From a drop of water....

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Oct 9, 2023
[Gravity / antigravity] in its wave form opens the system, expands the system, is the open system of the infinities of horizon universe(s). It does not contract it . . . it does not close it!

The closer you get to the event horizon of a black hole, if you can get that close, the more it will expand before you. Expand. And expand. And expand.... A stretching frames' accordion of tunneling corridor in vortex . . . a stringing universe in itself expanding, expanding, expanding in and into scaling universe(s) -- expanding out in magnitude of universe(s) -- within, though apparently infinitely stretching you in contraction to any observer outside of the black hole, if there could be such an observer.
The mental image of a tunneling corridor within a vortex conveys the sense of being drawn inexorably towards the singularity at the heart of the black hole, where the laws of physics as we know them cease to apply.
The mental image of a tunneling corridor within a vortex conveys the sense of being drawn inexorably towards the singularity at the heart of the black hole, where the laws of physics as we know them cease to apply.
Self similar fractal zooms universe structure, thus the acceleration/deceleration force of gravity/antigravity, the entity of the structure of the SPACE FRONTIERS, has no singularity. The monopole point-particle "singularity" is an EW quantum physic and will always be scalable and scaled by the infinities of the zoom structure (the structure of gravity/antigravity physics) of universe like the rest of the fundamental quantum forces.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough in the above (#377). It's a hole that doesn't close . . . it opens (to an expanding universe)! And the point singularity, like any microcosmic particle of quantum particle physics, is at once a portal! an integral duality of point-portal (it [is] a widening opening down and in, thus at once up and out) and [is not] a stop ([is not] a barrier except to the outside observer)! It "is" and it "isn't" (thus a Schrodinger functionality, as in "Schrodinger's cat....").
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Again, repetition is the heart of instruction:

The seven fundamental forces as best I can make them out:

1.) The strong force.
2.) The weak force.
3.) The electromagnetic force.
4.)The gravitational/antigravitational force.
5.) The Electro-Weak force (EW (electromagnetic / weak) altogether in monopolar quantum particle point (portal)-singularity).
6.) The self-similar fractal zooms (infinities' zooms: 'gravity/antigravity' intersecting wave-interface physics) universe structure / base 'set' and reset (enter 'strong force'!).
7.) The 'Life Force' (SCRT (spontaneous concurrent REALTIME (t=0) and the force of 'Entropy'!). ** Reminder ** "t=0" being the eternal time showing on Hawking's '"Grand Central Station" of the Universe' frozen "clock"!

The fundamental binary base2:

'0' (infinite zero (null unity)) |and/or| '1' ('discreet quanta' finite (unity)) . . . and the trojan third element of fundamental binary base2: parity (+/-).

Not to skip:

The 'Horizon Mirror'...!
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"From a drop of water...."

Once more to prove I can visualize, think in, and speak to, all at once more than one dimensionality for those who don't and won't leaf through my history:


1.) An Einstein-like traveler takes a mind's eye trip toward the speed of light. He finds time seeming to slow down for him toward spontaneous concurrent REALTIME (t=0) on the way.

2.) He looks to the fore through his fore-screen, his windshield, and observes time to be seemingly accelerating in speed into future histories, the future light cone of SPACETIME (t=-1 from the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) of the relatively distant Horizon Mirror (t=0)).

3.) He looks to the rear into his aft-screen, his rearview mirror, and observes time to be seemingly accelerating in speed into past histories, the past light cone of SPACETIME (t=+1 from the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) of the relatively distant 'Horizon Mirror'(t=0)).

4.) Grand total of verses . . . MULTIVERSE! Grand total dimensionality . . . multi-dimensionality. Direction of travel, infinities of horizon universes in the speed of light constant forward out of the futures (t=-1) and rearward into the pasts (t=+1) of the infinite horizon 'set' of the distant Horizon Mirror (t=0) (spontaneous concurrent REALTIME (t=0))."

"From a drop of water...."
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E=mc^2. The universe is expanding? Or is the universe within dividing into two . . . or into many . . . as other things, such as life's cells, divide from such energy increase to excess? Has it, a universe, always divided? Two or more new young universes, galaxies, atoms, cells, whatever, from one older entity now grown excess in divisive energies . . . thus excess in entropy? An energy | entropy combo always to be in excess, else be no energy of entropy, no entropy of energy (an equivalence), at all?! Capital isn't energetic, capitalism -- interest gain -- is. Expansionism (energy = entropy x c^2 (equivalence?)) Inevitable, inexorable, entropy (m) times c^2 = energy. Whatever!

'c'^2! Energy and entropy (mass (m) and/or magnitude (m)) are interchangeable?!
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Increasingly I'm wondering why a "universe" except as any discreet quanta -- microcosmic or macrocosmic -- has one meaning whatsoever? I use the term for anything I want to use it for and it remains the same proper term for that "anything" . . . for everything (it is divisible -- into what, where, when, how.... (multi-dimensional multiverse) to infinity)!
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In post #379....

