There are alot of great suggestions above. Heck, I have at least 50 titles in my library that fit the bill for something you might be looking for. However, off the top of my head, I think you'd enjoy these. They're a little different:<br /><br /><u>Legacy of Herot</u> and the sequel <u>Beowulf's Children</u> - Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle, Steven Barnes<br /><br /><u>The Anvil of Stars</u> (Sequel to Forge of God but deals with a "generation ship" off on a journey to find and destroy the aliens who attacked Earth. Good stuff and an interesting view of the social bonds that would develop on board) - Greg Bear<br /><br />The Galactic Center Series by Gregory Benford - Great story taking place over thousands of years. Not all books deal with exploration but all are good: <u>Across the Sea of Suns , In the Ocean of Night, Tides of Light, Great Sky River, Furious Gulf.</u><br /><br />Also, just about any Heinlein book you can get your hands on will fit the bill. As a matter of fact, they fit the bill for any reading you'd care to do. heh heh<br /><br />So many books, so little time. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>