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Aug 14, 2020
What I think is not what you think.
You are using words out of context. I do not have a problem.
It looks like you do not understand where I come from to explain my path.

Then again believe in whatever you want.

People make movies from multiverse.
I do not know where you get these ideas from.
In my opinion you are on the wrong path.

Who knows, I maybe I'm on the wrong path.

Regardless of, you can explain in many places, millions of places.
Anything multiplied by zero is zero.
Yes, in this closed systemic dark age of ours (so opposed to breaking out into an open systemic space frontier age) there are evermore shrunken minds, closed minds, dark age minds, that simply cannot expand to comprehend. I'm not the one who inferred I was making it all up!!!! And time after time, would I please keep on explaining because you don't and/or won't understand!!!! And you aren't "people" (plural), Harry! I'm finding a heck of lot of articles I've cited, a heck of lot of "people" now, who are beginning to understand multi-dimensional "multiverse" up and out -- including down and in -- from a basic, fundamental, binary base2 (and parity) set.
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Scientists are always on the match to research beyond what we know.

[Submitted on 5 Jun 2023]

Dark Matter Through the Axion-Gluon Portal​

Patrick J. Fitzpatrick, Yonit Hochberg, Eric Kuflik, Rotem Ovadia, Yotam Soreq
Axion-like-particles are a well-motivated extension of the Standard Model that can mediate interactions between the dark matter and ordinary matter. Here we consider an axion portal between the two sectors, where the axion couples to dark matter and to QCD gluons. We establish the relevant processes of interest across the scales of dark matter and axion masses and couplings, identify the distinct mechanisms that control the dark matter relic abundance in each case, and extract the resulting experimental signatures of the gluonic axion portal to dark matter.
Jun 11, 2023
:);)Amidst all the celebrating going on over "gravitational wave background (GWB)," at least I try to give some attention to that poor (although actually rich in the extreme) [dark] twin of gravity, anti-gravity. ;):)
Consider, please, that in a broad conservation of energy that as matter heats up, gravitational force is generated and antigravity/dark energy is stored!! The proof for this is our own Sun that formed from a hydrgen-helium molecular cloud at 10 degrees Kelvin 5 billion years ago!!
We are given that our Sun's matter has been heating up for the past 5 billion years and that our Sun has been generating gravity during the past 5 billion years!!
Further, we are given that our Sun's matter will heat up by 6% per year for the next 5 billion years, our Earth will become inhabitable in 1 billion years from our Sun heating up and that our Sun will continue to generate gravity during the next 5 billion years!!
BUTTE, once, our Sun stops fusing hydrogen and starts cooling, the antigravity/dark energy that was stored in our Sun's nucleon, electron and neutrino indestrucible permeable sacs will come out in form of compressed GP1 Aether Particles that will decompress and increase in volume pushing half the mass of our Sun away during our Sun's Red Giant Phase leaving behind a White Dwarf remnant about the size of Earth at 200,000 times Earth density!!
The key takeaway, here, is that as gravity is generated and matter heats up, potential antigravity/dark energy is stored that is released as the matter particles cool!!
Dark matter and Dark energy. There are many different approaches to understanding how condensate Transients may explain the way things are by not using terms like Dark matter of energy.
Normal matter compacts to 10^5 Transient 1
Immense compaction becomes Neutron matter compacts to 10^17. Transient 2

And so

[Submitted on 9 Aug 2023]

Search for Dark Matter Decay in Nearby Galaxy Clusters and Galaxies with IceCube​

