any matter from interstellar space, the power of the solar wind is such that material falling toward the Sun would need to overcome the kinetic energy of the wind in order to fall onto the Sun. The kinetic energy of the solar wind is between 0.5 and 10keV and the solar wind has a ram pressure that varies from 500km/s to 800km/s depending on where in the solar cycle it is measured. The density of the solar wind is estimated to vary from 10,000 to 100,000 (1x 10E4 to 1x 10E6) particles per cm3, however, the interstellar medium only has a density of around 1 particle cm3. In interstellar dust clouds, HII regions, such as M42 (Orion Nebula) it is possible for particle density to match or even exceed the density of the solar wind, however, the Solar System shows no evidence of having passed through one in the last 400 million years as a minimum (This is discerned by radiological products found in soil and rock samples and calculating their half life). Thus, when and if the solar system entered an HII region then the Sun could absorb material from the cloud. Even if the solar system entered and passed right through the densest part of the Orion nebula, it would take around 43,500 years to traverse it at the orbital speed of the solar system (0.0023ly/yr), however, given the density of the nebula, the sun would absorb around 4.6 x10E13 - 4.6 x10E14kg of mass, which is about 10,000th to 100th the mass of the Asteroid Vesta, an insignificant mass that would have no impact on the Sun whatsoever.
  3. The Sun does not have a layer of steam or smoke - no argument here - steam is water vapour in excess of 100°C (212°F) at a pressure of 1 bar (Atmospheric pressure at sea level at 20°C [68°F]), due to the thermal properties of space, water cannot exist in space as a vapour in the conventional sense, the snow line for the Sun, a point at which water cannot exist as a gas or liquid unless under constant pressure and heat, is about the orbit of Mars, in fact, if it were not for water vapour in Earth,s atmosphere, the average surface temperature would be around -6°C (21.2°F), and without an atmosphere, it would be around -18°C (-0.45°F), thus water could only exist as an ice, not liquid or gaseous (vapour). The Sun converts 54 million tonnes of hydrogen into 52 million tonnes of Helium each and every second, this is a thermonuclear reaction, it does not produce smoke which is caused by the chemical burning of organic matter or other matter being turned into a chemical gas. I suspect that what you have read is someone totally misunderstanding the solar wind (see point 2 above) and thinking of it is steam or smoke without actually understanding the chemistry and most importantly, the physics involved.
  4. The Moon orbits inside the Earth's atmosphere, tecnically speaking. The Exosphere, the very outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere, where it has gravitational control over particles, stretches at much as 400,000 miles (644,000km) into space, this is beyond the orbit of the Moon, thus, tecnically speaking, the Moon orbits inside our atmosphere and no astronaut has been to space - however, that is being beyond picky as the atmosphere above 100km from the surface is largely indistinguishable from interplanetary space and the density is much the same.
I hope this helps you understand matters a little better and clarified the misunderstandings you have regarding these various topics.
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Nitrogen is primarily formed in stars through nuclear fusion and is released into the interstellar medium during supernovae and the later stages of stellar evolution (e.g., via planetary nebulae). The abundance of nitrogen varies locally, such as in interstellar gas, stars, and planetary atmospheres, depending on the region's history of star formation and nucleosynthesis.

Nitrogen is a very common gas, it exists in the atmospheres of Mercury, Venus (has more N2 than Earth by molar mass), Earth, Mars, Triton, Titan and Pluto, it has also been detected on the surface of several dwarf planets (it forms ices), Charon, and is indicated as being present as a minor component in the exosphere's of Ganymede and Callisto.
But as a result of drivel, we have been treated to a lot of interesting information well worth reading. Thank you.
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Much appreciated that answer was a lot of time and consideration. Thank you a million times and more. I love to keep thinking. Your mind can probably crack the significance of counting by 3s or odds in stead of evens.

I know that .1+.1+.1=1 and 11 representing 4 sound farfetched but I feel like it’s a step to eliminating calculator error. There’s no reward in establishing this system just the satisfaction that .33 repeating should not be an answer in math like I always thought because it will never equal 1. It’s an irrational answer or wrong in my mind
Jan 6, 2025
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I know that .1+.1+.1=1 and 11 representing 4 sound farfetched but I feel like it’s a step to eliminating calculator error.
0.1+0.1+0.1 = 0.3, it will never equal 1.
11 representing 4 - I have no idea what you are talking about
1 divided by 3, without cheating and using fractions, will always yield an unsatisfactory answer because 1÷3 is 0.333333333333333333x10E47 (last calculation I am aware of) - that means it is 0.333333333333333333 with another 47 of 3 following it!! Even the repeating square root of that never reaches 1.


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