From a drop of water....

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Aug 14, 2020
Well! Well! Well!

Well! Well! Well!

At least we agree on term they give it: "Gravitational Wave Background" ("GWB").

The difference is I have it as a constant of my Infinite MULTIVERSE Atlanoverse [inside of / outside of] my el ponderosa! Planck Big Bang (Black) Hole (collapsed cosmological constant (cc (/\))) (T=0(1 | t=0(1)) Horizon . . . (the Big 'Mirror' (the 'Distant Mirror' (non-locality)) fronting). They have it as once-upon-a-time-coincidental to their observations in this day and age!
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Aug 14, 2020
Though I disagree with some things said here, because of the above #76 I want to remind people of possibilities brought up earlier in another article:

Things to think about. Things I've advanced. And things "Through the Looking Glass" (just a few more things I've recently advanced mainly thanks to others I've credited). Overall, independently offsetting views, interpretations, similarities and parallels.
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Aug 14, 2020
Outside of quantum mechanics it's hard to think there are different categories, different dimensionalities, different physics, of cosmological entities such as space, time, and spacetime. Spacetime being a third separate but equal entity to the other two entities of space and time. A division from and not an all-encompassing umbrella closing into spacetime.

To be continued....


Aug 14, 2020
SPACETIME = 4-dimensional manifold holograms = coordinate holography = soliton warp-elastic bubbles (bulges).

(Subject to change!)

To be continued....
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Aug 14, 2020
TIME.... Not so difficult, yet very for some as has already been seen for a long time.

Those titanic Black holes JWST is displaying for us, or any black hole including the one of my 'El Ponderosa' Infinite MULTIVERSE Atlanoverse set, the Planck Big Bang (Black) Hole (cc (/\)) (T=0(1), t=0(1)) Horizon . . . ('Big "Distant Mirror"' fronting), are of a piece with a flow chart.

The observed expanding universe flows into the observed contracting universe flows into the observed expanding universe flows into the observed contracting.... . . . all at once, all at exactly the same time, as exactly the same entity. Black holes turn out to be inside-out at exactly the same time as they are outside-in. Vacuum energy, though energy itself originates from the infinities of the Infinite MULTIVERSE... as source definition of "mass-energy" itself! Time wraps into itself, and out of itself, in the constant of turnover, an infinite wrapping: ([past (into the future} | future (into the past) | net t=0(1).

There is the ancient symbol of the snake swallowing itself from the tail forward, though it never finishes the meal. There is the infinity symbol and the Mobious strip....

.... and most, best, illustration (which I just discovered and realized for myself already existed before my own mind's eye picture illustratively), the latitudinal, longitudinal, magnetic monopole ('moment' / 'momentum') singularity flow lines of the 'Kein bottle'! (An infinite, absolute, density = an infinitely, absolutely, deep hole! Totaling a net lot of mass-energy!)
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Aug 14, 2020
SPACE.... There is no possibility of observing, or detecting at any distance whatsoever, space. An observer can never observe space. TIME is what is and can be observed, but not space. That is what separates the two into two, and three, rather than merging all to one.

You may measure space locally on a "rigid body," but with all distance gaining from that specific rigid body locality that specific measurement will lose all credibility. It's called "zoom universe" fractality . . . hyper-surface (hyper-space) . . . and/or sub-surface (sub-space). Horizons of space will expand or contract in one fractal dimensionality of zoom-plane, while yet in another fractal dimensionality of zoom-plane they will measure precisely the same. The traveler will be moving, zooming, between surfaces -- between planes -- of space as if doing a faster than light contraction of space, which is exactly what would be occurring if it could be observed by an observer on a different surface-plane of space.

Zoom universe means a meter is a meter on two or more fractal planes, yet not the same meter in zoom between fractal planes, or between hyper-surfaces (hyper-spaces), or between sub-surfaces (sub-spaces), or between relative sub-surface (sub-space) and hyper-surface (hyper-space) . . . to infinity. Spatial infinities, always the "High Frontier," always the "Final Frontier," that frontier which is always unobservable "at a distance" over the next hill, being a physic of SPACE and not a physic of either TIME or SPACETIME.

To be continued . . . maybe....