Minjin Jeong, Carsten Rott (for the IceCube Collaboration)
Dark matter could decay into Standard Model particles producing neutrinos directly or indirectly. The resulting flux of neutrinos from these decays could be detectable at neutrino telescopes and would be associated with massive celestial objects where dark matter is expected to be accumulated. Recent observations of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos at IceCube might hint at a signal produced by the decay of TeV to PeV scale dark matter. This analysis searches for neutrinos from decaying dark matter in nearby galaxy clusters and galaxies. We focus on dark matter masses from 10 TeV to 1 EeV and four decay channels: νν¯, τ+τ−, W+W−, bb¯. Three galaxy clusters, seven dwarf galaxies, and the Andromeda galaxy are chosen as targets and stacked within the same source class. A well-established IceCube data sample is used, which contains 11 years of upward-going track-like events. In this contribution, we present preliminary results of the analysis.
Jun 1, 2020
RE "Supermassive black holes may solve mystery of our universe's gravitational-wave 'hum'
A statement that dark matter doesn't interact with light. Apparently true, not electro-magnetically. However, light is influenced by gravity and it is claimed that dark matter has gravity. Then don't forget Newton's law about equal and opposite forces.

Also, why not invoke dark matter black holes for some of the "hum". How can you tell the difference between a dark matter black hole and the "normal" matter black hole?

I still haven't seen an explanation of why in chemical analysis that quantitative gravimetric analysis is always consistent with electro-chemical quantitative analysis and spectrochemical analysis. In the presence of dark matter, even below ppm, there should be deviations between them.

Consequently, I remain unconvinced dark matter exists. An alternate explanation for galaxies not flying apart is needed.
Dark matter and Dark energy are terms to explain the unexplained.

The classic Black Hole has a singularity, and nothing can escape, meaning it keeps sucking in and growing to infinity.
As condensates compact under confinement, the dipolar electromagnetic fields keep ejected matter away, preventing a Singularity from forming and therefore a Classic Black Hole can never form.

Proof of this comes from images in Neutron stars (Magnetars), Glass Hour Nebular, M87 jets (vortex).

A Black Hole created by a Transient Condensate can mimic all the properties of a Black Hole.
At critical mass an Event Horizon will form. This can never be seen.
But! its gravitational force can be felt.

Critical mass, from Quark matter to partonic to Axion matter.

Mimic Black holes can be found within Galaxies, usually the main BH is found at the center.
Our Milkyway has a swam of black holes and the largest is a few million solar masses.

Mimic Black Holes will interact with all EMR and all matter.
The path to searching for answers, is sometimes a lonely one.
And yet many scientists take up the challenge to go where no man has gone before, deeper into space.
Dark matter is a term used to explain or try to explain. Axion matter a Transient Condensate maybe the ultimate compaction 0f 10^35. Singularity cannot exist because of the Dipolar Electromagnetic Fields withing the compact object.
[Submitted on 27 Jul 2023]

Probing an ultralight QCD axion with electromagnetic quadratic interaction​

Hyungjin Kim, Alessandro Lenoci, Gilad Perez, Wolfram Ratzinger
The axion-gluon coupling is the defining feature of the QCD axion. This feature induces additional and qualitatively different interactions of the axion with standard model particles -- quadratic couplings. Previously, hadronic quadratic couplings have been studied and experimental implications have been explored especially in the context of atomic spectroscopy and interferometry. We investigate additional quadratic couplings to the electromagnetic field and electron mass. These electromagnetic quadratic couplings are generated at the loop level from threshold corrections and are expected to be present in the absence of fine-tuning. While they are generally loop-suppressed compared to the hadronic ones, they open up new ways to search for the QCD axion, for instance via optical atomic clocks. Moreover, due to the velocity spread of the dark matter field, the quadratic nature of the coupling leads to low-frequency fluctuations in any detector setup. These distinctive low-frequency fluctuations offer a way to search for heavier axions. We provide an analytic expression for the power spectral density of this low-frequency background and briefly discuss experimental strategies for a low-frequency background search.
The ultimate condensate, Axion Glue on matter has extreme compaction and may produce vector fields outgoing and incoming, in extreme large situations where the condensate is over 100 billion solar masses can produce the matter in observation as contracting and in an expanding universe.

