From a drop of water....

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It's always tough reversing, turning, that "inverse square law" end for end, inside-out and outside-in!

It's always tough reversing, turning, 'time' end for end, inside-out and outside-in!

For every action forward, there is always an equal, opposite, reaction rearward (backward)! And vice-versa!

For every closing (contraction, compaction, concentration, implosion) there is always an equal, opposite, opening (expansion, scattering, spreading out, explosion), somewhere around in something! And vice-versa!
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It's a wonder sometimes how many can't put (+1) and (-1) together to make binary base2's '0' and/or '1' plus/minus (+/-) the Trojan.

The eternal superposition constant of "Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U)"....
The eternal superposition constant point (T=1) of 'infinite density of Big Crunch', aka "quantum fluctuation"....
The eternal superposition constant point (T=1) of infinite Abyss, Void, Vacuum, Aether, aka "quantum fluctuation"....
The eternal superposition constant totality of all mass and energy (totals zero) ....
The eternally collapsed cosmological (superposition) constant (/\) Planck (Big Bang) 'Mirror Horizon' (T=1) of an infinity of horizon universes (u) (horizon universes in entangling concurrent REALTIME NOW instant (t=0) // EMERGENT SPACE) ....
The infinite 'Nothingness' and 'Nowhereland' that is the "['Nothing at all!'] that is inside/outside the finite local relativity of light's coordinate point past-future ((t=+1) (t=-1)) histories' SPACETIME of the finite 'observable universe' (u)" (that is inside/outside a quantum-discrete quanta of "Verse" (aka, meaning, "Turn," and/or, "Turning")).

Oh well.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.
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Had to bring this over from elsewhere because it squares with posts from #625 . . . minimally:

The simplest, oldest, diagramming illustration of an 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U)' is still this one, G=1!

'There will never be the vectoring direction and magnitude of 'One World' without two . . . and/or "many" . . . worlds!
"I am 'matter' (+)! You are antimatter (-)!"
"No! I am matter (+)! You are antimatter (-)!"
"No way! I am matter (+/-)! You are antimatter (-/+)!"
"Get it through your own thick skull, I am matter (+/-)! You are antimatter (+/-)!"
"YOU get it through YOUR thick skull, I am matter (-/+)! You are antimatter (-/+)!"
Opposites attract? Likes repel? (G=1) (asymptote 0-g, and/or, 1-g (n-g)).
Then there is the Trojan, "Schrodinger's Cat" (asymptote: both entangling (unity (one)) and neither entangled (null unity (many)))!

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