Giant 'bubbletrons' shaped the forces of the universe moments after the Big Bang, new study suggests

My thoughts. The 8-page PDF report is interesting reading. I note here from the report. “Along with the electroweak (EW) and QCD transitions, known to be crossovers in the Standard Model (SM) [1, 2], one or more first order phase transitions may have taken place in the first second after inflation. They are indeed commonly predicted in several motivated extensions of the SM, such as extra-dimensional [3], confining [4, 5], or supersymmetric models [6], and solutions to the strong CP [7, 8], flavour [9], or neutrino mass problems [10]. Independently of where they come from, such early universe phase transitions may have far reaching consequences through the possible cosmological relics they can leave behind, e.g. primordial black holes [11–21], topological defects [22–26], magnetic fields [27–33], dark matter (DM) [34–43], the baryon asymmetry [44–56], together with a background of gravitational waves (GW) [57–66], to cite just a few. As the universe expands, sitting in its lowest free energy vacuum, another vacuum may develop at a lower energy due to the fall in temperature, eventually triggering a PT. If a PT is first order then it proceeds via the nucleation of bubbles of broken phase into the early universe bath (see e.g. [67, 68] for reviews), analogously to the PT of water to vapor. Bubble walls that expand with ultrarelativistic velocities store a lot of energy, locally much higher than both the bath temperature and the scale of the PT.” My note, the timeline provided here is "in the first second after inflation", so a post-inflation universe evolution model presented. This period overlaps with the quark-gluon plasma phase of the BB model, overlaps the 4 stages for the cosmic fireball said to create the universe and CMBR we see today. The Big Bang model of the Universe.,, my note the 4 stage fireball evolution to explain the CMB is found in the URL too. "The First Few Minutes: It takes GUTs ... and Quantum Physics" "A Fireball in four parts." "Heavy particle era", "Light particle era", "Radiation era", "Matter era". My note, given the approach of the 8-page PDF report for bubbletrons in the early universe, I think some of these bubbles with different vacuum energies, continue to evolve into other universes. A particular bubble evolved into our universe so we are here today to read this report. The bubble walls expand much faster than c velocity too, “Bubble walls that expand with ultrarelativistic velocities”.

ref - Bubbletrons,, 27-June-2023. "In cosmological first-order phase transitions (PT) with relativistic bubble walls, high-energy shells of particles generically form on the inner and outer sides of the walls. Shells from different bubbles can then collide with energies much larger than the PT or inflation scales, and with sizeable rates, realising a `bubbletron'..."

Edit, my bad about ultrarelativistic velocities and c. Wikipedia defines,
"Ultrarelativistic limit" In physics, a particle is called ultrarelativistic when its speed is very close to the speed of light c.",
I always get more questions than answers when I read this type of thing.

For one, what was the speed of light in the early universe, anyway? These articles seem to read like the speed of light was still 3 x 10^10 cm/sec when the universe was less than an inch in diameter. But, it was also full of very dense "stuff" (to use a generic word that makes it hard for pedantic people to dispute as a diversion). We know that the speed of light is affected by the density of stuff we currently have in or universe. So, what was the speed of light in the various stages postulated for the "Big Bang"?
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I always get more questions than answers when I read this type of thing.

For one, what was the speed of light in the early universe, anyway? These articles seem to read like the speed of light was still 3 x 10^10 cm/sec when the universe was less than an inch in diameter. But, it was also full of very dense "stuff" (to use a generic word that makes it hard for pedantic people to dispute as a diversion). We know that the speed of light is affected by the density of stuff we currently have in or universe. So, what was the speed of light in the various stages postulated for the "Big Bang"?
As far as I can gather info here, c is always c back to the Planck epoch of BB model.

You can see this too in Allen's Astrophysical Quantities, Fourth Edition, 2000 on cosmology. Even the Planck density uses c for the density of 5.1575 x 10^93 g cm^-3, page 650. The 8-page report here references concerns the BB timeline from about 10^-32 s to 1 s after postulated BB event. The paper overlaps other BB epochs now to explain the origin of the CMBR that must take place before the CMBR appears.
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What qualifies as "giant"? A speck, or a boulder, of dust?

What qualifies as "big bang"? A discreet, or an indiscreet, quantity?

What qualifies as relative? or real?

Creation (BBT): Being absolutely (entirely) without fault or flaw . . . or any matched other for comparison in space or time! That isn't science! If this multi-dimensional -- especially including '0-' and/or '1-' -- multiverse universe is the matched other, the comparative, to that absolutely 1-d / 2-d flat "Flatland" universe ("Creation (BBT)"), it is always that in zero time (t=0(1)). There never was, never will be, anything more nor less.
It use to be every year or so, but now it seems monthly we get a new chapter to this novel.

THE never ending novel. And the new chapter promises to change our outlook of it........but the next coming chapter brings us right back here.

This circle never ends. We can only add another spin.
As I understand it, science is supposed to evolve :) Reports like this in cosmology present the evolutionary nature of cosmology for the BB model as more math studies take place using inflation and post-inflation universe expansion it seems. does report periodically on this topic like the history of the universe.

It seems now as the new physics continues to *expand*, areas of overlap appear in the BB model timeline for the early Universe. The report on the history of the universe states, "The Big Bang was not an explosion in space, as the theory's name might suggest. Instead, it was the appearance of space everywhere in the universe, researchers have said. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe was born as a very hot, very dense, single point in space."

No matter what, when space appears *everywhere in the universe*, we do have an instantaneous-action-at-a-distance force operating *in the beginning*.