[Submitted on 30 May 2023 (v1), last revised 4 Sep 2023 (this version, v2)]

The QCD Axion: A Unique Player in the Axiverse with Mixings​

Kai Murai, Fuminobu Takahashi, Wen Yin
In an axiverse with numerous axions, the cosmological moduli problem poses a significant challenge because the abundance of axions can easily exceed that of dark matter. The well-established stochastic axion scenario offers a simple solution, relying on relatively low-scale inflation. However, axions are typically subject to mixing due to mass and kinetic terms, which can influence the solution using stochastic dynamics. Focusing on the fact that the QCD axion has a temperature-dependent mass, unlike other axions, we investigate the dynamics of the QCD axion and another axion with mixing. We find that the QCD axion abundance is significantly enhanced and becomes larger than that of the other axion for a certain range of parameters. This enhancement widens the parameter regions accounting for dark matter. In addition, we also find a parameter region in which both axions have enhanced abundances of the same order, which result in multi-component dark matter.
Jun 1, 2020
Dark matter and Dark energy are terms to explain the unexplained.

The classic Black Hole has a singularity, and nothing can escape, meaning it keeps sucking in and growing to infinity.
As condensates compact under confinement, the dipolar electromagnetic fields keep ejected matter away, preventing a Singularity from forming and therefore a Classic Black Hole can never form.

Proof of this comes from images in Neutron stars (Magnetars), Glass Hour Nebular, M87 jets (vortex).

A Black Hole created by a Transient Condensate can mimic all the properties of a Black Hole.
At critical mass an Event Horizon will form. This can never be seen.
But! its gravitational force can be felt.

Critical mass, from Quark matter to partonic to Axion matter.

Mimic Black holes can be found within Galaxies, usually the main BH is found at the center.
Our Milkyway has a swam of black holes and the largest is a few million solar masses.

Mimic Black Holes will interact with all EMR and all matter.
You seem to have successfully hand waved at the first part of my comment, re: black holes.
And, your explanation there makes some sense. What about BH with both matter and dark matter? Many not be so mimic in that case. Do they exclude one another? Something like the Pauli exclusion principle for nuclear orbitals.
However, no one has any response to my questions regarding quantitative chemical analyses. Gravimetric v.s. electro-chemical quantitative analyses in the presence of ppb or more of dark matter should not agree. Unless someone proposes some means of the two kinds of matter excluding one another.
There are two types of Black Holes.
Classical with a singularity, where everything gets sucked in and no escape. This type cannot exist.

Mimic Black Hole that has all the properties without a singularity but has in addition.
Chiral Super-Symmetry Dipolar Electromagnetic Vector Fields that attract and expel matter along a vortex.

As for Dark Matter and Dark Emery these are terms used to explain the unexplained.
Jun 11, 2023
You seem to have successfully hand waved at the first part of my comment, re: black holes.
And, your explanation there makes some sense. What about BH with both matter and dark matter? Many not be so mimic in that case. Do they exclude one another? Something like the Pauli exclusion principle for nuclear orbitals.
However, no one has any response to my questions regarding quantitative chemical analyses. Gravimetric v.s. electro-chemical quantitative analyses in the presence of ppb or more of dark matter should not agree. Unless someone proposes some means of the two kinds of matter excluding one another.
There are two types of Black Holes.
Classical with a singularity, where everything gets sucked in and no escape. This type cannot exist.

Mimic Black Hole that has all the properties without a singularity but has in addition.
Chiral Super-Symmetry Dipolar Electromagnetic Vector Fields that attract and expel matter along a vortex.

