From a drop of water....

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1.) Nothing is outside the box of universe.
2.) therefore everything is outside the box of universe.
3.) Thus leaving only something inside the box (Schrodinger's box) of universe.

"Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial." -- Thomas S. Kuhn.
Light is actually photosphere pervasive universally throughout the microcosm and macrocosm. Then it must be time as REALTIME NOW (t=0) that has the speed we think we know as the constant ('c') of the speed of light in a vacuum and/or every Planck length straightaway of a maze in Planck time (c=1 (unity) | t=0 (where '0' is asymptotically "infinite '0'" (timeless))).

REALTIME NOW is the timeless pen writing time at the so-called speed of light, but the boxed holographic past-future histories penned writing measure is light's coordinate points SPACETIME.
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Just had to bring this over from "More on the Big Bang - what was before t=0?" ... to reinforce #802:

"You're missing it . . . missing the point! We 4-dimensional beings and the 2-dimensional Flatlander use the same 0-dimensional (point) and 1-dimensional (line) Horizon of the Universe (U)! Which is why we 4-dimensional beings also call the horizons of the universe (u) (the horizon universes (u)) Flatland flat! Look at any good illustration of a blackhole, or pancake norm of galaxy, or just about any illustration of solar system and equatorial bulge of planet, you see what I mean.

Which is all beside the point . . . the 0-dimensional point of a photon in the model microcosm; The hyper-spherical photon of "observable universe" in the modeled macrocosm! One and the same photon!"
Light just leaving from Andromeda records an almost current time for Andromeda. The same light arriving at the Milky Way is time recorded about 2.3 million years before whatever the concurrent current common era of both the Milky Way and Andromeda (invisible: un-observed and un-observable). What direction of time flow is that time in the light? Time reversal? Distant future history on the way from there to distant past history at arrival here? What direction is that time running on the forward track of time for the light itself? It is tracking (running) against it! Tracking (running) opposed to it! Time tracking (running) in reverse!!!!

Travelers in their travel forward in space and time will travel opposing this time reversal, ascending in time against it . . . except to the rear where they will apparently speed not away from but directly into the apparent time reversal to their rear.
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As always, "Brevity is the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

The primal-fundamental binary base2:

1.) '0' ('chaos' (infinity / disorder / vacuum energy (c^2) / SPACE).
2.) '1' ('unity' (finite / order / mass-energy / TIME).

Quantum entangling spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t-0) instant is "timeless" (a timeless time of all time (all times), therefore an eternal instant of time (infinite '0' (go infinitesimal, go infinite)))!
From out of its 0-point energy quantum entanglement with the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (BC) (BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon' of 'Creation' (emission point), light's coordinate points past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) SPACETIME!

To be cont'd....
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It continues to be simply amazing to me how people who are supposed to be educated and able to mix and match and think in more than one dimensionality at the same time time cannot do so from the obvious . . . and are locked more into a mediocratic convention of an enclosed closed world systemic hardening1-dimensional academia, thus complete chaos seemingly spreading all otherwise, than ever before in history!

Take an emission of light and photo-freeze time from a fast traveling, fast mover in [spatial positions' now (position incapable of being fixed by any relative observer)] of a space ship, for example.

The constant of the speed of light in a vacuum will split in two regarding time. The physic of light will travel forward in time at +300,000kps. The physic of the time in the light will travel in time reversal at a speed of light equal to -300,000kps. Plus time per second (the light) . . . minus time per second (the photo-frozen time in the light) . . . (+) per second (-) per second, at exactly the same cosmological constancy, for a combined (+/-) cosmological result of c=1 | t=0!

I repeat: "It continues to be simply amazing to me how people who are supposed to be educated and able to mix and match and think in more than one dimensionality at the same time time cannot do so from the obvious . . . and are locked more into a mediocratic convention of an enclosed closed world systemic hardening 1-dimensional academia, thus complete chaos seemingly spreading all otherwise, than ever before in history!"
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I repeat:
You cannot possibly chase down and catch light from the rear because there is no such thing as light from the rear! It is single-sided 2-dimensionally flat photo-freeze frame macrocosmically and the same in photon physic both macrocosmically and microcosmically!

Now, as to time, it's a different story altogether which is why it has no back. As a photo-frozen (in time) element of the macro- and micro-cosmic, it is a time reverse descent in time, NOT an equal but opposite time forward ascent. All observers, including travelers, will always have to turn their faces into it and see histories and nothing but histories, descended and/or descending in SPACETIME toward the collapsed cosmological constant of the farthest P/(BC)/(BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon'!

