From a drop of water....

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Deleted member 1146189

Minimum temperature, thus minimum energy, means nothing more than equilibrium of temperatures and energies. I claim that it takes the enormous energy of accelerating contraction to Big Crunch to achieve the smooth continuous manifold of Planck Horizon's Planck heat . . . and the equally enormous energy of accelerating expansion to Big Cracking, Big Grains (quantum mechanics' "discrete quanta"), so to speak, to achieve near absolute zero of temperature. In either direction and magnitude of branching from the trunk of equilibrium, enormous energy!

I say there is no such thing as a drift to absolute zero, absolute cold, of temperature! It takes as much energy as it takes in the equal but opposite direction and magnitude!
My point being (hypothetically) that ALL of any energy is conserved in the phase change. Call it E.
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Aug 14, 2020
"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

The measurement of the speed of light is 'c'= 300,000kps (or Planck Horizon c=1) regardless of any velocity (thus is positionally constant to all "rests='0'"). The 'c' constant measurement applies to a physic that goes by three different names . . . and may be seen and realized three different ways, "SPACETIME," "history" ("past-future histories"), and not at all least, "time reversal!" Yes, the measure of "time reversal", either way going and/or coming (going in expansion away to distant point-portals and coming in contraction narrowing to a point-portal here-now, still "time reversal")!
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Aug 14, 2020
Ad #728:
",...and not at all least, 'time reversal'" from the trunk (<--||-->) of the tree . . . the universally entangled, entangling, concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) eternal instant!


Aug 14, 2020
Just a random thought on a possibility not necessarily tied to my own modeling . . . then, again, maybe so:

I've probably thought of it before but I'm thinking of it again. It would be something if the increases in redshift of the universe going away were tied to a mass-energy Aetheral fabric makeup and thickness increasing -- horizons piling up in layering up -- with all distance acquiring from anywhere and everywhere in the universe. The acceleration would of course be "something wicked this way comes."


Aug 14, 2020
Frustration, frustration, frustration:

Just read this from elsewhere, grrrr!

"Time and distance are counterintuitively relative: They change depending on your frame of reference. Moving quickly makes distances shrink and time slow down."

Distances shrink with moving quickly but time doesn't slow down for the mover! Slowing time and saving time are two vastly different physics! The only appearance of time slowing is in the lengthening picture stretching out between a light born imaged traveler receding away into the observable universe of past histories and the real time observer -- and the real time traveler! -- existing in an invisible, un-observable, un -observed, entangled, quantum entangling, spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) eternal instant! The entangled real time traveler, and his real time clock, accelerating in space and time expansion away from both the observer and the light born photo-frames imaged traveler from the observable universe of past histories only, which is all the observer ever observes, or will ever observe!

The imaged traveler and clock are matters of past history, falling ever further behind (thus slowing down in time) into the "time reversed" observable past histories of the "observable universe"! Meanwhile, the real time traveler and his real time clock are dark universe stuff advanced in time as, increasingly, a future history and, all otherwise, no longer relative to the observer (tensor relativity between reals having completely broken down . . . come apart)! If and when he turns around and begins shrinking the distance between his real time clock and himself and the real time observer, the light born imaged traveler will start accelerating in making up distance differences in space and time finally to close the gap, shrink and close the triangle, when the now merged real time traveler and now equally merged real time observer shake hands in essentially the same space (both always having been in the same time period . . . at and passing exactly the same universally concurrently entangled time)!

By simply moving quickly the real time traveler saves time! The real time traveler, regarding space and time, space to time, alone, will NOT slowdown in time by saving time! He, or she, or it, leaps and jumps, and contracts (shrinks), space and time, both at once, by moving quickly!

