From a drop of water....

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Aug 14, 2020
And the battle of fundamental force identifications (what is what and why) continues:

Most representative of the fundamental electroweak force, whether down and in into the microcosmic (monopole-point-particle-singularity) or up and out into the macrocosmic, is a black hole (singularity). Others may not agree, but I would identify a "black hole" at any scale whatsoever as anything from a electroweak monopole point-particle-singularity to an "electroweak star", to possibly...!
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Aug 14, 2020
I would have loved to have transferred this in full, but as it is I will just point to it (quantum entangle with it):

#33, there, #502 here, quantum entangling. I did two edits and did not have to switch back and forth between threads to match up what actually belongs in both places at once.
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Aug 14, 2020
Dark matter is really intriguing, because as far as I can see now it is nothing more than a matter of distances and angles of viewing the universe. Either a difference between reality and relativity, or a difference between relativities, or both. Differences in light's coordinate points SPACETIME between observed past histories past light cone and unobserved future histories future light cone. Light speed is NOT instantaneous across distances or through different angles no matter how people keep on trying to believe it is . . . and tell us that it is.

An event having occurred at some distance is an event now recorded in the past histories past light cone of light's coordinate points SPACETIME, but it will be an event also existing in light's coordinate points SPACETIME future histories future light cone unobserved but to be observed at a future time in some future place! Another one of those Schrodinger deals of "is" and "isn't" at once . . . at the same time! Distances and angles in space and time dependent. Geometric dimensions dependent.

One of those, "They are unobservable dark matter events to you but not so dark as now being relatively observable holographic matter events to me. Thus, you are further away in some distant angle of universe horizon of space and/or time from it than I am. And, I could be further away from it than you are in one way, and yet closer to it than you are in another way, depending upon dimensionality."
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Aug 14, 2020
Could there be a fundamental force that ignores the speed of light?

Yes. anti Q (QM) -Verse 'gravity' . . . existing both within the limits of the speed of light and, at the same time reaching across would be barrier divides, acting [in and as absence] of the limits of the speed of light!

:hushed: (Softly whispering a deep dark secret, loudly) It's probable that "dark energy" equals mass times ('c' times 'c')! :rolleyes:
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Here is the problem. Light is basically the "kink" in an electric field line. Each charged particle has an infinite number of electric field lines extending to infinity. Move the charge sideways slightly and you put a kink in those lines that radiates outward at c. The speed at which it radiates is a function of how taught those lines are. The tautness of the lines is a function of how powerful the charge force is. The charge force is 10^34 times stronger than gravity.

Thus: If you have something can travel faster than c, then it must have taughter lines, thus is a more powerful force than the charge force. Any force with that much power would have such a large amount of mass that we would detect it by its gravity, but we don't. Perhaps it is a solution to Dark Matter? That is a mass we can't explain. Of course, it would violate causality which it can't since future people who harnessed it would come back in time and win all of the lotteries.


Aug 14, 2020
Here is the problem. Light is basically the "kink" in an electric field line. Each charged particle has an infinite number of electric field lines extending to infinity. Move the charge sideways slightly and you put a kink in those lines that radiates outward at c. The speed at which it radiates is a function of how taught those lines are. The tautness of the lines is a function of how powerful the charge force is. The charge force is 10^34 times stronger than gravity.

Thus: If you have something can travel faster than c, then it must have taughter lines, thus is a more powerful force than the charge force. Any force with that much power would have such a large amount of mass that we would detect it by its gravity, but we don't. Perhaps it is a solution to Dark Matter? That is a mass we can't explain. Of course, it would violate causality which it can't since future people who harnessed it would come back in time and win all of the lotteries.
To the observer the traveler who comes through both the past histories past light cone of Light's coordinate points SPACETIME and the future histories future light cone of light's coordinate points SPACETIME simultaneously (at exactly the same time) is observed by the observer to either have come to the observer instantaneously from a distance (wormhole) or faster than the speed of light (warp space speed) -- neither of which the traveler actually does locally . . . which transit the observer should observe to be two travelers (both really the same traveler) quantum entangling from differing times . . . from differing directions of time. The fast traveler (who has shrunken space and sped through many time zones fast forwarding packets of photo-film frames of light) who should be observed to be two travelers in differing times having been observed to come from the past and, actually, NOT observed coming from the future wins no lotteries when contracting and merging a triangulation of three lines and three points to one and the same traveler at the point of the observer (the triangulation having contracted to essentially the naked singularity of a single point of place, from three points and lines of a triangle, in expanded space and time).

