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The journey continues, it is not set in concrete and, therefore we can be on the journey to research to our hearts content.

[Submitted on 25 Feb 2022]
Alternative ideas in cosmology
Martin Lopez-Corredoira, Louis Marmet
Some remarkable examples of alternative cosmological theories are reviewed here, ranging from a compilation of variations on the Standard Model through the more distant quasi-steady-state cosmology, plasma cosmology, or universe models as a hypersphere, to the most exotic cases including static models.
The present-day standard model of cosmology, Lambda-CDM, gives us a representation of a cosmos whose dynamics is dominated by gravity with a finite lifetime, large scale homogeneity, expansion and a hot initial state, together with other dark elements necessary to avoid certain inconsistencies with observations. There are however some models with characteristics that are close to those of the standard model but differing in some minor aspects: different considerations on CP violation, inflation, number of neutrino species, quark-hadron phase transition, baryonic or non-baryonic dark-matter, dark energy, nucleosynthesis scenarios, large-scale structure formation scenarios; or major variations like a inhomogeneous universe, Cold Big Bang, varying physical constants or gravity law, zero-active mass (also called `R_h=ct'), Milne, and cyclical models.
At the most extreme distance from the standard model, the static models, a non-cosmological redshift includes `tired-light' hypotheses, which assume that the photon loses energy owing to an intrinsic property or an interaction with matter or light as it travels some distance, or other non-standard ideas.
Our impression is that none of the alternative models has acquired the same level of development as Lambda-CDM in offering explanations of available cosmological observations. One should not, however, judge any theory in terms of the number of observations that it can successfully explain (ad hoc in many cases) given the much lower level of development of the alternative ones.
Sorry for posting papers, my explanation, is to expose the possibilities and maybe get ideas of how things work out there and beyond. Give credit to the scientists who continue to search and print these papers.

[Submitted on 28 Mar 2022]
Operator fusion from wavefunction overlaps: Universal finite-size corrections and application to Haagerup model
Yuhan Liu, Yijian Zou, Shinsei Ryu
Given a critical quantum spin chain described by a conformal field theory (CFT) at long distances, it is crucial to understand the universal conformal data. One most important ingredient is the operator product expansion (OPE) coefficients, which describe how operators fuse into each other. It has been proposed in [Zou, Vidal, Phys. Rev. B 105, 125125] that the OPE coefficients can be computed from overlaps of low-energy wavefunctions of the spin chain. In this work, we establish that all conformal data including central charge, conformal dimensions, and OPE coefficients are encoded in the wavefunction overlaps, with universal finite-size corrections that depend on the operator content of the cyclic orbifold CFT. Thus this method allows us to numerically compute all the conformal data based solely on the low-energy eigenstates. The predictions are verified in the Ising and XXZ model. As an application, we study the recently proposed Haagerup model built from the Haagerup fusion category. We find that the CFT has central charge and the lowest spin- operator in the twisted sector has scaling dimension .
Food for thought, this may put you on a different path, it's part of the journey.

[Submitted on 8 Apr 2023 (v1), last revised 13 Apr 2023 (this version, v4)]
Is emergent scenario in the early Universe a consequence of the dynamics of real scalar field particle ?
Subhayan Maity, Sujayita Bakra
Emergent scenario of cosmic evolution is a topic of great interest in recent cosmology, especially because it describes a non-singular origin of the Universe unlike the Big-Bang models. This types of cosmic evolution pattern have already been established through the non-equilibrium thermodynamic prescription. But those models are phenomenological and requires physical interpretation from the perspective of quantum field theory. This work is an effort to search a quantum field theoretical reason to justify the emergent nature of the Universe and the nature of cosmic evolution at the early phase of the cosmic expansion. Keywords : Non-singular evolution of the Universe, Quantum field theory, Cosmology.
Apr 16, 2023
Why not a Newtonian model of cyclic universe?
Just modify Newtonian Mechanics by adding the assumption, "motion at speed 'c' is a fundamental property of matter and forces of nature are reaction to that motion". So, both energy and force are finite, and G will depend on the square of the speed.
The individual units of the universe (gravitationally bound superclusters of galaxies) will have high internal energies and speeds. A static equilibrium between speed and internal energy is impossible and so the units oscillate between states of high internal energy and high speed. The change from internal energy to speed causes the expansion of the universe. As the speed increases, G increases. A higher G means more force is required for a given distance, and as available gravity is finite, the units have to move away. Once speeds reach the maximum, the reverse process starts and the universe contracts.
Here the pulsation of the universe is due to actual motion of bodies. The paths of the superclusters are closed helices, moving away from a common center and returning back. the expansion starts with a high internal energy and so is accelerating till halfway of expansion. The model does not require any dark energy. The galaxies have higher speeds compared to Earth and so their G is high and so require less amount of matter to hold the galaxy together. So, the available baryonic matter is enough, and there is no need of dark matter.


