I also offer these bits of data in support of the idea that ancient human history as accepted today is wrong and the possibilty that our true heritage is much richer than anyone has dared to dream. The following data is supplied by Cremo and Thompson.....<br /><br />1. a 2.8 billion year old grooved metallic sphere discovered in ottosdalin, south africa....
http://ufologie.net/htm/transvaalspheres.htm<br />(I like that one <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> perhaps a toy Iapetus? lol)<br /><br />2. A human skeleton found in material dated to 38-45 million years BP in Delemont, Switzerland<br /><br />3. A 9-55 milliion year old human skeleton, jaw and skull fragment (accompanied by a mortar and carved stone, a hatchet, spear heads, scoops, ladles, a stone muller, grinders and a stone bead) found in strata at Tuolumne Table Mountain, the Stanislaus Co. Mine, the Sonora Tunnel and Valentine Mine, California.<br /><br />4. Human bones discovered in 8.7+ million year old material in Placer County, California.<br /><br />5. A 5-25 million year old human skeleton found in Midi de France, France.<br /><br />6. A human vertebra in material dated 3-5 million years old in Monte Hermorso, Argentina.<br /><br />7. A human humerus, four partial human skeletons and a full human skeleton, dated at from 3-4.5 million years old, in Kanapoi, Kenya and Castenedolo and Sayona, Italy.<br /><br />8. A human femur in material dated 2.2-3 million years old in Sterkfontein, South Africa.<br /><br />9. A human jaw, as well as intentionally broken bones, polished bones, bolas (perhaps used as projectiles), a leather working bone tool, a stone circle and simple stone tools, all dated at between 1.2-2 million years old, in Olduvai, Tanzania; Kanam, Kenya; and St. Prest, Fance.<br /><br />10. A 1.15 million year old human skeleton found in olduvai, Tanzania.<br /><br />11. Human jaws, a human tooth, talus, ulna, humerus and skull, as well as simp