"5.) The Electro-Weak force (EW (electromagnetic / weak) altogether in monopolar quantum particle point (portal)-singularity)."

....I neglected to point out that, to me, that "monopolar quantum point (portal)-singularity" -- microcosmic / macrocosmic -- is the hottest particle, the hottest point, the hottest entity, the hottest place (Planck and Big Bang collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Horizon (the 'Horizon Mirror')), the hottest physic, in the universe! In Chaos Theory's fundamental base basic of two level fractal zooms universe structure, the hyperspatial zoom level of universally smooth universe versus, and always alternating with, the hyperspatial zoom level of universally grainy -- coarse grain -- chunky universe. Dimensionality and dimensionality, a base of two. Horizon and horizon, a base of two. One "hot as hell," one "cold as hell," and a betwixt and between trojan third horizon of "glitch"; of eternally passing "equilibrium" (as Stephen termed it, the steady state, but "always migrating 'Life Zone'," of the universe where we life live between those constant absolutes of hellish extremes).
The references to "accelerating expansion of the universe" being faster the speed of light having nothing to do with travel faster than the speed of light, begs one equal but opposite comparison! Which is a self-powered object's, meaning a self-powered ship's, constant of acceleration, even just 1g of constant acceleration, overpowering the observed accelerating expansion of the universe and contracting the distances between points of the universe faster than the speed of light, while not in fact traveling faster than the speed of light local to the traveler and the traveler's ship's clock time! The self-powered ship's constant of acceleration and/or deceleration able to take full advantage of the softness of a fundamental gravity/antigravity's expansive/contractive bubble qualities of the universe's spaces . . . inclusive of either so-called DM and DE or MOND...:

.... Makes no difference to a self-powered vessel's constant of self-acceleration (again, even if only at 1g of acceleration) enabling it to overcome and shrink -- contract -- the expansiveness (the distances) of the universe!...

... And, whether anyone can conceive of such case, a constant of accelerating deceleration able to overcome equally but oppositely in "accelerating local expansion of the universe faster than the speed of light" that same shrinkage -- that same contraction! Again, without local to the traveler and his local time on his ship's clock, any actual travel faster than the speed of light.
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Ad #384:
.... Makes no difference to a self-powered vessel's constant of self-acceleration (again, even if only at 1g of acceleration) enabling it to [RELATIVELY/LOCALLY] overcome and shrink -- contract -- the expansiveness (the distances) of the universe!...

What a terrific "MULTIVERSE Universe" of possibilities it is!
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Oct 9, 2023
Self similar fractal zooms universe structure, thus the acceleration/deceleration force of gravity/antigravity, the entity of the structure of the SPACE FRONTIERS, has no singularity. The monopole point-particle "singularity" is an EW quantum physic and will always be scalable and scaled by the infinities of the zoom structure (the structure of gravity/antigravity physics) of universe like the rest of the fundamental quantum forces.
Phew, that's to much for me to comprehend.
Phew, that's to much for me to comprehend.
One fundamental force -- at the very least, electro-magnetism, is known to be scalable from the microcosm into the macrocosm and vice-versa. Electro-magnetism merges to one with the weak force into another combined fundamental force, the electro-weak force. As I see it, then, all the fundamental forces without exception,, they all merge, combine, one way or another (even if not quite recognizable for what they are) and are all scalable up and down the microcosmic / macrocosmic scales, to infinities up and out, and down and in, from finite local relativity (some mid-level relativity / locality, so to situational "trojan" speak). The infinity scale, infinite and infinitesimal, all the way to infinities of both in quality and quantity (a multi-dimensional MULTIVERSE Universe existing), being one and the same when you remove the relative local "trojan" finite from the picture.

Probably didn't do all that much for your comprehension but I can hope. Like the "three body multi-dimensional picture and problem" it can seem too complex and chaotic for some.
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Keeps getting better and better, though still no realization of the Horizon Mirror's "superposition" in the macrocosmic macro-verse, much less the microcosmic micro-verse (identically one and the same entity):

The Webb scope could find a galaxy or other entity 15 to 20 billion or more light years (years) out (on/at/into the edge of infinity) and still have the Horizon Mirror be in "superposition" 14 billion light years (years) out. And it could still be right! It would still be correct!

It would still be . . . still mark . . . an "endless beginning"!
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Ad #389:

"It would still be . . . still mark . . . an 'endless beginning'!" To mean an "endless turnover" and the physics there of... (verse: turn, to turn; an endless turning.... clockwise (t=+1) / counterclockwise (t=-1), so to realize (t=0))!
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Oct 9, 2023
One fundamental force -- at the very least, electro-magnetism, is known to be scalable from the microcosm into the macrocosm and vice-versa. Electro-magnetism merges to one with the weak force into another combined fundamental force, the electro-weak force. As I see it, then, all the fundamental forces without exception,, they all merge, combine, one way or another (even if not quite recognizable for what they are) and are all scalable up and down the microcosmic / macrocosmic scales, to infinities up and out, and down and in, from finite local relativity (some mid-level relativity / locality, so to situational "trojan" speak). The infinity scale, infinite and infinitesimal, all the way to infinities of both in quality and quantity (a multi-dimensional MULTIVERSE Universe existing), being one and the same when you remove the relative local "trojan" finite from the picture.

