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Aug 14, 2020
That is what I have done.
You have to be inside of the monster to understand its habits.
No Harry. I hate to have tell you, you only too obviously described mass matter observations from a viewpoint outside-in, not inside-out. Universes, and all they are, are very, very different entities inside-out from what they are outside-in. Holes, voids, vacuums, vector gravitationally opening systems (inversely squaring fractal zooms structure of universe) to infinities, from the inside-out.
I see it from a different point of view so to speak.

You have to be inside the condensate to understand its properties.

Just seeing the effects does not explain how it comes about.

One more thing there is only one Universe.
We need to understand the internal workings of condensates to understand their properties and the resultant images created by their vortices.

[Submitted on 26 Aug 2024]

GALPs! Composite heavy axion-like Dark Matter​

Pierluca Carenza, Roman Pasechnik, Zhi-Wei Wang
We propose a novel class of Dark Matter (DM) candidates in the form of a heavy composite Axion-Like Particle (ALP) with highly suppressed electromagnetic interactions, being stable even for masses exceeding the GeV scale. We argue that such a composite ALP emerges as a bound state -- the dark glueball -- due to confinement in a pure Yang-Mills dark sector. In a minimal ultraviolet complete QCD-like model, cosmological production of dark gluons as well as photons occurs via heavy fermion annihilation which effectively reheats both the dark and visible sectors setting up their temperature scales. Furthermore, effective interactions between glueballs and photons, resembling those of standard ALPs, are radiatively generated by heavy fermion loops. Consequently, DM glueballs interacting with photons are dubbed `Glueball ALPs' (GALPs). We uncover novel phenomenology of GALPs focusing on their unique astrophysical and cosmological signatures.
Axion Gluon Matter may be confined by Partonic and or by Quark matter, to confine Quark matter by Neutron matter.
To confine Axion Matter under lab conditions is probably impossible for now.

[Submitted on 9 Sep 2024]

Axion Icebergs: Clockwork ALPs at hadron colliders​

Srimoy Bhattacharya, Debajyoti Choudhury, Suvam Maharana, Tripurari Srivastava
The conventional ultralight QCD axion is typically rendered invisible at collider experiments by its large decay constant. What could also hint at its possible existence is the observation of other (heavy) particles that are characteristically related to the light axion. One such scenario is afforded within the framework of the clockwork mechanism where the axion can have suppressed couplings with the gluons or photons while its companion axion-like particles (ALPs) have relatively unsuppressed couplings. We study a minimal clockwork model for the QCD axion invoking a KSVZ-like setup and examine the visibility of the ALPs (an) at the LHC through the process pp→an(+additionaljets), an→γγ. The model contains N ALPs with a decay constant f and masses defined by a scale m characteristic of the nearest-neighbour interactions of the scalar fields. For 10≲m≲100 GeV, f∼1 TeV and N∼O(10), the full spectrum of ALPs is accessible and the corresponding diphoton invariant mass distribution comprises a unique signature of a wide band of resonances. For the case of light ALPs (m∼O(10GeV)) with the axion being a dark matter candidate, the mass-splittings among the former are so small that the signal profile mimics that of a single broad resonance, or an axion iceberg. The effect subsides for heavier ALPs, albeit still exhibiting undulating peaks. For light ALPs, the scenario is imminently testable by the end of LHC's Run 3 phase, with the estimated cumulative significance reaching the discovery threshold for an integrated luminosity of ∼300fb−1. While the signals for the heavier ALPs in this minimal setup may not be as prominent within the ongoing LHC operation, one could expect to probe a wider parameter space of the model at the forthcoming HL-LHC.


Nov 14, 2024
The question whether Axion Gluon matter could be Dark Matter, is worth reaching. Other threads relating to this topic are worth reading.
Science never ceases to amaze me ! The question is whether something written could be something written !

Other threads , can I be sarcastic ? Are these other threads Harry Potter and Pepper Pig ?

This forum has a fiction section ?

Why does science accept so much garbage science ?