As for Dark Matter and Dark Emery these are terms used to explain the unexplained.
Dear Chemicalmicroscopist and Harry!! Re): Your Given that Classical Black Holes with a singularity, where everything gets sucked in with no escape cannot exist??
Let's take the mystery out of Black Holes which I will prove are just neutronium balls with more than 3 solar masses of the neutronium of a neutron star with a physical upper limit of 100 billion solar masses!!
With respect to the physical upper limit of the mass of supermassive black holes, it's important to note that the universe is infinitely old and that modern physicists' Singularity Big Bang Creationist Theory alleged to be the maker of everything visible and invisible is absurd and impossible!!
Edwin Hubble for the entirety of his life maintained that): 'If you are thinking that my redshift discovery is doppler redshift than you are reading too much into my redshift discovery!!"
I agree with Hubble that his redshift discovery is an excellent barometer for determining how far away the light source was when its light was emitted but is NOT Representative of any expansion movement of galaxies away from us!! Especially at Superluminal Speeds!!
In fact modern physicists are gaslighting themselves, the populace and you by stating that while the galaxies are physically standing still excepting "peculiar velocity vectors"); the space between the galaxies is expanding without the galaxies moving apart!! Ignoring their self-contradiction that space expansion and physical movement must occur in tandem as in the 2017 discovery of the DiPole RePeller Void that is pushing us towards The Shapley and Great Attractors indicates!!
The given expansion of space while galaxies are given to be physically standing still resulting in superluminal galaxies "actually" moving away from us is so self-contradictory and absurd, I can't believe that 3 million physicists and you guys take it seriously!!
The proton has never been observed to decay!! And is given a half-life of 1.67 X 10e34 which means that there is no way of knowing whether or not the protons in our body where minted 10e50 years ago or longer!! Yes, I say minted in the center of stars at extreme compression decompression pressure!!
How, else, can identical indestructible permeable sacs that decay to proton identical permeable sacs plus electron indestructible permeable sacs be minted from neutrinos and rejuvenated to back to embryonic neutrons from reverse beta decay??
First, we are given that when a neutron star at 100 trillion times Earth Density accumulates more than 2.17 solar masses neutronium it transitions to a black hole with an event horizon!!
I'll leave you, now, with my proof that gravity is a direct function of mass and the rate at which the particles of the mass heat up while net absorbing GP1 Aether Particles reducing the volume of space resulting in low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure!!
Consider, please, that in a broad conservation of energy that as matter heats up, gravitational force is generated and antigravity/dark energy is stored!! The proof for this is our own Sun that formed from a hydrogen-helium molecular cloud at 10 degrees Kelvin 5 billion years ago!!
We are given that our Sun's matter has been heating up for the past 5 billion years and that our Sun has been generating gravity during the past 5 billion years!!
Further, we are given that our Sun's matter will heat up by 6% per year for the next 5 billion years, our Earth will become inhabitable in 1 billion years from our Sun heating up and that our Sun will continue to generate gravity during the next 5 billion years!!
BUTTE, once, our Sun stops fusing hydrogen and starts cooling, the antigravity/dark energy that was stored in our Sun's nucleon, electron and neutrino indestructible permeable sacs will come out in form of compressed GP1 Aether Particles that will decompress and increase in volume pushing half the mass of our Sun away during our Sun's Red Giant Phase leaving behind a White Dwarf remnant about the size of Earth at 200,000 times Earth density!!

The key takeaway, here, is that as gravity is generated and matter heats up, potential antigravity/dark energy is stored that is released as the matter particles cool!!

Smile Often and See What Happens!! Have a great day!!
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I hope you make small point, then one can respond.

The core of the Sun holds the solar envelope in place,
If you increase the core mass you decrease the solar envelope.
If you decrease the core the solar envelope will expand.

As for the origin of our sun.
I do not think it formed from H-He compaction.

Over 400 billion stars are found within the Milkyway. Not including the dwarf galaxies.

To wait for each star to form from compaction of H-He or something similar, Is not logical.
there needs to be a faster way to form the stars along the arms of the Milkyway spiral.

