Question Condensates

Chiral super symmetry dipolar electromagnetic condensates. To understand the properties one needs to read up on Transients from Axion matter to partons to Quaks to Neutron to normal matter. Condensate property of forming a dipolar electromagnetic field can explain hour glass and various forms of galaxies and so on.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
If you take an hour glass on its side, then in place of a singularity you have a nexus. Have you seen my "Agreed terms . . . singularity" thread under Forum Feedback and Competitions? There is another anti-singularity item.

To get into the nexus you need a black hole and then a big bang out.
I can't wait to know as much as you guys BH energetic reversal will take a few years though

It won't take long! :) :)
Classical Black Hole with a singularity cannot form.
The condensate can form a core, that the vector fields going into the core prevent electromagnetic waves from escaping, mimic a black hole. In this case the dipolar vector fields created by the core form a vortex expelling matter from the core.
The event horizon formed prevents us from seeing the start of the vortex and in some cases thousands of light years away, as though it has popped out of nothing.
Matter cannot be created or destroyed.
So what happens to matter when it collects and collects and becomes denser and denser.
Understanding what happens, gives us the chance to observe objects out there and predict.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
It gets denser and denser and hotter and hotter until fusion reactions begin and it becomes a star. If not that dense/hot, then maybe just a planet or an asteroid, or just larger dust agglomerates.

Cat :)
It has been the logic of many that fusion is the main energy from the Sun and other stars.
If that was the case the long jeopardy of any Star would be should lived.
The core of our star has a condensate possibly a neutron composite. Under extreme density protons will gain an electron and form a Neutron. The neutron soup is able to be condensed.
The dipolar vector fields formed by the core releases Neutrons into the solar envelope, Neutrons away from the core confinement release an electron forming a Proton, once in the solar envelope Fusion starts forming most the the elements as we know them. The Fe atoms are stable, any higher atoms formed eventually break down to Fe and other atoms.
Perpendicular the the dipolar vortices vector fields pull atoms into the core, by photodisintegration breaking down to Neutrons and Protons(change to Neutrons).
The cyclic event is responsible for the long life of our Sun. Explaining close to 7 billion years life.
60 % of the solar energy comes from the Core.
35 % fusion
5% fission
The core Mass is 99 % of the solar system.
The question is.
How do Sun spots form and what are their functions.
My Pet Neutron Star
Nice paper.
Bose-Einstein condensate discussion is the right path.
Neutron Stars
Matter 10*17 condensate
The inner core has been suggested to house a Quark core.
Go the next step and look for Quark Stars
It becomes very interesting.
Sun Spots
The vector fields that go into the sun are so strong that the amount of light that escapes is reduced. Compared to the surrounding they look like dark spots.
The sun spots are driven by convection currents powered by the core.
Their location is partly controlled by the core.
The solar envelope is secondary to the core.
The physical understanding of dense matter can give us a means of explaining formations out there such as hour glass nebulae and jets from condensates that mimic black holes.

Submitted on 11 May 2020]
Electrical neutrality and β-equilibrium conditions in dense quark matter: generation of charged pion condensation by chiral imbalance
T. G. Khunjua, K. G. Klimenko, R. N. Zhokhov
The phase diagram of dense quark matter with chiral imbalance is considered with the conditions of electric neutrality and β-equilibrium. It has been shown recently that chiral imbalance can generate charged pion condensation in dense quark matter, so it was interesting to verify that this phenomenon takes place in realistic physical scenarios such as electrically neutral matter in β-equilibrium, because a window of pion condensation at dense quark matter phase diagram (without chiral imbalance) predicted earlier was closed by the consideration of these conditions at the physical current quark mass. In this paper it has been shown that the charged pion condensation is generated by chiral imbalance in the dense electric neutral quark/baryonic matter in β-equilibrium, i. e. matter in neutron stars. It has been also demonstrated that pion condensation is inevitable phenomenon in dense quark matter with chiral imbalance if there is non-zero chiral imbalance in two forms, chiral and chiral isospin one. It seems that in this case pion condensation phase can be hardly avoided by any physical constraint on isopin imbalance and that this conclusion can be probably generalized from neutron star matter to the matter produced in heavy ion collisions or in neutron star mergers. The chiral limit and the physical piont (physical pion mass) has been considered and it was shown that the appearance of pion condensation is not much affected by the consideration of non-zero current quark mass.
Comments:16 pages, 14 figures
Subjects:High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph); Nuclear Theory (nucl-th)
Cite as:arXiv:2005.05488 [hep-ph]
(or arXiv:2005.05488v1 [hep-ph] for this version)