Aug 14, 2020
Why not a Newtonian model of cyclic universe?
Just modify Newtonian Mechanics by adding the assumption, "motion at speed 'c' is a fundamental property of matter and forces of nature are reaction to that motion". So, both energy and force are finite, and G will depend on the square of the speed.
The individual units of the universe (gravitationally bound superclusters of galaxies) will have high internal energies and speeds. A static equilibrium between speed and internal energy is impossible and so the units oscillate between states of high internal energy and high speed. The change from internal energy to speed causes the expansion of the universe. As the speed increases, G increases. A higher G means more force is required for a given distance, and as available gravity is finite, the units have to move away. Once speeds reach the maximum, the reverse process starts and the universe contracts.
Here the pulsation of the universe is due to actual motion of bodies. The paths of the superclusters are closed helices, moving away from a common center and returning back. the expansion starts with a high internal energy and so is accelerating till halfway of expansion. The model does not require any dark energy. The galaxies have higher speeds compared to Earth and so their G is high and so require less amount of matter to hold the galaxy together. So, the available baryonic matter is enough, and there is no need of dark matter.
Gravity does not increase your mass with your local-relative (warp) speed. That is erroneous. That force increases with increases in acceleration or deceleration (still acceleration). At a constant of 1g acceleration through the universe you could travel just about forever increasing speed to essentially infinity (slipping the universe) without ever reaching the speed of light . . . without ever coming closer to it than (+/-) 300,000kps.

The real problem becomes your warp-bubble universe around you that will very slowly very gradually crowd in upon you as you shrink, and shrink some more, and yet shrink some more, the distances of the universe before you, eventually turning the universe to the fore of your ship to a fast-moving debris field, a vortex of black hole horizon rather than a slower moving universe. You will be traveling into and, just maybe out of (shot out of), a black hole vortex funnel into a universe where you've hardly begun accelerating at all . . . if you survived at all. Regardless, if you could have kept measuring the speed of light local-relative to you and your ship, it would not have measured anything but 'c'. In maintaining an acceleration of 1g, you would get no closer to the speed of light than the distance you maintain now on the surface of the Earth.

Traveling the universes, star to star, galaxy to galaxy even, is one thing, but simply continuing to accelerate, even at a constant acceleration of 1g, just to continue to accelerate continuing to shrink and shrink the universe around you, before you, is to be not quite sane. If your ship were protected enough to survive what you eventually find around you that you've made and entered into, you'd just be funneled through and thrown out who knows where in what universe.
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Apr 16, 2023
Gravity does not increase your mass with your local-relative (warp) speed. That is erroneous. That force increases with increases in acceleration or deceleration (still acceleration). At a constant of 1g acceleration through the universe you could travel just about forever increasing speed to essentially infinity (slipping the universe) without ever reaching the speed of light . . . without ever coming closer to it than (+/-) 300,000kps.

The real problem becomes your warp-bubble universe around you that will very slowly very gradually crowd in upon you as you shrink, and shrink some more, and yet shrink some more, the distances of the universe before you, eventually turning the universe to the fore of your ship to a fast-moving debris field, a vortex of black hole horizon rather than a slower moving universe. You will be traveling into and, just maybe out of (shot out of), a black hole vortex funnel into a universe where you've hardly begun accelerating at all . . . if you survived at all. Regardless, if you could have kept measuring the speed of light local-relative to you and your ship, it would not have measured anything but 'c'. In maintaining an acceleration of 1g, you would get no closer to the speed of light than the distance you maintain now on the surface of the Earth.