Probably didn't do all that much for your comprehension but I can hope. Like the "three body multi-dimensional picture and problem" it can seem too complex and chaotic for some.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Nawww! A container with a thing in it heavier than the container with the thing in it! If I advanced such an idea (and I have advanced some like it) I would be labeled...! Oh, never mind...:

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I wonder how many know what t=0, t=-1, and t=+1, even mean? What SPACETIME past histories' past light cone (t=+1) and future histories' future light cone (t=-1) refer to?

We are told there is no such thing as counter-clock-wise (t=-1) time! There is only clock-wise time (t=+1)! How wrong headed can physicists get?!

To deal with the math as simplistically as I can (it will actually be too simplistic, but none-the-less):

1.) SPACETIME past histories' past light cone (t=+1) is OBSERVABLE coordinate space-time universe (Horizon Mirror (t=0) / t=+1 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5....--> spontaneous concurrent REALTIME (t=0)).... From the past histories seen of the universe, clockwise FORWARD to relative locality realized...! Expand space-time universe (reverse contraction)!

2.) SPACETIME future histories' future light cone (t=-1) is UNOBSERVABLE coordinate space-time universe (Horizon Mirror (t=0) / t=-1 | .....5, 4, 3, 2, 1--> spontaneous concurrent REALTIME (t=0)).... From the future histories unseen of the universe to the local, counterclockwise FORWARD to relative locality realized...! Contract space-time universe (reverse expansion)!

I will leave it right there because from it becomes too multi-faceted multi-dimensionally complex and chaotic for too many. I've had my travelers and observers travel the routes in all kinds of different ways in all kinds of different posts, too much MULTIVERSE to try to condense to one post.
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There is no "singularity" to gravity physics, so there is no quantum physics' (EW) point-particle singularity -- and the many varieties of complex singularities -- to it! Again: To gravity's fundamental "zooms" (to the infinite and infinitesimal) element of "self-similar fractal zooms (infinities) universe structure" short the strong binding (including nuclear) force's / Casimir effect force's base2 "set and reset."

Fractal: quantum physics' discreet quantum and/or quanta.
Zooms: gravity physics' infinite / infinitesimal infinities.
Universe: unity-turning, a turning unity (verse: turn: to turn . . . turn in, turn out, turn about(!), turnover(!)).
Base2 set and reset: Reduction to a fundamental base of the infinity (the zoom infinities).
If there is no quantum physics, then how do tunnel diodes work? Just curious.
Have you been drinking, Bill? :confounded:Or did you just misread me? Who said there was no quantum physics? Certainly not me! I said no quantum singularity "to it!" To gravity's physics! That there are plenty of singularities, quantum singularities, varieties of point-particle singularities, to quantum physics but none, not one to gravity's physics!

I'm saying that essentially gravity/antigravity (gravity of the tree/gravity of the forest), its universes' broad and deep intersecting interface waves of acceleration/deceleration, is one of the a fundamental forces, the force of hyperspace(s), of sub-space(s), of infinite SPACE FRONTIER(S), itself. But it is not 0-point! Never 0-point or 0-pointed! That is a quantum physic!

Geez, Bill!
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Gotcha, no quantum singularity. OK, so how do you know there is no quantum singularity?
Bill, what are you drinking today?! You know better! If I did not think I knew better, I'd say you were just trying to be malicious. Particles (wave-particles/particle-waves in all their many varieties) up and out from the Planck Horizon of infinities of horizon universes (down and in from the Big Bang Horizon of infinities of horizon universes) are nothing but "quantum singularities"!
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I shouldn't be stunned, but I am stunned! There are people in this world who can't define a "point," a physical-cosmological point in the scalable universe at large and small! a point particle, a self-similar point-singularity . . . to the universe; one and the same "point"! They can't SCALE! Incapable of fractal geometrical "zooms" scaling!

Well maybe I shouldn't be that surprised since trying to qualify and quantify "point" and "points" in cosmology and physics was one of the things that drove the famous logician, mathematician, and philosopher, Kurt Godel, bonkers. He had difficulties with a multi-dimensional multiverse. And he was, and is, far from the only one!
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So little do cosmological physicists know about the Planck / Big Bang (Black Hole / White Hole) collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Horizon (Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe Horizon of an infinity of horizon universes). Infinite in its dimensionless breadth and depth super-positioned inside/outside space. Eternal in its instant moment super-positioned inside/outside time. Endless beginning (Horn of Plenty/Fountain of Youth) to its own countless constituency existing both inside/outside the 'Horizon Mirror' mirroring....

Total mass matter and energy (of the feeder 'Horizon Mirror') equaling zero.

"Brevity may be the soul of wit, but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- Arthur Canon Doyle,
'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet'.
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