Blackhole classical cannot exist.
A singularity cannot form.
Properties of transients and understanding Chiral Supersymmetry creating dipolar electromagnetic Vector Fields prevents a singularity forming.
A mimic Black Hole can exist, all the properties of a Black Hole without a singularity.
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The process within a condensate is understood by Chiral SUPERSYMMETRY that creates the dipolar electromagnetic magnetic vector fields that expels matter from the core.
The core also pulls in matter. If the condensate has enough mass probably Quark matter or Partonic matter the vector fields pulling in may prevent ER from escaping thus a mimic Black hole without a singularity.
The vortices formed may come into view light years away from the core, because the The Event Horizon prevents us from seeing the core.
So we have a true cyclic event.
So the core does it all. Expels and contracts matter.
M87 is quite large 8 billion so solar mass
Core of Super Cluster of Galaxies can be much over 100 billion solar masses. Along the vortices we observe millions of stars that are seeded.
“[Submitted on 31 Jul 2021]
Inflation and Supersymmetry Breaking in Higgs-R2 Supergravity
Shuntaro Aoki, Hyun Min Lee, Adriana G. Menkara
We propose a new construction of the supergravity inflation as an UV completion of the Higgs-R2 inflation. In the dual description of R2-supergravity, we show that there appear dual chiral superfields containing the scalaron or sigma field in the Starobinsky inflation, which unitarizes the supersymmetric Higgs inflation with a large non-minimal coupling up to the Planck scale. We find that a successful slow-roll inflation is achievable in the Higgs-sigma field space, but under the condition that higher curvature terms are introduced to cure the tachyonic mass problems for spectator singlet scalar fields. We also discuss supersymmetry breaking and its transmission to the visible sector as a result of the couplings of the dual chiral superfields and the non-minimal gravity coupling of the Higgs fields.”

There many great scientists out there breaking through what the MOB thinks.
Black Holes
Classical Black Hole by definition has a singularity and very very little can escape.
If this is so, if the universe is infinite than Black Holes would hold 100 % of all matter.

A Condensate that mimics Black Hole properties can explain how 95 % of all matter lives in the observable universe, as we see it.
More Exact Results on Chiral Gauge Theories: the Case of the Symmetric Tensor
Csaba Csáki, Hitoshi Murayama, Ofri Telem
We study dynanics of SU(N−4) gauge theories with fermions in rank-2 symmetric tensor and N anti-fundamental representations, by perturbing supersymmetric theories with anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking. We find the SU(N)×U(1) global symmetry is dynamically broken to SO(N) for N≥17, a different result from conjectures in the literature. For N<17, theories flow to infrared fixed points.
Where does fusion take place?
Where does fission take place?
Where does the energy come from in a condensate?
How do the the condensates create a dipolar electromagnetic vector fields, vector fields going into the condensate core creating a Mimic Black Hole, and vector fields going out in the form of dipolar vortices?
Answer the above and you have unlocked the secrets of the universe.
Submitted on 22 Dec 2021]
Quantum vortex instability and black hole superradiance
Sam Patrick, August Geelmuyden, Sebastian Erne, Carlo F. Barenghi, Silke Weinfurtner
Vortices and black holes set the scene for many interesting dynamical processes in physics. Here, we study the dynamical instability of quantised vortices and rotational superradiance around rotating black holes, illustrating in the process that the same physics is at play in these two seemingly disparate phenomena. We also compare the instability of the vortex to the black hole bomb instability, which occurs for massive scalar fields in the Kerr spacetime. Taking inspiration from the analogy between black hole bomb modes and the hydrogen spectrum, the vortex instability is compared with nuclear resonances involved in α-decay.
The ultimate understanding will come from more research, more discussion, more what ever.
Cyclic process in an infinite universe is most important.
If there was no recycling process and that a Black Hole with a singularity preventing matter from escaping than all matter would be locked.
The Big Bang theory relies on the process of matter been released from a Black Hole and in many images show artistic events of stars and galaxies been released.
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
[Submitted on 31 Aug 2020 (v1), last revised 7 Sep 2020 (this version, v2)]
Photon spheres, ISCOs, and OSCOs: Astrophysical observables for regular black holes with asymptotically Minkowski cores
Thomas Berry (Victoria University of Wellington), Alex Simpson (Victoria University of Wellington), Matt Visser (Victoria University of Wellington)
Classical black holes contain a singularity at their core. This has prompted various researchers to propose a multitude of modified spacetimes that mimic the physically observable characteristics of classical black holes as best as possible, but that crucially do not contain singularities at their cores. Due to recent advances in near-horizon astronomy, the ability to observationally distinguish between a classical black hole and a potential black hole mimicker is becoming increasingly feasible. Herein, we calculate some physically observable quantities for a recently proposed regular black hole with an asymptotically Minkowski core -- the radius of the photon sphere and the extremal stable timelike circular orbit (ESCO). The manner in which the photon sphere and ESCO relate to the presence (or absence) of horizons is much more complex than for the Schwarzschild black hole. We find situations in which photon spheres can approach arbitrarily close to (near extremal) horizons, situations in which some photon spheres become stable, and situations in which the locations of both photon spheres and ESCOs become multi-valued, with both ISCOs (innermost stable circular orbits) and OSCOs (outermost stable circular orbits). This provides an extremely rich phenomenology of potential astrophysical interest.
Comments:V1: 24 pages. 6 figures. V2: Two references added; one reference updated; no physics changes
Subjects:General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
Cite as:arXiv:2008.13308 [gr-qc]
(or arXiv:2008.13308v2 [gr-qc] for this version)

The more research is done the closer we get to explaining the functioning of the Condensate that many Call Black Holes as Classical Black Holes with a singularity term that has been very difficult to explain.
Mimic Black Hole has no singularity, but a Trensient Condensate Core that is able to generate a Dipolar Electromagnetic Vector Force Fields that produce dipolar vortices expelling matter at close to the speed of light and perpendicular to it attract all matter and prevent EMR from escaping, thus mimic a Black Hole without a Singularity.