Question Condensates

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Harry, I am afraid that your posts to this thread are only succeeding in telling most readers that there are other people working on other theories than the Big Bang and General Relativity, and that most of those theories involve quantum mechanics in some way. The links that you post include claims of success in mathematically explaining various observations, particularly in situations where BBT and GR "break down" mathematically. But, those papers are not (yet?) mainstream cosmological concepts, and they have their critics among knowledgeable experts.

So, as to what those conceptualized alternative physical principles really are, and how to think about them, it is presented in your links in language that most people are not familiar with. So I doubt that most readers here actually get very far into reading your links on this subject. In that sense, just posting links is just adding noise without message. At least some of the links do say something about addressing specific unresolved issues with BBT and GR, seeming to claim progress in understanding that allow readers to understand the claim, even if not the basis for it.

But, to actually get a conversation going here, it would help if you could provide an explanation, or a link to an explanation, of the basic concepts underpinning the theories in your links.

I personally do understand that theorists are trying to use the quantum coupling effects actually observed in Bose-Einstein condensates of extremely cold and low density gases in a lab to gain understanding of plausible quantum coupling in similar "condensates" of subatomic particles in extremely hot and high density in the cores of stars and even whatever is inside a black hole. And, I understand that from reading an postings and following a link here on See .

But, I do get lost in the specialized quantum mechanics jargon and specialized mathematical notations used in describing the chiral superfields that are so often spoken about to say how those theories work. As I currently understand it, quantum physicists have proposed up to 14 dimensions for space/time, with most of the ones other than the familiar x, y and z being limited to extremely tiny extents relevant only to quantum mechanical concepts. So, those are the "super" as opposed to the "sub" set of dimensions. And the fields for those particles in those dimensions are then the "superfields". In addition, I THINK that I understand that "chiral" super fields are ones that require another superfield to counteract it to maintain symmetry in the physical models.

But, how specific superfields act in specific dimensions on specific particles is not within my current understanding. I am not sure I even know which of your links deals with what number of dimensions in different theories.

So, to get this thread to succeed in meeting the intended purpose of this forum, can we please get some helpful tutoring?
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
I Googled Transients from Axion matter and got the following on page 1:

Probing relativistic axions from transient astrophysical sources › science › article › pii

by J Eby · 2021 · Cited by 3 — We show that axion bursts from collapsing axion stars can be detectable over the wide range of axion masses 10 − 15 eV ≲ m ≲ 10 − 7 eV in laboratory ...

Probing Relativistic Axions from Transient Astrophysical Sources › hep-ph

by J Eby · 2021 · Cited by 3 — Abstract: Emission of relativistic axions from transient sources, such as axion star explosions, can lead to observable signatures.
Missing: matter ‎| Must include: matter

Transient Radio Signatures from Neutron Star Encounters with ... › doi › PhysRevLett.127.131103

by TDP Edwards · 2021 · Cited by 16 — The QCD axion is expected to form dense structures known as axion miniclusters if the Peccei-Quinn symmetry is broken after inflation.

Transient phenomena in the axion assisted Schwinger effect › files › 2204.10842.pdf

by V Domcke · 2022 — In this paper we clarify some subtleties in the computation of transient effects in physical quantities for fermions in a homogeneous axion ...
34 pages
Probing Relativistic Axions from Transient Astrophysical Sources › paper › probing-relativisti...

28 Jun 2021 — Axions constituting dark matter (DM) are often considered to form a non-relativistic oscillating field. We explore bursts of relativistic ...

Axion - Wikipedia › wiki › Axion

An axion is a hypothetical elementary particle postulated by the Peccei–Quinn theory in 1977 to resolve the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics ...

Neutrino and Axion Astronomy with Dark Matter Experiments › article › pdf

by V Takhistov · 2021 — This is well illustrated by exploration of relativistic axions from transient astrophysical sources. (e.g. axion star explosions), ...

Transient Radio Signatures from Neutron Star Encounters with ... › api › files › PhysRevLett...

by TDP Edwards · 2021 · Cited by 16 — and therefore offer a promising pathway to discovering QCD axion dark matter. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.131103. Introduction.

Probing relativistic axions from transient astrophysical sources › api › files › j.physletb.2...

by J Eby · 2022 · Cited by 3 — discuss both the simple case of a transient axion burst signal ... field fluctuations shortly before matter-radiation equality. Quanti-.
Transient Radio Signatures from Neutron Star Encounters with ... › ... › Stars › Neutron Star

16 Dec 2021 — and therefore offer a promising pathway to discovering QCD axion dark matter. ... a compelling candidate for particle dark matter (DM) [5–8].

If you want us to research this area, please suggest which might be good to start with.
I have started with Wikipedia. I have started with this and the top hit:

An axion (/ˈæksiɒn/) is a hypothetical elementary particle postulated by the Peccei–Quinn theory in 1977 to resolve the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). If axions exist and have low mass within a specific range, they are of interest as a possible component of cold dark matter."

