From a drop of water....

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As I see and model, all the cosmic energy of Creation and/or Horizon Universe (U) (I'm being redundant here) and the infinities of horizon universes (u) (verse/anti-verse) is fundamentally photonic and electromagnetic, weak, and/or electroweak).

I've repeatedly pressed that size is relative, That all that is finite fits within infinities . . . and all non-local, non-relative, infinities (infinite (infinitesimal) / infinitesimal (infinite)) are contained within finite(s). This goes particularly herein for the primal photon . . . the photonic. A blackhole singularity is a photon at large. Dark energy is photonic. The collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (BC) (BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon' is photonic. The "observable universe" is holographically photonic. All the cosmic energies of the universes, most particularly dark energy, are ultimately photo-frame hologram photonic (Dr. Johnson both lost and won his dispute (a Schrodinger cat) with Bishop Berkeley when he kicked that rock):

Continuing as I see and model, gravity (and with the strong interaction, the strong gravitational interaction, setting and resetting to a fundamental base2) is relativity's vector operator.

If the Universe of Creation is nothing but a hologram as some say, then it is one big energetic photon (hypersphere) of an infinity of energetic photons (again, Schrodinger catlike because finite (particularly size, herein) is relative)....
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I don't suppose it can be done any different than it is done in illustrations, but for an actual wormhole cut out the connecting tunnel, leave a space, and you have the entanglement of a wormhole's actuality of jump space:

Again, cut out that center portion for the reality of the actual connectivity of wormhole's "spooky action at a distance." You will see no tunnel, travel no tunnel! That tunnel is Star Trek-like warping of space, the either side buildup and lead into -- engaging Heisenberg's uncertainty principle -- into a wormhole positional jump of SPACE (buildup of a non-thrust inertia-less gravitational pull forward as a self-propelled jump that really saves time and is built-in conservation of mass and energy by reaching a point of being in two or more places in SPACE (hyperspace) at once for an instant of time)! A reality of spooky action for a distance!
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I'll leave the above in place but upon further reflection warp space at warp speed and wormholes and wormhole tunneling space are one and the same thing.

Also, in waking up far earlier than usual this morning, I woke to a realization that I've danced around without getting down to the point for so long! Time does NOT slow down, NEVER slows down, because it passes at the same constancy as the constant of the speed of light in a vacuum. BUT, that means that SPACETIME's unfolded and unfolding distance and SPACETIME's folded and folding folds toward an infinite density of folds are equivalently corollary!

In other words and physics a very great density of folds of SPACE between points A and B seemingly apparently six inches apart (distances in a black hole, say, or possibly a wormhole as well) and an unfolded distance of SPACE between the same points A and B seemingly apparently six trillion miles apart in a relatively more open space, take light, at the constant of the speed of light in a vacuum, the same time to travel between points A and B along any curvature of SPACE it will always follow in its constancy! The distance through folds of SPACE between points A and B being exactly the same distance through an almost infinitely heavy density of curvature of SPACE and an almost infinitesimal density of curvature of SPACE between points A and B!

** NOTICE!**
TIME DID NOT (TIME DOES NOT) SLOW DOWN EITHER THROUGH THE LACK OF FOLDING IN THE CURVATURE OR THROUGH THE VASTLY INCREASED DENSITY OF THE SAME FOLDS OF CURVATURE!!!! )Points A and B being the exactly same distance apart . . . folded up (into six inches of a black hole) in SPACE and unfolded in six trillion miles of SPACE!)

Be a protected spacefaring traveler and travel toward the vastly massive blackhole center of the Milky Way and watch SPACE begin to unfold its curvature before you, an increasingly different universe (u) accelerating in its unfolding expansion before you as it draws you into that increasingly different, gravitationally opening up its folds in vector SPACE, universe.
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Again observed slowing time or time speeding up is no more than the time it takes light to cover a distance from an object going away from or oncoming to the observer. The object is constantly emitting new photo-frame history sequences of light, the oldest frames (past histories) at the greatest distance from the emitting, or re-emitting, object . . .the newest frames (future-past histories) closest to the object outputting them. All the observer will ever observe is old data, with the object always seeming to be somewhere in advance (farther away from the observer going away / closer to the observer in oncoming) in SPACE and REALTIME NOW of the speed of light for being the most advanced information (the leading edge of future history) in SPACE and REALTIME NOW.

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Sometimes the words a person uses, like the math a mathematician uses, can lead to bad mistakes. I had to go back and correct the second paragraph of #787 to read "SPACETIME" rather than "SPACE". Two vastly different things like a book of sequenced pages is in fact two different things, a book of pages and a sequenced continuity (like an ancient parchment fold or continuous roll) of context.

SPACE is a hyperspace discontinuity of many varying spaces (to infinities), a bubble sphere of countless many varying bubble spheres (From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." ("The seed is in the tree; the tree is in the seed" . . . another "Schrodinger cat"-like obvious, but inevitably cross-eyed obvious, realization)). There no vector of space that is NOT inside . . . and that is NOT outside . . . another vector of space!