Traveling the universes, star to star, galaxy to galaxy even, is one thing, but simply continuing to accelerate, even at a constant acceleration of 1g, just to continue to accelerate continuing to shrink and shrink the universe around you, before you, is to be not quite sane. If your ship were protected enough to survive what you eventually find around you that you've made and entered into, you'd just be funneled through and thrown out who knows where in what universe.
What I said is about Newtonian mechanics. Forget GR and QM. These theories give some results, but does not give a complete theory, as at present. So, these cannot be regarded as ultimate truths.
Evaluate my proposal on the basis of Newtonian mechanics only. G increasing with speed arises from my proposal. Gravitational force depends on the product of G and M. So, for a higher G, the mass required to create the same force is less.
Apr 16, 2023
Its more complicated than Newtonian Model.
Quantum Mechanics
To understand quantum matter from Neutron matter Transient to Axion Gluon Matter.
As at present, it is made to appear more complicated. Does it need to be that much complicated?
Forget QM and GR; the remaining Newtonian mechanics is enough to explain everything, provided we modify it suitably without destroying its classical nature. My proposal is simple and does not require complex equations.
As at present, everybody tries to modify QM and GR. Why not Newtonian Mechanics?


Aug 14, 2020
What I said is about Newtonian mechanics. Forget GR and QM. These theories give some results, but does not give a complete theory, as at present. So, these cannot be regarded as ultimate truths.
Evaluate my proposal on the basis of Newtonian mechanics only. G increasing with speed arises from my proposal. Gravitational force depends on the product of G and M. So, for a higher G, the mass required to create the same force is less.
Look for me to contradict -- go contrary to -- what I stated in #81, in looking to Relativity, with an alternative substratum micro-verse, hyper-stratum macro-verse, picture I draw from Quantum Mechanics. I've already been there, done that, in more than one thread and post over time but I will put it together yet again in 'The Shape of String Singularity... (TOE)' when I get around to it.
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I'm sorry I think you two lost me in mid-stream.

Please explain further.
Just Newtonian Mechanics cannot explain.

When you have 95 % of all matter in the universe is in the form compact plasma, such as Neutron, Quark, Partonic and so on to Axion Gluon matter.
The properties of these need to be understood.
Compact objects
Atomic matter 10^5
Neutron Matter 10^17
Quark matter (that make up Protons and Neutron) 10^18 to 0ver 10^25 composites.
Partonic matter (that make up quark matter). 10^26 to over 10^30
Axion Gluon Matter (that make up partonic matter) 10^35

The above are estimates.
There are non that go to infinity, that allows a singularity forming.

The property of compacted matter, is a dipolar electromagnetic vector field.
Why is this so important?
This allows recycling to occur.

[Submitted on 14 Mar 2023]
The Role of Outflow Feedback on Accretion of Compact Objects in Accretion Disk of Active Galactic Nuclei
Ken Chen, Jia Ren, Zi-Gao Dai
Compact objects (COs) can exist and evolve in an active galactic nuclei (AGN) disk, triggering a series of attractive CO-related multi-messenger events around a supermassive black hole. To better understand the nature of an embedded CO and its surroundings and to investigate CO-related events more accurately, in this paper, we study the specific accretion process of a CO in an AGN disk and explore the role of outflow feedback. We show that the asymptotically isotropic outflow generated from the CO hyper-Eddington accretion would truncate the circum-CO disk and push out its surrounding gas, resulting in recurrent formation and refilling of an outflow cavity to intermittently stop the accretion. Applying this universal cyclic process to black holes (BHs) and neutron stars (NSs), we find that, even if it is above the Eddington rate, the mass rate accreted onto a BH is dramatically reduced compared with the initial gas captured rate and thus consumes few mass of the AGN disk; outflow feedback on a NS is generally similar, but possesses complexities on the existence of a stellar magnetic field and hard surface. We demonstrate that although outflow feedback itself may be unobservable, it remarkably alters the CO evolution via reducing its mass growth rate, and the AGN disk can survive from the otherwise drastic CO accretion overlooking outflow. In addition, we discuss the potential influence of underdense cavity on CO-related events, which embodies the significant role of outflow feedback as well.
The following two papers are interesting, read for yourself.
My opinion should not influence your opinion.
Full credit for the papers goes to the scientists writing and researching.

[Submitted on 3 May 2023]

Dissipative Genesis of the Inflationary Universe​

Hiroki Matsui, Alexandros Papageorgiou, Fuminobu Takahashi, Takahiro Terada
We study an inflation model with a flat scalar potential supported by observations and find that slow-roll inflation can emerge after a quasi-cyclic phase of the Universe, where it undergoes repeated expansions and contractions for a finite time period. The initial conditions and the positive spatial curvature required for such nontrivial dynamics align with the quantum creation of the Universe. The key ingredients that trigger inflation are dissipative interactions of the inflaton, which are necessary to reheat the Universe after inflation and thus give us an observational handle on pre-inflationary physics. Our discovery implies that inflation occurs more robustly after the creation.


