all this debate and talk about capsules VS space planes and CEV their is a couple of things that stand out in my mind.<br /><br />The fact that in the 60's and 70's we used a capsule to go to the moon. Now this is going to have the effect on people that we have been their done that. regardless as to the fact that it is probably the cheapest and safest route to the moon at this time. The John Q Public is going to say.... Why are we spending billons of dollars doing the same thing we already did with basically the same system. These are the same people who elect the people who vote on the funding of these projects. Nasa needs to do something to engross the publics attention and frankly this will not do the trick.<br /><br />The other main concern i have is with them using / developing a launch system based off an ET. wile again this will be the cheapest and fastest solution to the problem. we again run into John Q Publics thinking on this. They see the ET as the cause of the shuttle disaster and also see that 2 billon was spent to redesign the thing only to have it still shedding possible life ending material and that the latest is that they found more cracks on the tank. Now try getting people to spend more money on a new system based off this same technology is not going to sit well with many voters. these people will not take the time to understand that as long as the payload isn't side mounted that shedding will not be a problem. all they will see is that same orange foam that is causing all these problems.<br /><br />I for one am excited to see us planing on going back to the moon as i was only a few days past my first birthday when we did it the first time. But i do not believe that using these methods even though they are the most efficient and safest routes at this time will capture the publics attention and will lead to a major lack of funding and possibly the cancellation of the projects.