From a drop of water....

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Aug 14, 2020
Having said the above (#675), particularly the part where I realize the speed of light is independent of all velocity, the Velocity of all velocities being positional "superposition" per both Einstein (with his "mind's eye trip to the speed of light" (t=0)) and Hawking (with his "Grand Central Station of the Universe (U)" with its "Clock" (t=0) overhanging the exact center of the Grand Central Station) . . . I'm saying SPACETIME is photo-frame emergent histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) / on the spot event recordings / universes' memories in expanding holographical memory modules for a time.

Also, if not understood before, the where of the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (Big Bang) 'Mirror Event Horizon' (my positional circling back around to the universe center ('c') position set (c=1 | t=0) of Einstein and Hawking above).

"From one, many!" But the one remains!
"From many, one!" But the many remain!
-- Atlan0001
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Aug 14, 2020
I was reading this morning about the LHC at CERN bringing back ancient "primeval forces." There is no such thing as bringing back ancient primeval forces in a universe where everything that can possibly exist exists!

The Planck Horizon down and in is the Big Bang Horizon up and out . . . they are one and the same Horizon, a split screen realization. The infinities of horizon universes masked in (closed up to) that collapsed cosmological constant (/\) of P/BB 'Mirror Event Horizon' therefore go infinite and go infinitesimal, at one and the same time as a Schrodinger-like function.

The 'Primeval Universe', and, therefore, those "primeval forces" are closed up to the P/BB 'Mirror Event Horizon'. NOT "were"! but "are"! else the LHC at CERN could not possibly deal in them! The LHC at CERN isn't bringing them back from ancient history, it is bringing them (those ores) up from the deepest fundamental depths, deepest fundamental supports, of the 'structure' of horizon universes.

What physicists and cosmologists like to call the "initial conditions that were...." never existed as an ancient history because those initial conditions exist now and always in a universe where everything that can possibly exist exits . . . including perfect endings in endless beginnings and "initial conditions" that are...! The entropic arrow of time (entropy) is ever emergent . . . is ever emerging.

Infinity, along with its other attributes in other areas, makes for a great constant of "primordial soup."
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Aug 14, 2020
I was reading along in an article elsewhere and simplified an answer of my own to a questioning thought:

".... entropy -- a law of nature that causes complex systems -- e.g., materials -- to decay into less complex forms...."

A question might be, if entropy is inexorable always(!), how did the complex system reach the point of becoming a complex system to decay into less complex forms in the first place?!

For every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction. For entropy to be inexorable, the law(!), there must be an equal and opposite inexorability . . . also, at one and the same time, the law!

I've noticed from a long study of history that systems usually just grow more complex naturally; the growth in complexity to the point of a chaos of complexity, itself(!), being a natural form of entropy's inexorability. Entropy builds the complex system up, then decays it into less complex forms. Thus, is the balance of nature.

But don't become fooled! That decay into less complex form is strictly relative! In an equal and opposite picture, it is a buildup of complexity, in itself, to the point of a chaos of complexity! Complexity is simplicity by other means, relatively speaking. Simplicity is complexity by other means, relatively speaking.

Schrodinger's cat is alive. Schrodinger's cat is dead. And the Trojan! Schrodinger's cat is both alive and dead, all at once to one observer that is situated so to see it possibly impossibly both ways all at once, if you can know and understand what that means.


"The grand total of mass and energy equals zero. But . . . the 0-point of the tree just happens to be midpoint, the trunk, between branches, one branch of which is called "roots." Thus 0-point equilibrium . . . 0-point balance of nature . . . the center point of the universe, Schrodinger-like, infinite in density and yet, at once, no mass, no energy, at all.