Coming from two equal but opposing directions and magnitudes of space (gravity) and time (Q-Verse (both past and future still "histories" observed, and unobserved), the same traveler at the same time (quantum entangled), the resulting relative reality of traveler will win no lotteries by any kind of default of insider knowledge!
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Aug 14, 2020
As some on the forum have dismissed an open system of infinities of 'horizon' universe(s) as a fantasy fiction of mine, I repeat that I have not misidentified gravity as the fundamental force of "accelerating expansion" of opening (emergent SPACE) (emergent gravity) to the open system of the universe! The self-similar fractal zooms (hyperspace directions and magnitudes (horizons infinitely broad and deep, horizontal and vertical)) structure of universes. When combined -- microcosmically and macrocosmically -- with the strong binding (nuclear) force, defining (Casimir force and effect-like) "set and reset" to a fundamental base dimensionality (the reduction described in Chaos Theory) throughout the zooms structuring.

I have continuously read in books and articles on physics, over decades of reading, that gravity is still largely eluding pinning down regardless of the Theory of General Relativity. Einstein claimed GR, instituting gravity, made ether (aether), as the entity of SPACE, redundant and obsolete. It is still elusive of pinning down since it has too many dimensions (String Theory claims a minimum of eleven dimensions for it) for any mediocre thinker to grasp that it is "emergent" ("emergent SPACE") and all that that intrinsic softness signifies enabling soliton / soliton wave manipulations among other possibilities and probabilities.

It is only the mediocre thinker that reduces gravity to a simplistic force fixture of contraction and compaction of space [in space] rather than being emergent SPACE itself (open systemic "accelerating expansionism" as I've described it many times in many ways to be in my interpreting the greats).
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Aug 14, 2020
Pointing to #3 of:

Again, because of the thrust, modeling, and picturing, of this continuing thread, belongs here, too, as integral to it!


Aug 14, 2020

A "glueball" (as I read about it today and researched it further) is a gob of gluons that to me would be very representative of the Casimir force and effect.

A "Neutron star" is a neutron star! More than enough said, there, on my way to....

Going deeper into the Q (QM)-Verse:

A "black hole" (aka particle-point-"singularity" of countless singularities (like a vulnerable master-link "iron curtain" bubble of countless invulnerable iron curtain bubbles interior to it)) and it's fate to inevitably eventually purely dissipate and fade away of its own strength and weakness, as I see it, is an "electroweak star!":

And like a lot of serial writers (including serial visualizers), I can't help it that this story just keeps on writing itself (accelerating universe expansion broad and deep . . . and interlocking (interconnecting spokes to a common hub))!:

Post#5 of:

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Aug 14, 2020
Woke up thinking about black hole "electroweak stars" and galaxies, and galaxy centers! Couldn't get back to sleep because of what I was seeing in my own "mind's eye":

Turn a 'black hole electroweak star' destroyer inside out and you have the reverse, a 'white hole star' factory' (of a piece with the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (Big Bang) 'Mirror Horizon')!

** (Always remembering the fundamental binary base2 character (smooth to chunky coarse grain and back.... repeating to infinities) duality of Chaos Theory's self-similar fractal 'zooms' universe structure ("emergent gravity" ("emergent (hyperspace) SPACE")), including its constant reduction of its infinities to a further fundamental binary base2 constant of "setting" and reset ("gravity's infinities" combine with the "strong (nuclear) binding force" finite)!) **
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Aug 14, 2020
Others more than likely have beaten me to this realization but there is no such thing as a diameter to the observed universe separate from its radius. To wit: The only diameter there is to the observed universe is that within the radius (one and the same dimension of string (1-dimensional string!)).

To go further, I am probably one of the few non-astronomers to have read that there is a glitch, a momentary leveling point, to the accelerating expansion of the observed universe about half way along the string. And probably one of the even fewer to realize the probability of what and why. 'Mirror Horizon' mirroring (here I go again with the back-flow of the SPACETIME timeline gridlines of the "Klein bottle" shape I like to use for illustration of the picture I keep on wanting to paint:

Collapsed cosmological constant (/\) P/BB 'Mirror Horizon' mirroring.
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Aug 14, 2020
Once more:

Self-similar fractal zooms (to infinity) universe structure, reduces to fundamental base set . . . and reset:

The 'tesseract' and more as frame illustration if you can picture just this much illustration of "fractal zooms (to infinity)":

"Reduces to fundamental base set . . . and reset":

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Aug 14, 2020
Herein I am out to reinforce my realization of the fundamental force of gravity being open systemic, opening systemic, as in "accelerating expansion" to an open system of "emergent SPACE" ("emergent gravity") and "instantaneous spontaneous REALTIME 'front' ('Frontier')":

Repeating the illustration for emphasis:

The illustration itself illustrates what is always occurring regarding accelerating expansions of light -- due to gravitational effects!) -- with all increasing entrance into open system. It is what I consider is a fact always taken for granted of gravity being open systemic rather than closed systemic contracting to some particle-point-singularity (which I consider a descriptive matter of fundamental "electroweak force": Of black hole purple people eater "electroweak star")! Whew!