And equally obviously though some don't recognize the obviousness, a traveler can drop in spaces or rise in spaces, cutting through "Gordian Knots" rather than following forever winding, thus forever ballooning (accelerating in expansion), curvatures.
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If I've read this article right, it couldn't be much more in the wrong!

It's as if they don't understand "entanglement" or the fundamental interactions involved! The strong gravitational interaction (the combine of the gravitational interaction and strong interaction into a singular unity of the two, which is the only connectivity in a superposition "jump space" (nowhere-land / nothingness / no-space / no-time / Universe (U)) entanglement! (Infinitely multi-dimensional 0-dimensional! Fractal! Again, superposition "jump space"! Think "Heisenberg's 'uncertainty principle'"; or Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking'": or Hawking's "Grand Central Station of Universe (U)"! Or, in the case of inability to destroy a universe of entanglement, there being, simply, space outside of space entangling spaces inside/outside of space!)

The article, to me, reaches too far in its attempt to encompass the physic of "entanglement", ignoring the reaches and dimensions of the gravitational, strong, and strong gravitational, fractal interactions!
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I claim, of course, the Creation of the Universe is always immediately spontaneous and instantaneous, including any following (so, where you might see "early universe" means presently in paralleling progress, and "was" or "were" in my picturing and modeling really means "is" and "always", and so on the physical reality of "past-future (future-past) histories" (collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (BC) (BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon'):

That particular Horizon, "Schrodinger cat"-like, outside/inside spontaneous entangling, entangled, (t=0) concurrent REALTIME NOW eternal instant (t=0).
(c=1 | t=0).
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I find again and again I don't have many, if any, loose strings in my modeling (loose spokes to the hub in my wheel), "all roads leading to Rome"!

How so? So far I've managed to lasso finite, infinity (infinities), '0' ('null-unity'). '1' ('unity'), complexity . . . 'Creation' . . . and, particularly, 'Chaos' (both order of... and disorder of...), to my cosmic meta-physical bidding! And, I keep on finding independently running avenues running right into my picture and model!
Amazing that the vast majority of physicists (and in saying that giving a benefit of doubt) seem NOT to understand the Trojan dimension of physics and aspect of Universe (U):

I'm repeating the pointer to the above article as a starting point on the Trojan aspect of Universe (U):

It, essentially, says astrophysicists have no sense whatsoever of the Trojan. The Trojan physic and aspect is that the super-cold is the super-hot . . . that they are one and the same Planck physic (the 'Klein bottle' illustration I use illustrating what I am getting at)! The end of the story is the beginning of the story and vice-versa, the Trojan!

I've said many times that infinite density, or super density, of Universe (U) is at one and the same time an infinite, or super, emptiness of vacuum ("Stare into the Abyss, the Abyss will stare back into you."). That the "Everywhere-land" and "Everythingness" of the Universe (U) all-at-once is the all-at-once "Nowhere-land" and "Nothingness" of the Universe. And, once more, that the Planck super-hot dimension and aspect, is the Planck super-cold dimension and aspect. All of this preceding being the Trojan physic and aspect. You can't get more "Schrodinger cat"-like than these preceding Trojans.!

You may not realize it but there is a lot of seeming magical like permissiveness in the Trojan physic and aspect.
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Ad#794 for a repeating enjoyment:

Albert Einstein: "God does NOT play dice with the universe!"
Stephen Hawking, in his much later response to Einstein: "Yes, God does play dice with the universe but they're loaded!"

Hello 'Abyss', meet a dragon!
("Fight enough dragons, you become a dragon; Stare into the Abyss, the Abyss will stare back into you." -- Friedrich Nietzsche.)
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With all acquiring distance of scale magnitudes relativity breaks down! So many times that has been repeated to no avail whatsoever!

1.) Remove local-relative "finite" from a picture and the difference between non-local, non-relative, "infinite" and "infinitesimal" disappears into one and the same dimensionality.
2.) Look to the "infinite" and "finite" disappears into the "infinitesimal" merging finite's potential of infinitesimal into it becoming one and the same with it.
3.) Look to the "infinitesimal" and "finite" disappears into the "infinite" merging finite's potential of infinite into it becoming one and the same with it.
4.) Identify the Trojan, if you can!

In another context, I repeat. there is no difference between super-absolute cold and heat. As relativity breaks down in the non-local, non-relative infinity, the super of heat and cold, their difference . . . fractal "smoothly" and "superconductively" and "counterintuitively" . . . disappears, one into the other.
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1.) 8=4x2
2.) 4=8/2
3.) 2=8/4
4.) (8/4) = (2/1)
5.) (4/8) = (1/2)
6.) E=mc^2
7.) c='1' ('1' ('unity'))
8.) t='0' ('0' ('chaos' ('null unity')))
9.) c=1 | t=0
10.) c='1' ('unity' (Hawking GCS of U)) | t='0' ('chaos' (null 'unity') (Hawking GCS of U's Einsteinian clock time at SPOL))

**"GCS of U" ("Grand Central Station of Universe (U))"**

"Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial." -- Thomas S. Kuhn.
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1.) It has been said, once by Stephen Hawking, that the total of mass and energy in the universe (u) is zero, equals zero. Always has. Always will. As such, '0' is a result!

