The question whether Axion Gluon matter could be Dark Matter, is worth reaching. Other threads relating to this topic are worth reading.
  1. We predicted years ago that dark matter behaves wave-like
    Last month, a paper was published in Nature Astronomy by the University of Hong Kong, proving...
  2. RobbyQbit

    Dark Matter
    Could dark matter be something that contains particles that we haven't yet discovered or that we...
  3. M
    Why Dark Matter cannot be Axion or any small particle with mass?
    In April 2023, the University of Hong Kong published a groundbreaking paper revealing that dark...
  4. B
    Resolution of the Dark Matter Mystery
    Dear, I have by several qualitatively different sources of evidence (planet 9...

[Submitted on 2 May 2023 (v1), last revised 4 May 2023 (this version, v2)]

What can a GNOME do? Search targets for the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches​

S. Afach, D. Aybas Tumturk, H. Bekker, B. C. Buchler, D. Budker, K. Cervantes, A. Derevianko, J. Eby, N. L. Figueroa, R. Folman, D. Gavil'an Martin, M. Givon, Z. D. Grujic, H. Guo, P. Hamilton, M. P. Hedges, D. F. Jackson Kimball, S. Khamis, D. Kim, E. Klinger, A. Kryemadhi, X. Liu, G. Lukasiewicz, H. Masia-Roig, M. Padniuk, C. A. Palm, S. Y. Park, H. R. Pearson, X. Peng, M. Pospelov, S. Pustelny, Y. Rosenzweig, O. M. Ruimi, T. Scholtes, P. C. Segura, Y. K. Semertzidis, Y. C. Shin, J. A. Smiga, Y. V. Stadnik, J. E. Stalnaker, I. A. Sulai, D. Tandon, K. Vu, A. Weis, A. Wickenbrock, T. Z. Wilson, T. Wu, W. Xiao, Y. Yang, D. Yu, F. Yu, J. Zhang, Y. Zhao
Numerous observations suggest that there exist undiscovered beyond-the-Standard-Model particles and fields. Because of their unknown nature, these exotic particles and fields could interact with Standard Model particles in many different ways and assume a variety of possible configurations. Here we present an overview of the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches (GNOME), our ongoing experimental program designed to test a wide range of exotic physics scenarios. The GNOME experiment utilizes a worldwide network of shielded atomic magnetometers (and, more recently, comagnetometers) to search for spatially and temporally correlated signals due to torques on atomic spins from exotic fields of astrophysical origin. We survey the temporal characteristics of a variety of possible signals currently under investigation such as those from topological defect dark matter (axion-like particle domain walls), axion-like particle stars, solitons of complex-valued scalar fields (Q-balls), stochastic fluctuations of bosonic dark matter fields, a solar axion-like particle halo, and bursts of ultralight bosonic fields produced by cataclysmic astrophysical events such as binary black hole mergers.
Jun 11, 2023
The question whether Axion Gluon matter could be Dark Matter, is worth reaching. Other threads relating to this topic are worth reading.
  1. We predicted years ago that dark matter behaves wave-like
    Last month, a paper was published in Nature Astronomy by the University of Hong Kong, proving...
  2. RobbyQbit

    Dark Matter
    Could dark matter be something that contains particles that we haven't yet discovered or that we...
  3. M
    Why Dark Matter cannot be Axion or any small particle with mass?
    In April 2023, the University of Hong Kong published a groundbreaking paper revealing that dark...
  4. B
    Resolution of the Dark Matter Mystery
    Dear, I have by several qualitatively different sources of evidence (planet 9...

[Submitted on 2 May 2023 (v1), last revised 4 May 2023 (this version, v2)]

What can a GNOME do? Search targets for the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches​

