All actual mass-object reality in space warps space, therefore is always in motion in and through space (the speed of light, the time at the speed of light (t=0), forbids anything else not to be in motion and change if you think hard enough about why).
In warping space, of course, there is length contraction of space (are length contractions of space) observed at a distance.
There are many problems there "at a distance." Growing densities of ever increasing complexity and chaos of motions, positions, velocities, directions, magnitudes, warps, other changes and collapses of relativity reducing dimensions to the flatly lower dimensional picture with all increasing distance (with all expanding light and light speed caused time dilation distortions) from the observer, wherever and whatever the observer might be considered.
Galaxy X is observed to be 7-billion light years from the Milky way, and therefore a picture of observed universe 7-billion years older than the Milky Way. The P/BB Horizon observed from the Milky Way to be, say, 7-billion light years and, therefore 7-billion years, beyond Galaxy X. Galaxy X observed to be that much closer in a more compacted space and time to the distant P/BB Horizon than the Milky Way.
The Milky Way galaxy from Galaxy X (entangled concurrent to it in SPACE and REALTIME), is observed to be 7-billion light years from Galaxy X, and therefore a picture of observed universe 7-billion years older than Galaxy X. The P/BB Horizon observed from Galaxy X to be, say, 7-billion light years and, therefore 7-billion years, beyond the Milky Way. The Milky Way observed to be that much closer in a more compacted space and time to the distant P/BB Horizon than Galaxy X.
The light from Galaxies A and Z, each appearing 300,000,000 light years and 300,000,000 years, from the most distant Horizon in opposed directions as observed from the Milky Way, takes 13.5 billion years to reach the Milky Way, Where are, and in what conditions -- if any -- are, Galaxies A and Z in the entangled concurrent SPACE and REALTIME of the universe with the Milky Way?
The light from Galaxies A and Z, each appearing 300,000,000 light years and 300,000,000 years, from the most distant Horizon in opposed directions as observed from Galaxy X, takes 13.5 billion years to reach Galaxy X, Where are, and in what conditions -- if any -- are, Galaxies A and Z in the entangled concurrent SPACE and REALTIME of the universe with Galaxy X?
The immortal universe traveler in his super-ship travels the universe(s) from the Milky Way (14-billion light years from the P/BB Horizon observed upon departure to Galaxy X (7-billion light years from the P/BB Horizon, observed upon departure). He arrives to Galaxy X having taken a short cut through a wormhole. Upon arrival at Galaxy X (14 billion light years from the P/BB Horizon, observed, upon arrival from the Milky Way (the Milky way appearing 7-billion light years and 7-billion years from P/BB Horizon, observed). Each object reality of entangling concurrent object reality of galaxy un-observably so in space and time appearing to be 7-billion older than, 7-billion years sooner in time to, the other at each of the differing positions in space and times. And, at both relative locals, observably opposed Galaxies A and Z appearing to the traveler unchanged in place and condition in space and time.
Multi-verse points. Multi-verse spheres. Travelers traveling between many points and in among many entangling discreet quanta spheres.