It is true there is no confirmation of the actual speed of gravity. However, the arguements you bring up don't require or support an instantaneous gravitational force.<br /><br />First, it is a warpage in spacetime. However, the propagation of gravity people are concerned about is the propagation of a change in gravity (so if something moves, how long until other objects notice the change in the gravitational location). This change is considered a "wave" in spacetime (like the ripples in a pond) and because of this, GR can easily support and tends to indicate a finite speed for gravity.<br /><br />Your conservation of momentum arguement is also unfounded, as the gravity wave can change the momentum of object it encounters, <i>and</i> the "radiating" object's momentum also changes. There is no net difference caused by gravitational radiation.<br /><br />So yes, the actual speed is in contention, but you've failed to provide adequate support for your arguements of instantaneous gravitational forces (you've provided plenty of speculation though).<br /><br />For example, you say that without instantaneous gravity things would appear different. Okay, show me. When asked how you know that, you said you <i>could</i> use a <i>probably</i> off the shelf orbital mechanics program...but you haven't and I'm not going to make the effort if you don't.<br /><br />One thing you could do is ask what observations would be different if gravity was finite vs instantaneous...and find the answers. So something like: Mercury's orbit would be ___ for finite gravity but ____ for instantaneous...then do a comparison with observation.<br /><br />These are things Van Flandern has tried to do...but others tend to give it a grain of salt, as he's been shown to make mistakes in the mathematics and various assumptions he makes are invalid (IIRC some of the counter-papers I scanned years ago). <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p align="center"><font color="#c0c0c0"><br /></font></p><p align="center"><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">--------</font></em></font><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">--------</font></em></font><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">----</font></em></font><font color="#666699">SaiphMOD@gmail.com </font><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">-------------------</font></em></font></p><p><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">"This is my Timey Wimey Detector. Goes "bing" when there's stuff. It also fries eggs at 30 paces, wether you want it to or not actually. I've learned to stay away from hens: It's not pretty when they blow" -- </font></em></font><font size="1" color="#999999">The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>