A fair representation (in a geometry) of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle:

Particularly in this illustrative diagram of it:

1.) If you know position to any certainty, you cannot possibly know velocity to any certainty.
2.) If you know velocity to any certainty, you cannot possibly know position to any certainty.
3.) It applies.
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Aug 14, 2020
As I was closing out, I read an article that life exists in the universe hanging on a thin thread under the Sword of Damocles. I believe just the opposite, believing in the fundamental "life force of the universe." Without it, no other force, fundamental or otherwise, would exist! The Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U), its infinity of horizon universes (u), none would exist. The "Life Force", the eternity and infinities of life up scale and down scale, of the Universe and the universes being primal!


Aug 14, 2020
It's truly difficult to catch up to the speed of light when you are already there and never anywhere else. Light always comes around the bend, the curvature, of the past and catches up to you bringing to you the past into the REALTIME NOW present. You are the one always out front in space and time of the speed of light The speed of light will never be fast enough to bring you, the time traveler, the finish line of the future you beat it to in speed; the universally entangled future you are already in when a light-front (always a time past) arrives: always having to catch up to you in the entangled spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) eternal instant.

I could say it's in time reversal and having to travel faster than the speed of light to do the catching up to you -- maybe squaring 'c' -- to bring the past to you in the future you are in, always in, relative to it. (I think I just did say!)


Aug 14, 2020
The "Life Force" of the Horizon Universe (U) and its infinities of horizon universes (u) being "primal", I said in post #733. What physic of the Cosmic All Cosmopolis, exactly, backs up that absolute statement of life I make?!

The physic of an ever continuing "spontaneity" (an ever continuing spontaneous creativity in an eternal instant (my weighty "universally entangled, entangling, spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) eternal instant")).

I repeat:
The "Life Force" of the Horizon Universe (U) and its infinities of horizon universes (u) being "primal", I said in post #733. What physic of the Cosmic All Cosmopolis, exactly, backs up that absolute statement of life I make?! The physics of an ever continuing, never ending, "spontaneity" (an ever continuing spontaneous creativity....)! You could say, the everythingness from nothingness, or the nothingness from everythingness; The quantum+ something always coming from out of "Nowhereland!"

"The perfect ending (of time) is in endless beginning (of time)." -- Atlan0001. "Spontaneity" (spontaneous creativity in eternal instant (t=0)) is the very life of the Infinite MULTIVERSE Cosmopolis, the primal physics and/or 'metaphysic' of the primal "Life Force".
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Aug 14, 2020
It bothers me to no end that articles are written and videos made telling us there is only one kind of parallel universe when that couldn't be true. When Einstein's Relativity predicted its own downfall at a distance -- just about any distance -- it raised the probability of vectoring parallel universes in their infinities (in invisibly, un-observed and un-observable, discrete quanta) at a distance. The most probable instrument of a universal connection, point-portal wormholes. Connecting via unobservable superposition (a straighter line of contraction between two points), yet unconnected normally (via ballooning observably much greater curvatures).

We already realize local-relative, observable, horizons of universes (locally "observable universes") will split out in countless-ness however seeming seamless opening to any mover, any traveler. Visibly breaking down in relativity into (visible) past / (invisible) future SPACETIME histories.

"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
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Aug 14, 2020
I do believe I've finally seen (realized) the constant background/foreground canvass of all my painting (picturing) and modeling . . . maybe:


The 'Mobius Strip' standing fabric wave background of 'Everything' and 'Nothing' ("Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe") . . . maybe!


I wanted to put down here, SPACE that is space-less; REALTIME that is time-less, but I realize that description comes far too close to describing the holographical of SPACETIME! Far too close!!!!
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Aug 14, 2020
While writing on something else -- maybe unrelated, I can't be sure of that -- a few minutes ago elsewhere, I've suddenly realized something pertinent about infinities.

Seeing Paul Sutter's YouTube video concerning 'Multiverse' crop up again, I now see something differently than I had before. I have said before that the infinite duplications of universes, of things, of people, is nothing but a hall of mirrors exhibiting just one entity to infinity that will always be one and the same entity throughout all the infinity of mirroring.