S. Afach, D. Aybas Tumturk, H. Bekker, B. C. Buchler, D. Budker, K. Cervantes, A. Derevianko, J. Eby, N. L. Figueroa, R. Folman, D. Gavil'an Martin, M. Givon, Z. D. Grujic, H. Guo, P. Hamilton, M. P. Hedges, D. F. Jackson Kimball, S. Khamis, D. Kim, E. Klinger, A. Kryemadhi, X. Liu, G. Lukasiewicz, H. Masia-Roig, M. Padniuk, C. A. Palm, S. Y. Park, H. R. Pearson, X. Peng, M. Pospelov, S. Pustelny, Y. Rosenzweig, O. M. Ruimi, T. Scholtes, P. C. Segura, Y. K. Semertzidis, Y. C. Shin, J. A. Smiga, Y. V. Stadnik, J. E. Stalnaker, I. A. Sulai, D. Tandon, K. Vu, A. Weis, A. Wickenbrock, T. Z. Wilson, T. Wu, W. Xiao, Y. Yang, D. Yu, F. Yu, J. Zhang, Y. Zhao
Given): The parton model was proposed by Richard Feynman in 1969, used originally for analysis of high-energy collisions and the parton model remains a justifiable approximation at high energies, and others have extended the theory over the years.
Given): Parton Model): The scattering particle only sees the valence partons. At higher energies, the scattering particles also detects the sea partons. Parton showers are simulated extensively in Monte Carlo event generators, in order to calibrate and interpret (and thus understand) processes in collider experiments. As such, the name is also used to refer to algorithms that approximate or simulate the process.
The interesting thing that I found out about lead ion collisions at The LHC at CERN was that lead nuclei shrank in cross-sectional area as the lead nuclei heated up as the lead nuclei were accelerated to near light speed and that the cross-sectional area of lead nuclei increased as the lead nuclei cooled!!
Anyway): It appears that partonic particle experiments with lead nuclei at the LHC support my postulate that as matter particles heat up by net imploding and compressing GP1 Aether Particles Low GP1 Aether Particle pressure results that contracts the volume of lead nuclei and that as the lead nuclei cool and net expel GP1 Aether Particles with each matter particle sac pulsation dark energy comes out that increases the volume/cross-sectional area of the cooling lead nuclei!!
Partons, excitons and gluons given as massless?? appear to be mere alternating beads of extreme high GP1 Aether Particle pressure and extreme low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure (Extremely High Amplitude Light Waves That Constructively Interfered Inside Colliding Lead Ion Cavities Or Gold Ion Cavities!!).
Anyway): I stand by my Neutron Indestructible Permeable Mass-Energy Vessel Sac Evolution Theory Over Infinite Time In Our Our Ageless Finite In Volume Universe!!
And that as matter particles heat up, gravity-low GP1 Aether Particle pressure results and that as matter particles cool, dark energy-high GP1 Aether Particle pressure results!!
And that dark matter is the result of neutrino or less massive sterile neutrino permeable sacs heating up by net imploding and compressing GP1 Aether Particles reducing the volume of space and creating Low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure!
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Jun 11, 2023
Hello Adoni
Let step back for a second.
With your idea
Do you have compaction?
Harry Asks): "Do you have compaction??" Translation): How do gaseoues compressible-decompressible GP1 Aether Particles get net forced and compacted inside neutron, proton, electron and neutrino permeable indestructible sacs??

In laser electron-muon experiments): high amplitude GP1 Aether Particle alternationg plus compression-minus decompression GP1 Aether Particle beads can pump electrons sacs in a pressurized helium chamber to the size of muon permeable electron sacs with mass-potential energy @207 times the 511 KeV given mass-potential energy of the electron sac but the muon can only maintain this mass-potential energy level for two nanoseconds before reverting back to an electron or a positron because as the electron sac got more and more pressurized with "compacted" GP1 Aether Particles from the high amplitude high GP1 pressure beads of laser harmonized electromagnetic waves); the electron permeable sac openings expanded allowing for faster GP1 Aether Particle net out pulsations!!
Given): 205.7 MeV for Muon/511 KeV for Electron): Muon@207 X Electron Mass-Potential Energy!!
The main point here is that the plus-alternating-high GP1 Aether Particle bead of the EM wave cycle can warm up an electron sac by imploding net "compacted" GP1 Aether Particles inside the sac which in volume of matter particles heating up results in low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure which on Earth results in low air pressure storms or extreme low air pressure tornados fed by extreme temperature differences!!
Can you see that storms are just heat engines with heat naturally flowing to cooler matter particles with lower internal GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Pursuant To The Second Low Of Thermodynamics??
As Matter Particles Cool And Net Expel GP1 Aether Particles); The Compacted GP1 Aether Particles Expand Resulting In The Dark Energy Of Heat Engines Pursuant To The Second Law Of Thermodynamics And Adoni's Conservation Of Energy Rule That as matter particles heat up and generate Gravity or low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure): potential dark energy is stored like as in 5 billion years when our sun will blow off half its mass as its matter is given to cool!!
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Occurs under confinement.

