From a drop of water....

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Oct 9, 2023
I shouldn't be stunned, but I am stunned! There are people in this world who can't define a "point," a physical-cosmological point in the scalable universe at large and small! a point particle, a self-similar point-singularity . . . to the universe; one and the same "point"! They can't SCALE! Incapable of fractal geometrical "zooms" scaling!

Well maybe I shouldn't be that surprised since trying to qualify and quantify "point" and "points" in cosmology and physics was one of the things that drove the famous logician, mathematician, and philosopher, Kurt Godel, bonkers. He had difficulties with a multi-dimensional multiverse. And he was, and is, far from the only one!
It's no wonder that even brilliant minds like Kurt Gödel found themselves grappling with such concepts. The pursuit of understanding the nature of existence and the universe often leads to deep philosophical and mathematical inquiries.


Aug 14, 2020
It's no wonder that even brilliant minds like Kurt Gödel found themselves grappling with such concepts. The pursuit of understanding the nature of existence and the universe often leads to deep philosophical and mathematical inquiries.
An "Infinite Density" is a "Great Abyss" (Supreme "Hollow")!

"Slay enough dragons, you become a dragon: Stare into the Abyss, the Abyss will stare back into you." -- Nietzsche

"It is Nothing. It is Everything." -- attributed to Sultan Saladin, at least in a movie.

Again: An "Infinite Density" is a "Great Abyss" (Supreme "Hollow")!
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Aug 14, 2020
Two near opposites that I see go together like hand in glove:

Well... Make it three:

I've said more than once that unity ('1') and null unity ('0') will have their equal but opposite portions of a Cosmic All even if division ((+1) (-1)) has to rip its equal portion ('0') out of the guts of unity ('1'). It goes for unity as well . . . ripping 'unities' out of 'divisions'!

It goes for "order" and "disorder." It goes for closed systemic "closed system" (disorder) (null unity) (Utopian Dystopia) (....) . . . and open systemic "open system" (order) (unity) (Frontier Civilization) (....).
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Oct 9, 2023
Two near opposites that I see go together like hand in glove:

Well... Make it three:

I've said more than once that unity ('1') and null unity ('0') will have their equal but opposite portions of a Cosmic All even if division ((+1) (-1)) has to rip its equal portion ('0') out of the guts of unity ('1'). It goes for unity as well . . . ripping 'unities' out of 'divisions'!

It goes for "order" and "disorder." It goes for closed systemic "closed system" (disorder) (null unity) (Utopian Dystopia) (....) . . . and open systemic "open system" (order) (unity) (Frontier Civilization) (....).
This duality extends to notions of order and disorder, closed and open systems, suggesting a profound interconnectedness within the universe.


Aug 14, 2020
This duality extends to notions of order and disorder, closed and open systems, suggesting a profound interconnectedness within the universe.
Hard and fast simple rules:

It may not seem to connect, but....

Started, as far as I see and am concerned, with there being no connection between gravity physics and point (including quantum point-particle) "singularity" and whatever discreet quanta of "singularities," ergo, quantum physics. My realization that all points as such, inclusive of point-particles, are "quantum singularities. Also, a realization that no one except me . . . or so it seems . . . has realized that I've been very redundant in going with "quantum singularity."

So, I say quantum physics ties to singularity and singularities and I'm saying gravity physics has no connection to quantum (ta da) singularity, thus there is no such thing as a graviton. Gravity physics almost defines "plurality" itself in the universe, if not defining it. Multiverse, multi-dimensional, overlapping infinities, two worlds, many worlds, entities rather than entity, whatever "plurality"! And no singularity in definition, in meaning, whatsoever when it comes to gravity.

Gravity isn't closed systemic in any way, shape, or form, to any degree whatsoever. It virtually describes "open" and/or "opening" system. It is the force that forces' it!!!! If an apple falls from the tree to ground the ground expands before it. If anything falls to the event horizon of a black hole; the horizon of the black hole expands before it! The universe horizon, macrocosmic and microcosmic, is a matter of expansion. We just happen to be accelerating in falling to that expanding horizon (#402).