For a few hundred years gravity has been seen to go wrong . . . in directionally contracting and closing down and out space and time . . . just because it is interrupted on its way to opening system by Q (QM)-Verse barriers. It is no wonder that regardless of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, among other theories, gravity's entity and dimensionality continues to elude pinning down.
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Aug 14, 2020
You travel from 0-point radius center-point A to 0-point radius center-point B, to 0-point radius center-point C..., D, E, F, G, to infinity, in observable universe (u), you really travel from center of observable hypersphere universe (u) sphere A, to center of observable hypersphere universe (u) sphere B, to center of observable hypersphere universe (u) sphere C..., D, E, F, G, to infinity! Discreet quantum of Universe (U). Discreet quanta universes (u).

"Inverse square law", I do believe it is be called.
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Aug 14, 2020
Time, other than instantaneous spontaneous concurrent REALTIME (t=0), is a length measure of change and changes, of event and events . . . it is the "histories":

Light's coordinate points SPACETIME past histories past light cone (+1 (+n (t=0, t=+1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8....))). The sun's light takes eight minutes to Earth. Time of leaving is eight minutes past, eight minutes old. a past history.

Light's coordinate points SPACETIME future histories future light cone (-1 (-n (...., -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, t=-1, t=0))). The sun's light takes eight minutes to Earth. Time of current emission leaving will arrive Earth eight minutes in the future from a spontaneous concurrent REALTIME now.

A future history . . . the only history -- head onto into light -- travelers would travel point A Earth to point B Sun. It will squeeze eight minutes, possibly even to zero, but never travel faster than a light it runs head on into . . . a future history . . . and at once a past history! "Soliton (bubble) wave."

I'm reading all over the place now that NASA is working to conceive and develop a faster than light drive. There is no such thing, not really. Warp space, yes . . . faster than the speed of light, no way! But relatively speaking, circumventing the speed of light by always meeting it head on squeezing SPACETIME in a fast forwarding one direction, thus a fast rewind in the opposite direction, it could and would be observed as such.
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Aug 14, 2020
The difference between "light's coordinate points SPACETIME past (t=+1) - future (t=-1) histories" and "instantaneous spontaneous (t=0) concurrent REALTIME 'front' ('Frontier')" is the difference between an indeterminate Q (QM)-Verse past-future histories coordinate point "position" system and the Universe's (U) invariable "superposition."

Also, "incompleteness 'theorem'" (as in "partial"): Again from "'complexity' and 'chaos'" and "is not" entirely relative (or maybe "is"):

"Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial!" -- Thomas S. Kuhn. (Emphasis mine.)
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Aug 14, 2020
Too good not to quote:

"If Man survives for as long as the least successful of the dinosaurs -- those creatures whom we deride as nature's failures -- then we may be certain of this: For all but a vanishingly brief instant near the dawn of history, the word 'ship' will mean -- 'spaceship'." -- Arthur C. Clarke.
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Aug 14, 2020
I don't want to copy the whole thing over to this main thread, as I have so much on it already, but I will point to it (post #9 (expanding upon #7), "Equations Known) here:


"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.
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Aug 14, 2020
I, who once argued vehemently against the Big Bang, will now argue until doomsday (rhetorically speaking) for the existence of the collapsed cosmological constant Planck/Big Bang 'Mirror Horizon' of (in Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U) 'superposition' to....) infinities of horizon universes (u)! An "endless beginning (which, of course, will always automatically double as an "endless ending", as well)!"

Nothing need come before t=0, or come after t=0, for that matter, or be outside of, the "life spark" of the Universe (U). The number one (I sometimes have it last but not least, number seven) fundamental force, the primordial soup, the primal force, the apex and, at once, the base, therefore the "heart," of the pyramid of fundamental forces, is the "Life Force" (also known, quite often, as "Schrodinger's Cat")!


Aug 14, 2020
Toss an electroweak force pebble (in its infinity of....) into the still waters of the VOID and you get gravitational --> strong <-- force ripple-waves (in their infinities of....) accelerating . . . zooming . . . in directions and magnitudes of expansion (emergent SPACE) from the point-singularity. The "toss" 'disturber of the peace' of the 'void' being the fundamental "'Life Force' of the Universe (U)" (aka "Schrodinger's Cat")!

Self-similar gravity fractal "zooms" (to infinity) universe structure . . . strong force set and reset (the infinite finite), to fundamentality in binary base2....