Normal matter compacts to 10^5
Neutron matter compacts 10^17 Transient normal matter
Quark matter composites 10^18 to over 10^25 Found in cores of Neutron stars
Partonic matter 10^ 26 to 10^32 found in cores of Quark stars
Axion Gluon matter composites 10^35 plus

Neutrino matter composites is a different kettle of fish, who would be able to predict compaction.
Its wowee compaction.
Jun 11, 2023
Occurs under confinement.

Normal matter compacts to 10^5
Neutron matter compacts 10^17 Transient normal matter
Quark matter composites 10^18 to over 10^25 Found in cores of Neutron stars
Partonic matter 10^ 26 to 10^32 found in cores of Quark stars
Axion Gluon matter composites 10^35 plus

Neutrino matter composites is a different kettle of fish, who would be able to predict compaction.
Its wowee compaction.
Correct Harry!! But in order to permanently hold compacted GP1 Aether Particles and larger sterile neutrino gaseous particles pulsating in and out of the permeable indestructible sacs of neutrons, protons, electrons or neutrinos, you need a physical actual permeable membrane indestructible sac!!
Of the dense objects that you mention above only the neutronium of a neutron star is proven to exist for more than a nanosecond!!
While traveling through space we can run into a neutron star ball at 200 trillion times Earth Density at 600 trillion Adoni-Kelvin degees below absolute zero but we will never run into an Axion-Gluon Composite Ball of 2 ^20 trillion times earth density!!
Also, What do you think about my postulate that the mass of a black hole inside its event horizon at its center is held in the form of three or more solar masses of neutronium like the neutronium of a Neutron Star Except Slightly Denser Than 200 Trillion Times Earth Density??
And What Do You Think About My Postulate That The Event Horizon Of A Black Hole Is Where GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Is Too Low For Electromagnetic Beads Of Alternating High and Low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure To Propagate In??
Can Light Waves Propagate In A GP1 Aether Particle Medium That Has Vacuum Low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Near A Black Hole Versus Higher GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Farther In Space From A Black Hole!!
Also, Don't Forget That Gentle Nudges To Our Interlocking Atoms By The Flow Of GP1 Aether Particles Of Mass To The Center Of Earth At Lowest GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Could With Newtonian Physics Alone Explain The Push For Us To The Center Of Earth!!
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Hello Adoni
Even though I disagree with you, it does not mean that you are wrong.

My understanding of Even Horizon is where all matter/energy is sucked, even EMR cannot escape.

If the core is massive enough with the right Transient such as Quarks or Partonic matter can create forces that mimic a black hole.

Food for thought

[Submitted on 27 Jul 2022 (v1), last revised 9 Feb 2023 (this version, v2)]

Exotic Compact Objects and the Fate of the Light-Ring Instability​

Pedro V. P. Cunha, Carlos Herdeiro, Eugen Radu, Nicolas Sanchis-Gual
Ultracompact objects with light-rings (LRs) but without an event horizon could mimic black holes (BHs) in their strong gravity phenomenology. But are such objects dynamically viable? Stationary and axisymmetric ultracompact objects that can form from smooth, quasi-Minkowski initial data must have at least one stable LR, which has been argued to trigger a spacetime instability; but its development and fate have been unknown. Using fully non-linear numerical evolutions of ultracompact bosonic stars free of any other known instabilities and introducing a novel adiabatic effective potential technique, we confirm the LRs triggered instability, identifying two possible fates: migration to non-ultracompact configurations or collapse to BHs. In concrete examples we show that typical migration/collapse time scales are not larger than ∼103 light-crossing times, unless the stable LR potential well is very shallow. Our results show that the LR instability is effective in destroying horizonless ultracompact objects that could be plausible BH imitators.