Nov 14, 2024
That''s very interesting from a non-scientist.
By definition anybody who studies and/or practices science is a scientist. The only difference between an amateur scientist and a professional scientist , is that an amateur scientist doesn't get paid a salary , it is not their job . This doesn't mean the amateur lacks knowledge or can't make premise for debate!
FYI I have studied on many science forums , spent a lot of time on Cambridge science forum and others learning science. I started about 2009 so have a learnt a lot of things over time . I'm still learning , do we ever stop ?

We can speculate different particles all day long but without physical proofs they are really kind of meaningless . We haven't even really proved Quarks exist etc yet because they are just too small to observe at this moment in time . In years to come no doubt somebody will invent super magnification and we'll be able to see more .

To be honest though I like the name Gluon , would be great to call spaces conserved point energy Gluons because they are as if Glued to the points by inertia .
Axion coupling theoretical in a Chiral motion.
Yes, Axions are theoretical.
Yet! we look at various theories and their probable properties.

[Submitted on 6 Nov 2024]

Split Cherenkov radiation in isotropic chiral matter​

Eduardo Barredo-Alamilla, Luis F. Urrutia, Maxim A. Gorlach
Chiral matter exhibits unique electromagnetic responses due to the macroscopic manifestation of the chiral anomaly as anomalous transport currents. Here, we study the modification of electromagnetic radiation in isotropic chiral matter characterized by an axion coupling that varies linearly over time θ(t)=b0t. Using Carroll-Field-Jackiw electrodynamics, we derive the causal Green's function to investigate the stability and radiation properties of the system. Even though the plane-wave modes of isotropic chiral matter exhibit imaginary frequencies for long wavelengths, which might suggest instability in the system, we show that their contribution is confined to the near-field region. Also we find no exponentially growing fields at arbitrarily large times, so that stability is preserved. Under these conditions the radiation yields a positive energy flux, although this is not an inherent property of the general definition. In the case of a fast-moving charge, we confirm the existence of vacuum Cherenkov radiation and show that, for refractive indices n>1, the Cherenkov cone can split into two concentric cones with opposite circular polarizations. This split, governed by the speed of the particle v, n and b0, resembles the optical spin-Hall effect and offers potential applications for creating circularly polarized terahertz (THz) light sources. Our Green's function approach provides a general method for analyzing radiation in chiral matter, from Weyl semimetals to quark-gluon plasmas, and can be extended to systems such as oscillating dipoles and accelerated charges.
Condensates formed from Axions, show properties of Black Holes without a Singularity. These Condensates show dipolar vortices that pump out Droplets that seed Stars.

[Submitted on 18 Nov 2024]

Glueball Axion-Like Particles​

Pierluca Carenza, Roman Pasechnik, Zhi-Wei Wang
Dark Yang-Mills sectors that confine to form stable composite states, known as glueballs, have been traditionally proposed as a potential explanation for cosmological Dark Matter (DM). Earlier studies have established viability of the lightest scalar glueball as a possible DM candidate. In this work, we explore a whole class of effective composite sectors in the confined Yang-Mills regime featuring an additional pseudoscalar glueball state. We also investigate the role of effective interactions of the dark glueball sector with the visible sectors via higher-dimensional operators primarily focusing on dimension-8 couplings of glueballs to photons and gluons. We stress the remarkable similarities between the phenomenology of such glueball effective theories and Standard Model extensions featuring Axion-Like Particles (ALPs). Hence, one deals with a new class of composite Glueball ALPs (or GALPs) coupled to photons and/or nucleons in a wide mass range, from sub-eV to the Planck scale, yielding viable DM candidates that can be probed by astrophysical and cosmological observations.
Scientists look at Axion Gluon Matter as Black Matter/ Black Energy.
Follow the Yellow brick Road

[Submitted on 16 Dec 2024]