Let's look at M87.
Within the vortex that we can observe, lives millions of stars, that we can assume originated from the core.
Not enough time with the length of the vortex being 100,000 light years.
Jun 11, 2023
Harry, I love M87 SMBH!! Sometime back experts gave me that M87 SMBH would accrete 1 Solar Mass every 10 years if its mass was 3.5 Billion Solar Masses and 1 Solar Mass per 5 years if its mass was 6.5 Billion Solar Mass!!
Quick Calculation): For M87@3.5 Billion Solar Masses): We are given that in less than 30 Billion Years M87 SMBH could accrete 3.0 Billion Solar Masses because its rate of accretion grows as the SMBH's mass increases!!
From the given data, we can extrapolate that the mass of SMBHs will double every 20 billion years!! And that M87 SMBH could possibly reach 96.5 Billion Solar masses over the next 140 billion years!!
BUTTE How many trillions of years did it take the Milky Way Galaxy to create a SMBH of only 4.1 Million Solar Masses??
and will it take Milky Ways SMBH Sagittarius a 100 Billion Years to reach a mass of 40 Billion Solar Masses??
And if the universe is infinitely old, is there an upper limit to the size of SMBHs since there are few of them??
And does a SMBH start to lose mass and release dark energy as it approaches 100 Billion solar masses?? Starting down the path of creating a void??
Smile Often And Have A Great Day!!
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M87 has several trillion stars, is the gravity sink of our local group of galaxies.

The core is over 10 billion sola masses.

the largest core to estimate is found in our local group of supercluster of local groups galaxies.
over 100 billion solar masses.
Jun 11, 2023
M87 has several trillion stars, is the gravity sink of our local group of galaxies.

The core is over 10 billion sola masses.

the largest core to estimate is found in our local group of supercluster of local groups galaxies.
over 100 billion solar masses.
Harry, Thanks for responding!! The highest estimate I've seen for M87 SMBH mass is 6.5 Billion Solar Masses!! Yes, there is a Virgo centric gravity sink/GP1 Aether Particle Flow to M87's SMBH where matter permeable sac particles and dark matter neutrino permeable sac particles are heating up the fastest creating lowest GP1 Aether Particle Pressure!!
The densest physical objects observed and verified are neutron stars!! And Between 2.17 solar masses of neutronium and 3.0 solar masses of neutronium, we've discovered neither neutron stars nor black holes!!
I conclude that a neutron stars develops an event horizon as its neutronium ball approaches 3.0 solar masses!!
You see Harry): Matter can only reach higher and higher density through compression-decompression work cycles that extract heat/GP1 Aether Particles from the particles with GP1 Aether Particle rest mass!!
Neither matter at Earth Density nor the neutronium ball of a neutron at 100 trillion times Earth Density can collapse "magically under gravity" without work inputs to extract heat that implodes more GP1 Aether Particles in matter surrounding the core than was extracted during the compression cycle from the core!!
Anyway, the main point is that each particle of matter is not a perpetual gravitational force energy machine as given!! Gravity is a direct function of mass and the rate at which the matter particles of the mass heat up!!
Just look at our own Sun that is given to have been heating up from a hydrogen-helium cloud at 10 degrees Kelvin over the past 5 billion years and will continue to heat up for another 5 billion years by 6% per year!!
And when our Sun starts cooling in 5 billion years, the stored dark energy/compressed GP1 Aether Particles net expulse from the matter particles blowing half of our Sun's mass away during its two billion year Red Giant phase leaving a White Dwarf Remnant about 200,000 times Earth in the volume of Earth!!
FYI): a White Dwarf was discovered about the size of the moon and at about 1.35 solar masses!! What that means that doubling the mass of the White Dwarf that our Sun will leave will decrease its volume 100 fold!! A White Dwarf of 1.35 solar masses will have a density of 20,000,000 times Earth Density!!
Do you see Harry?? Our galaxy must be trillions of years old?? Look at it this way): how long do think that it will take for Andromeda with a trillion plus stars and 140 million solar masses in its black hole to reach the size of M87 at 6.5 billion solar mass SMBH and 1 trillion stars!! 100 Billion Years or more??
How long will it take the LMC with no SMBH to reach the size of the Milky Way Galaxy?? 10s of trillions of years!!
Do you understand that big gets bigger faster and small gets bigger slower?? Except when SMBHs approach 100 Buillion Solar Masses and Big Starts Getting Smaller!!
Smile Often!! Talk more soon!! When I will prove that Type 1a/White Dwarf Supernovae result from the conversion of matter particles to antimatter particles as the white dwarf pulsates during its compression-decompression cycles!!
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One at a time
The core mass of M87 is the Gravity sink of the local group of galaxies.
Yes some have estimated the M87 is about 6.5 Billion solar masses.