[Submitted on 3 May 2023]

Dissipative Emergence of Inflation from Quasi-Cyclic Universe​

Hiroki Matsui, Alexandros Papageorgiou, Fuminobu Takahashi, Takahiro Terada
Inflationary models, especially those with plateau-type potentials, are consistent with the cosmological data, but inflation itself does not resolve the initial singularity. This singularity is resolved, for example, by the idea of the quantum creation of the Universe from nothing such as the tunneling and no-boundary proposals. The simplest one predicts a closed Universe. Motivated by these facts, we investigate the classical dynamics of a closed Universe with a plateau-type potential. Depending on the initial inflaton field value, the Universe can undergo a variety of events: an immediate Big Crunch, a bounce or cyclic phase, and inflation. Although the non-inflationary solutions may appear irrelevant to our Universe, they can be turned into a single or multiple bounces followed by inflation, taking into account the interactions necessary for the reheating of the Universe after inflation. Thus, the dissipative mechanism in our setup explains both the graceful entry to and exit from inflation and gives us an indirect observational handle on the Universe just after creation. We also comment on the implications of these solutions on the probabilistic interpretations of the wave function of the Universe.
Sometimes we get caught up with the standard model.
Because of the number of people going with it.
People flow easy with it, accept the ideas and theories without question.

I fully encourage you to venture out of the square and keep on researching.


Aug 14, 2020
:) Key question? Dissipates heat to where and what? :) To expansion's -- and, thus, to contraction's -- "Nowhere Land" and "Nothing-ness"? Thus, to expansion's -- and thus, to contraction's -- "Everywhere Land" and "Everything-ness"? :)

Deflating (contracting) to infinity (infinitesimal (infinite)). Thus, inflating (expanding) to infinity (infinite (infinitesimal). Thus, ultimately, going "nowhere" into nothingness" . . . and "everywhere" into "everything-ness."

Think about the 'Casimer Effect' . . . and its mirror reverse physic. Also, Nature abhors a vacuum, a void, and fills it . . . though it still may be locally (relatively) "observed" to still be the vacuum, the void. We're not immortals, anywhere locally (anywhere relatively speaking) that is.
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Hello Atlan
What vacuum are you talking about?
Casimir Effect does not apply.

The outflow from compact objects (Condensate) does not create a vacuum.
The out flow is part of the cyclic process, we see it from stars, Neutron stars, MilkyWay, M87 etc.


Aug 14, 2020
Hello Atlan
What vacuum are you talking about?
Casimir Effect does not apply.

The outflow from compact objects (Condensate) does not create a vacuum.
The out flow is part of the cyclic process, we see it from stars, Neutron stars, MilkyWay, M87 etc.
Harry, you seem not to have a clue of what and why of a Lagrange point and points. Thus, no possible picture of my having scaled the entity up and down toward the infinities of gravitational bodies locking into outland horizon versus every in-land constituent gravitational element of the set producing something on the order of the Casimer effect in reverse, thus the Casimer effect within the Casimer effect in reverse. Horizons, Harry, strong horizons operating with and against one another.

I've gone over it again, and again, and again, in so many differing spokes of picturing it and explanations of it from rims to hubs. You say you are aware of the real existence of infinity. But it seems you haven't arrived at it at all as the absolute of '0' (null unity) and/or '(+/-)1' (unity) . . . and parity, it is (fbb2 0|1 (unity) . . . and parity). Infinities cancel, yes, but they don't cease to exist when the results of cancellations are approximated to local relative finite potentials! When the results are relatively localized to exist as some holographic-quality finite warp-space-bubble or volume mass-energy over a universes' wide quantum entanglement of time ('c', yes! 'c', the absolute of momentum ('c')! thus, no such thing as the existence of position to its speed of passage ([past (future) | future (past)])), our 'Many Worlds' picture is!

Example! Our brains are tied to the finite! Our minds, though, -- well some if not all -- are tied to the infinite!
Hello Atlan
With due respect my CLUE is based on 50 years of research 0ver 10,000 scientific papers that include the BIG BANG Theory.

To fully understand the Cyclic Universe, one needs to understand the following:
Chiral-Super-Symmetry-Dipolar- Electromagnetic- Vector fields.
Compact Objects
Transients of Condensates from atomic matter compaction 10^5 to various transients to Axion Gluon Matter 10^35, buts does not form a singularity to infinity.

