<br /><br />You can find here a great astronomy program that's free and comprehensive, and can be installed to your computer to save you from connecting to the internet to find something out (as I used to).<br /><br />It tells you everything you need to know really - detailed sky charts from your location (from any point in time - very useful), moon phases and dates, meteor shower approximate dates, distance of sun and moon to extreme precision, exact planetary positions, a satellite database, how the Earth would appear at any time from the sun and moon - everything! <br /><br />The 'animate' feature is especially useful as you can go through time and check things out. For example, if you want to know the moon phase for the 2009 Geminid meteor shower you can find out (approximately 5% by the way - I just checked!), or discover what you saw in the sky 3 months ago.<br /><br />It's called Home Planet and it's a hugely recommended program for beginner and more advanced astronomers. I use it every day.<br /><br />