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I sent you an email <br /><br /><br />even though your camera is hi def it will not make much of difference. You'll still have to convert it to the computer if you want to show anybody and quality is lost no matter what kind of camer you use<br /><br />I have a DVD quaility clip of a UFO materializing and pacing an AT-6 fighter. It's 111 mb


<font color="yellow">Yeah let's rehash the reasons this has no wings <br />we don't need to go over how idiotic you are agiain, Everybody knows that</font><br /><br /> <b>No answer to my questions I see. </b><br /><br /><font color="yellow">So when did I miss the switch from being planes to being fake</font><br /><br /> I do not doubt the videos are real. Just what they show is the question. You know what I think already. <br /><b>Still no answer to my questions</b><br /><br /> <font color="yellow">Your going to have to come up with better escuses than that if you want to play with me. </font><br /><br /> I don't know. It hasn't been all that hard to play with you. Quite easy actually since you are hypersensitive about your dubious evidence.<br /> <b> any answer to my questions yet?</b><br /><br /><font color="yellow">You are nothing but a sick little child that deserves to be put out of your missery </font><br /><br /> I see. Good one. I am 38. Hardly a child. I do have children 10, 8 and 5 that behave and debate much better than you. And I am not in misery. I am quite happy in life. Not desperately alone like <b>some</b> people around here...not mentioning any names. <br /><b> Still no answer to my questions.</b><br /><br /> <font color="yellow">For those of you inteligent enough to get it </font><br /><br /> TRANSLATION = "for those of you who agree with me and see things in my film that I see but that the less intelligent don't see."<br /><br /> <b> did you forget about my questions?</b><br /><br /> <font color="yellow">here's another word from or SPONSER that flies through the clouds which are backlit by the moon and once again has no wings </font><br /><br /> How are you coming on those answers to my questions? Working on it or ignoring it? So far it looks like ignoring it. That is not nice. I asked it nicley and they are fair enough questions. Why do you ignore them? <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


When did you threaten me? Let's see:<br /><br /><br />From the following sentence which ends in plural I assume you are talking about DGM and myself:<br /><br /><br />"Oh, I see, not one comment about the VIDEOS, just more imature, meanigless crap from the three year olds "<br /><br /><br /><br />And next comes the "pearl":<br /><br />"You are luck you are behing a computer, I'd shove my footage down your throat just like you keep shoving you crap down everybody elses throat "<br /><br /><br />But nevermind, I don't want to make a big deal out of that.<br /><br /><br />arit<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <span style="font-size:6pt;color:#009999;font-family:Verdana"><span style="font-size:6pt;color:#009999"><font face="Times New Roman"><strong><strong><span style="font-size:10pt;color:#009999;font-family:'CourierNew'"><p> </p><p><strong><span style="font-size:10pt;color:#009999;font-family:'CourierNew'">"We will either find a way, or make one!" - Hannibal<br /> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:10pt;color:#009999;font-family:'CourierNew'"><br /></span></strong></p></span></strong></strong></font></span></span> </div>


maybe send it to my private messages on here. It's not in my email, and its not in my spam folder either.


yep, here's a copy of the mail<br />Hey Josh, <br />Thanks for posting in-between the morons idiotic speculations. There hasn't been activity for a while but if the studies my friends have made are correct the activity should be picking up again soon. I have spotters all over the state so I should know if the next wave is coming. Your more than welcome to come up and sky watch or go out for a ride and hunt with me. Where do you live?<br />Paul <br /><br />New Hampshire UFO Hunter Website<br /><br /><br />If you want to talk email me, my email is on the site, this is none of these peoples business


arit, that wasn't to you <br /><br />that was to your friend, <br /><br />I havn't said really anything to you other than your a LIAR for saying they are fuzzy images and out of focus when the camera is set to infinity and it's impossible for anything to go out of focus.


<font color="yellow">You and I both know we will never see each other" <br /><br /><br />that's what you think and are banking on</font><br /> <br /> Wrong. i am banking on you being completely unequipped to debate this issue on any level other than the one you have shown. Your evidence does not stand alone. Why don't you use your evidence to answer my two very simple and basic questions? I know why. You can't. It is impossible and you have realized the position you are in and are now resorting, as the flakes usually do in here, to threats and insults.<br /><br /> Just answer the questions.<br /><br /><br />BTW, I do get to Nashua NH now and then on business Mr. Paul Spera. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


GREAT What's your real name? We all know your to much of little girl to give me your name, just keep hiding behind your computer<br /><br />there is no debate, you have done nothing but bash and come up with lame, stupid excuses that are flat out lies about the footage because you cant come up with anything else<br /><br />How many times do I have to say EXPLAIN THIS<br /><br /><br />before one of you people will? let's go for NEVER because you can't and that's why you haven't<br /><br />12 HOURS AND STILL NO RESPONSE ON ANY OF THE CLIPS I'VE POSTED <br /><br />OR THE FOOTAGE IVE CHALLENGE YOU TO TAKE<br /><br />AS PROOF LOOK AT THE NEXT POST, NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING BUT PERSONAL FEELINGS SO VAUGE THEY COULD BE IN REFRENCE TO ANYTHING<br /><br />HE CAN'T TALK ABOUT PARTICULAR FOOTAGE BECAUSE HE IS DONE NOTHING BUT LIE TO TRY AND STOP PEOPLE FROM SEEING THESE VIDEOS<br /><br /><br />


Not to worry Paul. I am not a stalker. You are safe. I do not threaten people. But you might want to think things through a little bit before running your yap with so much personal info on the web. It could get you into trouble if some one as unstable as yourself decides to visit so you can "cram" things down his throat. Just a little friendly advice.<br /><br /> Now i see you have yet again dodged my questions. Did you miss them?<br /> I have already told you what I thought of your video evidence. It is not conclusive proof of any alien piloted craft. It is weak. It is amateurish. It is of exceedingly poor quality to be coming from some one who claims to be actively hunting UFO's. In short it sucks.<br /> <br /> So now i have answered your question. Answer mine. Everyone is watching...waiting to hear your answers. Don't disappoint yet again like you did with the videos. <br /><br /><font color="orange"> Paul quit editing your posts after the fact and try to start anew in the new thread I started to discuss your evidence.</font>/safety_wrapper> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


To everyone:<br /><br />I come to forums to have fun and enjoy talking with others. You should do the same. Fighting, insulting, threatening, name-calling, etc. are not what we want here. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>
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