At every point of path taken, an entity will move into many paralleling paths branching out into new paths (branching to infinites). No one will run into themselves, though. No one will go sideways, thus crossing paths that simply won't exist to cross except in an infinite mind's "dreams." Anyone who has died before, experienced death, knows this as fact. It may take a while to realize, but if one lives long enough, one realizes that the only path of crossing those particular inter-infinity frontier paths is via an infinite mind's "dreams." So, since those paths are absolutely wired independent of one another, there is no such thing as physical 'Multiverse' running into yourself! Yes, an Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe! But no such thing existing for you as running into yourself in it! Maybe someone like you, even a quite a twin of yours, but never you! You are unique, and unique-ness, I realize for one finally, is a pathing physic that has to exist for branching (independent) paths to exist.

Deleted member 1146189

While writing on something else -- maybe unrelated, I can't be sure of that -- a few minutes ago elsewhere, I've suddenly realized something pertinent about infinities.

Seeing Paul Sutter's YouTube video concerning 'Multiverse' crop up again, I now see something differently than I had before. I have said before that the infinite duplications of universes, of things, of people, is nothing but a hall of mirrors exhibiting just one entity to infinity that will always be one and the same entity throughout all the infinity of mirroring.

At every point of path taken, an entity will move into many paralleling paths branching out into new paths (branching to infinites). No one will run into themselves, though. No one will go sideways, thus crossing paths that simply won't exist to cross except in an infinite mind's "dreams." Anyone who has died before, experienced death, knows this as fact. It may take a while to realize, but if one lives long enough, one realizes that the only path of crossing those particular inter-infinity frontier paths is via an infinite mind's "dreams." So, since those paths are absolutely wired independent of one another, there is no such thing as physical 'Multiverse' running into yourself! Yes, an Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe! But no such thing existing for you as running into yourself in it! Maybe someone like you, even a quite a twin of yours, but never you! You are unique, and unique-ness, I realize for one finally, is a pathing physic that has to exist for branching (independent) paths to exist.
While writing on something else -- maybe unrelated, I can't be sure of that -- a few minutes ago elsewhere, I've suddenly realized something pertinent about infinities.

Seeing Paul Sutter's YouTube video concerning 'Multiverse' crop up again, I now see something differently than I had before. I have said before that the infinite duplications of universes, of things, of people, is nothing but a hall of mirrors exhibiting just one entity to infinity that will always be one and the same entity throughout all the infinity of mirroring.

At every point of path taken, an entity will move into many paralleling paths branching out into new paths (branching to infinites). No one will run into themselves, though. No one will go sideways, thus crossing paths that simply won't exist to cross except in an infinite mind's "dreams." Anyone who has died before, experienced death, knows this as fact. It may take a while to realize, but if one lives long enough, one realizes that the only path of crossing those particular inter-infinity frontier paths is via an infinite mind's "dreams." So, since those paths are absolutely wired independent of one another, there is no such thing as physical 'Multiverse' running into yourself! Yes, an Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe! But no such thing existing for you as running into yourself in it! Maybe someone like you, even a quite a twin of yours, but never you! You are unique, and unique-ness, I realize for one finally, is a pathing physic that has to exist for branching (independent) paths to exist.
At every point of interaction a new entity will result.
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Aug 14, 2020
At every point of interaction a new entity will result.
Rolling up the roadway behind as we and other things proceed from a trunk superposition out into the branches (<--|-->), aka, too, roots, and back (new trunks / a brand new/old entity):



The end of the book is the middle and front of the book. The middle of the book, the end and front. The front, the middle and end. Between covers wrapping into the middle, etc., Hawking's "Life Zone" (I present above as my illustration of a trunk constant of creation (nonspecific except for my own: 'Creation')).
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Aug 14, 2020
Once more: "Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

'0' (null unity (division (independence) (quantum discrete quanta) (open system) (electric) (operator (+/-) || (-/+))) will have its half-portion (1/2) if it has to rip(!) it from G.U.T.(from the 'gut') of...:
'1' (unity (the finite of 'unity')).