If you do not understand these topics than how on earth can you even comment on the cyclic universe.

Event Horizon is formed by a critical mass of a condensate that creates vector fields pulling in ALL, into the compact object including EMR. The position of the EH is directly related to the mass and type of the CO.

The Condensate property, dipolar magnetic fields create the vortex that pushes matter away from the CO and punches through the EH.
The Casmir Effect does not apply, no vacuum is formed.

Deep field images have shown to have trillions of galaxies beyond 13.2 billion light years.
There is one Galaxy observed 100 times the size of the Milkyway.

We are now rethinking the ongoings of the parts within the universe.

There are many issues that need to be resolved.


Aug 14, 2020
Hello Atlan
With due respect my CLUE is based on 50 years of research 0ver 10,000 scientific papers that include the BIG BANG Theory.

To fully understand the Cyclic Universe, one needs to understand the following:
Chiral-Super-Symmetry-Dipolar- Electromagnetic- Vector fields.
Compact Objects
Transients of Condensates from atomic matter compaction 10^5 to various transients to Axion Gluon Matter 10^35, buts does not form a singularity to infinity.

If you do not understand these topics than how on earth can you even comment on the cyclic universe.

Event Horizon is formed by a critical mass of a condensate that creates vector fields pulling in ALL, into the compact object including EMR. The position of the EH is directly related to the mass and type of the CO.

The Condensate property, dipolar magnetic fields create the vortex that pushes matter away from the CO and punches through the EH.
The Casmir Effect does not apply, no vacuum is formed.

Deep field images have shown to have trillions of galaxies beyond 13.2 billion light years.
There is one Galaxy observed 100 times the size of the Milkyway.

We are now rethinking the ongoings of the parts within the universe.

There are many issues that need to be resolved.
Cyclic universe, cycles of universe, is easy to understand. The symmetry that derives of infinite parallelism forever. First understand "infinite" and "forever"! You should get your head and feet, and other parts, out of the thickness of the condensates. Singularity, particularly the micro and macro cosmic-horizon singularity of the "quantum cloud," has you beat to infinity, so to speak in 'pun'. I'd be willing to bet, if I was a betting man, that you still can't see the parallelism, the singularity, and the cloud (fbb2 '0' (null unity) | '1' (unity) . . . and parity).
Express your opinion to your hearts content. Please do not get me wrong, I do respect your opinion and maybe you are right.

A classical Black Hole with a singularity cannot exist.

Symmetry that derives of infinite parallelism. What are you talking about?

I can only respectfully advise you to do more research.

Although the following paper does mention Casimir and Van Der Waal forces.

[Submitted on 5 Jan 2023]

Local Fluctuations in Cavity Control of Ferroelectricity​

Jonathan B. Curtis, Marios H. Michael, Eugene Demler
Control of quantum matter through resonant electromagnetic cavities is a promising route towards establishing control over material phases and functionalities. Quantum paraelectric insulators -- materials which are nearly ferroelectric -- are particularly promising candidate systems for this purpose since they have strongly fluctuating collective modes which directly couple to the electric field. In this work we explore this possibility in a system comprised of a quantum paraelectric sandwiched between two high-quality metal mirrors, realizing a Fabry-Perot type cavity. By developing a full multimode, continuum description we are able to study the effect of the cavity in a spatially resolved way for a variety of system sizes and temperatures. Surprisingly, we find that once a continuum of transverse modes are included the cavity ends up suppressing ferroelectric correlations. This effect arises from the screening out of transverse photons at the cavity boundaries and as a result is confined to the surface of the paraelectric sample. We also explore the temperature dependence of this effect and find it vanishes at high temperatures, indicating it is a purely quantum mechanical effect. We connect our result to calculations of Casimir and Van der Waals forces, which we argue are closely related to the dipolar fluctuations in the quantum paraelectric. Our results are based on a general formalism and are expected to be widely applicable, paving the way towards studies of the quantum electrodynamics of heterostructures featuring multiple materials and phases.
The idea of understanding quantum mechanics may lead us to understanding how the parts within the universe recycle in a never-ending story.
I tried to post and image that I made up, but! could not upload it.

