CalliEdit: Please note: the following is a hoax that has acquired the status of urban legend.<br /><br /><br />The cover up is over.<br /><br />NASA say it ended with Uh Oh, but that was only on tape. The following is from Christie's personal tape for the schoolkids to hear.<br /><br />T+1:15 (M) What happened? What happened? Oh God, no - no!<br /><br />T+1:17 (F) Oh dear God.<br /><br />T+1:18 (M) Turn on your air pack! Turn on your air...<br /><br />T+1:20 (M) Can't breathe... choking...<br /><br />T+1:21 (M) Lift up your visor!<br /><br />T+1:22 (M/F) (Screams.) It's hot. (Sobs.) I can't. Don't tell me... God! Do it...now...<br /><br />T+1:24 (M) I told them... I told them... Dammit! Resnik don't...<br /><br />T+1:27 (M) Take it easy! Move (unintelligible)...<br /><br />T+1:28 (F) Don't let me die like this. Not now. Not here...<br /><br />T+1:31 (M) Your arm... no... I (extended garble, static)<br /><br />T+1:36 (F) I'm... passing... out...<br /><br />T+1:37 (M) We're not dead yet.<br /><br />T+1:40 (M) If you ever wanted (unintelligible) me a miracle... (unintelligible)... (screams)<br /><br />T+1:41 (M) She's... she's... (garble) ... damn!<br /><br />T+1:50 (M) Can't breathe...<br /><br />T+1:51 (M/F) (screams) Jesus Christ! No!<br /><br />T+1:54 (M) She's out.<br /><br />T+1:55 (M) Lucky... (unintelligible).<br /><br />T+1:56 (M) God. The water... we're dead! (screams)<br /><br />T+2:00 (F) Goodbye (sobs)... I love you, I love you...<br /><br />T+2:03 (M) Loosen up... loosen up...<br /><br />T+2:07 (M) It'll just be like a ditch landing...<br /><br />T+2:09 (M) That's right, think positive.<br /><br />T+2:11 (M) Ditch procedure...<br /><br />T+2:14 (M) No way!<br /><br />T+2:17 (M) Give me your hand...<br /><br />T+2:19 (M) You awake in there? I... I...<br /><br />T+2:29 (M) Our Father... (unintelligible)...<br /><br />T+2:42 (M) ...hallowed be Thy name... (unintelligible).<br /><br />T+2:57 (M) You...ove