My estimate is based on the totals stars in the elliptical M87 galaxy being several Trillion and the 260 odd galaxies that it holds onto.
My rough estimate is over 10 billion solar masses.

As for Neutron stars, their size can range, I will come back to this latter.
I'm off to bed, i had a long day.
Jun 11, 2023
So Harry To the Point): Do you agree with the 3 million physicists of the world that say that each and every particle of mass is a perpetual magical gravitational force machine?? With each particle of mass adding directly with its mass to an area's gravitational force in perpetuity): The Given): Gravitational Force Is Directly Proportional To Mass and The Mass's Inertia In Perpetuity??

Or Can you allow for a real physical explanation for gravity/low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure flow from high GP1 Aether Particle pressure powered by matter particles heating up??
Or Rephrase): Is Gravity powered by electromagnetic waves heating matter up?? As evidenced by the given history and future of our own Sun??

Can you see that hurricanes on Earth and spiral galaxies in space have identical pictures because they are both low GP1 Aether Particle Systems with their matter particles net heating up?? Net Absorbing Compressed GP1 Aether Particles?? Lowering GP1 Aether Particle Pressure??
Please, note that when the matter particles of a hurricane get over cooler land or water the hurricane losses strength!! And When Going Over Hotter Water And More Radiant Heating From The Sun, The Hurricane Gains Strength??
And That high air pressure repulsive systems on Earth develop at the poles as matter particles cool?? and Hurricanes develop at the equator??

Smile Often!! It's good for your health!!
Gravity is a gauge field.

Directly related to the number of electrons (Photons).
We know the number of electrons that makes up a Neutron and so on.
When we look at a Neutron Star, we assume the compact object has compaction 10^17.
The inner core has been found to have a denser Compact Matter. Because light cannot easily escape the object would seem very cold. There may be a quark matter core with compaction greater than 10^18.
It can be discussed that quark stars have an inner core being partonic matter with a rough estimate compaction greater than 10^25.
Gravity increases not only with the number of electrons, we need also to consider the process called, Chiral Super-Symmetry that develops the forces, of Dipolar Electro-Magnetic vector fields that serve two functions, sucking matter in and expelling matter out. This also explains the extreme spin of the Neutron Star.
We are at the early stages of trying to understand.

[Submitted on 8 Nov 2023]

