Does Time Actually Exist?

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<font color="yellow">The Bible does not say that God created primordial time - so I have no definite position...</font><br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <strong><font color="#3366ff">Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find and not to yeild.</font> - <font color="#3366ff"><em>Tennyson</em></font></strong> </div>


telfrow - Sorry, I should also have stated that science also has not discovered anything about primordial time - that is another reason I have no definite position.<br /><br />Note my signature. <br /><br />Then note that the subject is not proven one way or the other - therefore there is no reason for me to hold fast to something which is not proven.


I find the statement to be very revealing. It speaks for itself. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <strong><font color="#3366ff">Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find and not to yeild.</font> - <font color="#3366ff"><em>Tennyson</em></font></strong> </div>


Speaking in terms of our three dimensionally measured universe; it is hard to conceive of a plane of existence where “time” doesn’t exist. However if we think of time as a fourth dimension we can better visualize mathematically how to put this subject matter into perspective. For example if I were to view the world as two dimensionally as a goldfish in a pond in Central Park I would be aware of the environment to the left/right, and the front/back of me. As a two dimensional creature I would only be able to conceive X and Y coordinates, and would have no concept of Z coordinates; since they wouldn’t exist in my two dimensional world. As a result I would never understand that I was surrounded from top to bottom by the 3 dimensional reality of the city of New York. <br /><br />As three dimensional creatures we can never truly understand the real principles of time; unless we use more than three dimensions to visualize our universe. This would also explain why we are limited to viewing time linearly. <br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> "A mind is a terrible thing to waste..." </div>


But "consciousness" implies an awareness or a thinking process of some sort. If it does exist, at what rate (enter time) does it move? In other words, what is the speed of thought? Maybe thought exists, but space does not? If thought cannot be measured, maybe consciousness is illusion?


<div style="background-color:#308030"><br /><font color="yellow">But "consciousness" implies an awareness or a thinking process of some sort. If it does exist, at what rate (enter time) does it move? In other words, what is the speed of thought? Maybe thought exists, but space does not? If thought cannot be measured, maybe consciousness is illusion?</font><br /><br />It's probably regulated by the speed of the brain waves. Since light travels a constant speed (m/s), although the second is not a constant, I'd figure that brainwaves are regulated by the speed of light.</div>


"Time is a process"<br />But wait, "process" exists only with movement, so to be accurate, "time" is the process of measuring movement. The things you mention--the sun or quartz--involve matter. So, if time is the measure of the movement of matter, we need to agree that matter exists. In order for matter to exist, there must be an ultimate piece of matter--a building block of sorts. As far as I know, this has NOT been proven. The basic particle of matter appears to be a probability of appearance at some intersection of space and time. This sounds more like mind, or thought. If the sun rises and sets in my dream I can measure the occurrence with something I'll call "time." But that in no way proves time really exists outside of an artificial artifice.


time is a measurement between the lapses and occurrences of events. It was the lapses and occurrences that called for a need in measurement of those and the result is time. It's not the other way around. time is just a perception. intangible but nonetheless percieved. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p>pain is inevitable</p><p>suffering is optional </p> </div>


unlearningthemistakes - Cause and effect cannot proceed without time, and everything has a cause except the first cause.<br /><br />My question would be: Did the First Cause, Jehovah God, create time or did time always exist? <br /><br />Remember, I am talking about primordial time, not merely our universe specific space-time.


I agree about God. the problem is, not everyone will agree with it. <br />My opinion:<br />God's time is diff. from ours. <---that could be the primordial time, when He was there when nothing else was there, thence has no beginning and no end. time does not affect him. whether time ends or not for cause and effect, he is not affected. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p>pain is inevitable</p><p>suffering is optional </p> </div>


"Does Time Actually Exist?"<br /><br />Ask me later. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


<font color="orange">"Does Time Actually Exist?"</font><br /><br /><font color="yellow">Ask me later.</font><br /><br />The problem with your statement is that the moment that I respond to answer it will no longer be "later" it will then become "now"... <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> "A mind is a terrible thing to waste..." </div>


