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Jun 11, 2023
Hello Adoni

I do read your links

Sorry my work takes a lot of my time.
Thanks!! I'm glad you have a job!! I've been out of work since the end of February 2020. Unemployment benefits helped out alot in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid extensions and addons but after that, in 2022, I got frustrated looking for work and, just, took to the retired life!!

Talk more, soon!! Have a great day!!
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I do not agree with the following paper. But! is worth reading.

[Submitted on 11 Dec 2023]

Collapsing universe before time​

Gary Shiu, Flavio Tonioni, Hung V. Tran
In this note, we prove analytic bounds on the equation of state of a cosmological fluid composed of an arbitrary number of canonical scalars evolving in a negative multi-exponential potential. Because of the negative energy, the universe is contracting and eventually undergoes a big crunch. A contracting universe is a fundamental feature of models of ekpyrosis and cyclic universes, which are a proposed alternative to cosmic inflation to solve the flatness and horizon problems. Our analytic bounds set quantitative constraints on general effective theories of ekpyrosis. When applied to specific top-down constructions, our bounds can be used to determine whether ekpyrosis could in principle be realized. We point out some possible sources of tension in realizing the ekpyrotic universe in controlled constructions of string theory.
Recycling matter in the universe is not a new thing.

[Submitted on 25 Sep 2007]

Recycling Matter in the Universe. X-ray observations of SBS 1150+599A (PN G135.9+55.9)​

Gagik Tovmassian, John Tomsick, Ralf Napiwotzki, Lev Yungelson, Miriam Peña, Grazyna Stasińska, Michael Richer
We present X-ray observations of the close binary nucleus of the planetary nebula SBS 1150+599A obtained with the XMM-Newton satellite. Only one component of the binary can be observed in optical-UV. New X-ray observations show that the previously invisible component is a very hot compact star. This finding allows us to deduce rough values for the basic parameters of the binary. With a high probability the total mass of the system exceeds Chandrasekhar limit and makes the SBS 1150+599A one of the best candidate for a supernova type Ia progenitor.
Scientists keep moving forward.
We need to know how matter recycles.

[Submitted on 1 Mar 2024]

Gravitational waves in a cyclic Universe: resilience through cycles and vacuum state​

Mariaveronica De Angelis, Adam Smith, William Giarè, Carsten van de Bruck
We present a generalised calculation for the spectrum of primordial tensor perturbations in a cyclic Universe, making no assumptions about the vacuum state of the theory and accounting for the contribution of tensor modes produced in the dark energy phase of the previous cycle. We show that these modes have minimal impact on the spectrum observed in the current cycle, except for corrections on scales as large as the comoving Hubble radius today. These corrections are due to sub-horizon modes produced towards the end of the dark energy phase, persisting into the ekpyrotic phase of the next cycle as additional quanta. In relation to the vacuum state, we argue that non-Bunch-Davies quanta can easily overwhelm the energy density driving the dark energy phase, potentially compromising the model. Therefore, avoiding backreaction effects sets restrictive constraints on deviations away from the Bunch-Davies vacuum during this phase, limiting the overall freedom to consider alternative vacua in the cyclic Universe.
Our Sun has a cyclic process.
In my Opinion:
The core of the Sun has about 95% of all mass of the Solar System.

5% includes.

Solar Envelope
All the planets and moons
All the rocks within the envelope of Pluto.
All the rocks beyond controlled by the Sun.

The core maybe a Neutron Composite.

Protons under confinement gain an electron and change to Neutrons, allowing compaction of Neutrons.

The Core dipolar vector fields expel Neutrons into the Solar Envelops, changing to Protons (H).

H+H fusion to Helium

Fusion creates all the elements known to us.
Most stable Element is Iron (Fe), due to a full shell of electrons.

Elements above Fe are photo-disintegrate back to Fe.

Element find their way back to the CORE via gravity.

Elements photo-disintegrate to Neutrons and Protons

Protons gain an electron, forming Neutrons.

This cycle gives our Sun long Jeopardy.
Chiral Super Symmetry within the core of any Compact object, Condensate (Black Hole) creates the dipolar electromagnetic vector fields that we can observe. e.g. M87 dipolar jets vortices. Expelled matter away from the core forming an elliptical Galaxy with billions of stars. M87 is also the gravity sink for our local group of galaxies being over 300 or so. This is part of a cyclic event. Similar in all other galaxies.

