From a drop of water....

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Aug 14, 2020
Post #350 continued:

From the instant travelers leave the presence of observers, observers are dealing in nothing but light born frame -- time frequent (twinkle, twinkle, blink, blink, emit, emit, ....) -- in-light images, thus "time dilations", of travelers. And travelers, as observers themselves, are dealing in nothing but light born frame -- time frequent (twinkle, twinkle, blink, blink, emit, emit, ,,,,) -- images, thus "time dilations", of in-light observers!

The object reality of a traveler separates in BOTH space and time not only from the observer but from the very subjectively relative image of himself -- slowing down in time with growing distance in space and time between -- the observer observes of him. THE SPEED OF LIGHT DOES NOT SPEED UP! AS PHYSICISTS WOULD HAVE IT DO TO KEEP UP INSTANTANEOUS INTANGLEMENT FOR OBSERVATION BETWEEN OBSERVER AND TRAVELER AND VICE VERSA!!!!

is always a form of distance (increasing and/or decreasing) separating travelers from observers! and (increasingly or decreasingly) separating object reality from subjective relativity! And almost, almost!, no one seems to understand that! It gets frustrating as...! The two (object reality and subject relativity) are constantly merged into one and the same . . . for purposes of lazy physics and convention . . . for purposes of "time dilation!"

Object reality at speed "at a distance!" (rather than recognizing a separated subjective relativity at speed "at a distance") is entangled (as in "quantum entangled") with observation "at a distance!" A subject relativity (to an observer) observed to be doing a speed close to the speed of light, is in all probability the image of some object reality traveling at a "speed" beyond the speed of light (simply a greater separation in "distance" between) relative to the equally objectively real observer. "Speed" always being a form of "distance!" And the "distance" from here ('0-point') to the constant of the speed of light equating -- matching to -- to the constant of the "distance" from here to the "Planck (microcosmic) / Big Bang (macrocosmic)" Horizon . . . the 0-point 'Horizon Mirror'.
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Aug 14, 2020
If the above two posts, like other similar posts of mine, are a little dense for some, let me make make it a little denser:

Vega is a star 25 light years from Sol and may have planets orbiting it. One of them might even have life. Let's say one does and fast spaceship with a constant of fusion powered acceleration launches in voyage to it.

Now the vessel is the same type of vessel that the Limitless Space Institute says might make a voyage to the Centauri System, approximately 4-light years away in five to six months, without going faster than the speed of light by shrinking a bubble of space/time in front of the ship and ballooning a bubble of space/time behind it, in a merger of SPACETIME (t=+1 (-->) and (<--) t=-1).

The vessel has two super-light-resolution telescopes aboard the ship, each enormously better than anything like the Webb. The Captain looks through the Earth facing light resolving super scope as the ship is accelerating away from Earth and notices that time is slowing down for Earth in orbit of the Sun as well for every clock and everything else on Earth, including his twin brother on Earth. After some time into the trip at continuous acceleration, the Captain looks and notices now that the Earth has reversed course in orbit of the Sun and is accelerating going backward in orbit (as is everything accelerating in going backward in time upon the Earth), going backward in space and time, in SPACETIME, eventually to wind up 25 years backward in space and time, or 25 light years away from his destination point, the star, Vega.

The observed subjectively relative, that is, not the objective reality which is forward in space and time, in SPACETIME, in the un-observable dark (future) universe offset from the observable (past) universe, a universe most cosmologists and physicists seem unaware exists! And in expanding separation between subject relativity of universe and object reality of universe, the further "distant" the "faster" the speed, the acceleration, of the expansion in and of separation of observed / observable past and un-observed and un-observable future universes (such as the traveler to Vega in this scenario now exists while his observed image resides in the former, the past universe somewhere still enroute to Vega!

The Captain, in looking through the other super scope fixed upon Vega, 25 light years and thus 25 years away from Earth at the speed of light, witnesses exactly the opposite of what he was witnessing to the rear. To reach the un-observed object reality of Vega from the observed subject relativity of Vega, required a futuristically fast forwarding of space and time (a deflation forward of a gravitational bubble) amounting to a speed less than the speed of light since the planet and beings on it speeded up in space and time (in SPACETIME (<-- (t=-1)) appeared to advance in space and time, to age, enormously more and faster than him and those with him aboard ship. Of course, patentedly unrecognized for a century) that advance, that aging, was from a starting point 25 years back in time, 25 light years away, in SPACETIME!
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Aug 14, 2020
John Harrison (1693-1776 BCE), carpenter, and clock and time enthusiast, and the central character in 'Longitude', book and miniseries. He was never an academic "peer" so was never "peer reviewed." His "amateurish" (called!) theories never professionally written nor officially accepted. But he persisted and won though he was a "nothing," a "nobody" . . . and with that win all of a world won...!

"Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds..." -- Albert Einstein.
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Harrison was an inventor who, in an attempt to win a prize, invented a chronometer that could allow longitude to be determined. He was recognized by the Royal Society and recommended for the prize to the Board of Longitude. Several voyages proved it worked but the people in charge of doling out the cash said it was just coincidence and he got cheated out of the money. Perhaps had he run a more scientific test and had it peer reviewed, he could have gotten his prize. Meanwhile, his recognition by the Royal Society is the equivalent of a PhD. In each case, the edge of the known knowledge base has been moved slightly. I woould have listened to him at that point. On the other hand, if there was a peer reviewed paper by a PhD working in the time keeping field, who was associated with an accredited university that told a different story, I would have gone with that instead. We always go with the most credible source. Lacking a PhD source, we go with whatever we happen to have.


Aug 14, 2020
Harrison was an inventor who, in an attempt to win a prize, invented a chronometer that could allow longitude to be determined. He was recognized by the Royal Society and recommended for the prize to the Board of Longitude. Several voyages proved it worked but the people in charge of doling out the cash said it was just coincidence and he got cheated out of the money. Perhaps had he run a more scientific test and had it peer reviewed, he could have gotten his prize. Meanwhile, his recognition by the Royal Society is the equivalent of a PhD. In each case, the edge of the known knowledge base has been moved slightly. I woould have listened to him at that point. On the other hand, if there was a peer reviewed paper by a PhD working in the time keeping field, who was associated with an accredited university that told a different story, I would have gone with that instead. We always go with the most credible source. Lacking a PhD source, we go with whatever we happen to have.
Sorry, Bill. You're wrong in most of what you claim as the history, especially in the tone of what you say. He worked most of his life on the problem and his inventing to produce a clock and time orientated solution to the problem. He was resisted by the "establishment guild" throughout his life. Not until toward the end of his life did he receive any recognition and a reward and then it came from Parliament . . . NOT the "Queen Anne Prize" award and recognition to be awarded by the 'Royal Society' he had sought but still recognition and a reward!

In our future in space, in space frontier, as historian Will Durant said in his 'The Lessons of History', it will not be gelded guild-elite establishment types but be the vast numbers of "run-of-the-mill" nobodies like John Harrison who will do the mass tooling inventing and innovating to take us up and out! It will be "mass genius" (aka 'National Genius' locally (aka frontier mind expanded "frontier genius" as Hector St. John de Crevecoeur termed it) that will solve the little-big problems that will move bulk Earth life and industry into the frontier universe at large! The million, billion, trillion, "nobody" carpenter John Harrison types undergirding, springing, birthing the one in a million, one in a billion, one in a trillion, who will step-ride the expanding energy tide.
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Right. All true, but nothing in there would stop me from listening to his idea, since there was no competing peer reviewed literature to out rank him. If there was peer reviewed literature, I would have given it precedence. Everything else you say is true and interesting, but beside the point we are debating. That point is: "Who do we give precedence to?" I give precedence according to the rules I laid out. Absent a PhD, I would listen to him.


Aug 14, 2020
Right. All true, but nothing in there would stop me from listening to his idea, since there was no competing peer reviewed literature to out rank him. If there was peer reviewed literature, I would have given it precedence. Everything else you say is true and interesting, but beside the point we are debating. That point is: "Who do we give precedence to?" I give precedence according to the rules I laid out. Absent a PhD, I would listen to him.
If they were horses, I'm for riding the peasant stallion, you're for riding the elite gelding. Not exactly what Will Durant said in his thin volume 'The Lessons of History', and thick 'The Story of Civilization' (in bulk eleven volumes), pertaining to who's who and what's what but close enough.

Not exactly, either, what American Thomas Jefferson wrote to his aristocratic French friend just prior to the French Revolution, but there, too, close enough.
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I'll ride anything but I have my priorities:
1) Understand the Standard Model
2) Understand its shortcomings.
3) Search for other ideas that might fix those problems.

I am at step #1 and will likely be there for many more years.
You want me to go to step #3 and I don't want to do that just yet.
I'm sure you understand.


Aug 14, 2020
I'll ride anything but I have my priorities:
1) Understand the Standard Model
2) Understand its shortcomings.
3) Search for other ideas that might fix those problems.