Isn't it amazing all the things a photon of light can be! All things [all-in-one], and, the infinity zeroed out, no mass, no energy, really nothing at all (but a history).
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Aug 14, 2020
Preem answered and stated in Article Commentary . . . and I responded with another Pattonesque repetition I want to repeat herein:

What would happen if you moved at the speed of light? Well, you can't. :grinning:
You can't because as both Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking should have, and did indirectly stating, realize light's coordinate point past-future histories SPACETIME is in fact place positional (place super-positional (c=1 | t=0)) rather than any particular velocity as we understand velocities. Place positional where? Everywhere and nowhere in particular . . . the ultimate in connected quantum entanglement . . . and remembering that we are always in motion, our atomic and subatomic makeup is always in motion, the Earth, the Solar System, the Milky Way.... all of it is always in emergent motion (with Einstein's and Hawking's, and my, SPACETIME sole exception to the rule (sole exception to the law)).

Well! There is still the 'Trojan' . . . universally spontaneous entangling concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant.
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Aug 14, 2020
SPACETIME's future histories half of light's coordinate point past-future histories are simply past histories out there in the universe still to arrive to some distant observer . . . or histories that will never arrive. A traveler will overtake the histories head on long before any observer rearward of the traveler receives whatever that history is.

What most people do not, or cannot, see and understand is that these future histories will be eternally out in the universe either to be received by some Einsteinian observer standing next to his railroad track on Earth (or wherever), or to be overtaken in fast forwarding the movie reel by travelers running into them face on (head on as any traveler warps space). In other words, if I can make myself understood, the future histories are in fact past histories as I said, emergent events that have already emerged and simply not been observed as yet beyond a certain point [at-a-distance] because of the slowness of light's communications.

SPACETIME coordinate point past-future histories are SPACETIME geometries and have nothing to do with ruling and/or foretelling our destinies. Once again, they (the future histories) are just the film of the universe's movie reels rolling out as yet un-observed by observers. No observer or traveler will ever run short of them (those SPACETIME emergent coordinate point past-future histories emerging), though.
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Aug 14, 2020
Ad #680 (repeating broadening and deepening spokes to the hub):



Aug 14, 2020
Ad #681, reminding:

In full, this paragraph:
"What causes time is timeless (spontaneous entangling concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant is timeless). I repeat . . . in his imagined "mind's eye trip to the speed of light" Einstein 'discovered' the "timeless (t=0)" source spring of time ((t=+1) |0| (t=-1)) always being recorded in light's coordinate point past-future histories SPACETIME photo-frame holographical offshoot . . . aka the 0-point dimensional (massless) photon in which magnitudinous life zone energy (in which magnitudes of life force animation) whole universes -- self-similar fractal zooms gravitational structure of universes -- of quantum and classical physics ultimately reside!"

#672, reminding:

#673, reminding:

Self-similar magnitudinous fractal zooms gravitational structure of universes....
Self-similar magnitudinous fractal zooms photonic structure of universes....
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Aug 14, 2020
"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

"Once more into the breach!"

1.) An infinity of horizon universes (u).
2.) The infinity closes up to the Universe (U) Horizon (which takes care of closure).
3.) The Universe (U) Horizon is in superposition (split screen (split level)) broadest outside / deepest inside every horizon universe (u)!
4.) Every tree (u) is in the countless-ness of the forest (U).
5.) The forest (U) is the seed in every tree (u).
6.) The infinite gravity of the universal infinity of horizons is the total gravity of the countless finite (at once the infinite countless of infinitesimals) closed up in Universe (U) Horizon . . . in the broadest outside / deepest inside, aka the physicist's "Nowhere land" and "Nothingness" of universes (u), plural.
7.) The infinity is already and always swallowed up in the closed up Universe (U) Horizon . . . as Hawking told concerned physicists.
8.) At the same time the infinity of the constituent seed element (horizon universe (u)) cannot possibly be closed out in the superposition close up to the set universality of Universe (U) Horizon.
9.) Each has its gravity inversely (<-- | --> (-->|<--) <--|-->).
10.) The gravity of the one (physicists' "Nowhere land" and "Nothingness"), the infinity always to the broadest outside / deepest inside of the countless constituent finite, is also known (thus alternatively) as the anti-gravitational "dark energy" accelerating expansion of the universe (u).
11.) The directions and magnitudes of the "Versus" (turn : to turn) self-cancels gravity as a fundamental (universal) force (turning it to self-similar fractal "zooms" (infinite (infinitesimal) | infinitesimal (infinite)) structuring of horizon universes (u)).