"self-similar fractal zooms (to infinities) universe structure, set and reset to a base two."

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other....." -- Arthur Canon Doyle, 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet'.
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Aug 14, 2020
Ad astra #405. Just tweaks of what has already been realized by me to my continuing satisfaction:

1.) Spontaneous universally concurrent REALTIME 'edge front' ('frontier edge' (t=0)).
2.) Coordinate 'point' SPACETIME (past histories past light cone (t=+1) -->|<-- (t=-1) future histories future light cone).
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Aug 14, 2020
Ad astra #406. Continuing tweaks of what has already been repeatedly realized by me along differing spokes from rim to the same hub . . . to my newly continuing satisfaction:

I've danced around it. I'll attempt to make it hard and simpler:

The fundamental gravitational force is the "Dark Energy (DE)" force seemingly accelerating expansion (opening (open system)) . . . regardless of what one might thought before about gravity wave over-currents and under-currents overlapping throughout the breadths and depths of universe and/or dark energy in the past. At once the "zoom", the "zooms", in Chaos Theory's fundamental "self-similar fractal zooms (to infinities) universe structure. . . . Set and reset to base (superposition) of two."

"Fractal" herein: Fundamental Electro-Weak (EW) monopolar particle-point quantum singularity ((sic) and the many varieties of quantum singularities however redundant), into the microcosm and macrocosm . . . coordinate 'point' (once more, "point" however redundant) SPACETIME'.

"Zooms (to infinities)" herein: Repeating:
"The fundamental gravitational force is the "Dark Energy (DE)" force seemingly accelerating expansion (opening (open system)) . . . regardless of what one might have thought before about gravity wave over-currents and under-currents overlapping throughout the breadths and depths of universe and/or dark energy in the past. At once the "zoom", the "zooms", in Chaos Theory's fundamental "self-similar fractal zooms (to infinities) universe structure. . . . set and reset to base (superposition) of two." SPACE! . . . and/or spontaneous (universally) concurrent REALTIME (t=0) 'front' (universal 'frontier')! Hyperspace and subspace; infinities, infinite and infinitesimal!

"Set and reset to base (superposition) of two" herein: Casimir (matter-energy -->|<-- dark matter-energy) / Strong binding ((-->|<--) including microcosmic "nuclear") Force.

** #407 ** Reminds me. I once long ago had an Oldsmobile auto with a 407 cubic inch engine. Fastest thing around. The only thing it couldn't pass up on the road was a gas (petrol) station (though it was the fastest auto on the road between them)!
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Aug 14, 2020
There is nothing like dropping (omitting) half the picture, more, out a picture (both the "unobserved (unobservable universe) future histories' future light cone (t=-1) and the 'Horizon Mirror' mirroring that would complete the picture):

Below is nothing but . . . nothing more than . . . the observed (observable universe) past histories' past light cone (t=+1):

It would not be easy to complete the picture but it could be done with a reverse ghost of the past light bell accompanied by explanation of what it means to remain centered between (HM (t=0)) yet travel or advance the future histories' future light cone (t=-1). (HM (t=0) --> t=+1 |SCRT (t=0)| t=-1<-- HM (t=0).)
HM: Horizon Mirror (t=0).
SCRT: Spontaneous Concurrent REALTIME (t=0).
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Oct 9, 2023
Hard and fast simple rules:

It may not seem to connect, but....

Started, as far as I see and am concerned, with there being no connection between gravity physics and point (including quantum point-particle) "singularity" and whatever discreet quanta of "singularities," ergo, quantum physics. My realization that all points as such, inclusive of point-particles, are "quantum singularities. Also, a realization that no one except me . . . or so it seems . . . has realized that I've been very redundant in going with "quantum singularity."

