"Repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
Einstein stands stopped and still next his railroad track with the train passing. But that stop and stillness is only relatively speaking. There are many, many, things moving relatively slower, to very much slower, to possibly even minus 300,000kps slower if not even slower, in the universe than his own relative stop and stillness on a spinning Earth spinning at relative speed, traveling at relative speed in orbit of the sun, the solar system moving at relative speed in the galaxy, the galaxy moving at speed in the universe, the universe.... Even Albert Einstein took a mind's eye trip to the speed of light and saw himself standing in absolute photo-frame stillness at the speed of light . . . as if he was standing dead still next to the railroad track on Earth with all else passing, traveling, at speed either speeding up observationally in fast forwarding time, or slowing down in observationally fast rewinding time some mistakenly call time dilation (an observation receding is all that time dilates), depending upon the vector, relative to his own stillness.
SPACETIME's coordinate point future histories (unobserved and unobservable until met), and coordinate point past histories (observed and observable), is a physic I found I understand better than most. Coordinate point histories, future and past, are all that Einstein's cosmic traveler will ever stand in the middle of and travel.