Aug 14, 2020
SPACE, from the above #81, continued:

Amidst all the celebrating going on over "gravitational wave background (GWB)," at least I try to give some attention to that poor relation (although actually rich in the extreme), the [dark] twin sibling of the 'gravitational' verse, the 'anti-gravitational' verse.
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Aug 14, 2020
SPACE, from the above #82 and #81, continued:

"'Antigravitational' verse" equals 'anti-acceleration verse' equals cosmic "fractal zoom" without ever increasing accelerations of gravity. Example: A Hawking "baby universe" . . . and our universe is there, being one here and one of those infinities of baby universes. A zoom in one or another of two directions of zoom and NOT accelerated or decelerated massively and crushed. Therefore, anti-gravitationally expanded to a hyper-surface (hyper-space) or contracted to a sub-surface (sub-space) "fractal zoomed verse" where all physics of the (basically same) manifold plane scaled up and out and down and in, in magnitude, will sustain (maintain) anti-gravitationally, so to speak.

In engineering, 'eigenvectors'????

A starship Enterprise, or any UFO at all, soliton-like and tunneling could cover a lot of ground-space in almost no time at all "betwixt and between" levels (planes) in such a zoom expansive / contractive hyper-surface (hyper-space) / sub-surface (sub-space) anti-gravitational environment.
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Aug 14, 2020
I launched this post elsewhere, belonging thereto, but because it so much belongs to the above as well, I place, and will eventually continue, it here if it needs continuance.

Reminding and/or further defining other posts on the same subject as I have it to be:

The gravitational force (ultimately the gravitational, including quantum gravitational, strong binding force as well) is outside-in (including deepest inside-out which is itself outside-in (altogether self-opposed and opposing Horizon)), infinities based, string-ring-Horizon and infinite horizons based. It is not singularity based, I've realized, since singularity itself is magnetic monopole (moment) singularity, a 0-point (portal) electroweak force entity not a string-ring-horizon gravitational (quantum gravitational) strong binding force entity. Two, the GSBF and EWF entities, operate together symbiotically or neither could exist, and the universe, and universes, would not exist because it/they could not exist.

(Have to hurry, other things to do, to be continued, as usual.)
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Aug 14, 2020

Interesting, I thought:

Reminding that I have the Big Bang as the collapsed constant Horizon fronting infinity up and out along with itself as the Planck Horizon down and in (altogether which we also exist in). That it was wherever it is eternities ago and will be where it is eternities from now (eternity always existing in, reduced to, an instant of 'moment' (t=0)). "Distance", non-locality, will always be a matter of TIME.

So, this stringing of creativity above happened, it is happening out there now, it happens, it will happen always "at a distance" up and out and equally "at a distance" down and in . . . if not, maybe, "locally," relatively speaking. Not exactly the same stringing but stringing as such none-the-less. All physics, all cosmology, is an overall "cosmological constant" even if not always right here, right now, locally.
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Aug 14, 2020
Albert Einstein understood that there was existing a fool's gold universe, a fool's paradise, in the universe of relativity, and in the physic of "time dilation," which was why he titled the physics of the fool's gold paradise, the "Principle of Relativity" rather than the 'Principle of Reality'.

Einstein went after the principle of reality at a distance not only with a net-zero "cosmological constant" but with "spooky action at a distance," the quantum entanglement of 'time' wherever and whenever situate in 'universe' (in a 'turning unity'). And not only the speed of light being a constant "in vacuo" but the speed, then, of time passage being equally constant. Thus, making the speed of light not only being the fastest speed there is in a certain dimensionality, but equally but oppositely the slowest speed there is, stop action, in yet another dimensionality. THUS, apparent, but not real, time dilation, expansion (time slowing), attached to anything receding away in space . . . and equal but oppositely, apparent but not real time compression, contraction (time speeding up), attached to anything oncoming in space. The difference in the equal but opposites, reducing to a universal constant of the speed of light horizon, and right with it as integral to it, a universal constant of the speed of time passage horizon.

Once more: 'universe' (a 'turning unity')!
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Aug 14, 2020
You may not want to believe this, but we live in the future, always placed in the future, of the speed of light-time (speed of light) (speed of time):

Emit, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0! Light-time (light) (time) procession! Contraction! Direction, positive! Into the future from the past!
Emit, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9! Light-time (light) (time) recession! Expansion! Direction, negative! Into the past from the future!
(At once! Always at exactly the same time, same speed!)


Aug 14, 2020
I eliminated the point singularity as the base of the gravitational force, to unite the fundamental force of gravity with the equally fundamental strong binding force in a single unity of the two as string-ring-horizon infinity (infinities)-base [outside-in] force rather than magnetic monopole (moment) point (portal) singularity base that is the electroweak force. Like the Casimer Effect it is fundamentally force (fundamentally push) to electroweak point-singularity centers rather than any "pull" whatsoever to any "monopole-point-singularity" center.