So, I say quantum physics ties to singularity and singularities and I'm saying gravity physics has no connection to quantum (ta da) singularity, thus there is no such thing as a graviton. Gravity physics almost defines "plurality" itself in the universe, if not defining it. Multiverse, multi-dimensional, overlapping infinities, two worlds, many worlds, entities rather than entity, whatever "plurality"! And no singularity in definition, in meaning, whatsoever when it comes to gravity.

Gravity isn't closed systemic in any way, shape, or form, to any degree whatsoever. It virtually describes "open" and/or "opening" system. It is the force that forces' it!!!! If an apple falls from the tree to ground the ground expands before it. If anything falls to the event horizon of a black hole; the horizon of the black hole expands before it! The universe horizon, macrocosmic and microcosmic, is a matter of expansion. We just happen to be accelerating in falling to that expanding horizon (#402).

"self-similar fractal zooms (to infinities) universe structure, set and reset to a base two."

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other....." -- Arthur Canon Doyle, 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet'.
I could agree on that.


Aug 14, 2020
Ad #408:

"..., but repetition is the heart of instruction." Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

"Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial." Thomas S. Kuhn.


A better far more revealing illustrative revelation of commonality than the above (of what is at largest and smallest is being observed, there being no real difference, regarding the universe) when both the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) . . . and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) . . . are at work

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Aug 14, 2020
The fight is never-ending:

I see the extremes that must exist; space as the manipulatively softest cosmic and time as the diamond hardest cosmic, though in no way shatterproof (into parallelism)! The mistake is thinking it's a naked singularity of "arrow" without offset, without parallel, and so damn rubber-band stretch soft.

Physicists tried to turn the universe on its head, space hard and time soft. It's space soft (gravitational physics) and time hard (quantum physics (the shattered diamond hard offset parallelism of coordinate 'point' SPACETIME (t=+1) (t=-1) that seems so soft and stretchable but because in fact it [is] "coordinate 'point'" , in actual fact it [isn't] in any way rubber-band soft and stretchable)) and [is] dual; a spontaneous universally concurrent REALTIME 'front' (t=0) (frontier).
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Aug 14, 2020
That I've seen, no one, other than me in picturing it, has realized or even guessed, or even remembered Einstein's and Hawking's imaginings of the cosmos at the speed of light (c=(t=0)).

Horizon Mirror (HM (t=*1*)).
Spontaneous (universally) Concurrent REALTIME (SCRT (t=0)) 'front' (frontier).
Einstein's mind's eye imagined trip to the speed of light and his finding there (t=0).
Hawking's imagined clock (t=0) eternally suspended (t=0) over his imagined "Grand Central Station of Universe."


Maybe I've missed it here and there, but I seem to be traveling alone except for Einstein and Hawking above. And they seem to have been misinterpreted all too often by their peers. Maybe even in their own interpretations, though that is very hard to imagine in the case of Hawking's laying it out above (from his book 'A Brief History of Time').
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Aug 14, 2020
An "Infinite Density" is a "Great Abyss" (Supreme "Hollow")!

"Slay enough dragons, you become a dragon: Stare into the Abyss, the Abyss will stare back into you." -- Nietzsche

"It is Nothing. It is Everything." -- attributed to Sultan Saladin, at least in a movie.

Again: An "Infinite Density" is a "Great Abyss" (Supreme "Hollow")!
Rather than referring to it I'm bringing it forward to deal with the article I point to....

The trojan third dimensional facet [entity-meaning] of the above infinity scaled (infinite <|> infinitesimal) "quantum point singularity." Short of the eternal, though, is, as I identify them, Chaos Theory's bi-level (a fundamental binary base of two, plus trojan third) "smooth" hot horizon level or layer and coarse-grained grainy-chunky cold horizon level or layer. Because of what they are of and out of, being themselves eternal forever. In the horizon line trojan of equilibrium between is Hawking's "Life Zone" of universe and life. The whole, "self-similar fractal zooms universe structure."