To be cont'd, maybe.
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Aug 14, 2020
Always in the "turn" (the "verse"):
The early (thus to mean the earliest (t=0)) universe (u), physically, is ['Klein bottle latitudinal and longitudinal gridline shaped immediate; to mean right NOW'] . . . instantaneous spontaneous concurrent (t=0) REALTIME 'front' ('Frontier'). Thus, further, at the same time, collapsed (closed up in 'SUPERPOSITION') cosmological [constant] Planck/Big Bang (or big wimp) 'Mirror Horizon' (t=0) Universe (U) of infinities of horizon universes (u) . . . Which just happens to also be what Albert Einstein found (t=0) when he took his "mind's eye" trip to the speed of light -- whether he realized exactly what or not, and the clock setting (t=0) Stephen Hawking observed for the Universe Clock at the center of his imagined "Grand Central Station of the Universe (U)" -- whether he realized exactly what he was observing or not.

It's too bad professional physicists and cosmologists can't -- or refuse to -- describe a constant of 'fundamental Life Force' "animation", "life spark," and "animated universe," properly.

** And by and by, "animation" (the act of "animating"; especially the constant of "animation") is an invalidation of "causal violation . . . an exception to the rule." **
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Aug 14, 2020
I didn't realize my being naturally counterintuitive at certain times concerning certain circumstances extended so impossibly possibly far:

E = mc^2
(-m = +mc^2)?!?
Matter and Energy are equivalent:
Energy = Antimatter!?!?
(The antimatter side of the universe (u), particularly in the Q (QM)-Verse, should be known to be omnipresent in full and obvious however unrecognized and refused as such!!!)
Like I said, "counterintuitive" (and also, possibly, maybe, inverse square).
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Aug 14, 2020
I feel I stated this, as a 'multi-dimensional' picturing and modeling, too well, with additional breadth and depth to it (and capability of simpler editing if I want), not to copy it in full back to where I've dealt in it largely (spokes to a hub) before and just put a pointer to it in the other thread:

The speed of light (to a closed system of observation (light's)) is a measuring tape-tether constant to a specific coordinate past history point (t=+1 (+n)) SPACETIME from any REALTIME (t=0) entity observer / traveler, whatever that entity might be animate or inanimate existing in spontaneous (t=0) entangling (as in quantum entangling) concurrent REALTIME.

That means, always, a triangle and triangulation of three lines and three points, expanding or contracting in an asymptotic triangulation . . . two lines / points (sic) dealing in unobservable REALTIME (t=0) entangled concurrent realities; two lines / points (sic) dealing in distantly past history observed / observable SPACETIME (t=+1 (+n)) relativity (a matter of offsetting, overlaying, lines and points (offsets) which will accelerate in expansion of the triangle in separating and accelerate in contraction of the triangle oncoming to a 'single point' of rendezvous).


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Aug 14, 2020
I return to something I've harped upon many times, though not lately except to restate a few times over the belief that infinite density is an absolute void, an infinite 'Abyss'.

Well, I have brought up the 2-dimensional 'Sierpinski Carpet' having zero surface area to it and the 3-dimensional 'Menger Sponge' having zero volume to it.

What I'm returning to is a reminder that I've claimed from the very first that a particle point-singularity is, at once, a particle-point portal, an asymptotic entity that is closed in one dimension and open in another dimension at the same time, another Schrodinger entity of opposed integral duality. An apparently solid entity ("atom," once upon a time), so to speak, that doubles as a hole in, and a tunnel through, the universe.

A black hole "seed" is itself a hole in the universe, a hole in a hole, a degree of tunnel to somewhere.

I consider myself a self-taught history major, 70 years worth. Clear back to ancient times all the lights in the night sky were considered lit holes in the firmament of the heavens, showing the fire behind the firewall of the firmament!

You know something?! That is still precisely what we consider the "science" today all the way to our deepest Hubble and JW space scope views of the observable universe to those most distant and most seemingly massively dense "holes" filling the picture at that point. Not quite, that we can tell, infinitely dense "voids" of an infinite 'Abyss'.

And I claim that we are viewing what is just short of a "super-positioned" Q (QM)-Verse 'Horizon', if short of it at all.
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Aug 14, 2020
If people would stop thinking in terms of "temporal time" and just accept the reality of REALTIME and the relativity of SPACETIME, we'd do away with the idea of time dilation as far as the a non-spinning Horizon of the Universe is concerned. In all spins the forward face of the spin balances the reverse of the spin to a tee. 1-dimensional thinkers don't see two dimensions though. Even Stephen Hawking said it was hard for him to see and think in two dimensions of a thing (particularly all at once), much less three (particularly all at once). It takes a lot of concentration and practice, as well as some power of the mind.
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