I have discovered that there are volumes of unknown facts about the earth and The Universe I have Unlimited FACTS.

Oct 13, 2024
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You will find what I know hard to accept but it is absolutely true: The Earth has always had a way of copying/saving images of people, Objects, animals, events For specific reasons and then images will be laid down on surfaces, Land, Rocks, and Mountains.
TRUST ME PLEASE I have unlimited proof. ALL mountains have images from the past and I can teach how to see them and more. AND THEN > The images flows all the time out into the universe and I can teach you and astronomers how to see them. Out in the universe these images land on surfaces of planets for good reasons. There are some images that will travel deep into the universe and I can PROVE SOME REALLY BIG THINGS TO ALL OF YOU. Example > There is an image that NASA NAMED the SPIRAL GALAXY . But NASA Is not aware of what I know --That is an image from Earth and easy to prove -- It is an image of a chain link fence in a roll and the view is looking down through the center of it you can see all the wire squares of the fence -{IF} YOU WILL EMAIL AND question me I can show you most everything about the Universe -----very Seriously ----I have unlimited images to help NASA understand the universe. ALSO: WHERE NASA drilled some holes they did not focus in real close because if they had they would have noticed some vines with leaves on them. IF this page allows me I can show images of them LEARN TO LOOK REALLY CLOSE AND STUDY WHAT YOU SEE. I Could show you hundreds of images If I could put them on here--You will find it hard to believe Email govgeo@yahoo.com for proof .... Earl Lovell. SORRY But I am not going to try and post images the way they want them it is too hard for me to do--Instead { TRUST ME} ---I CAN SHOW YOU HOW THE UNIVERSE WORKS SO contact me and I will teach you ---NEWS MEDIA---ELON MUSK ---I can rock all the world ---No one has a clue to the universe yet they are all over it without knowing anything. SERIOUSLY LinkedIn has some info. I am no longer on FB . EMAIL ME AND I WILL TEACH ALL THE WORLD VOLUMES OF KNOWLEDGE OF EARTH AND THE UNIVERSE.
Oct 7, 2024
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Uhm I’m sorry but that’s now how the Earth works. It doesn’t “save pictures of people, animals, land, etc”.

I’d love to see how you would be able to prove this but I’m sorry, this is too hard to believe.