From a drop of water....

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I'm not a genius mathematician and I see it . . . just see it, visualizing the fractal:


Seeing it and cosmologically calling upon it, including its geometrically similar expansions in dimensionality, many times here and elsewhere. The above is a first for me, that is, learning it has been around for centuries and is a basic to modern calculus . . . thus too, as well, Chaos Theory as I apply its parts to visualizing the cosmology of the Grand Cosmopolis, both observable and beyond.
Few, if any including me, have thought about it, but accelerating expansion implies boost energy, and so does a vacuum actually imply boost energy, comparatively speaking to a denser environ whatever it might be. The thinner aethereal fabric (thus vacuum energy) of interplanetary space. The even thinner aethereal fabric (thus greater vacuum energy) of interstellar space. The even thinner aethereal fabric (thus even greater vacuum energy) of intergalactic space.

Imagine travelers under continuous power (continuous acceleration / continuous boost), electric or otherwise, getting driving acceleration boost assist from the vacuum energy (the cosmic energies) of the environment. Surfing in accelerating -- soliton bubble wave riding in accelerating -- interplanetary (fast), interstellar (faster), intergalactic (even faster), vacuum space (aethereal?) (gravity?) (?).

No matter though, it is still accelerating contraction by the traveler of the relative local universe.

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Reminder . . . The grand total of matter and energy in the cosmopolis equals '0':

So what if it's weird horizons' math and science:
(t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0).
SPACETIME = coordinate points (t=+1 (past-->>histories)) (t=-1 (future<<-- histories)).
Superposition (P) (BC) (BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon':
Collapsed cosmological constant (/\).
Planck = '1'.
Order / Chaos.
((+1) (-1)) = 1/0.
((+1 ?) (-1 anti-?)) = unity ('1') / infinity ('0').
((somethingness (+)) (somethingness (-)) = everythingness (aka: unity ('1')) / nothingness (aka: infinity ('0')).
((somewhereland (+)) (somewhereland (-)) = everywhereland (aka: unity ('1')) / nowhereland (aka: infinity ('0')).

Mirror, mirror.... (The perfect ending (-->>) is perfectly endless beginnings (<<--).)

To be continued... Maybe!
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Binary base2, infinity (0) and/or infinity's superposition 'Mirror Event Horizon' (1).

Infinity (0) cannot possibly be observed, so what of infinity will be observed?!

And don't forget the Trojan!
Again, three observed dimensions of SPACETIME:

A traveler in a fast vessel takes off from Earth for the Centauri system and according to his onboard clock takes four years to arrival in the Centauri system four light years (Earth at 0-point time minus four years observed per the speed of light Centauri system to Earth) away. He had one massive continuous light show of a powering blast observed all the way to the Centauri system by all observers.

The Earth observer observes him to take eight years (time dilated), not four years, to arrival in the Centauri system, though the traveler would be observed to have only aged four years in those eight years of time.

The Centauri system observer observes him to come through a wormhole from Earth, instantaneously traveling from Earth to the Centauri system, though the difference on the traveler's clock would show four years of time passage.

At no time did the traveler exceed or even approach, must less reach, the speed of light, regardless of appearances. The traveler annihilated the barrier of "relativity" -- annihilating relativity -- to every external observer, the Centauri system NOT being minus four years to Earth but an unobserved and unobservable Schrodinger's cat-like box (t=0) REALTIME NOW to (t=0) REALTIME NOW which is minus four years (t=-1(history)), plus four years (t=+1 (history)). . . and/or counter-intuitively, plus four years (t=-1 (history)), minus four years (t=+1 (history)). The far Horizon always being (Planck equals t='1' ('Unity') and never anything but).
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It comes together:

The headline read, "Gold Surges Past $2800 for 1st Time Ever."

Gold has intrinsic value, a dollar none. Money is a token of energy . . . a measure of energy, and the U.S. is $36 trillion dollars plus in National Debt, and, altogether, a frontier-less world much more . . . and accelerating! The measure of the world's negative energy acquiring within the Iron Curtain bubble physics of no opening, expansionist, space frontier (no positive energy gains possible to a world held imprisoned in closed systemic isolationism from opening, from expanding, to the frontier universe -- the frontier cosmopolis -- outside the womb, the nest, in a due time of new birth to new space and time frontiers)!


"From a drop of water...."
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(t=0) is being used to try to describe some fictitious -- to me -- time around and/or before the big bang of the Big Bang Theory. It, t=0 REALTIME NOW (t=0), has nothing to do with that Horizon (well almost nothing to do with it being all here-now 0-point center-point, infinite '0'. between horizons), which I term the "closed up collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (Big Crunch) (Big Bang) 'Mirror Event Horizon' (t='1' (='Unity') rather than t='0' (='Infinity' (='Chaos'))(a fundamental binary base2)) of an infinity of universe (u) horizons (horizons of universe (u))!" Altogether, also known as an "Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U)."

"Entangled, entangling, spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instantaneous moment" has to do with the horizon, and all the horizons, of the predicted breakdowns on the one hand, and buildups on the other hand, of relativity! The disappearance of relativity (t=+1 (into coordinate point SPACETIME's past histories (-->>))) on the one hand, and the appearance of relativity (t=-1 (from SPACETIME's coordinate point future histories (<<--))) on the other!

If you can think about and realize the above, you must realize there can be no such thing as "time dilation" except as it refers to the constant of the speed of light stretching across distances . . . long and longer distances . . . slowly, and ever more slowly . . . going from being the ceiling fastest of all possible speeds local relative to the slowest of all possible speeds "at a distance" (a "spooky action at a distance").
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The speed of light, "being the ceiling fastest of all possible speeds local relative to the slowest of all possible speeds 'at a distance' (a 'spooky action at a distance')."

Add: At any distance whatsoever, acquiring!!!!

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Once more.... there was no "Once upon a magical time Big Bang!"

Once more: The far Horizon is in permanent working superposition to us and all the infinity of relative local 0-point center-points of an infinity of universe horizons for which it is the "closed up collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (BC) (BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon'."

An immortal traveler could travel forever under constant acceleration of 1g, 2gs, whatever, and never get any closer to that Horizon than Stephen Hawking placed him in his book, 'A Brief History of Time' (placement in "The Life Zone" (The "Grand Central Station of the Universe" as he put it)):

Self-similarity: Where! What! How!

And more . . . but enough of local relativity (including breakdown and buildup of relativity) and forced quantum discrete quanta on macrocosmic scales as well as microcosmic. One always models the other -- is the model of the other -- and it goes both ways.
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Couldn't help myself, I had to bring this post of mine over whole from elsewhere because it also speaks to "superpositioning":

UAP / UFO, looking for the visitor, an extraterrestrial advanced life. There is an infinity of life, including spacefaring life, in infinities of horizon universes. The big problem is there are infinities of everything else in quantum discrete quanta, including distances between . . . mutually canceling out the infinity, relatively speaking, regarding life in the universes (including spacefaring life) without canceling out the always still existing physic of life's infinities.

How does one really explain the ['Schrodinger cat'] self-similarity between infinity [always in being] on the one hand and the always finite relative local accelerating expansion [to] infinity on the other hand?!
"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

All black holes eventually and inexorably swallow themselves up. The extreme of perfect ending.


Observed and observable energetic photo-frames past histories (SPACETIME (t=+1 (-->>))) eventually and inevitably pass to unobserved and unobservable energetic photo-frames future histories (SPACETIME (t=-1 (<<--))) by way of being absorbed here and released there by the Universe (U) as the extreme of endless beginnings.