[Submitted on 10 Sep 2021 (v1), last revised 13 Jan 2022 (this version, v2)]

Inflation and dark matter after spontaneous Planck scale generation by hidden chiral symmetry breaking​

Mayumi Aoki, Jisuke Kubo, Jinbo Yang
Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in a QCD-like hidden sector is used to generate the Planck mass and the electroweak scale including the heavy right-handed neutrino mass. A real scalar field transmits the energy scale of the hidden sector to the visible sectors, playing besides a role of inflaton in the early Universe while realizing a Higgs-inflation-like model. Our dark matter candidates are hidden pions that raise due to dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. They are produced from the decay of inflaton. Unfortunately, it will be impossible to directly detect them, because they are super heavy (109∼12 GeV), and moreover the interaction with the visible sector is extremely suppressed.
We will be talking about the BB for some time.
But! other theories are just as important.

[Submitted on 29 Apr 2024]

Did the Big Bang and cosmic inflation really happen? (A tale of alternative cosmological models)​

Marcin Postolak
A popular science article designed to introduce people familiar with basic cosmological nomenclature with models alternative to cosmological inflation. The paper briefly discusses the modern view of the Big Bang model, inflation (both its advantages and potential deficiencies). This is followed by a discussion of historical alternative models and modern approaches such as matter bounce, ekpyrotic Universe, Conformal Cyclic Cosmology, Hartle-Hawking state and loop quantum cosmology. The final aspect of the paper is to present the advantages and potential problems associated with alternative models and to present the conceptual challenges associated with the uniqueness of cosmology as a specific domain of physics.
Jan 2, 2024
LQG seems to be an ideal suggestion: Planck 'level' curvature produces repulsion. The star within the black hole shrinks to 'Planck Level' initiating repulsion and the 'something' keeps inflation going (?)
(t=0) is the perfect ending and the endless beginning of the universe NOW! REALTIME now! Or didn't you know that physically, rather than holographically (light's coordinate point past-future histories' SPACETIME) as some claim, the universe exists solely in entangled, entangling, spontaneous concurrent REALTIME (t=0) 'Frontier' instant NOW (which, in superposition (t=0 and T=1), ties to the "collapsed cosmological constant (/\) P/BB 'Mirror Horizon' (t=0 and T=1) of the infinities of horizon universes (u) in its hall of mirror horizons" . . . aka "the Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U) (t=0 and T=1)")?!

It's better than the rigidity of, "Once upon a (naked singularity of) fable's time, 13.8 billion years ago to be exact, from sheer magic only, the CREATION of Universe (U) (universe (u)) and all it encompasses!
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God have mercy.
Where do people get 13.8 billion years from?

You can look in any direction with all our abilities, 13.6 billion yrs. deep field and find trillions of galaxies in various stages of formation.
If you know anything about the formation of supercluster of galaxies, it takes thousands of billions of years to form.

I'm all for evidence and not hear say.

If you want to believe that all was created by GOD.
Thats OK
The infinite universe must a process of recycling and rejuvenating energy and matter in one way or another.

The research is never ending, but! step by step the movement is forward in understanding the ongoings.

[Submitted on 9 May 2024]

Bouncing cosmologies in the presence of a Dirac-Born-Infeld field​

Mariam Campbell, Richard Daniel, Peter K. S. Dunsby, Carsten van de Bruck
We perform a detailed dynamical system analysis for the behaviour of a Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) field in a spatially closed Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmology. The DBI field is characterised by a potential and brane tension. We study power-law or exponential functions for the potential and tension. We find that in a spatially closed FLRW cosmology, a DBI field in the ultra-relativistic limit allows for a broader range of initial conditions resulting in a bouncing universe than in the non-relativistic limit. We further note that the range of initial conditions allowing for a bounce is larger if we consider power-law functions for the potential and tension, compared to the exponential case. Our dynamical analysis shows that a DBI field does not exhibit stable cyclical behaviour, including the case in which a negative cosmological constant is present.
The research continues.
Sometimes it seems that it's like the never-ending story.