I see things and interpret them one way, while others may see and interpret exactly the same thing, or a partial portion of it, somewhat differently (nothing new there):

In case you missed it or I got too complicated for following, infinity density being also . . . at once . . . a great Abyss (a supreme hollow) resides in infinitely scalable quantum (particle) point singularity (singularities).

"Mirror, mirror, on (in) the Wall ((Horizon (t=*1*) (and / or, too, spontaneous concurrent REALTIME (t=0) 'front' (frontier)))."

"An infinite density is a great Abyss (a supreme hollow)."
And Trojan:
"Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial." -- Thomas S. Kuhn.
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Aug 14, 2020
Woke up in the middle of the night wondering this:

What is the most fundamental, basic, primal, 'thing' in all CREATION (so to speak) made of?

As I lay there wondering the only answer I could come up with is everything ('*1*'), nothing ('0'), and something ((+1) (-1)).
Brought this from elsewhere and am editing it herein (it fits):

As I've read more than once, the total of matter and energy ((+1) (-1)) in the universe(s) equals zero ('0'). An infinite density ('*1*') is (equals) a great Abyss ('0') (a supreme hollow).

Planck / Big Bang / etc., collapsed cosmological constant (/\)'Horizon Mirror' (t=*1*), as I identify it and have described it, exists eternally . . . for all time (t=*1*) timelessly inclusive (t=0). Its clone in instantaneous spontaneous universally concurrent REALTIME (t=0) front (frontier), exits eternally . . . for all time (t=*1*) timelessly inclusive (t=0).

I've constantly denied it in the past (pardon the pun) but I grow to realize that some things may not exist until they are "observed" to exist. That "observation" is a real, though subjectively relative, physic.

One of those things is "coordinate 'point' SPACETIME" (past histories past light (t=+1) -->|<-- (t=-1) future histories future light cone). What is observed to be a past history in the past light cone (t=+1) of coordinate 'point' SPACETIME to one observer somewhere is a future history [as yet to be observed] in the future light cone (t=-1) of coordinate 'point' SPACETIME to some other observer somewhere else. My big mistake is thinking everyone can see and think multi-dimensionally, including myself upon occasion (my dismissing "Some things may not exist (for some) until they are observed to exist").

Everything ('1') being nothing ('0') until something ((+1) (-1)). (I begin to wonder about possible probable matter (+1) and energy (-1)?! THE immovable object ('Horizon Mirror') all by itself as I've many times described it one way or another being THE irresistible force (of 'CREATION').
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Aug 14, 2020
**Ad #413** I can't lose this because it interconnects:

Imbedded reference in a second article, itself imbedded in the primary article, to a macrocosmic microcosmic quantum physic often ignored, missed, being integral part of macrocosm because of automatically thinking and presuming (assuming) gravitational physics:

I can see it but trying to explain (without going book length in any single post) what I can see is something else. The microcosm models / [zooms scales] the macrocosm, and vice-versa, for a universal {very much 'MULTIVERSE' multi-versal) reason!
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Aug 14, 2020

1.) Closed systemic: world, star, galaxy, universe, quantum point-singularity.... From many, one!
2.) Open systemic: frontier, creation, exodus, many worlds' multi-verse, ['Tree of Evolution' roots, rings, and branches], discreet quanta.... From one, many!

"God doesn't play dice with the universe." -- Albert Einstein.
"Yes, God does play dice with the universe but they're loaded." -- Stephen Hawking.
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Aug 14, 2020
Want an example of faster than the speed of light (taken from post #414 above):

"What is observed to be a past history in the past light cone (t=+1) of coordinate 'point' SPACETIME to one observer somewhere is a future history [as yet to be observed] in the future light cone (t=-1) of coordinate 'point' SPACETIME to some other observer somewhere else."