[Submitted on 3 Aug 2022 (v1), last revised 26 May 2023 (this version, v2)]

Testing black hole mimickers with the Event Horizon Telescope image of Sagittarius A∗​

Rajibul Shaikh
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has recently observed the image and shadow of the supermassive compact object Sagittarius A∗ (Sgr A∗). According to the EHT collaboration, the observed image is consistent with the expected appearance of a Kerr black hole. However, it is well-known that some non-Kerr objects may mimic many of the properties of the Kerr black hole, and hence, their shadows might be consistent with the observed shadow of Sgr A∗. In this work, we consider two black hole mimickers and study their shadows. The first mimicker is a rotating generalisation of the recently proposed static, spherically symmetric black-bounce spacetime by Simpson and Visser where the central Schwarzschild singularity is replaced by a minimal surface. The second one is the γ-metric which is a static, axially symmetric singular solution of the vacuum Einstein's equations without an event horizon. We put constraint on the parameters of these black hole mimickers by comparing their shadows with the one observed for Sgr A∗.

I have created and image to explain my thoughts.
I tried to post it, and it kind of went into a black in pieces.
I will try later.

OK I'm off to sleep.
Jun 11, 2023
Hello Adoni
Even though I disagree with you, it does not mean that you are wrong.

My understanding of Even Horizon is where all matter/energy is sucked, even EMR cannot escape.

If the core is massive enough with the right Transient such as Quarks or Partonic matter can create forces that mimic a black hole.

Food for thought

[Submitted on 27 Jul 2022 (v1), last revised 9 Feb 2023 (this version, v2)]

Exotic Compact Objects and the Fate of the Light-Ring Instability​

Pedro V. P. Cunha, Carlos Herdeiro, Eugen Radu, Nicolas Sanchis-Gual


[Submitted on 3 Aug 2022 (v1), last revised 26 May 2023 (this version, v2)]

Testing black hole mimickers with the Event Horizon Telescope image of Sagittarius A∗​

Rajibul Shaikh

I have created and image to explain my thoughts.
I tried to post it, and it kind of went into a black in pieces.
I will try later.

OK I'm off to sleep.
Hey Harry!! You’ll never guess who supports your quark-gluon neutron star condensate theory!! Giveup?? It’s The U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY on JUNE 29, 2023!! For Today, I’ll let you baste in your glory and vindication but, tomorrow, I’ll explain all the errors and misassumptions about The U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY’S alleged “quark-gluon neutron star condensate theory”!!

Decoding Nuclear Matter): A Two-Dimensional Solution Unveils Neutron Star Secrets?? TOPICS): Atomic Physics DOE Particle Physics!! By U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY JUNE 29, 2023

In dense nuclear matter, quarks “line up,” becoming essentially one-dimensional. Calculations considering that single dimension plus time can track how low energy excitations ripple through nuclear matter. Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory

Scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory have used two-dimensional condensed matter physics to understand the quark interactions in neutron stars, simplifying the study of these densest cosmic entities.

This work helps to describe low-energy excitations in dense nuclear matter and could unveil new phenomena in extreme densities, propelling advancements in the study of neutron stars and comparisons with heavy-ion collisions.

The modern theory of nuclei, known as quantum chromodynamics, involves quarks bound by the strong nuclear force. This force, carried by gluons, confines quarks into nucleons (protons and neutrons).

When the density of nuclear matter increases, as it does inside neutron stars, the dense system behaves more like a mass of quarks, without sharp boundaries between individual nucleons. In this state, quarks at the edge of the system are still confined by the strong force, as quarks on one side of the spherical system interact strongly with quarks on the opposite side.

The Science
Understanding the behavior of nuclear matter—including the quarks and gluons that make up the protons and neutrons of atomic nuclei—is extremely complicated. This is particularly true in our world, which is three dimensional. Mathematical techniques from condensed matter physics that consider interactions in just one spatial dimension (plus time) greatly simplify the challenge.

Using this two-dimensional approach, scientists solved the complex equations that describe how low-energy excitations ripple through a system of dense nuclear matter.

This work indicates that the center of neutron stars, where such dense nuclear matter exists in nature, may be described by an unexpected form.

The Impact
Being able to understand the quark interactions in two dimensions opens a new window into understanding neutron stars, the densest form of matter in the universe.

The approach could help advance the current “golden age” for studying these exotic stars. This surge in research success was triggered by recent discoveries of gravitational waves and electromagnetic emissions in the cosmos.

This work shows that for low-energy excitations, all of the complications of the three-dimensional quark interactions fall away.

These low-energy excitations are slight disturbances triggered as a neutron star emits radiation or by its own spinning magnetic fields.

This approach might also enable new comparisons with quark interactions in less dense but much hotter nuclear matter generated in heavy-ion collisions.