Equally but oppositely, the observer and/or traveler will always ascend forward in time, from that rearward descent, into future histories advancing this way from that same collapsed cosmological constant of the farthest P/(BC)/(BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon'! It will always be a two-way street going and coming at one and the same time creating the cosmological constant "Trojan" of an eternal "standing wave" (c=1 | t=0)!
I never thought of it like this this before before the physic asymptote can be applied to the physic of slowing down in time as travelers recede away in SPACETIME from observers in traveling toward the far distant horizons of time. The image will accelerate in expansion further and further away from the reality and the reality invisibly, un-observably, separates ever faster from the slowing-in-time image (the speed of light does not speed up in space and time to keep up with extending distances), the reality of the observer, and the slowing-in-time image of the observer (again, the speed of light does not speed up in space and time to keep up with extending distances):

This illustration is useful for more than just one tensor dimensionality (such as the breakdown of tensorial relativity):

Of course, accelerating expansions in distances and, thus, apparent slowing in time are always exactly reversed to accelerating contractions, often from out of "nowhere" (away into the infinities of "nowhere" in going away and from out of the infinities of "nowhere" oncoming or incoming) when travelers are closing with observers . . . or anything else.

"Brevity is the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
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I repeat:
You cannot possibly chase down and catch light from the rear because there is no such thing as light from the rear! It is single-sided 2-dimensionally flat photo-freeze frame macrocosmically and the same in photon physic both macrocosmically and microcosmically!

Now, as to time, it's a different story altogether which is why it has no back. As a photo-frozen (in time) element of the macro- and micro-cosmic, it is a time reverse descent in time, NOT an equal but opposite time forward ascent. All observers, including travelers, will always have to turn their faces into it and see histories and nothing but histories, descended and/or descending in SPACETIME toward the collapsed cosmological constant of the farthest P/(BC)/(BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon'!

Equally but oppositely, the observer and/or traveler will always ascend forward in time, from that rearward descent, into future histories advancing this way from that same collapsed cosmological constant of the farthest P/(BC)/(BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon'! It will always be a two-way street going and coming at one and the same time creating the cosmological constant "Trojan" of an eternal "standing wave" (c=1 | t=0)!
I know it's bad, and I usually won't do it, but I needed to add on to the above post #807 with additional dimensionality I just re-realized from long ago posting!

Light "is single-sided 2-dimensionally flat photo-freeze frame macrocosmically and the same in photon physic both macrocosmically and microcosmically!" But it pervades the infinities of horizon universes (universe horizons) to an infinite density of faces, an infinite density of singled-sided 2-d facing (only) vectors having no backs to the photo-freeze frames whatsoever and, thus, infinitesimal -- or infinite '0' -- mass and energy.


To turn (universe) is to turn only to a vector facing. It is with a smile :) I'm reminded of Stephen Hawking writing in 'A Brief History of Time' of the six sided, six faced, particle that is six different particles. I, immodestly, above, just vastly, just infinitely, enlarged and improved on that conception.
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I was reading more pursuit of the tired light theory versus the big bang theory of the universe.

Neither theory is correct in my own realization. My realization is that astronomy does not reach out billions x trillions of miles to quantum entangle with what is out there in space, nor does it reach backward to quantum entangle with any time. The observable universe, observed from anywhere and everywhere, is at any scope whatsoever a Mandelbrot Set being magnified . . . and in and with that increasing magnification (narrowing) of the light itself asymptotically toward a 0-point there is and will be shift in and of the light itself. Shift as a different kind of breadth-depth-distance resolution than astronomers and astrophysicists seem to realize. They are dealing in the light, not the universe. Actually dealing in both until relativity breaks down regarding the universe then, as the continuance, they are dealing solely in -- digging further and further down into -- the quantum physics of the light itself toward the Planck Horizon of physics and the Universe (U).
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A single-sided 2-dimensional macrocosmic photo-frozen frame of light's coordinate points past-future histories SPACETIME, at once a microcosmic photonic entity, is at once a vectoring fractal zooms frame of Mandelbrot Set in an infinite density of such single-sided 2-dimensionalities omni-directionally facing (having no backs whatsoever).

This infinite density of such equals an in infinite vacuum / void (is at once an infinite vacuum / void).

And, just by the way, the speed of light is constant in a vacuum . . . NOT otherwise in cutting, tunneling (warping, wormholing), crosswise through curving mazes of cosmic Gordian Knots. As Alexander the Great effectively said, "Why follow its curvature when I can cut straight through it!"
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