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- Arthur Canon Doyle, 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet'.
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Jan 2, 2024
I have printed off your request and reviewed but still do not understand it so let me see.
Do you have a camera and Email? So do a rough sketch that will set me off and photo it, and attach it to an email. I can try again and do my best.
Maybe you have 'Office'. You can use that to do a rough idea, save it as a jpg attach to an email and send it to me

I realise how frustrating it can be when a simple drawing can get ideas across fairly easily.
Or maybe print off one of mine, scribble "corrections"on it, photo and email


Aug 14, 2020
I have printed off your request and reviewed but still do not understand it so let me see.
Do you have a camera and Email? So do a rough sketch that will set me off and photo it, and attach it to an email. I can try again and do my best.
Maybe you have 'Office'. You can use that to do a rough idea, save it as a jpg attach to an email and send it to me

I realise how frustrating it can be when a simple drawing can get ideas across fairly easily.
Or maybe print off one of mine, scribble "corrections"on it, photo and email
I simply can't explain it any better than I did, which is to reverse the light cones putting the source points to the outside and the accelerated expansions to the inside facing rather than expanding going away from a central point, though it will still have a central point inside the expanded circle quantum entangling with.... The Klein bottle grid-line illustration simply folds them into a singularity:

The more I've thought about it, the more I've realized you probably cannot do it because of "pass through" turning the cones into cylinders and doughnuts.

Maybe this will help explain why you probably can't draw it up any differently than a Klein bottle grid-lines illustration I refer to habitually:

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Aug 14, 2020
The one thing that is in two places at once is the Planck / Big Bang Horizon (Planck Horizon / Big Bang Horizon).

It also defines a quantum entanglement in and of time. The most distant Horizon of Universe (U), 14 or 28 billion ago (a not so observable past) . . . 14 or 28 billion years from REALTIME NOW (a not so observable future)! One and the same far inside/outside Horizon! As much as you turn (Verse: Latin "versus" : turn : to turn) the string-ring of circle, the other side of the string-ring will remain the other side of the string-ring of circle . . . and the ring of circle will remain a ring of circle. Can you move toward what is inside (the P/BB Horizon inside) every atom of your makeup?!

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Aug 14, 2020
As a seventy-years-plus student of history I've read more than once that the ancients saw other worlds within the rays of light. Which of course amounted to them seeing mirages they could not understand to be mirages, or so I thought at the time.

These days of the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes, and the Planck and Big Bang Horizons, I realize there is far more to the idea of existence existing within light's photonic universe . . . the observable universe.

At some point the Hubble and Webb telescopes upon the macrocosm turn a corner and become super-duper telescoping microscopes upon the microcosm within the photon itself -- the photons themselves -- of light's photonic (photo-frame) universe, probing the superposition of the eternally merged and merging primal singularity of the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (Big Bang) 'Mirror Event Horizon'.

Well, they are still "mirages" but of a far different order ("the map is not the territory").
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Aug 14, 2020
As usual with someone who has completed a model, a picture, and it works ("jives" with the pointers I often refer and defer to, plus stands up to dispute as far as I'm concerned), I need to go back over certain points for clarity . . . including in my own mind!

The more I deal with it, invisibly un-observable SPACE is vector direction and magnitude . . . line straight (nearest to it) and always curvature cutting (hyperspace / warp space / wormhole / soliton bubble surfboarding / .... (<-->|<-->)). Example: SPACE: 10-billion-plus infinity x 6-trillion miles from Earth along a more or less straight line of radius(s)!