The modern theory of nuclei, known as quantum chromodynamics, involves quarks bound by the strong nuclear force. This force, carried by gluons, confines quarks into nucleons (protons and neutrons).

When the density of nuclear matter increases, as it does inside neutron stars, the dense system behaves more like a mass of quarks, without sharp boundaries between individual nucleons. In this state, quarks at the edge of the system are still confined by the strong force, as quarks on one side of the spherical system interact strongly with quarks on the opposite side.

This work by researchers at Brookhaven National Laboratory uses the one-dimensional nature of this strong interaction, plus the dimension of time, to solve for the behavior of excitations with low energy near the edge of the system.

These low energy modes are just like those of a free, massless boson—which is known in condensed matter as a “Luttinger liquid.”

This method allows scientists to compute the parameters of a Luttinger liquid at any given density.

It will advance their ability to explore qualitatively new phenomena expected to occur at the extreme densities within neutron stars, where nuclear matter behaves quite differently than it does in ordinary nuclei, and compare it with much hotter (trillion-degree) dense nuclear matter generated in heavy-ion collisions.

Reference: “When cold, dense quarks in 1+1 and 3+1 dimensions are not a Fermi liquid” by Marton Lajer, Robert M. Konik, Robert D. Pisarski and Alexei M. Tsvelik, 30 March 2022, Physical Review D.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.105.054035
Hello Adoni

It will take time for you to understand condensates.

But that's OK.

Science takes time.

Look at the Big Bang Theory it has been around for decades.

and that's OK too.

Sorry I just stepped in for a second.

I have a time machine.
I hope this is not too farfetched.

To understand Condensate Transients one needs to understand, how other scientists approach these topics.

[Submitted on 25 May 2022 (v1), last revised 10 Dec 2022 (this version, v2)]

Oscillations of atomic energy levels induced by QCD axion dark matter​

Hyungjin Kim, Gilad Perez
Axion-gluon interaction induces quadratic couplings between the axion and the matter fields. We find that, if the axion is an ultralight dark matter field, it induces small oscillations of the mass of the hadrons as well as other nuclear quantities. As a result, atomic energy levels oscillate. We use currently available atomic spectroscopy data to constrain such axion-gluon coupling. We also project the sensitivities of future experiments, such as ones using molecular and nuclear clock transitions. We show that current and near-future experiments constrain a finely-tuned parameter space of axion models. These can compete with or dominate the already-existing constraints from oscillating neutron electric dipole moment and supernova bound, in addition to those expected from near future magnetometer-based experiments. We also briefly discuss the reach of accelerometers and interferometers.
Sorry, can't help myself.
Bad habits
love to share papers that sometimes I agree with and sometimes I do not agree.
It's never my intention of directing my opinion or the way I think.
So be it.

[Submitted on 10 Jun 2022]

Anomalies, CPT and Leptogenesis​

Sarben Sarkar
We bring together different puzzles in physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. Within our model baryogenesis, neutrino mass, strong CP and dark matter puzzles are related. The common ingredient in connecting these puzzles is the Kalb-Ramond field, a two form present in the gravitational multiplet in the theory of closed strings. Leptons are fermions which we need to couple to gravitational degrees of freedom using a vierbein formalism. The presence of torsion provided by a Kalb-Ramond background leads us to firstly an effective model involving the Einstein-Cartan formulation of gravity, a gauge theory, in which coupling to fermions is via a covariant derivative and secondly to a mechanism for CPT violation. This picture emerges from a low energy string effective action obtained from a closed bosonic string theory after compactification to four dimensions. The Kalb-Ramond field in four dimensions can be identified with a pseudoscalar gravitational axion. Because of the presence of an axial anomaly this axion can couple with the gluon field, and in this way allows a connection with the strong CP problem and axionic dark matter.
Jun 11, 2023
I hope this is not too farfetched.

To understand Condensate Transients one needs to understand, how other scientists approach these topics.