I am at step #1 and will likely be there for many more years.
You want me to go to step #3 and I don't want to do that just yet.
I'm sure you understand.
I put myself on the level of step #3 but only, solely, regarding the cosmic smallest / biggest pictures that are in fact open to everyone to work in and with regardless of what we are too often told not to be messing with because we are too common and too stupid (2- and 3-dimensional thinking, as Hawking put it, if not even broader and deeper).

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- Artur Canon Doyle, 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet'.

"Great spirits...." -- Albert Einstein.
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Aug 14, 2020
Random thoughts:

I never could relaxingly think in terms of canceling infinities; the thought always had to be forced with me. I have two infinities, match two infinities, I've simply automatically turned up two finites (+1 (unity)) and (-1 (unity)) as the result, then a mutual destruction and cancelation of incompatible personalities, matter (+1) and the trojan third element, antimatter (-1) -- so to speak, to fundamental binary base2's infinite '0' (null unity or infinities of 0-pointed -- infinite / infinitesimal -- discreet quanta quantum bubble singularity).
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Aug 14, 2020
Oh gee! Where have I seen something in the same line before? Oh! Of course, my own posts speaking to possibilities! I'm not alone . . . paralleling tracks:



Aug 14, 2020
It's way early for this retiree but couldn't sleep thinking:

Self-similar fractal zooms universe structure . . . distance point portals . . . gravity waves . . . gateways to opening . . . opening intersecting interfaces! Detecting gravity waves! Detecting expansive (expandable) gateway-portal interfaces in the fabric of SPACETIME!

Gravity waves / gravity wave intersecting interfaces! Detecting doors / windows that open one way, close another! Depending on whether entering (portal) or leaving (point).

Enough for now.... To be continued, expanded upon, maybe.... I'm tired and going back to bed!
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Aug 14, 2020
Post #362 continued:

Self-similar fractal zooms universe structure.

No wonder gravity theories are still such a hard sell despite all claims of proofs.

When Newton's apple fell from the tree, it fell toward a gravitationally (at once anti-gravitationally . . . two sides of one and exactly the same coin) expanding surface of the Earth (an expanding universe made expansionist by gravitational wave physics) as far as the apple was concerned. And also at once fell toward a discreet quanta monopolar quantum (EW) point-singularity of quantum physics (made contractionist to a point per quantum physics, NOT an expansionary gravitational-wave-interface physics).

[Gravity / antigravity] in its wave form opens the system, expands the system, is the open system of the infinities of horizon universe(s). It does not contract it . . . it does not close it!

It took me a while to realize what track I was already on. A while to finally put things, I was already visualizing on and off, together. Gravity in "gravitational waves" is the accelerating expansionary "dark energy" force of the universe. There is no other and there is nothing exotic about it!
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Aug 14, 2020
[Gravity / antigravity] in its wave form opens the system, expands the system, is the open system of the infinities of horizon universe(s). It does not contract it . . . it does not close it!

The closer you get to the event horizon of a black hole, if you can get that close, the more it will expand before you. Expand. And expand. And expand.... A stretching frames' accordion of tunneling corridor in vortex . . . a stringing universe in itself expanding, expanding, expanding in and into scaling universe(s) -- expanding out in magnitude of universe(s) -- within, though apparently infinitely stretching you in contraction to any observer outside of the black hole, if there could be such an observer.
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Aug 14, 2020
Summarizing posts #361 thru....

An obviously opening (rather than closing) system! A wide-open interfacing system ("gravity waves' intersecting interfaces")! Entangling, big time! Very, very, big time!!!!
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Aug 14, 2020
Oh, well. In keeping with the above, a repetition and a little more gravity (antigravity) / antigravity (gravity):

Hyperspatially (sic) entangling, intersecting, Interfacing. And being modeled and observed all of the time locally in many things on many scales (self-similar fractal zooms universe structure), including fusions and fissions.... Including "gravity waves" and Newton's "apple" falling from a distant point to an observably expanding universe (from the viewpoint of the apple)!
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If the universe had a multitude of baby universes surrounding it, we would be inside a shell. Inside a shell there is weightlessness. Far away galaxies would not be attracted to outside universes.


Aug 14, 2020
If the universe had a multitude of baby universes surrounding it, we would be inside a shell. Inside a shell there is weightlessness. Far away galaxies would not be attracted to outside universes.
Many, much, "discreet quanta" and "rim gravity" (gravity to those nonlocal rim "infinities"), too! Thank goodness for scalable Strong, EM, and EW forces, including monopolar quantum singularity -- and singularities! Thank goodness the 'set' of the "forest" -- the attraction to expanding outside -- couldn't make it without the 'constituency' of the "trees" inside the set of the forest; fully equal to the forest, and vice-versa!

