ELED = entangled light emitting diode

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Entangling photons with electricity

Jun 5, 2010

Researchers in Cambridge in the UK have succeeded in generating entangled photons using electricity alone, with a new device called an "entangled light-emitted diode" (ELED). The device converts electrical current directly into entangled light rather than relying on laser power as in previous technology. The technique could be a practical way to integrate many entangled light sources together on a single chip – something that will be crucial for making a real-world optical quantum computer.
High fidelity photons

The device emits individual entangled pairs of photons when a pulsed current is applied and has an "entanglement fidelity" of 0.82 – a figure that is high enough for it to be used in quantum relays, which are related to core components of quantum computing such as teleportation). Entanglement fidelity is a measure of how pure the entangled light is: if the value exceeds 0.5, light is entangled, with 1 being the maximum value.


The next generation, scary part is it has all the potential of working. As long as you can formalate the 1 and zero's any computer function can be redeloped if shown practical to cost factors etc. Wonder how they would do the circtuiry on that one lol? After all once its entangled it doesn't matter where the entangled particle is.
Food for thought on that note. Now that you have the diode, use it to make a laser beam of entangled particles with one of the pairs in the processor itself measuring its changes as it moves through space.
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