((+1) (-1))=1/0.
(Infinite density (infinite singularity) is rendered impossible . . . with one exception ('1' (unity (the finite of 'unity')) only! Try to remember "Schrodinger's cat", Heisenberg's "uncertainty principle", Newton's third law, how "time reversal" actually works, and so on!)

('Finite" is relative. Infinite/infinitesimal is NOT (the first exists in the second / the second exists -- too often unrealized -- in the first ("boundaryless finite")!))

Once again: "Brevity is the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- George S. Patton, Jr.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.

To be continued... maybe!


Aug 14, 2020
"Can particles be quantum entangled across time?" Yes, but across the un-observable "future" only . . . across two points, that in effect are the same revolving door point-portal (t=0-point A(B) and t=0-point B(A)), of separated, invisible, un-observable, future spaces (at once points-plural and point-singular)! "Spooky action at a distance" (and at no distance at all)!
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Aug 14, 2020
"Mass and energy are equivalent." -- Albert Einstein.

You are one of my favorites, Mr. Einstein, but I'm sorry to have to tell you this, so are space and time equivalent . . . Two super-opposed equivalent 4-dimensionalities (three dimensions of space, one dimension of time / three dimensions of time, one dimension of space) rather than the ill-conceived weakness of just one, single, 4-dimensionality!

Also.... I've realized from several of my recent posts why the Universe (U) of Creation is both 2-dimensional Flatland and volume 3-dimensional at the same time:

Volume 3-dimensionality is from out of the pairing of equal and opposite action and reaction, weak interaction's quark and anti-quark, matter and antimatter, verse and anti-verse, into universe ('1' ('unity' (the finite of 'unity'))).
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I don't know what the connection is between space and time but I know you cannot travel any distance without involving time. Also, the sum of distance and time is conserved. An obsever on Earth, for a billion years, never really moves much, but enjoys a billion years of life. Their cousin who traveled across the known universe and back at .999c only got 90 years of life enjoyment but was able to travel a few billion light years. Given that the sum of time and distance is conserved there must be a deep connection between them. Also, when you consider that "time is money", the equation becomes even more complicated.


Aug 14, 2020
I don't know what the connection is between space and time but I know you cannot travel any distance without involving time. Also, the sum of distance and time is conserved. An obsever on Earth, for a billion years, never really moves much, but enjoys a billion years of life. Their cousin who traveled across the known universe and back at .999c only got 90 years of life enjoyment but was able to travel a few billion light years. Given that the sum of time and distance is conserved there must be a deep connection between them. Also, when you consider that "time is money", the equation becomes even more complicated.
We have been 2-million years shrinking the distances of Earth more and ever more, most particularly including going outside and back in, saving enormous amounts of time. As I, myself, passed over a lot of flyover country, I realized my own direction and magnitude in the universe wasn't that much different, regarding my age, from the direction and magnitude I was seeing pass below me. My craft was expanding me regarding the universe, shrinking the universe below and around me. Shrinking space and time, thus saving my travel time but not my age! All I did was become a giant occupying far more space in exactly the same amount of time (Heisenberg uncertainty principle (my space I was occupying accelerated in expansion of magnitude)) as those, then, shrinking Lilliputians in their accelerating contraction of magnitude (accelerating contraction of space). Could you possibly have measured my exact (REALTIME present) position in space and time . . . from any distance, Bill?! Not a chance!

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No two people have the same real time. No person's time stays at the same rate all the time. Go upstairs and your wristwatch speeds up. Go stand next to a big mountain and your watch will slow down. This due to the gravitational gradient. No two watches tell the same time. No two watches go at the same rate. It's a mess.

There may well be a wormhole, it is not forbidden by GR. There are some practical problems, however. For example, in order to travel instantaneously across the universe, first you must go there and set up the far end of the wormhole.

You can travel through a wormhole FTL, but you can't move a wormhole itself FTL. And a bit of advice if you are getting the itch, lease, don't buy. Wormholes don't hold their value. They evaporate over time.
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