Pointedly, the illustrations of cutting SPACETIME curvatures with more or less straight lines!


SPACETIME has not a straight line to its clockwise time / counterclockwise time curvatures of past-future histories (@@@@). An example: The Milky Way as the cosmic thing it was 10-plus billion and more years ago . . . 10-plus billion and more light years into the vortices, the curvatures, of SPACETIME! Are you looking and seeing without the vortex of SPACETIME curvature (@) . . . or within the vortex of its curvature (@)?!

The 'Gordian Knot' of SPAETIME can be -- and always is -- cut short by the powered (the accelerating) SPACE traveler.

To be cont'd...probably.

"Communication across (and along) the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial." -- Thomas S. Kuhn.
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Aug 14, 2020
I deleted two of my posts yesterday because I thought I was somehow making a huge mathematical error in what I was seeing. This morning I realize I should have known better.

I overlapped spaces and times at the far ends of the universe from anywhere and everywhere, then described the piling up in a contracted span of SPACETIME (20-billion-years, light years, piled into a span of 10-billion years, light years, "spooky action at a distance," to be exact). I was sure I had erred and that I had unwittingly, unintentionally, probably erringly, gone after the "Hubble tension" and its tensor!

Waking this morning, I realized it was no mistake of any cosmological astrophysics I was metaphysically seeing and describing . . . or my contracting very limited higher math skill set.

I had seen and described, realized, a new / old and Newtonian simple (complex in the extreme of complex, actually) road to my interpreted "collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (Big Bang) 'Mirror Event Horizon'." A very "spooky action at a distance" for being a very spooky "reaction" (for every action there is an equal and opposing reaction) at a distance to the accelerating expansion of the universe (u)!

In all this time of my own interpretation in post after post I have been seeing and describing the picture and model of the "accelerating expansion" countering equal and opposing "accelerating contraction" of the universe. A very "spooky action (a very spooky reactive cosmological physic closing up to and in the Horizon of infinities) at a distance!"
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Aug 14, 2020

Just woke up, waking to a fact I should have known from Einstein, Hawking, some others, and all my own posts (the ones where I didn't make one big mistake)!

I'm really sorry to have to tell everyone this from Einstein, Hawking, a few others, and myself now, but like politics is said to be, ALL TIME (i. e. all change) IS LOCAL-RELATIVE!!!!

Time simply does not exist (is 0-point-portal(s) zeroed out) at, on, the [far inside/outside] collapsed cosmological constant (/\) P (BB) Mirror Event Horizon of Universe (U). Asymptotic "accelerating contraction" to 0-point-portal(s)!

"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
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Aug 14, 2020
Continuing #689, #690:
I realize it is difficult for many to think in and believe in multi-dimensionality . . . such as 'Schrodinger Cat' simultaneous functionality in times' REALTIME NOW (t=0) and SPACETIME ((t=+1) (t=-1)). I put the simultaneity of "accelerating expansion" and accelerating contraction" to the far inside/outside of the universes(s) but where is it that exactly when you are dealing in the "asymptote" of the two dimensionalities, three with SPACE?! The Schrodinger Cat functionality isn't in two different places in space, nor in two different locations in time. It speaks to the possibility and probability of being simultaneously present universally as an overlay and/or inlay ("Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial!" -- Thomas S. Kuhn).

It's only a matter of how, where in what. I've addressed it by the very conventions above (t=0) and ((t=+1) (t==1)), plus the Trojan (c=1). Also, the one 'Mobius Strip' I've lassoed and keep having difficulty in keeping in focus (T=1) . . . which may be 'Temperature' with and without specificity!!!! (Accelerating contraction || Accelerating expansion.)

