You seem to have successfully hand waved at the first part of my comment, re: black holes.
And, your explanation there makes some sense. What about BH with both matter and dark matter? Many not be so mimic in that case. Do they exclude one another? Something like the Pauli exclusion principle for nuclear orbitals.
However, no one has any response to my questions regarding quantitative chemical analyses. Gravimetric v.s. electro-chemical quantitative analyses in the presence of ppb or more of dark matter should not agree. Unless someone proposes some means of the two kinds of matter excluding one another.
There are two types of Black Holes.
Classical with a singularity, where everything gets sucked in and no escape. This type cannot exist.
Mimic Black Hole that has all the properties without a singularity but has in addition.
Chiral Super-Symmetry Dipolar Electromagnetic Vector Fields that attract and expel matter along a vortex.
As for Dark Matter and Dark Emery these are terms used to explain the unexplained.
Dear Chemicalmicroscopist and Harry!! Re): Your Given that Classical Black Holes with a singularity, where everything gets sucked in with no escape cannot exist??
Let's take the mystery out of Black Holes which I will prove are just neutronium balls with more than 3 solar masses of the neutronium of a neutron star with a physical upper limit of 100 billion solar masses!!
With respect to the physical upper limit of the mass of supermassive black holes, it's important to note that the universe is infinitely old and that modern physicists' Singularity Big Bang Creationist Theory alleged to be the maker of everything visible and invisible is absurd and impossible!!
Edwin Hubble for the entirety of his life maintained that): 'If you are thinking that my redshift discovery is doppler redshift than you are reading too much into my redshift discovery!!"
I agree with Hubble that his redshift discovery is an excellent barometer for determining how far away the light source was when its light was emitted but is NOT Representative of any expansion movement of galaxies away from us!! Especially at Superluminal Speeds!!
In fact modern physicists are gaslighting themselves, the populace and you by stating that while the galaxies are physically standing still excepting "peculiar velocity vectors"); the space between the galaxies is expanding without the galaxies moving apart!! Ignoring their self-contradiction that space expansion and physical movement must occur in tandem as in the 2017 discovery of the DiPole RePeller Void that is pushing us towards The Shapley and Great Attractors indicates!!
The given expansion of space while galaxies are given to be physically standing still resulting in superluminal galaxies "actually" moving away from us is so self-contradictory and absurd, I can't believe that 3 million physicists and you guys take it seriously!!
The proton has never been observed to decay!! And is given a half-life of 1.67 X 10e34 which means that there is no way of knowing whether or not the protons in our body where minted 10e50 years ago or longer!! Yes, I say minted in the center of stars at extreme compression decompression pressure!!
How, else, can identical indestructible permeable sacs that decay to proton identical permeable sacs plus electron indestructible permeable sacs be minted from neutrinos and rejuvenated to back to embryonic neutrons from reverse beta decay??
First, we are given that when a neutron star at 100 trillion times Earth Density accumulates more than 2.17 solar masses neutronium it transitions to a black hole with an event horizon!!
I'll leave you, now, with my proof that gravity is a direct function of mass and the rate at which the particles of the mass heat up while net absorbing GP1 Aether Particles reducing the volume of space resulting in low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure!!
Consider, please, that in a broad conservation of energy that as matter heats up, gravitational force is generated and antigravity/dark energy is stored!! The proof for this is our own Sun that formed from a hydrogen-helium molecular cloud at 10 degrees Kelvin 5 billion years ago!!
We are given that our Sun's matter has been heating up for the past 5 billion years and that our Sun has been generating gravity during the past 5 billion years!!
Further, we are given that our Sun's matter will heat up by 6% per year for the next 5 billion years, our Earth will become inhabitable in 1 billion years from our Sun heating up and that our Sun will continue to generate gravity during the next 5 billion years!!
BUTTE, once, our Sun stops fusing hydrogen and starts cooling, the antigravity/dark energy that was stored in our Sun's nucleon, electron and neutrino indestructible permeable sacs will come out in form of compressed GP1 Aether Particles that will decompress and increase in volume pushing half the mass of our Sun away during our Sun's Red Giant Phase leaving behind a White Dwarf remnant about the size of Earth at 200,000 times Earth density!!
The key takeaway, here, is that as gravity is generated and matter heats up, potential antigravity/dark energy is stored that is released as the matter particles cool!!
Smile Often and See What Happens!! Have a great day!!