[Submitted on 7 Sep 2022 (v1), last revised 9 Oct 2022 (this version, v2)]

Intrinsic chiral field as vector potential of the magnetic current in the zig-zag lattice of magnetic dipoles​

Paula Mellado, Kevin Hofhuis, Ignacio Tapia, Andres Concha
Chiral magnetic insulators manifest novel phases of matter where the sense of rotation of the magnetization is associated with exotic transport phenomena. Effective control of such phases and their dynamical evolution points to the search and study of chiral fields like the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Here we combine experiments, numerics, and theory to study a zig-zag dipolar lattice as a model of an interface between magnetic in-plane layers with perpendicular magnetization. The zig-zag lattice comprises two parallel sublattices of dipoles with perpendicular easy plane of rotation. The dipolar energy of the system is exactly separable into a sum of symmetric and antisymmetric long-range exchange interactions between dipoles, where the antisymmetric coupling generates a nonlocal Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya field which stabilizes winding textures with the form of chiral solitons. The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction acts as a vector potential or gauge field of the magnetic current and gives rise to emergent magnetic and electric fields that allow the manifestation of the magnetoelectric effect in the system.
What is a Compact Object?
How can it recycle?

Please the following are estimates:
The space in Atoms is almost empty.
Compare the Atom with the Solar System, the Sun and pluto.
How many Plutos can you fit in the Solar System?

Compact Object
Imagine if you could compact normal matter:
CO is 10^5 that is 100000 times its size.
100,000 km compact to 1 km This estimate is estimated by many scientists.

Neutron Stars
When normal matter breaks down to Neutrons and Protons.
Protons under compaction would gain an electron and change to Neutron.
Neutrons would compact down to 10^17. Estimate founded in Neutron stars
100,000,000,000,000,000 km compact to 1 km

The following estimates can be argued as to the compaction.
Quark Stars
When Protons and Neutrons break down to quarks.
Compaction range from 10^18 to 10^25 composites
lets take 10^22
1,0000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Kms compact to 1 km

Partonic Stars
When quarks break down to Partonic (parts of groups of electrons) matter can be compacted from 10^26 to 10^30, let's say 10^27
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Kms to 1 Km

When Partonic matter breaks down to electrons with different spins, two will form
Axion Gluon matter
Compaction estimate 10^33
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Kms to 1Km

Every Compact object has a property called:
Dipolar-Electromagnetic-vector fields
Its motion can be understood.
Chiral Super-Symmetry
The Dipolar fields size is related to the compaction and mass size.

Perpendicular to the dipolar fields the CO attracts all matter.
Continuous to compact and at the same time eject matter.

We can observe such images:
Magnetar (Neutron matter) dipolar jets
M87 (8 billion solar mass) dipolar vector fields in the form of jets (voices) 100,000 Lyrs
Milkyway Black hole 8 million solar mass (CO) vortices, 7000 Lyrs
Hour Glass supernova

Compact objects can't compact to infinity due to the formation of dipolar fields ejecting matter.

The recycle process is pulling in matter and ejecting matter.
May 16, 2023
We've reached the space cycle. It can be seen that our history was also moving with the movement of stars in the distance. What is invisible from Earth can be seen through space.
Many scientists believe that the Big Bang Theory is strong enough to make assumptions.
In so doing they assume a start to the universe parts.
When they look into Deep Field and see galaxies 13.4 billion Lt yrs away they assume they are the early Universe.
Regardless of Trillions of galaxies found.
Regardless of of Galaxies been ten times larger that the Milky Way.

Think of the logic.
I do not agree with this paper.
The effort to explain recycling matter is justified.

The continuous research into cyclic matter is very important.
To explaining Big Bang Nucleosynthesis.

How matter coming out of a Singularity, or a compact object forming the matter and images we know today.

[Submitted on 13 Apr 2023]

Quantum gravitational non-singular tunneling wavefunction proposal​

Meysam Motaharfar, Parampreet Singh
It was recently shown that tunneling wavefunction proposal is consistent with loop quantum geometry corrections including both holonomy and inverse scale factor corrections in the gravitational part of a spatially closed isotropic model with a positive cosmological constant. However, in presence of an inflationary potential the initial singularity is kinetic dominated and the effective minisuperspace potential again diverges at zero scale factor. Since the wavefunction in loop quantum cosmology cannot increase towards the zero scale factor, the tunneling wavefunction seems incompatible. We show that consistently including inverse scale factor modifications in scalar field Hamiltonian changes the effective potential into a barrier potential allowing the tunneling proposal. We also discuss a potential quantum instability of the cyclic universe resulting from tunneling.