"Please don't hold me to anything I said before I knew better!" -- Albert Einstein.
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Aug 14, 2020
Sometimes it takes some heavy thinking, very heavy application of thought, to dimensionally discern and plumb the 'volume-less' self-similar fractal zooms universe structure of the 'Mandelbrot Set's "Flatland" infinity of horizontal depth in strictly sideways horizontal-vertical "accelerating contraction" to infinities [and] "accelerating expansion" to infinities, from any and every finite location of local-relativity! To realize unfolding and laying out to infinity all of its infinities of folds infinitely flat!

One way to see and play, picture and model, the "Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe" game.
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Aug 14, 2020
Once more into 'Time Reversal's breach:
'Time reversal' is only too obvious in our observations of the universe from here (everywhere here and now is) to the far Horizon. Time's coming, running, accelerating contractions this way to an always spontaneous entangling concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant (everywhere SPACE (c=1) and REALTIME NOW (t=0) is) is nothing more than the equal but opposing reaction to that observed running time reversal accelerating in expansion to the coordinate point past-future histories of SPACETIME.

The universe runs, operates, in both ways at once. Every traveler, too, will notice it both ways at once . . . speeded, accelerating in speeding, up in action and reaction fore and aft (both smacking him in the face and smacking him in the rear equally but oppositely as to equal but opposite advancements in direction always (being kept always dead centered in time's horizon of the universe (again, my seeing what both Einstein and Hawking saw in their differing visions of exactly the same thing))).
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Aug 14, 2020
Long but very interesting re-arrival of "metaphysics":

And yet another article pointed to within the above that should be very familiar! Particularly the illustration being familiar across more than one illustrative cosmology and physics line:

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Aug 14, 2020
Just a little seeming self-similarity of illustration to think about:

Just imagine if a universe were loaded with gravitational or gravitational-like warp field wormhole tunnels between star and galactic fields! . . . Of a piece, possibly, maybe, with the accelerating contraction equal but opposing half-portion of universes (and thus, counterintuitively, of a piece with the open system, the opening system, too, as I've described it before in my metaphysical picturing, my metaphysical modeling!).

You see, as I hope you've seen from my many posts, as an intuitive visual mathematician and computer specialist of nearly forty years experience with IT before retiring, I knew the rigidly closed system of large mainframe (Dyson Sphere-like) systems, and the flexibly open system of vast numbers of connecting PCs, (I-Phones now), servers, local and wide area networked cyberspace systems. I've even projected such onto a space frontier future of manmade in-space occupation in in-space colonies, stations, ships, lines of lanes, local and wide area networks . . . versus mainframe Earth, Mars, the Moon, and a few other moons and asteroids, incapable of vastly expanding life to the Solar System and eventually beyond.

In and from the illustrations above I see the (I would say, "dark energy") fast lanes, the fastest lanes, of space and time to be fields potentially tunneling between star fields and galactic fields. And to a far lesser degree, between planetary fields. I would call them "dark energy" automatic outside-external boost fields assisting an internal constant power (an internal constant acceleration)! Thus warping, or wormholing, distances . . . squeezing and shrinking distances between points ever more swiftly -- in "accelerating contractions" of local-relative SPACETIME universe -- to practically no distance between points at all.

(Einstein's mind's eye visitation to the speed of light and his incomplete, thus his misinterpretation, of what he found there (c=1 | t=0).)
(Hawking's description of a "Grand Central Station of the Universe" (c=1) and Universe Clock and clock time (t=0) overhanging its center.)

To be cont'd....
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Aug 14, 2020
I know this may seem redundant to #695 above but I'm trying harder for relationships"
The gravitational field as wormhole tunneling / funneling (non-fluctuating illustration) illustrated between particles, between Earth and Moon, between planets, between stars, between galaxies, between universes....

The universe's fast-lane magnitudes ("dark energy"?!) possibly resulting in inertia-less driving forces for a constant of self-powering (a constant of self-accelerating) travel!
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Aug 14, 2020
It is amazing to me that the simple matter, to us, of light emission is an event so monumental that it causes TIME to travel backward (-300,000kps) in TIME (light's coordinate point past-future histories SPACETIME ((t=+1) (t=-1)) at exactly the same rate of speed as light travels forward (+300,000kps) in SPACE (spontaneous entangling concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant).