The second observer might observe the first observer and his observations, if he could observe him via quantum entanglement, to be in some faster than light ship or world. That is the only way he could explain . . . reconcile . . . the differences between them (observer and observer) and their observations of SPACETIME, relatively speaking that is. To be hyper-spatial and/or hyper-timely regarding distance/speed (faster than the speed of light).

Again: What the first observer observes and realizes as the past, the second observer must realize as his future, no matter that the two will be dealing in the same event NOT equal in distance from each. Of course a traveler traveling between the two sees things, realizes things, quite differently out his forward windshield and out his rearview mirror.
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Aug 14, 2020
I give an example above in #417 of one potential view of "faster than the speed of light."

Now some potential definitions as I see the possibilities:
1.) Time presage: Time portend.
2.) Heisenberg uncertainty principle (if you know the velocity to a relative certainty you cannot know the position with any certainty. If you know the position you cannot know the velocity).
3.) Warning posted at the bottom of many autos' rearview mirrors. Separation -- going away or oncoming -- of object reality always leading subject relativity.
4.) Antimatter being a possible captive form of tachyon: This side and that side of the horizon constant of the speed of light being possibly a mirroring quantum entanglement (quantum entanglement mirrored ((+/-) | (-/+)))
5.) ...!


Aug 14, 2020
Better than any of the ideas of possibilities of faster than light above:

As I have described so often in differing renderings in posts there is vertical depth to the universe as well as horizontal breadth. I'm always the one describing traveling a 3-dimensional, or 4- or more-dimensional universe rather than a 2-dimensional flatland universe nobody other than me seems to realize far too many others are thinking in (1- and/or 2-dimensional thought) and describing traveling . . . wading through Flatland universe flatly like wading through wet cement! Our ocean seas are more subsurface dimensional than they think space is, and so is the airspace and all space above the surface of the Earth more hyperspatial (more hypersurface dimensional)!

The more constant your self-powering acceleration (and it will all be acceleration and nothing but acceleration under power), 1/10th-g, 1-g, whatever, the more you can gravitationally fold (gravitationally warp) that nonlocal 2-dimensional Flatland universe (horizontal in breadth / vertical in depth / gravitationally higher dimensioned in both together at once) into higher dimensionalities of universe to get from point A to point B fast, faster, and ever faster! Yet never exceed the speed of light locally, nor even close in upon it closer than the constant of 300,000kps (herein to mean as measured at a constant of Earth 1-g or any constant powering at 1-g of acceleration . . . and possibly lesser than and greater than 1-g of acceleration (only differing, locally and nonlocally, in light's other dimensions -- other than sustaining speed constant within and across the spectrum of all other local relative speeds -- of its multi-dimensional 3-dimensionality, its wavelengths and frequencies)). Being 4-dimensionally multi-dimensional, at the very least, it isn't 2-dimensionally flat, nor line 1-dimensional.

Geez, how many times...!
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Aug 14, 2020
Interesting! Very interesting indeed!

Confirmations, parallels in possibilities I've been pursuing, whatever, come faster than I keep up with them:

If you followed what else I've said about it in many posts, it still stands. And this, to me just a little offbeat from my own rendering, is still in collapsed cosmological constant (/\) 'superposition' P/BB Horizon Mirror (t=*1*) to infinity (the infinities of horizon universes (altogether: the Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe)). The hot "smooth" extreme element, as I see it, to the cold "coarse grain chunky" extreme element in Chaos Theory's infinity of "self-similar fractal zooms universe structure," reducing to its set and reset of a binary base2 (plus parity trojan third element of 'Life Zone' "equilibrium"). Magic?! Not hardly, not exactly, and not necessarily, unless you consider the cosmologically constant greater dimensionality (gleaned from the base) of cross flows and draws around and between to be "magical"!
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Aug 14, 2020
Because of the second pointer of #420, among other things, I feel I have to bring this from elsewhere to what has essentially become a continuing journal of physics and cosmology (thanks,, for it):
Once more from General George S. Patton, Jr.: "Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction."