[Submitted on 25 May 2022 (v1), last revised 10 Dec 2022 (this version, v2)]

Oscillations of atomic energy levels induced by QCD axion dark matter​

Hyungjin Kim, Gilad Perez
Oh!! Harry!! You and the other 3 million physicists of the world will never understand dark matter gravity until you understand that neither a mass nor its constituant neutron, proton or electron indestructible permeable mass-energy vesssel sacs are not perpetual gravitational force energy machines as given!!
Matter): neutron, proton and electron indestructible permeable mass-energy vesssel sacs generate gravity by net imploding gaseous GP1 Aether Particles inside their permeable sacs, increasing the internal GP1 Aether Particle pressure, that increases the frequenct by which the matter particle sacs pulsate GP1 Aether Particles in and out!!
Gravitational force is the result of matter particles heating up creating Low GP1 Aether Particle Systems that constructively interfere in the GP1 Aether Particle medium for electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves to matter mass and dark neutrino mass low GP1 Aether Particle Systems!!
I Calculate the Dark Matter Between The Orbit Of Venus And Neptune At 160 Solar Masses Based On The Fact That The Fact That The Orbital Velocities Of The Planets Do Not Decline As The Inverse Square Of The Distance From Our Sun!! What Do You Get For The Dark Matter Between Venus And Neptune??
At most there is 2 Solar Masses Of Matter In Our Solar System!! Making Dark Matter To Matter Ratio In Our Solar System At 80 to 1 while the universe ration is given as 5 to 1!!
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Aug 14, 2020
Sorry, can't help myself.
Bad habits
love to share papers that sometimes I agree with and sometimes I do not agree.
It's never my intention of directing my opinion or the way I think.
So be it.

[Submitted on 10 Jun 2022]

Anomalies, CPT and Leptogenesis​

Sarben Sarkar
:);)Amidst all the celebrating going on over "gravitational wave background (GWB)," at least I try to give some attention to that poor (although actually rich in the extreme) [dark] twin of gravity, anti-gravity. ;):)
What if?

Axion Gluon Matter was made up of two spins one negative the other positive so to speak.
One up and one down
one anti and one positive.
under confinement
these paired waves or particles would be dense in a spin under compaction, confining the matter.

I'm just thinking aloud for now.
Probably making no sense for this moment.

Now having this mass, being a few billion solar masses would have extraordinary attraction with enough force, mimicking the forces of a black hole.
The spin of these particle would maybe form a dipolar electromagnetic vector fields expelling matter from the compacted core.

The pulling force would equal the expelling force.
The expelling force in jets in observations, expel matter at near the speed of light.

Sorry I was just thinking aloud.


Aug 14, 2020
:) "Sorry I was just thinking aloud." -- Harry :)

Not a reason in the world to be sorry, Harry.

I can take your "dipole" to an apex-point "magnetic monopole point-singularity," or take the monopole back to dipole, without changing a thing (fbb2 ('0' and/or'1' . . . and parity)) concerning either, when unsigned infinite '0' equals the unsigned infinite of '1' (+1, -1, 0(I=1)). Don't go cross-eyed, it isn't that difficult when to discrete quantity quantum / quanta mechanics there is just matter / anti-matter || positive energy / negative energy || gravity / anti-gravity || mass densities / holes (vacuums, voids). As Stephen Hawking famously claimed, God plays dice with the universe, but they're loaded.

(Just playing Socrates) Why does a black hole appear to have SPACE (a spatial measurement), and for a TIME keep SPACE (keep spatial measurement), when it should NOT! . . . should not have any expanse at all much less have, to an outside observer, measurable dimensions of expanse outside, and probably quite different -- very, very, different -- quite possibly immeasurable dimensions of expanse inside?! What, in fact, is the outside observer measuring since the observer is measuring nothing whatsoever inside?
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Hello Atlan
You have a way with words.
I think you lost me at the OK Corral

As for monopole, i do not think the are able to form.
Due to a property called,
Super Symmetry forming dipolar fields.


Aug 14, 2020
Hello Atlan
You have a way with words.
I think you lost me at the OK Corral

As for monopole, i do not think the are able to form.
Due to a property called,
Super Symmetry forming dipolar fields.
Oh yes, Harry. Into the merged magnetic monopole (magnetic moment) point-singularity of the electroweak (super) force (EWF) that, to me, has only one fundamental force equal as I have it, the gravitational strong binding force (GSBF) . . . therefore, supergravity in string-horizon.
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Along with dark matter and anti-matter, Axion Gluon matter does not exist and normally I would not comment. But science has postulated and been searching for a magnetic monopole for a long time. But because of the present narrative of light, science has not realized that we use them all the time. Along with every electric emission, comes a monopole emission. But our science teaches much differently.