Probing relativistic axions from transient astrophysical sources › science › article › pii

by J Eby · 2021 · Cited by 3 — We show that axion bursts from collapsing axion stars can be detectable over the wide range of axion masses 10 − 15 eV ≲ m ≲ 10 − 7 eV in laboratory ...
From the abstrct:
"The detection of axion bursts could provide new insights into the fundamental axion potential, which is challenging to probe otherwise. "

Cat :)
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[Submitted on 23 Oct 2021]
Astroparticle physics with compact objects


To study compact objects one needs to look at the properties of various particles from Neutrinos, Photons, Axion Particles, partonic matter to Quark Matter to Neutron matter.
[Submitted on 9 Jun 2022]
Chiral condensate from a Hadron Resonance Gas model
Deeptak Biswas, Peter Petreczky, Sayantan Sharma
In this work we address the question about how well the chiral crossover transition can be understood in terms of a non-interacting hadron resonance gas model. Using the latest results on the variation of hadron masses as a function of the pion mass from lattice Quantum Chromodynamics, we study the temperature dependence of the renormalized chiral condensate and from this we estimate the chiral crossover temperature in 2+1 flavor QCD with physical quark masses to be Tc=161.2±1.7MeV. This estimate is only 2σ higher than the latest lattice QCD result. For the curvature of the pseudo-critical line we find κ2=0.0203(7) which is in very good agreement with continuum extrapolated lattice results..

Knowing this science allows us to understand the Dipolar properties large scale and may explain how expansion during nucleosynthesis and contraction on the reverse.
What happens to matter when it keeps on collecting and collecting.
Transients of condensates all have a dipolar electromagnetic vectors that expel and pull in matter.
Atomic matter compacts to 10^5
Collects matter
Neutron matter compacts to 10^17
Collects matter
Quark matter composites from 10^18 to over 10^25 estimates.
Collects matter
Partonic Matter over 10^25
Axion Gluon matter over 10^30 estimate.
The size of the dipolar jets from the above Transients from a few seconds to several thousand light years as in the Milky Way or M87 100,000 lyrs to millions of light years found in super cluster cores.
[Submitted on 21 Jun 2022]
The Mass-Radius relation for Quark Stars in Energy-Momentum Squared Gravity
Takol Tangphati, Indrani Karar, Ayan Banerjee, Anirudh Pradhan
“We study the structure of quark stars (QSs) adopting homogeneously confined matter inside the star with a 3-flavor neutral charge and a fixed strange quark mass ms. We explore the internal structure, and the physical properties of specific classes of QSs in the recently proposed energy-momentum squared gravity (EMSG). Also, we obtain the mass-radius (M−R) and mass-central energy density (M−ρc) relations for QS using the QCD motivated EoS. The maximum mass for QSs in EMSG is investigated depending on the presence and absence of the free parameter α. Furthermore, the stability of stars is determined by the condition dMdρc>0. We observe that consideration of the EMSG has specific contributions to the structure”
To understand Transient Condensates is the first step to understand the processes that are ongoing explaining contraction and expansion as a property of dipolar electromagnetic vector fields created by the core of condensates.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Harry, would it not be a good idea to explain what these are all about. You might, for example, put up one, and tell us why it interests you.

I believe that, for most participants here, you are posting a series of, shall we say, advanced posts which, I believe, are of no interest to us, and/or are on subjects we do not understand.

If any disagree with me, please say so. I am a scientist, and I do not find them very understandable and/or interesting. Please correct me, anyone who disagrees.

Harry, you have the opportunity to tell us what interests you, without, please, inundating us with unexplained technical posts. We have been here before.

Cat :) :) :)
I’m trying to direct people to research .
To express my opinion and influence your is not my intention.
I tried to paste an image i made, unable to post.
Transient Condensates.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Harry, to be honest with you, I do not understand your explanation:
To understand Transient Condensates is the first step to understand the processes that are ongoing explaining contraction and expansion as a property of dipolar electromagnetic vector fields created by the core of condensates.
. . . . . . let alone the article itself. I do not relate to it, or find any interest in it, because I do not understand it. Multiply that by the number of posts you make, with or without explanations.

Maybe many here know much more than I do, but I, personally, do not see anything in your posts which induces me to study them in detail. Maybe, if I understood them, I would find them interesting. Maybe if you gave us an interesting introduction, that would help. You are obviously very interested in your subject, and that is good. I may be the exception, but I do not find anything to spark my interest.

Please understand that I am trying to be helpful.

