I asked this once before and got no answer from you, which is just one more reason to think that your agenda of just shutting down both the shuttle and the ISS is what you really want here. <br /><br />The point is, are you then perfectly willing to wait until NASA is 100% sure of no foam damage at all? Even if this takes us well into the next year?<br /><br />In another post on another thread I stated that I thought that if the shuttle had to go over another year that it was quite possible, and perhaps even reasonable that the shuttle and the ISS would be both shut down for good. You then agreed with me!<br /><br />So NOW you are so worried about the shuttle (a position that you have never exhibited before), does this mean that you are no longer concerned about the time or money this would cause the current shuttle and ISS? <br /><br />However, I would be quite willing to admit that this entire thread is just a theoretical exercise in futility anyway. NASA is going to launch in July, based on prior history and the relative (OK by you if I use the word relative here?) safety of going up to the ISS!<br />And that is simply that!!<br /><br />In the final analysis, in the very unlikely event that both shuttle crews were to be stranded on the ISS, I am certain that both NASA and the RSA, along with the entire aerospace industry of the world would move heaven and hell to get supplies out to the ISS (for while having that many people, some lucky 13, would be very uncomfortable, the ISS would be capable of having such a crew for as long as it took, providing enough supplies could be gotten up to it), and eventually bring those people home!<br /><br />Heck, it might even have some good to it in taking the world's collective imaginations off of terrorism for awhile!<br /><br />However, I really don't think that I have anything to worry about, and if you ARE sincere here, then neither do you!<br />