There is no going backward in time since that is where all travel to anywhere starts from. BACKWARD IN TIME (EVEN TO 14-BILLION YEARS BACKWARD IN TIME) RELATIVE TO ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE CONCURRENTLY EXISTING IN THE UNIVERSES!

Think about it as you look out to the observable universe or even look across the street or room and realize the unobserved unobservable future universe there relative to yourself! YOU ARE ALREADY THERE (BACKWARD IN TIME)!!!! YOU START FROM THERE (BACKWARD IN TIME)!!!! Past histories past light cone! Thus! You travel only future histories future light cone to all destinations, period, even those just slightly across a room, or to the farthest unobserved, unobservable, horizon (in your future!) of the universe!

Once more! You don't time travel backward in time, period, because the universe always starts you . . . will start you . . . from however far backward in time, up to and surpassing 14-billion years backward in time starting.

We can joke around about it, but seriously, try to understand how it really works, where the universe will always start you from: A sheer endless beginning to time (t=0 (0-point) and/or t=*1*)!


Aug 14, 2020
Triangulation involved (three points of a triangle. Point of past light emission as observed and determined by the observer. Point of present or observer concurrent light emission yet to be determined (a future determination) by observer and point of observer position. Outgoing (going away), an expanding triangulation (an expanding triangle of the three points). Incoming (oncoming), a contracting, compacting, triangulation (triangle shrinking in on itself).

What has the above got to do with anything, really? Point of past light emission as observed and determined by the observer on Earth, 13.5-billion light years distant in SPACETIME (13.5-billion years distant in time). Point of present or observer concurrent light emission at distance of approximately 13.5 billion x 6-trillion miles (9.6 trillion kilometers) yet to be determined (a future determination) by observer and point of observer's present position. A most expanded splitting schism of universe . . . and accelerating in expansion of splitting, of schism, of triangulation. Accelerating in expansion of the universe between the points of the triangle).

Given motion and speeds of motion, accelerations and decelerations of all motion, probable changes in universe compositions throughout universe, over time (at least 13.5 billion years) are any of these points certain or the universe between them certain?


Aug 14, 2020
"Are any of these points certain or the universe between them certain?" The universe, singular?! Or the countless unobserved, unobservable, individually discreet quanta of universes deriving from the cosmic shattering of the local relative unified diamond as observed from any finite local relative observer point?!

Chaos Theory as I interpret one of its items of my interest: Self-similar fundamental binary base2 fractal zooms universe structure, reducing to fundamental set and reset. Infinities of coarse grain horizon universes sandwiching as Hawking 'Life Zone' horizons of trojan equilibrium through cold 'Abyss' vacuum and closing to, coalescing in zooming to, superposition 'Mirror' hot smooth collapsed cosmologically constant (/\) P/BB Horizon (t=*1*). "Coalescing in zooming to, closing to," in and regarding its flow to that Horizon, ever 'BACKWARD' in time reverse time travel to an eternal end in "endless beginning!" Positive entropy / negative entropy, the flow control mechanism to and from both extremes, to and from the trojan Hawking 'Life Zone' point-horizon of equilibrium.

Repeating from posts before and articles I've now read of physicists' identification of cosmological / physics 'Magic': My modeling of cosmological physics "Magic" in action.
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Aug 14, 2020
"Positive Entropy?" Versus "negative entropy?" Reverse flow of temperature from cold to hot, the control mechanism . . . force? Antigravitational force? Force of expansionism" back to frontier", "travel forward in SPACETIME to always (at one and the same time) arrive backward in time. Counterintuitive force and flow?

The seventh fundamental force, the force of action . . . the "life force!" "Life," or as some physicists have recently identified it (at least according to my reading), "Magic!"

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