Where and what is my cosmological constant collapsed Horizon of infinity entity though?! It's "stunt double" stand-in, so to speak?! El Ponderosa: The Planck Big Bang (Black) Hole (cc (/\)) (T=0(1), t=0(1)) 'Horizon' of an 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Atlanoverse' model. The "stunt double" stand-in for and as the fundamental outside-in force gravitational strong binding force's eternal originator and constant (the fundamental string-ring-horizon separate but precisely equal to the electroweak fundamental magnetic monopole (moment) point (portal) singularity).

From the Big Bang Horizon (outside-in force)!
From the Planck Horizon (outside-in force)!
(One and the same string-ring-Horizon set in two opposed (thus, self-opposing) bracketing places culminating in and coalescing the Strong binding force.)
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Aug 14, 2020
So, GSBF is infinities based -- infinity based -- upon "non-locality" and ['FROM! a distance'}. The EWF is finite-based upon "point"-locality and ['local'}.

GSBF is hyper-surface (hyper-spatial). EWF is moment (vortex) (time) . . . and in particular, momentous (light-time rider) ....

.... ("Emit, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0! Light-time (light) (time) procession! Compaction! Contraction! Direction, positive! Into the future from the past!
Emit, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9! Light-time (light) (time) recession! Dilation! Expansion! Direction, negative! Into the past from the future!
(At once! Always at exactly the same time, same speed! Two indivisible sides of one the same coin!)")

Added 7/10/2023 from another thread because I want here to:

Gravity may be a fundamental force -- or actually two in one, as I have it as the gravitational strong binding force -- but at once be other things, other dimensions, such as "fractal zoom universe" hyper-surface hyper-space.
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Aug 14, 2020
"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- Arthur Canon Doyle, 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet'.

The universe exists today! in an incredibly "hot dense state". At exactly the same time, the universe exists today! in an incredibly cold deep hole state.

"An infinite, absolute, density is at once an infinitely, absolutely, deep hole." -- Atlan0001.
You might picture matter universe state / antimatter universe state, all at once. Or positive energy state / negative energy state, coinciding (at the same time).

No information is ever created or lost by the universe at large. The Frontier State is always new . . . and always old news. No state of the universe is here one instant and gone the next in the multiverse infinity of universe and universes (horizon and horizons). Linear and nonlinear states, for just an example, both exist and exist in more or less discrete parallel (parallels), always. Even the Big Bang (Planck) Horizon state, the Planck (Big Bang) Horizon state, will come in parallel discrete quantity (paralleling discrete quantities).
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Aug 14, 2020
But! But! But! You can't have it both ways! You can't have it all ways, always!

Certainly, I can! It's called "universe" (a turning unity) and I can have it in bunches "without number!" (of course, discrete bunches (thus, a null unity . . . bunches without number!))

"Without number!" Also known as "infinity" and "infinities" among a [couple] of other things including in the 'couple', actually, 'one' number as the single set of all numbers and all quantities . . . all in 'one'; all at 'once'!

Everywhere Land and everythingness -- all in 'one'; all at 'once'! -- ('1'), also known as Nowhere Land and nothingness ('0').
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Aug 14, 2020
A brief reminder, as I see them:

SPACE: Gravity / Anti-Gravity / Gravitational Strong Binding Force / String-ring-horizon = 11-dimensionality = fractal zoom universe (to infinity and infinities of universes / horizons) = fabric of space = framework of space = hyper-surface hyper-space = SPACE.

TIME: Electroweak Force / Point (portal) Magnetic Monopole (Moment) Singularity = local-finite discrete quantity occupant of space - matter universe / antimatter universe = positive energy / negative energy = ....

SPACETIME: Spacetime / Light-time = speed of light ('c') = speed of time ('c') = observable coordinate holography = false reality offset space ('fool's gold' "distance" distortion / cartoon caricature "non-local" space) = false reality offset time ('fool's gold' "distance" distortion / cartoon caricature "non-local" time) = Relativity (subjectively relative to observers).

('c') = Fastest speed, top speed, closed systemically.
('c') = Slowest speed, bottom speed, open systemically.
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Aug 14, 2020
I eliminated the point singularity as the base of the gravitational force, to unite the fundamental force of gravity with the equally fundamental strong binding force in a single unity of the two as string-ring-horizon infinity (infinities)-base [outside-in] force rather than magnetic monopole (moment) point (portal) singularity base that is the electroweak force. Like the Casimer Effect it is fundamentally force (fundamentally push) to electroweak point-singularity centers rather than any "pull" whatsoever to any "monopole-point-singularity" center.