Of course, the "forest", too, is in each of the "trees"! Neither came, or comes, first!
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Aug 14, 2020
If the universe had a multitude of baby universes surrounding it, we would be inside a shell. Inside a shell there is weightlessness. Far away galaxies would not be attracted to outside universes.
By the way, Bill. As you well know we cannot observe the horizons, the horizon universes, the discreet quanta, outside of observability . . .outside the "observable universe". We can only observe the finite, local, relative, possible, probable, modeling of any infinite potential! (Obviously "infinitely" fulfilled in the (my oh so ponderous 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe' (U)) 'Horizon Mirror' set of all of an eternal and infinite constituency of horizon universes (u) . . . mutually supporting and renewing (constants)!)

"From a drop of water...."
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Yes, we cannot see outside the redshift horizon. And I thought: "If we can't see it can't we just say it is not there?" But then I thought: "Maybe the gravitational effects don't respect the red shift edge of the visible universe?" Then, smoke came out from under my toupée .
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Aug 14, 2020
Bill, I suddenly realize we are back to Chaos Theory's 'Mandelbrot Set' without which "fractal zooms universe structure" we would really be living in nothing but a "hologram" or a reality of the movie 'The Matrix'!

I hate to refer to it for a third time, but I feel I must:

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Aug 14, 2020
Hmmm! A local, and nonlocal, picture forms from the above that may be or may not be ("to be or not to be, that is the question?!").

What is the highest relative speed at which you can smash universes, or atoms, into each other, destroying them? Beyond that do you have no opposing meeting, a pass through, and a fused trojan at 0-point, plus the two originals now devoid, stripped, of energy, zeroed in energy -- lost to the trojan new formation -- in pass through, where otherwise there would have been . . . whatever from a destruction in smashing at a combined velocity less than the speed of light?!

Also! In my mind's eye, I stripped, took away, the monopolar point-singularity from gravity's physics and assigned it to the particle-wave electroweak (EW) force of quantum physics which completely changed the picture of gravity's physics for me . . . it then having no point-singularity it could contract to! The picture and modeling then springing for gravity is one of a fundamental fractal self-similar zooms universe structure . . . endlessly expanding to no end of expansion (in fact going nowhere at all -- thus everywhere --in that expansion!) / endlessly contracting to no end of contraction (in fact going nowhere at all -- thus everywhere --in that contraction!). 'Set' and reset! Infinities still there, but at once, too, "'Set' and reset."


Aug 14, 2020
You might still not see it from what I reading, though there are people out there getting close if not there already:

As I have visualized it in the 'Horizon Mirror' (of an Infinite 'MULTIVERSE' Universe) at the horizon edge of Infinity and Forever, as in a "Klein Bottle" opening....

.... the 'microcosm' ('Planck' Horizon) and 'macrocosm' (so-called 'Big Bang' Horizon) merge to one and the same point-portal-horizon! Whether distantly out there in the large (though actually in the resolving of light at the scope), or distantly inside us in the small (though actually in the resolving of light light at the scope) it is one and the same Horizon Mirror 'Set' this side of horizon universe infinities . . . large and small, infinite and infinitesimal! And the Hubble and Webb scopes, and those with their eyes to their equipment, aren't going to tell any difference between the two -- a contraction and an expansion -- that both is there and isn't there (again, Schrodinger's "cat"-like)!
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Aug 14, 2020
I couldn't help myself since it belongs here too! "Brevity may be soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction!" -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

"Only in the Horizon Mirror-world's pole-point (3 in 1 (north, south, and center poles all-in-one (EW) monopole point singularity, so to speak)) of "outside of time" or having to do with "spontaneous concurrent REALTIME" is the universe "infinitely old" . . . and/or so new as to be locally observed [as] unobserved, unobservable, distant future histories -- however near or far distant in SPACE FRONTIERS those distant future histories are."

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- Artur Canon Doyle, 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet'.
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Aug 14, 2020
Again, couldn't help myself...:

"From a drop of water...."

"Ahh! Capitalism! I'm here to do a lot of mixing:

Black holes / white holes, fusing or fissioning (sic) universes, capitalism, some loaves of bread (not to get religious), life cells (worlds) in buildup of energies to divisions, SPACE FRONTIERS, outputting in expansion far more mass material energies in the physics and cosmology than they input . . . then they take in!

The most probable provider? Entropy (Schrodinger's cat: It's dead! / It's very much alive!)."

"From a drop of water...."
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