Ok, so the Tie Fighters would be no good. How about all the weapons on the death start and other ships that are always with the Death Star.<br /><br /><b>Weapons</b><br />5,000 turbolaser batteries<br />5,000 heavy turbolaser batteries<br />2,500 laser cannons<br />2,500 ion cannons<br />768 tractor beam generators<br />One Superlaser<br /><br /><b>Other Craft</b><br />4 Capital Ships<br />3,600 Lambda-class assault shuttles<br />2,480 blast boats<br />1,860 drop ships<br />1,400 AT-ATs<br />1,400 AT-STs<br />178 Mobile Command Bases<br />1,420 repulsortanks<br />1,420 repulsorcraft<br />355 Floating Fortresses<br />4,843 Juggernauts <br />