Where and what is my cosmological constant collapsed Horizon of infinity entity though?! It's "stunt double" stand-in, so to speak?! El Ponderosa: The Planck Big Bang (Black) Hole (cc (/\)) (T=0(1), t=0(1)) 'Horizon' of an 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Atlanoverse' model. The "stunt double" stand-in for and as the fundamental outside-in force gravitational strong binding force's eternal originator and constant (the fundamental string-ring-horizon separate but precisely equal to the electroweak fundamental magnetic monopole (moment) point (portal) singularity).

From the Big Bang Horizon (outside-in force)!
From the Planck Horizon (outside-in force)!
(One and the same string-ring-Horizon set in two opposed (thus, self-opposing) bracketing places culminating in and coalescing the Strong binding force.)
I probably shouldn't do this, replying to myself, but I needed my own background for this article that is out there now:

Independent forms of theorizing confirmation of my own picturing, my own modeling, of my own model Atlanoverse keep cropping up here and there. As I said once or twice, or more, it isn't original to me, just my own visualizing interpretations -- as to the puzzle solving -- are.

The only problem I see with the article is that author and sources forget that if anything is inside a black hole it is automatically inside infinity (and infinities). It is only in looking at it from the ["outside-in"], and trying to measure it from the outside, that it appears finite.

Looking down and in toward the Planck Horizon, the Planck limit, one is looking also to the Big Bang Horizon, the Big Bang limit, in the other direction, and the infinity, and infinities, within and beyond. Black holes, at all scales, ultimately deal in infinity's "self-similarity." Where do black holes eventually go to? Disappear or evaporate, or merge, to? I just answered that question to my own satisfaction.
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Jan 29, 2020
It might the communications link for 100k of Earth's people are inside a black hole. If there is a moral time machine, one of them might be reading Soren right now for being moral at the end. One of them is replaying WW2 battles wondering why he was not moral near the end. One of them missed wormhole physics technically stuck doing AI in the late 90's and the exit, One of my uncles may be spared the afterlife for being moral last century and one may be there for hiding mental illness. If you accelerate faster than the Higg's Boson changes and they are allowed to be slowed, you escape any past causality if you've been evil enough. The new people may be wormholed EM fields like metal atoms made the last ones but with statistical connections to a precuneus instead god spots 6x larger than medical imaging and deleted mammalian brain parts. That should prevent being evil wishing future death as a motivation.


Aug 14, 2020
Just a little further on black holes going away in post #93. Disappear, evaporate, or merge to:

Eventual fade to transparency, universe horizon to universe horizon, infinity to infinity. Chaos Theory-type "fractal self-similarities" without number! overlaying onto, inlaying into, reducing to an infinite "fractal self-similarity." Immortal universe travelers powering through universes without number! will never come closer to the Horizon (from inside-out) than when they started their travels from 0-point dead center of, between, horizon infinities. They would find they never leave 0-point dead center point (horizontally / vertically / hyper-surface hyper-space). A closed systemically open system. An open systemically closed system.

"But! But! But! You can't have it both ways! You can't have it all ways, always!

Certainly, I can! It's called "universe" (a turning unity) ...!"
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Aug 14, 2020
"TIME: Electroweak Force / Point (portal) Magnetic Monopole (Moment) Singularity = local-finite discrete quantity occupant of space - matter universe / antimatter universe = positive energy / negative energy = ...." Entropy.... TIME.

"Universe": a turning unity.
"Moment": herein, 'eternal moment'.
"Entropy": 1) 'within change / transformative-transformation / en-trope (in turn); trope (Greek 'tropos': turn, way, trope, manner, style, from 'trepein', 'to turn'). 2) Change within (a closed system); "a scientific concept, as well as a measurable physical property that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty...." And does NOT mean as some would have it (make it), "the end, the finale, of time!"