It's not now, it's "then". <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


<b><i>"We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it."</i></b> <br /> <br /><br /> <b> - Roald Dahl,</b><i> "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"</i> British author (1916 - 1990) <br />


I'm only an amateur at science so, go easy on me.<br /><br />I believe that time actually does exist, but we as humans can not comprehend what it actually is. Our brains have taken the concept of time and "dumbed it down" into something our minds actually can, perceive.<br />To me, time and distance are very similar. You can measure both, but we really don't understand each.<br /> You can measure distance up to a certain point. You can measure, millimeters, centimeters, metres, and kilometres, but we cannot measure the distance, between us and the end of the universe, if it even has one. Besides when your each the end of the universe space and time seem to become one single entity, unable to differentiate one from the other.<br /> Time can also be measured, by clocks. They can count in nanoseconds, seconds, minutes, and hours. But what does that all mean? Time can be different depending on your orientation.<br />I could be shot at 12:11 but someone watching from a different angle and farther distance might not see the shot until nanoseconds after I did.


Ok, my turn.<br />My view of the universe is:<br />The Universe equals<br />Infinity (space), Existence (energy and matter), Eternity (all time), and the Imaginary (unreal).<br /><br />Time is a finite measurement of a span of Eternity. Infinite time is more accurately said Eternity.<br /><br />Decartes provides a method to plot location, distance, and time.<br /><br />Time is as distance and location. Is distance real? Is location real? Sure! They 'exist' (as concepts) in the Imaginery. They are necessary to the creation of the Universe, which is a dynamic and continuous process.<br /><br />I don't believe multi-verses exist. I believe in one Universe, and this is it.<br /><br />I don't believe in the four basic forces. I believe forces are as numerous and variable as the elements that contain them, and even more so.<br /><br />So that's my opinion, which people neither verify nor dispute. Wacky? I don't know. No one ever comments on it. They usually just don't reply when I post it.<br /><br />Can time and entropy co-exist where entropy is the absence of order and time requires order? Could be the essence of the Bermuda Triangle right here on our little planet. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p></p> </div>


I'll have to respectfully disagree with you in one key part of your post, xmo1. <br />I subscribe to any and all theories of how the world and universe came to be how they are now, but the one thing I disagree with in your post is that you said we are the only intelligent life in the universe.<br />Somewhere far off in space there could be a race just as advanced, or more advanced in their thought processes than us. <br />I believe it all depends on the many variables that can occur within our universe.


Ok, I'll go for that. I'll restate.<br /><br />Considering the evolving planetary discovery work, I couldn't bring my thoughts to a new belief concerning the possible percentage of planets that may harbor life with intelligence equal to or surpassing the human brain. Could be that our intelligence is not all that unique. So I deleted the line entirely.<br /><br />Thanks for the note. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p></p> </div>


I actually beleive we are an inferior race and that there is way more intelligent life out there.


What are birthdays without time ( or whatever it is) passed? And if there was anything more intelligent than humans. Well, Einstein said we ourselves would be pure energy and wouldn't need a body. <br /><br />We can only amagine what we can't/don't know. We know a lot of things man, but we all... really don't know much about anything. Nobody can make a flower from just water, see... You do seem like a smart kid. Be open minded, always or you'll get caught up and won't see/find the truth.


2 thing<br /><br />1. <font color="yellow"> amagine</font>should be imagaine (just messin around)<br /><br />2. why couldnt there be more intellegent life out there? I think of a human and we are pretty smart n all but that doesnt mean there cant be life out there that could be 100 times smarter. I agree with you that we dont really know much about anything because right now all we have to believe in is myths and theories. But I still think we are inferior to whatever else could be out there.


Time is relative: To us, a photon traveling from a star millions of light years away travels for millions of years. To the photon, the trip is instantaneous.<br /><br />Time is a phenomenon of human perception: like color, time does not exist as an external physical reality.<br /><br />Time is very real and the proof is that if I continue to sit here I will be late for work with very serious, concrete and real consequences! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>
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