From a drop of water....

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Ad #625:

It's always tough reversing, turning, that "inverse square law" end for end, inside-out and outside-in!

It's always tough reversing, turning, 'time' end for end, inside-out and outside-in!

For every action forward, there is always an equal, opposite, reaction rearward (backward)! And vice-versa!

For every closing (contraction, compaction, concentration, implosion) there is always an equal, opposite, opening (expansion, scattering, spreading out, explosion), somewhere around in something! And vice-versa!
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It's a wonder sometimes how many can't put (+1) and (-1) together to make binary base2's '0' and/or '1' plus/minus (+/-) the Trojan.

The eternal superposition constant of "Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U)"....
The eternal superposition constant point (T=1) of 'infinite density of Big Crunch', aka "quantum fluctuation"....
The eternal superposition constant point (T=1) of infinite Abyss, Void, Vacuum, Aether, aka "quantum fluctuation"....
The eternal superposition constant totality of all mass and energy (totals zero) ....
The eternally collapsed cosmological (superposition) constant (/\) Planck (Big Bang) 'Mirror Horizon' (T=1) of an infinity of horizon universes (u) (horizon universes in entangling concurrent REALTIME NOW instant (t=0) // EMERGENT SPACE) ....
The infinite 'Nothingness' and 'Nowhereland' that is the "['Nothing at all!'] that is inside/outside the finite local relativity of light's coordinate point past-future ((t=+1) (t=-1)) histories' SPACETIME of the finite 'observable universe' (u)" (that is inside/outside a quantum-discrete quanta of "Verse" (aka, meaning, "Turn," and/or, "Turning")).

Oh well.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.
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Had to bring this over from elsewhere because it squares with posts from #625 . . . minimally:

The simplest, oldest, diagramming illustration of an 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U)' is still this one, G=1!

'There will never be the vectoring direction and magnitude of 'One World' without two . . . and/or "many" . . . worlds!
"I am 'matter' (+)! You are antimatter (-)!"
"No! I am matter (+)! You are antimatter (-)!"
"No way! I am matter (+/-)! You are antimatter (-/+)!"
"Get it through your own thick skull, I am matter (+/-)! You are antimatter (+/-)!"
"YOU get it through YOUR thick skull, I am matter (-/+)! You are antimatter (-/+)!"
Opposites attract? Likes repel? (G=1) (asymptote 0-g, and/or, 1-g (n-g)).
Then there is the Trojan, "Schrodinger's Cat" (asymptote: both entangling (unity (one)) and neither entangled (null unity (many)))!
Ad #628 ("MULTIVERSE") from elsewhere (to include Heisenberg's "Uncertainty" and Schrodinger's "Cat"):

We each "carry our 'observable universe' with us" (-- Catastrophe). Thus, so does our local world, our local star system, our local galaxy, our local universe, in all individualities (all quantum-discrete quanta) at every vector level of local relativity (light's coordinate points past-future ((t=+1) (t=-1)) histories' SPACETIME), carry its "observable universe" (spaces, times, positions, velocities, masses, energies, directions, magnitudes, ...., what have you of 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe') with it.

And, just in case you didn't notice, what is at the exact center point of every hyper-spherical "observable universe" bubble.


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