Cat :) :) :)
[Submitted on 12 Jul 2022]
Jets, Disks and Winds from Spinning Black Holes: Nature or Nurture?
Roger Blandford, Noemie Globus
“A brief summary is given of an alternative interpretation of the Event Horizon Telescope observations of the massive black hole in the nucleus of the nearby galaxy M87. It is proposed that the flow is primarily powered by the black hole rotation, not the release of gravitational energy by the infalling gas. Consequently, the observed millimetre emission is produced by an "ergomagnetosphere" that connects the black hole horizon to an "ejection disk" from which most of the gas supplied at a remote "magnetopause" is lost through a magnetocentrifugal wind. It is argued that the boundary conditions at high latitude on the magnetopause play a crucial role in the collimation of the relativistic jets. The application of these ideas to other types of source is briefly discussed.”
In falling matter has been used to explain the formation of jet stream in M87.
The above paper has an alternative theory.
Science has options.
The core has the mass to create the jet and expel highly condensed droplets that have seeded the trillion stars within the elliptical galaxy, Cluster of stars containing millions of stars, can be explained.
The process is in line with BB nucleosynthesis.
Does not mean the BB is correct.
[Submitted on 21 Jun 2022]
Signatures of Extra Dimensions in Black Hole Jets
Alexandra Chanson, Maria J. Rodriguez
‘One of the leading mechanisms powering relativistic black hole jets is the Blandford-Znajek (BZ) process. Inspired by its success we construct energy extracting models for black holes in five space-time dimensions. Here, we find solutions to the force-free electrodynamic equations representing plasma-magnetospheres for slowly rotating Myers-Perry black holes. Both, energy and angular momentum fluxes are computed for these solutions realizing power extraction from black holes in higher dimensions. Comparisons of the main features of the five-dimensional BZ models with lower four-dimensional counterparts are discussed.’
We are at the steps of understanding the mechanism how matter is ejected from the cores of black holes.
There are two types of black holes one with a singularity and one without , which some scientists call a mimic-Black Hole.
Chiral Supersymmetry allows for a dipolar electromagnetic vector fields from the core condensate.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Another thought just struck me . . . . . . . . . in a cyclic phase (metaphysical) model, does phase change (passage through nexus) have to result in isotropic phase? If anisotropic, could this have resulted in more ready formation of early galaxies?

Cat :)
To understand the cyclic universe
Is to understand transients of condensates
Chiral Supersymmetry Dipolar electromagnetic. Vector fields
Atomic matter. 10 ^ 5
Neutron. 10^ 17
Quark matter composites from 10^18 to 10^25 or more
Partonic matter 10^ 26 and above
Axion matter 10^30 to 10^35

Matter is drawn into the core perpendicular to the dipolar vortices
Matter is ejected from the core along the dipolar vortices

This cyclic process explains the long jeopardy of our Sun
It explains the formation of Spiral, Bar and Elliptical and other variants
The ultralight particles hold the keys on how the universe functions.
To research these particles.
From Neutron matter ( compaction 10^17), to Quark composites, to composites of Partonic matter to the ultimate Axion Gluon matter (compaction over 10^30) but! If we apply the ultimate singularity compaction is far more.

Condensates and their Transients are the researches dreams

[Submitted on 13 Oct 2022]
Astrophysical searches of ultralight particles
Tanmay Kumar Poddar
The Standard Model of particle physics is a SU(3)c×SU(2)L×U(1)Y gauge theory that can explain the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions between the particles. The gravitational interaction is described by Einstein's General Relativity theory which is a classical theory of gravity. These theories can explain all the four fundamental forces of nature with great level of accuracy. However, there are several theoretical and experimental motivations of studying physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics and Einstein's General Relativity theory. Probing these new physics scenarios with ultralight particles has its own importance as they can be a promising candidates for dark matter that can evade the constraints from dark matter direct detection experiments and solve the small scale structure problems of the universe. In this paper, we have considered axions and gauge bosons as light particles and their possible searches through astrophysical observations. In particular, we obtain constraints on ultralight axions from orbital period loss of compact binary systems, gravitational light bending, and Shapiro time delay. We also derive constraints on ultralight gauge bosons from indirect evidence of gravitational waves, and perihelion precession of planets. Such type of observations can also constrain several particle physics models and are discussed.
Searching for properties on Neutron and Quark stars, are the steppingstones in understanding how the parts within the universe function.

[Submitted on 10 Feb 2023]
Universal Relations For Generic Family Of Neutron Star Equations Of State
KamalKrishna Nath, Ritam Mallick, Sagnik Chatterjee
Universal relations are important in testing many theories of physics. In the case of general relativity, we have the celebrated no-hair theorem for black holes. Unfortunately, the other compact stars, like neutron stars and white dwarfs, do not have such universal relation. However, neutron stars (and quark stars) have recently been found to follow certain universality, the I-Love-Q relations. These relations can provide a greater understanding of the structural and macro properties of compact astrophysical objects with knowledge of any one of the observables. The reason behind this is the lack of sensitivity to the relations with the equation of state of matter. In our present work, we have investigated the consistency of universal relations for a generic family of equations of state, which follows all the recent astrophysical constraints. Although the spread in the EoS is significant the universal nature of the trio holds relatively well up to a certain tolerance limit. The deviation from universality is seen to cross the tolerance limit with EoS, which is characteristically different from the original set.

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