Dark Matter No More

Mar 17, 2020
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For many years, I have remained in the camp of the MOND theory in lieu of the existence for dark matter. Now with the new discoveries by the James Webb telescope, along withe a new theory by a prominent Canadian astronomer, and the possible emergence of a fifth force in the universe, it now may be just enough to dispell the real existence of dark matter.

I know we don't have the equations or proof of the irregularities of the MOND theory on bullet clusters, gravitational lensing and a few other examples, that problem may be put to rest soon with more observations and research. I am standing pat in my hand that my opponents do not not any other proof of dark matter. But stay tuned.
For many years, I have remained in the camp of the MOND theory in lieu of the existence for dark matter. Now with the new discoveries by the James Webb telescope, along withe a new theory by a prominent Canadian astronomer, and the possible emergence of a fifth force in the universe, it now may be just enough to dispell the real existence of dark matter.

I know we don't have the equations or proof of the irregularities of the MOND theory on bullet clusters, gravitational lensing and a few other examples, that problem may be put to rest soon with more observations and research. I am standing pat in my hand that my opponents do not not any other proof of dark matter. But stay tuned.
I really do have to shake my head and roll my eyes :rolleyes: over what you had to say above, although by no means are alone in what you had to say. As certain as there is a holographical past histories past light cone to the universe (aka the observed "observable universe"), there is at the same time an offsetting future histories future light cone to the universe (aka the unobserved "unobservable universe"), in which all the actual physical matter of the universe at large resides . . . resides darkly until it pops up out of nowhere (springs out of the vacuum of an instantaneous spontaneous concurrent REALTIME)!
Mar 17, 2020
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I have read your reply to my thread many times over and conclude that you don't know what you are talking about. Right now, it is impossible to prove that dark matter pops in and out of existence. Sorry.
I have read your reply to my thread many times over and conclude that you don't know what you are talking about. Right now, it is impossible to prove that dark matter pops in and out of existence. Sorry.
I'm sorry too, for your inability to understand what you read. Quantum physical particles are always popping "in and out of existence." And, anyway, 'nonexistence' wasn't where I was saying what was once dark matter was coming from!!!! Although you seem to be obviously unaware of the fact, the speed of light is NOT instantaneous across distances (falling further and ever further behind instantaneous spontaneous concurrent REALTIME, and from one light second to the next, one second to the next, things have moved (darkly), are moving (darkly), into the future histories future light cone from light's coordinate point past histories past light cone hologram of SPACETIME!

There is more than one dimension to the universe of time. And that minimally geometric triangle of points expands and contracts triangulations and light from any one point reflects one 1-dimensional line only! It doesn't reflect the geometry of the triangle (the triangulation) of an expanding or contracting triangle of coordinate SPACETIME past and REALTIME present (SPACETIME future) points. It does so at the largest scale of universes as an accelerating expansion, or conversely an accelerating contraction, in and of "observable universe!" The accelerating expansion is a matter of distance gain in triangularity between the single line of observed-observable universe relativity and the two lines of the unobserved-unobservable universe reality of the triangle of lines and points.... The unobserved-unobservable universe reality that includes the dark physical matter of the universe (darkly), and not the hologram matter!

"Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today...." Antigonish, by Hughes Mearns.
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