industry @ Jupiter trojans

Jan 29, 2020
Mechanical annealing is a useful manufacturing tool. It requires a Young's Modulus above 60GPa @ STP.
At colder temperatures, weaker materials may not crumble when you try to squeeze their nanoparticles together or scoop them into a sculpture. Most likely they will turn to tgoo if the temperature is raised. Earth does -40C okay. Outwards of the asteroid belt and inwards from Saturn orbit is a temperature where manufacturing and operating usage has a temperature cost advantage. Not all materials will work. Bismuth might. Cadmium (a diatom nutrient). Granite. Mg. Nylon-66. Selenium. teeny Thorium. Sb. