Big Bang = Blackhole in Reverse?

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As my current understanding works, an event horizon is the point at which time slows to an absolute crawl. With a black hole, the mass inside the event horizon is beyond the threshold of time being 'stopped'. Is it possible that time switches it into reverse?<br /><br />If our perception of time in the universe is in reverse, it would make sense that everything appears to be expanding since in the external universe, our universe would appear to be collapsing.


Just to clarify:<br />1. If you're assuming the Big Bang is a blackhole event.<br />2. If the expansion of the universe is a spectacular optical distortion.<br />3. It may be possible that our universe is collapsing. See this web page:<br /><br /> <br /><br />In a nutshell, he says that time and space coordinates are reversed, along with spectacular optical distortions. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font size="4"><strong></strong></font></p> </div>


Thanks for this webpage. All this stuff is unobservable and therefore outside the realm of science. But I suspect an event horizon is a two way barrier - nothing in and nothing out. Others say that the mass approaching the event horizon adds to the "black hole" and causes the event horizon to expand.


"""If our perception of time in the universe is in reverse, it would make sense that everything appears to be expanding since in the external universe, our universe would appear to be collapsing. """"<br /><br />It is an interesting concept, going beyond black hole issues. Thanks for sharing it.<br /><br /><br />"""""As my current understanding works, an event horizon is the point at which time slows to an absolute crawl""""<br /><br />Time is what is being referenced whan we talk about speed. Anything else can go slower or faster, but the time is an immutable scale. <br /><br />The General Relativity does not allow for changing of the direction of time, at least not at the event-horizon.<br /><br />What it does seem to predict, that a traveller can move faster than light if being dragged by gravity of the black hole.<br /> <br />es<br />


Basically what my idea tries to explain is that the matter that was formed from the big bang was = to the matter inside the event horizon as it formed. When the event horizon formed it effectively sealed off all the matter within and created the new universe.<br /><br />This new universe should have collapsed into a singularity when it formed the black hole but to observers within (us) time is backward, so instead time starts at the point of the singularity and works its way 'backwards'.<br /><br />And yes I admit, this is quite literally impossible to prove.


<i>What it does seem to predict, that a traveller can move faster than light if being dragged by gravity of the black hole.</i><br /><br />It implies nothing of the sort. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


There is something very neat about the idea, but I feel it might be a part of the puzzle, not the whole story.<br /><br />ES


If you ignore anybody, yevaud should be on the list<br />


At black hole all matters converge.AT big bang it is just the reverse,matter is spewed awy as if.Big Bang is good example of white hole.


This could possibly be an explanation of what a white hole is. A blackhole forms and a new universe is created out of its white hole. The matter would then spew out of the white hole in a big bang.


Hmmm... Interesting!<br /><br />So what your basically saying is that the inside event horizon of a blackhole is the white hole. Does this also mean the point of infinite density is also inside of the white hole, but since time is in reverse gravity would be also canceling this out? This would mean we would need to change are perspective of a white hole. Instead of coming from a central point like all other matter a white hole would seem to be everywhere to someone inside a blackhole, but a point of infinite density to one out side of it, but this present a sttrange phenomenom. By time going in two different direction the one world would be shrinking, but no matter would seem to go into the other universe even though its expanding. This forms a parodox, from each perspective this seams possible when viewed from one of either sides independently, but when both situations are viewed at the same time its impossible. By that I mean that in our perception time moves either forward or backwards. the only way to see both of the phenomenoms at ounce is if time stopped. That way from the third perspective the second law of thermodynamics ( ) can't really be tested unless their is some third perspective of time, but that is beyond are understanding. <br /><br /><br />Which basically means this<br />and this<br /><br />but it can be challenged by this<br /><br /><br /><font color="orange"> The good news.....<br /><font color="red"> because space-time is so warped inside this singularity it allow</font></font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div>________________________________________ <br /></div><div><ul><li><font color="#008000"><em>your move...</em></font></li></ul></div> </div>


That's true...As a matter of fact white holes can't exist because if their was two parallel universes they would eventually even each other out. This is the Second Law of Thermodynamics. But what I did offer was a possible explanation for this. I said this could happen because anyting can happen in a singularity. As a matter of fact if there are alternate universes I bet ours is the weirdest.<br /><br /><br />All I was trying to do is make sense of what was said. And I think this very well may be what a white hole is. A paradox but very true. Even though this may not be the reason for the expansionsion of the universe it offers a clear explanation of white holes. By the way I have one question for this theory. From what I can tell time is going forward in this universe yet this theory calls for time to go backwards.How can that be? Or are we moving in reverse and do not know about it?Also these galaxies are millions of light years away. Does anybody know how they proved its expanding?<font color="yellow"></font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div>________________________________________ <br /></div><div><ul><li><font color="#008000"><em>your move...</em></font></li></ul></div> </div>


Serious scientists like Kip Thorne,J.V.Narlikar expound existence of white hole.Big bang does not tell how suddenly so much matter came out of nothing.It cant be mystic.So there has to be a physical model.


I think you guys are starting from the wrong angle. Why should a white hole be different in action to a black hole? If you want pure symmetry, then a black hole would have positive mass and attract positive masses, whilst a white hole would have negative mass and ATTRACT negative masses. Now think what you would get if they were merged - a zero mass black hole. Useful.... Then add in that a positive mass BH also has an equal amount of positive charge, and a white hole has negative charge, and your zero mass black hole is even more interesting. Now consider what would happen if the result ing black holes and white holes chased each other. Strings?? Now consider them as Planck mass in size, have a string of six form a loop, add in a dash of spin for each, and you get only 8 possible combinations - all with zero total mass (positive plus negative) - and charge (due to the spinning) of +/- 1, 2/3, 1/3 and zero. The quarks and leptons!!! Consider the frequency of rotation as the mass of the ring, then you also get time thrown in for no extra cost. Now there's something to consider. If you started with zero mass black holes, split them out in a rip in space, the subsequent enlargement from Planck mass frequency of loop formation to current sizes (about x10 +23 times), it's about what you expect for inflation. Anyway, just a thought.<br />Mike


Adams (etal) postulated a gnab gib at the end of the universe, the precise opposite of a big bang.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>
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