[Submitted on 1 Jun 2024]

Reexamination of the hierarchy problem from a novel geometric perspective​

Hirofumi Sakuma, Izumi Ojima, Kazuya Okamura
A lucid interpretation of the longstanding hierarchy problem is proposed based on the unconventional model of the universe recently proposed by the authors. Our heuristic cosmological model is developed by considering Penrose and Petit's original ideas as the Weyl curvature hypothesis, conformal cyclic cosmology, and the twin universe model. The uniqueness of our model lies in its incorporation of dark energy and matter, and its single key parameter, adjusted by observational data, is the radius (RdS) of a four-dimensional (4D) hypersphere called de Sitter space. We presuppose that our 4D universe originated from the spontaneous conformal symmetry (SCS) breaking of a light field with a null distance. We show that in this SCS breaking state, the energy--momentum tensor of the space-like electromagnetic field, whose existence is inevitable for quantum electromagnetic field interactions (Greenberg--Robinson theorem), becomes isomorphic to the divergence-free Einstein tensor in the general theory of relativity. Furthermore, we reveal the RdS dependency of the 4D gravitational field. Based on these findings, we show an intriguing relation between the magnitude of the gravitational coupling constant and RdS. A solution to the hierarchy problem is derived by assuming that RdS depends on the "newly defined cosmological time".
We know that Neutron Stars have been investigated, Transient Condensates have been researched such as Neutron Matter, they have also investigated the possibility of Quark Core withing a Neutron Star. The change from Neutron to Quark under confinement is very important in understanding the cyclic process.
So, the research keeps moving forward.

[Submitted on 16 Jul 2024 (v1), last revised 22 Jul 2024 (this version, v2)]

Uhlmann quench and geometric dynamic quantum phase transition of mixed states​

Jia-Chen Tang, Xu-Yang Hou, Zheng Zhou, Hao Guo, Chih-Chun Chien
Dynamic quantum phase transitions (DQPT) following quantum quenches exhibit singular behavior of the overlap between the initial and evolved states. Here we present a formalism to incorporate a geometric phase into quench dynamics of mixed quantum states, a process named the Uhlmann quench, based on the Uhlmann parallel transport. To overcome the incompatibility between the Uhlmann parallel-transport condition and Hamiltonian dynamics, we formulate the evolution of purification of the density matrix in a form which not only respects the dynamics according to the density matrix but also follows the Uhlmann parallel-transport condition to generate a geometric phase after a quantum quench. For cyclic processes exemplified by a spin-1/2 system, geometric DQPTs (GDQPTs) can emerge with both singular behavior in the dynamic analogue of the free energy and jumps of the geometric phase. Moreover, the Uhlmann phase reflecting the holonomy is generated at the end of each cycle. The Uhlmann quench thus paves the way for investigating the interplay between quantum dynamics and geometric processes in mixed states.
Cyclic variable identified

[Submitted on 11 Jul 2024]

A description of classical and quantum cosmology for a single scalar field torsion gravity​

Dipankar Laya, Roshni Bhaumik, Sourav Dutta, Subenoy Chakraborty
In the background of homogeneous and isotropic flat FLRW space-time, both classical and quantum cosmology has been studied for teleparallel dark energy (DE) model. Using Noether symmetry analysis, not only the symmetry vector but also the coupling function in the Lagrangian and the potential of the scalar field has been determined. Also symmetry analysis identifies a cyclic variable in the Lagrangian along the symmetry vector and as a result the Lagrangian simplifies to a great extend so that classical solution is obtained. Subsequently, in quantum cosmology Wheeler-DeWitt(WD) equation has been constructed and the quantum version of the conserved momenta corresponding to Noether symmetry identifies the periodic part of the wave function of the universe and as a result the Wheeler-DeWitt equation becomes solvable. Finally, quantum description shows finite non-zero probability at the classical big-bang singularity.
Research is looking to understand how matter recycles in a never-ending story.
Imagine if you could recycle matter in a spaceship.
The following paper is worth reading regardless of whether I agree or disagree.

[Submitted on 12 Oct 2023 (v1), last revised 20 Mar 2024 (this version, v3)]

Recycled Dark Matter​

Thomas C. Gehrman, Barmak Shams Es Haghi, Kuver Sinha, Tao Xu
We outline a new production mechanism for dark matter that we dub "recycling": dark sector particles are kinematically trapped in the false vacuum during a dark phase transition; the false pockets collapse into primordial black holes (PBHs), which ultimately evaporate before Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) to reproduce the dark sector particles. The requirement that all PBHs evaporate prior to BBN necessitates high scale phase transitions and hence high scale masses for the dark sector particles in the true vacuum. Our mechanism is therefore particularly suited for the production of ultra heavy dark matter (UHDM) with masses above ∼1012GeV. The correct relic density of UHDM is obtained because of the exponential suppression of the false pocket number density. Recycled UHDM has several novel features: the dark sector today consists of multiple decoupled species that were once in thermal equilibrium and the PBH formation stage has extended mass functions whose shape can be controlled by IR operators coupling the dark and visible sectors.


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