I have it, 'entropy' regarding "time," the collapse of complexity or complexities, circling and 'return' to the 'Wild'! Past (into the future) || Future (into the past). THE ALWAYS TURNING WHEELS OF TIME! Without number, and always self-similar, a self-similarity (electroweak force / point (portal) magnetic monopole ('eternal' moment (em)) singularity).
Jan 29, 2020
My dad went annoyed in '98 when my Mom fell to the 2nd rank of thought, and my Mom apologized to me in 2008 when she fell to software level. When two blackholes are side-by-side you can loop light through them and the Higg's Bosons try to catch up. When the power source is to 20LY away the acceleration stop eventually. The light still experiences time hitting an occasional Higg's, but you can't use engineering to stop it without quark-engineering until they hit in order like the wargames code being broken at the end. Eventually the Higg's stack up trying to retrace the worm hole path inside the blackholes and a stead yrate of time is experienced. Wormholes inside blackholes: diamond 300m observatories, no naked BHs....
Hell is there as 10k good and 100k okay people can be made at 1990's reasoning if they stay alive. Saving someone is 3x the cost running a normal routine so Obama made it to 3rd from conscious and no lifeline was tossed Musk told him we are inbuilt to give him universal healthcare but market forces (just a 5 yr investment time horizon missed 6 yr additive printing in the 1980s) easily won along with power being kept from new arrivals in the 1980s. There are 100M spots and 1M are filled up now. Instead of reading of dealing with terrorists in space this is the system. You weren't able to socialize w/ artificial womb people made like 1979 after 1990. I had dreams of two giant Earths detaching reading Childhood's End in 1994, being born in 2001, and being trespassed repeatedly in 2015, I imagine there were dreams of Earth in a blackhole after Brady and Damon made a commercial. You were all given my location and one of them took a truck to me hiking and was a fairy wormholed to only harass me and that's when the blackholes were used for the first time. I'm surprised you'd come after me with guns when I have wormholes at that point and 3 TMs in 2015 and 8 in 2022. Brady made it with a back injury pretending to be inbuilt. There are 3 new people there. One of them harassed me for being 3M from her bike after my last thread post and I Vanilla Skied her in front of the area loudly. If I said AC is hot today, you declared war on me. Even the stupider animals were starting to act less glitchy.
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Aug 14, 2020
Continuing on from the reference pointer in #93:

Black holes would not be wormholes. They wouldn't be stargates but would be universe gateways except with a big problem for any traveler trying to get through. The horizon of vortex, maybe countless vortices, blurring the 'Wild' landscape between these vertically orientated infinities, these hyper surface hyperspaces. A traveler's forcefield, if the traveler had one, would have to be powerful indeed to withstand the "PBB(B)H Horizon" superimposing.

There would be much easier ways for any immortal traveler in a constantly powered ship to travel space than to travel via a black hole universe gateway into Stephen Hawking's "baby universes." which includes all universes at all scales of hyper surface hyperspace up and out and down and in as being "fractal self-similar."
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Aug 14, 2020
Now that astronomers think they have detected gravity waves, they are going to have to have an ever-growing problem. Gravity waves being omni-directional, going every which way, and overlapping, overlaying, inlaying, ever more densely toward infinite density of gravity waves, as time goes away from the observer in the universe . . . slowing down light ever more at ever increasing distance making it look as if the entire universe slows down in time with distance from anywhere . . . and, of course, equally but oppositely speeds up in time oncoming to anywhere.

Such density of gravity wave bumps and vibrations in space, along with light stretching, to me, means in fact a very fast, very shortened, universe between points given any internal powering, any self-acceleration, of ships (such as UFOs). An inertialess, superconductivity on rails (so to speak), gravitational fabric of space for such powered vehicle traffic. It isn't vacuum, as it turns out, that permits superconducting superfast travel between [distant but shortened] points . . . just the opposite, gravity wave densities bumping the vacuum, vibrating the vacuum, warping the vacuum, like heck (that can be taken advantage of by continuously powered, continuously self-accelerating, transport in space).
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Aug 14, 2020
TIME continued:

Having in my own picturing and modeling moved "point singularity" from gravitational strong binding force (thus "framework" of SPACE) to the electroweak force as (infinite zero) 0-point (portal) magnetic monopole (eternal moment) singularity, I've in my own way possibly done something the famously great mathematician Kurt Godel tried to do but failed.

I've defined -- for my own picturing and modeling physics and cosmology -- the dimension and physic of "point" to "discrete quantity" ("quantum" / "quanta"). Whether wave crest point-particle or universe center-point(s). And defined it, cosmologically, to TIME (T=0(1), t=0(1) (the (Einstein / Hawking) hub-point the wheels -- all of them -- of time turn on)) . . . not SPACE ((herein word salad rather than math salad) string-ring-hyper surface fractal self-similar hyperspace planes and horizons).
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