Axion strings from string axions​

James M. Cline, Christos Litos, Wei Xue
A favored scenario for axions to be dark matter is for them to form a cosmic string network that subsequently decays, allowing for a tight link between the axion mass and relic abundance. We discuss an example in which the axion is protected from quantum gravity effects that would spoil its ability to solve the strong CP problem: namely a string theoretic axion arising from gauge symmetry in warped extra dimensions. Axion strings arise following the first-order Randall-Sundrum compactification phase transition, forming at the junctions of three bubbles during percolation. Their tensions are at the low scale associated with the warp factor, and are parametrically smaller than the usual field-theory axion strings, relative to the scale of their decay constant. Simulations of string network formation by this mechanism must be carried out to see whether the axion mass-relic density relation depends on the new parameters in the theory.
The Formation of dipolar jets that are found in the Centre of galaxies and the Star formation of hourglass images, may be explained by the Axion Dark Matter

[Submitted on 16 Dec 2024]

Mass and Force Relations for Extremal EMDA Black Holes​

Sera Cremonini, Mirjam Cvetic, Christopher N Pope, Aritra Saha
We investigate various properties of extremal dyonic static black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton-Axion theory. We obtain a simple first-order ordinary differential equation for the black hole mass in terms of its electric and magnetic charges, which we can solve explicitly for certain special values of the scalar couplings. For one such case we also construct new dyonic black hole solutions, making use of the presence of an enhanced SL(2,R) symmetry. Finally, we investigate the structure of long range forces and binding energies between non-equivalent extremal black holes. For certain special cases, we can identify regions of parameter space where the force is always attractive or repulsive. Unlike in the case without an axion, the force and binding energies between distinct black holes are not always correlated with each other. Our work is motivated in part by the question of whether long range forces between non-identical states can potentially encode information about UV constraints on low-energy physics.
Yep! Follow the yellow brick road.
Follow until we can explain the properties of Axions and their formation.

[Submitted on 16 Dec 2024]

Searching for axion-like particles with SPHEREx​

Marco Regis, Marco Taoso, Jorge Terol Calvo
We study prospects to detect axion-like particles (ALPs) with the upcoming near-infrared telescope SPHEREx. The signal under investigation is the ALP decay into two photons. Assuming dark matter (DM) to be in the form of ALPs, we analyze the signal from the DM halos of dwarf spheroidal galaxies, the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Milky Way. We find that SPHEREx can significantly improve current limits on the axion-photon coupling in the 0.5-3 eV ALP mass range.
Understanding Axons may resolve Nucleosynthesis as predicted by the Big Bang Theory of how atoms stars and galaxies evolve.

[Submitted on 19 Dec 2024]

Accurate method for ultralight axion CMB and matter power spectra​

Rayne Liu, Wayne Hu, Daniel Grin
Ultralight axions (ULAs) with masses 10−33≲m/eV≲10−12 are well motivated in string-inspired models and can be part or all of the dark energy or the dark matter in this range. Since the ULA field oscillates at a frequency m that can be much larger than the expansion rate H, accurate and efficient calculation of cosmological observables requires an effective time averaged treatment. While these are well established for m≫10Heq, the Hubble rate at matter radiation equality, here we extend and develop these techniques to cover the mass range 10−33≲m/eV≲10−18. We implement this technique in a full cosmological Boltzmann code (AxiECAMB) with numerical precision sufficiently accurate for current and next-generation cosmic microwave background as well as large-scale structure data analysis. New effects including the time averaging of metric perturbations and hydrostatic equilibrium of the effective fluid result in many orders of magnitude improvements for power spectra accuracy over some previous treatments such as AxionCAMB in some extreme regions of parameter space and order unity changes of the ULA effects near ΛCDM models. These improvements may impact the model parameters that resolve various tensions in ΛCDM at a comparable level.
So ! why all the who-ha about Axion matter.
Axion matter can be compacted by an estimate of over 10^35 compared to normal matter being 1.

Compare the theoretical Singularity of infinity.