I read of experiments in time reversal happening now. That we see it all the time -- it being the accelerating expansion of the "observable universe" -- is nothing but "old hat" (as the saying goes (though many people have been and still are obviously unaware of the actual direction and magnitude)).
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Aug 14, 2020
Brought over from elsewhere because it expands upon more than a few of the many posts of "From a drop of water....":

It is from the fundamental -- the massless point-portal primal -- photon that all other of the quantum realm's particles, and all "observable universes," issue.


Aug 14, 2020
Continuing and expanding post #697, through #698, here!

By the way, accelerating contraction of the universe to an asymptotic point-portal is where we locate in the universe (the Planck Horizon deep within every one of our atoms being at once a smooth level, the bottom layer, of universe) . . . and at the same time is the far Horizon point-portal of the Universe (U) (the infinities of the far horizon point-portals of universe). "Spooky action a distance," don't you know, and the quantum entanglement of all point-portals in horizon. The accelerating contraction to superposition Big Crunch (collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (Big Bang) 'Mirror Event Horizon'), thus, too, the superposition engine constant of heater, so to speak. The perfect ending in endless beginning.

1.) Galaxy A, as seen from Galaxy B resides some millions of light years, millions of years, away between Galaxy B and the point-portal of most distant collapsed Horizon 14-billion light years, 14-billion years, from Galaxy B.
2.) Galaxies A and B, as seen from Galaxy C reside many millions of light years, many millions of years, away between Galaxy C and the point-portal of most distant collapsed Horizon 14-billion light years, 14-billion years, from Galaxy C.
3.) Galaxies A, B, and C, as seen from Galaxy D reside hundreds of millions of light years to a couple of billion light years, couple of billion years, away between Galaxy D and the point-portal of most distant collapsed Horizon 14-billion light years, 14 billion years, from Galaxy D.
4.) Galaxies A, B, and C are observed from Galaxy D to be in time reversal accelerating in expanding toward . . . accelerating in contraction to . . . the distant point of Planck Horizon (most distant points of horizon) a Big Crunch / Big Bang / collapsed cosmological constant (/\) of P (BC) (BB) Horizon never more and never less than 14-billion light years, 14-billion years, from apparently any and every point of the universe. All other points observed and observably always in time reversal toward the collapsed Horizon Point (horizon points) accelerating, accelerated, in superposition contraction and crunch, quantum entangling with every point of here-now, everywhere in universe here-now is.

"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction!" -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
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Aug 14, 2020
Repeating, possibly in slightly different terms as the metaphysical story writes itself, to keep strings, spokes, tied into the hub of the wheel's picture and model:

SPACE is un-observable, as I've said and described many times. It is the un-observable 'MULTIVERSE' of open systemic hyperspace, subspace, warp space (jump space), wormholes (tunnel space), vector self-similar fractal gravitational zooms structure of universes, soliton bubble waves.... Realizable, yes! Observable, no!

Spontaneous entangled, entangling, concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) 'Universe (U)' instant is, for obvious reasons, obviously un-observable, although, equally obviously realizable.

MULTIVERSE ('0' (null unity (quantum discrete quanta))), the one! Universe (U) ('1' (unity)), the other!

Then there is the Trojan, the photonic "observable universe(s)" of light's coordinate point past-future histories SPACETIME . . . Local-relative mergeable, coalescent, fusible, bubble universe(s), with exceptions for closing -- "Iron Curtain"-like closed world -- systems inexorably, implacably, invincibly, impenetrably, isolating bubbles (into black holes within black holes (division will have its equal but opposite portion if it has to rip it out of the gut of a strong interaction's . . . a strong force's . . . unity (if it has to rip it out of unity's strongly interactive G. U. T. as it does in the massively energetically closed systemic LHC at CERN)))!
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