FYI, Rod is looking at the primordial soup of matter vs. anti-matter that emerged after the Big Bang event. That is a timeline from the Planck time to about 3 minutes after the Big Bang involving BBN. This is a huge problem in the Big Bang model to explain the universe we see today and apparently, not commonly reported and understood very well. A new report is out today on the origin of dark matter,
Oddball sexaquark particles could be immortal, if they exist at all
"After decades of poking around in the math behind the glue holding the innards of all matter together, physicists have found a strange hypothetical particle, one that has never appeared in any experiment. Called a sexaquark, the oddball is made up of a funky arrangement of six quarks of various flavors. Besides being a cool-sounding character, the sexaquark could eventually explain the ever-maddening mystery of dark matter. And physicists have found that if the sexaquark has a particular mass, the particle could live forever."
My observation, Interesting report and a new particle said that may explain dark matter. Looks like the Standard Model has many interesting particles now. The 3:16 minute video is interesting too. Paul Sutter says how the universe began in the video, "We really do not know"

The matter vs. anti-matter issue (
baryon asymmetry problem) among other Big Bang problems, is not yet solved.