The High Energy X-ray Probe (HEX-P): A New Window into Neutron Star Accretion​

R. M. Ludlam, C. Malacaria, E. Sokolova-Lapa, F. Fuerst, P. Pradhan, A. W. Shaw, K. Pottschmidt, S. Pike, G. Vasilopoulos, J. Wilms, J. A. García, K. Madsen, D. Stern, C. Maitra, M. Del Santo, D. J. Walton, M. C. Brumback, J. van den Eijnden
Accreting neutron stars (NSs) represent a unique laboratory for probing the physics of accretion in the presence of strong magnetic fields (B≳108 G). Additionally, the matter inside the NS itself exists in an ultra-dense, cold state that cannot be reproduced in Earth-based laboratories. Hence, observational studies of these objects are a way to probe the most extreme physical regimes. Here we present an overview of the field and discuss the most important outstanding problems related to NS accretion. We show how these open questions regarding accreting NSs in both low-mass and high-mass X-ray binary systems can be addressed with the High-Energy X-ray Probe (HEX-P) via simulated data. In particular, with the broad X-ray passband and improved sensitivity afforded by a low X-ray background, HEX-P will be able to 1) distinguish between competing continuum emission models; 2) provide tighter upper limits on NS radii via reflection modeling techniques that are independent and complementary to other existing methods; 3) constrain magnetic field geometry, plasma parameters, and accretion column emission patterns by characterizing fundamental and harmonic cyclotron lines and exploring their behavior with pulse phase; 4) directly measure the surface magnetic field strength of highly magnetized NSs at the lowest accretion luminosities; as well as 5) detect cyclotron line features in extragalactic sources and probe their dependence on luminosity in the super-Eddington regime in order to distinguish between geometrical evolution and accretion-induced decay of the magnetic field. In these ways HEX-P will provide an essential new tool for exploring the physics of NSs, their magnetic fields, and the physics of extreme accretion.
I will add this paper, food for thought

[Submitted on 8 Nov 2023]

Glitching pulsars as gravitational wave sources​

Brynmor Haskell, David Ian Jones
Spinning neutron stars, when observed as pulsars, are seen to undergo occasional spin-up events known as glitches. Despite several decades of study, the physical mechanisms responsible for glitches are still not well understood, but probably involve an interplay between the star's outer elastic crust, and the superfluid and superconducting core that lies within. Glitches will be accompanied by some level of gravitational wave emission. In this article, we review and critique proposed models that link gravitational wave emission to glitches, exploring both short duration burst-like emission, and longer-lived signals. We illustrate how detections (and in some cases, non-detections) of gravitational signals probe both the glitch mechanism, and, by extension, the behaviour of matter at high densities.
Space is infinite and infinity cannot expand or contract.

The matter within space does the expansion and contraction.

The research into how it works is challenging.

The process of how matter heats up, yes, it is important.

We are at the dawn of time in understanding processes of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Chromo Dynamics, Super-Symmetry etc.
Jun 11, 2023
Gravity is a gauge field.

Directly related to the number of electrons (Photons).
We know the number of electrons that makes up a Neutron and so on.
When we look at a Neutron Star, we assume the compact object has compaction 10^17.
The inner core has been found to have a denser Compact Matter. Because light cannot easily escape the object would seem very cold. There may be a quark matter core with compaction greater than 10^18.
It can be discussed that quark stars have an inner core being partonic matter with a rough estimate compaction greater than 10^25.
Gravity increases not only with the number of electrons, we need also to consider the process called, Chiral Super-Symmetry that develops the forces, of Dipolar Electro-Magnetic vector fields that serve two functions, sucking matter in and expelling matter out. This also explains the extreme spin of the Neutron Star.
We are at the early stages of trying to understand.

[Submitted on 8 Nov 2023]

The High Energy X-ray Probe (HEX-P): A New Window into Neutron Star Accretion​

R. M. Ludlam, C. Malacaria, E. Sokolova-Lapa, F. Fuerst, P. Pradhan, A. W. Shaw, K. Pottschmidt, S. Pike, G. Vasilopoulos, J. Wilms, J. A. García, K. Madsen, D. Stern, C. Maitra, M. Del Santo, D. J. Walton, M. C. Brumback, J. van den Eijnden
Harry, Could a neutron star be made up of embryonic neutrons at 300 Trillion Adoni Kelvin degrees below absolute zero because of neutronium's high density @100 trillion times Earth Density or compaction of 10e17 of What Unknown Physical Stuff To What Mass per Teaspoon???? resulting in low entropy??

and Could when two neutron stars or two black hole neutronium ball "singularities" collide chip the neutronium balls allowing for rapid heating of the neutronium chips resulting in 18x normal neutrons per unit of mass of neutronium producing gold and replacing any matter destroyed through matter-antimatter collisions in our universe perpetuating the universe forever??

or Do you believe that neutrons were magically pulled out of vacuum 14 Billion years, ago, dooming our finite in volume ageless universe to an "Iron Death"??