2.) Fundamental binary base2 is '0' ('chaos' (null unity)) and/or '1' ('unity').

3.) But where '1' is '+1', '0' is chameleon '-1' for a final result, zero (#1.)).

4.) But where '1' is '-1', '0' is chameleon '+1' for a final result, zero (#1.)).

5.) Thus non-linear '0' ('chaos' (null unity)) also holds non-linear place as "mirror" and "anti" ((+1) and/or (-1)) ((+) and/or (-)). Fundamental binary base2's '0' and/or '1'. The mirror, the anti, is a 'box' . . . box-set non-linear!
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Ad #790:
"The mirror, the anti, is a ('Schrodinger's) 'box' . . . box-set non-linear!"

"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
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Repetition with some twist:

Can you visualize it? An infinite density (Planck 'superhot' / fractal ultra 'smooth') is, at once, an infinite void (Planck 'supercold' / fractal ultra 'smooth' (no mistake)). The "Flatland" surface event horizon of the blackhole a super-superconducting force field (field of force)!

It takes the highest energy to go Planck 'superhot' density / fractal ultra 'smooth'!

It takes the highest energy to go Planck 'supercold' void / fractal ultra 'smooth'!

The same energy for two in one! The same super two merged to a naked singularity of one "Hell" of a Planck unit (superhot/supercold/ super-superconducting 'Flatland' surface event horizon / one hard absolute density of absolute void), microcosmic and macrocosmic!

To be continued . . . maybe!
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Ad #792:

Except for repeating, as I see it, that a superhot infinite density is a supercold infinite void, I was playing around with imagining that the result of the ultimate heat (ultimate cold) / ultimate cold (ultimate heat) singularity would be a super-superconducting surface result . . . a dream of a conductive force field!
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Except for the constant reference to a magical beginning to, a magical creation of, the universe, I enjoyed this article from here no end . . . it comes so close to keeping the constancy and currency, the concurrency as well, I look to keep (REALTIME NOW (t=0)):

I make the Planck Horizon constant! Therefore the Planck units locked to '1' ('unity') are constants . . . all of them! Of course(!) including and especially herein the 'Planck time' (though possibly not exactly as described conventionally)!
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Deleted member 1146189

Apologies if I am way off the mark here. Suppose, as the bodies within the universe accelerate, ever faster, towards the speed of light, mass does not tend towards infinity but as temperature increases, matter increasingly breaks down as do those associated forces, in a mirror of BBT, leading to a state similar to that inferred at the start of Big Bang. If the process were to carry on, heading towards time and dimensions, ie movement, might that imply a phase change and contraction to c.absolute zero? - maximum temperature and volume to minimum temperature and volume across 1 unit of planck time and length?
For clarification, by the use of c. = approximate, I am suggesting that the concept of time = 0, volume = 0, temperature =0, energy =0 might be erroneous concepts - a theoretical point never reached - ie there might be, was and always will be something, described potentially, at least initially by Planck..
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For clarification, by the use of c. = approximate, I am suggesting that the concept of time = 0, volume = 0, temperature =0, energy =0 might be erroneous concepts - a theoretical point never reached - ie there might be, was and always will be something, described potentially, at least initially by Planck..
We each have our views and interpretations of the observations and the cosmology (the metaphysics), which are NOT ever exactly the same views and interpretations (even by the physicist pros).

Deleted member 1146189

We each have our views and interpretations of the observations and the cosmology (the metaphysics), which are NOT ever exactly the same views and interpretations (even by the physicist pros).
True, but beyond maths I don't think zero has ever been observed or reached.
True, but beyond maths I don't think zero has ever been observed or reached.
Relativity's break down. Chaos. Quantum chaos.... '1' ('unity' (finite)) and/or '0' ('chaos' ('null unity' (infinity))).

And #792-793, these two temps go so far as to, counterintuitively, end up in being one and the same Planck unit ('1' ('unity')):

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"Brevity is the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction":

There is no such thing as "was the early universe"! Eternally in turnover (verse: turn: to turn: universe: one turn of countless turns offset parallel), there is the early universe!

There are frontier universes underneath, over, more deeply inside and more deeply outside beyond the observable finite of the "observable universe"! Universe and universes, claimed by many to be nonexistent, far greater in magnitudes than the cartoon limited hologram of the SPACETIME "observable universe"! HELLO Frontier's infinity, infinities, infinite and infinitesimal (inclusive of infinity of the mind)! GOODBYE mediocrity and mediocre minds ruling the world, ruling academia, ruling science, and ruling information and information dissemination (I would hope for the sake of mankind eventually, largely GOODBYE)!


Stephen Hawking told the story of the old lady at a lecture on the universe being given by a world famous academic lecturer. She disputed the lecturer by saying the universe resided on the back of a turtle. The lecturer thought to put her in her nonentity place by asking what was underneath the turtle. She put him in his place embarrassed by her retort that nothing was underneath the turtle, it is turtles all the way down! He admitted ever afterward there was no way possible to prove himself right and her wrong!



"Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial...." Thomas S. Kuhn.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.

"Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds...." -- Albert Einstein.
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