[Submitted on 23 Dec 2024]

Axion effects on quark matter and quark-matter cores in massive hybrid stars​

He Liu, Yu-Heng Liu, Yong-Hang Yang, Min Ju, Xu-Hao Wu, Hong-Ming Liu, Peng-Cheng Chu
Using a three-flavor Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model to describe the charge-parity violating effects through axion field, we investigate the axion effects on quark matter and quark-matter cores in massive hybrid stars. The properties of quark matter vary with the scaled axion field a/fa in a periodic manner, with a period of 2π. Within the range from 0 to π, axion field decrease the baryon chemical potential of the first-order phase transition, leading to an increase in normalized pressure and stiffening of the quark matter equation of state. The effect of axions on hybrid star matter that includes the hadron-quark phase transition is contrary to expectations. The axion field shifts the onset of the hadron-quark mixed phase to lower densities but slightly softens the equation of state of the mixed phase matter, which also results in a slight decrease in the maximum mass and corresponding radius of the hybrid stars. However, we also find that the lowering of the onset of the mixed phase significantly increases the radius and mass of the quark-matter core in the hybrid star. Therefore, our results indicate with axion effects, a sizable quark-matter core can appear in 2M⊙ massive neutron stars.
Some of these papers are high-tech, and to understand what's happening may take a leap of faith with a pinch of salt.

[Submitted on 23 Dec 2024 (v1), last revised 27 Dec 2024 (this version, v2)]

Feebly-Interacting Peccei-Quinn Model​

Wen Yin
The QCD axion is widely studied as a dark matter (DM) candidate and as a solution to the strong CP problem of the Standard Model. In conventional field-theoretic models, a much larger mass scale than the electroweak (EW) scale is typically introduced to spontaneously break Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry with a large enough axion decay constant, fa, thereby avoiding constraints from star cooling. In this paper, I propose an alternative approach to achieving the large decay constant: a PQ scalar field with a large wave function renormalization constant, analogous to a feebly coupled gauge theory. Other dimensionless parameters are O(1) in the unit of the EW scale for the naturalness. This framework predicts a light PQ Higgs boson with a mass ∼(EW scale)2/fa. Exotic particles associated with the PQ anomaly are expected to have masses around the EW scale. The proposed model alleviates both the PQ quality and EW scale fine-tuning problems and introduces interesting axion-PQ Higgs cosmologies, encompassing: slim axion DM from a fat string network, heavy axion DM from PQ Higgs condensate fragmentation, PQ Higgs DM, and axion-PQ Higgs co-DM scenarios. Potential experimental signatures are explored, including fifth-force tests, DM detections, accelerator searches, and gravitational wave observations by employing lattice simulation. Possible extensions of the scenario are also discussed.
I'm posting these papers for those who are searching beyond their knowledge.
Do I know what is happening?
The answer is no.
But! trying to understand.
Let me know what you think.

[Submitted on 28 Jan 2025]

First Axion-Like Particle Results from a Broadband Search for Wave-Like Dark Matter in the 44 to 52 μeV Range with a Coaxial Dish Antenna​

Gabe Hoshino, Stefan Knirck, Mohamed H. Awida, Gustavo I. Cancelo, Simon Corrodi, Martin Di Federico, Benjamin Knepper, Alex Lapuente, Mira Littmann, David W. Miller, Donald V. Mitchell, Derrick Rodriguez, Mark K. Ruschman, Chiara P. Salemi, Matthew A. Sawtell, Leandro Stefanazzi, Andrew Sonnenschein, Gary W. Teafoe, Peter Winter
We present the results from the first axion-like particle search conducted using a dish antenna. The experiment was conducted at room temperature and sensitive to axion-like particles in the 44−52μeV range (10.7−12.5GHz). The novel dish antenna geometry was proposed by the BREAD collaboration and previously used to conduct a dark photon search in the same mass range. To allow for axion-like particle sensitivity, the BREAD dish antenna was placed in a 3.9T solenoid magnet at Argonne National Laboratory. In the presence of a magnetic field, axion-like dark matter converts to photons at the conductive surface of the reflector. The signal is focused onto a custom coaxial horn antenna and read out with a low-noise radio-frequency receiver. No evidence of axion-like dark matter was observed in this mass range and we place the most stringent laboratory constraints on the axion-photon coupling strength, gaγγ, in this mass range at 90\% confidence.


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