I acknowledge that the core of a neutron star is denser than the upper layers!! Just as the Earth's inner most core recently discovered is the Earth's densest core But The Neutron Star's Core Of Embryonic Neutrons evaporate by warming up from the CMBR to absolute zero and decaying to hydrogen the building block of stars and Earth!!

Think of embryonic neutrons as living seeds or a virus that evolved in our finite in volume ageless universe from GP1 Aether Particles and was able to replicate itself rapidly inside stars resulting in our massive extremely large universe over infinite time!!

Talk more soon!! Have a wonderful day!!
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When you mention Singularity, what do you know of it?
Please understand that research in this field is just a scratch.

Neutron Star
Neutron matter, all Neutrons.
Protons gain electrons under confinement and change to Neutrons, allowing compaction to 10^17.

What happens under compaction?
One needs to understand QCD.

[Submitted on 7 Nov 2023]

The fate of chiral symmetries in the quark-gluon plasma​

Tamas G. Kovacs (Eotvos U. and Debrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res.)
We propose a new way of understanding how chiral symmetry is realized in the high temperature phase of QCD. Based on the finding that a simple free instanton gas precisely describes the details of the lowest part of the spectrum of the lattice overlap Dirac operator, we propose an instanton-based random matrix model of QCD with dynamical quarks. Simulations of this model reveal that even for small quark mass the Dirac spectral density has a singularity at the origin, caused by a dilute gas of free instantons. Even though the interaction, mediated by light dynamical quarks creates small instanton-antiinstanton molecules, those do not influence the singular part of the spectrum, and this singular part is shown to dominate Banks-Casher type sums in the chiral limit. By generalizing the Banks-Casher formula for the singular spectrum, we show that in the chiral limit the chiral condensate vanishes if there are at least two massless flavors. We also resolve a long-standing debate, by demonstrating that for two massless quark flavors the $U(1)\msub{A}$ symmetry remains broken up to arbitrarily high finite temperatures.
[Submitted on 4 Aug 2023]

Neutron matter: The unitary limit and its far-reaching impact​

Francesca Sammarruca
We explore low-density neutron matter and its behavior in proximity to the unitary limit. To that end, we construct unitary nucleon-nucleon potentials with infinite 1S0 neutron-neutron scattering lengths. We discuss the Berstch parameter in relation to results from ultra-cold atomic gases. Unitarity as a constraint for neutron matter and the symmetry energy has been discussed in the literature. We revisit some of those arguments and emphasize the relevance of keeping a firm link with low-energy nuclear physics for robust predictions of neutron-rich systems. Our predictions are obtained from realistic few-nucleon forces based on chiral effective field theory at N3LO.
Mass does not come and did not come from light. Light can only come from mass. Just like gravity comes from mass. Everything comes from's a one way conversion. All properties come from mass.

And it will be impossible to understand the dynamic of light and gravity without first, understanding the dynamic of mass......where these things come from.

But our science believes it understands light and gravity......without understanding mass. Typical modern science strategy.

And so far our science can not figure out what mass is, by studying dissolving charge fragments.

The only composite particle there is, is the neutron. Which is a proton inside and co-planar to the electron around it. A neutron is an over-dampened dipole. Instead of oscillating like a normal dipole, it wobbles.

And this neutron the cause of decay. Not charge repulsion. An equal number of protons can keep the wobble in long as the number of neutrons does not exceed the number of protons.

But once you let two neutrons together, without a proton between them......the wobble will eventually grow and rip the neutron apart. This breaks the nucleus. And forms daughter products.

The only single thing that has ever been detected is life.

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