None understand this because of present theory. All of our science is based on the dogma of light waves.....and that dogma is false. And science explains things that do not exist.
We are at the steps of understanding.
I would not make my conclusions, until the cows come home.

All our observations indicate a dipolar force.

I cannot see a monopole breaking ranks.

But! then again

Come what may
Could Axion matter be the final compaction.
Could Neutrino matter be the ultimate compaction.

That would be beyond thunder dome.

Hate to even guess at the compaction.

[Submitted on 18 Jul 2023]

Axion dark matter with explicit Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking in the axiverse​

Hai-Jun Li
It is shown that the required high quality of the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry can be a natural outcome of the multiple QCD axion models. In the axiverse, a hypothetical mass mixing between the QCD axions and axion-like particles (ALPs) can occur, which leads to an interesting phenomenon called the level crossing. In this paper, we investigate this mass mixing between one QCD axion and one ALP with the explicit PQ symmetry breaking in the early Universe. The dynamics of the axions and their cosmological evolutions when the level crossing occurs in this scenario are studied in detail. Then we focus our attention on the axion dark matter (DM) abundance. With several typical parameter sets for level crossing, we find that in the presence of the explicit PQ symmetry breaking term in the mixing, the total axion DM abundance is dominated by ALP and significantly suppressed.


Aug 14, 2020
There is no "compaction" beyond fundamental binary base2 ('0' (null unity) and/or unsigned '1' (unity) . . . and parity (including signed +1 (unity -- at once +/-)/-1 (unity -- at once +/-), for net '0' (null unity))). Infinite '0' and infinite/finite '1'

I wish you would understand you can't get below Eveerywhere Land and everythingness being at once, at the same time, Nowhere Land and nothingness. It is the BB Horizon without the BBT.
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Aug 14, 2020
I think your problem is that you see and believe in the Flatland space universe that has depth only as time . . . as it is always illustrated in bell shape, and we are always told is the only universe there is.

The fractal zoom universe (the Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe) is a hyper-surface (3d chess board-like) hyper-space universe observed strictly in and as "expansion" and/or "contraction" to its infinity . . . constants of acceleration and/or deceleration to infinity.

The "Bell" or "Cone" flat-earth-horizontal Flatland [space] universe with its only vertical depth being [time] always illustrated is an entirely different dimensional universe of a multidimensional multiverse universe! There is no hyper-surface (3-d chessboard-like) hyperspace to it whatsoever!

No fractal zooms space shape or framework of gravity (of spatial verticality), much less infinite zoom expansionist hyper-, inclusive of sub- or contraction to Lilliputian (Hawking fractal "baby universes") too, spatiality, to it whatsoever!

Is multidimensional multi-versality of space something I made up, something I make up! To you with your ever continuing "flat earth" view of the universe, you would definitely believe so in your blindness to a gravity/antigravity inclusive vertical spatiality shape and framework greater than 2-dimensional, Harry.

I've explained in many places and ways, and still, you cannot understand a multi-dimensional multiverse universe! But you aren't even close to being alone, unfortunately! How does one make a strictly one- or two-dimensional seer and thinker, only, see and think in three and more dimensional thought?! I could try from now to doomsday and not get the picture of a vertical fractal zoom -- accelerative and decelerative fractal zoom -- universe through to a flat earth Flatland-locked mind.

To have infinity of universe horizons and universes and keep the collapsed BB TIME Horizon always illustrated, you have to do vertical zoom (vertical acceleration / deceleration). You have to perpendicularly jet out of a Planck Big Bang Black Hole (cc (/\)) (T=0(1). t=0(1)) Horizon into the Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe's reset of the basic, fundamental, set. You could keep going to infinity and eternity or until you are tired of the sheer immortal boredom of the universe always resetting you to the basic, fundamental, constancy of the binary base2 ('0' (null unity) |'1' (unity) . . . and parity) set.
What I think is not what you think.
You are using words out of context. I do not have a problem.
It looks like you do not understand where I come from to explain my path.

Then again believe in whatever you want.

People make movies from multiverse.
I do not know where you get these ideas from.
In my opinion you are on the wrong path.

Who knows, I maybe I'm on the wrong path.

Regardless of, you can explain in many places, millions of places.
Anything multiplied by zero is zero.

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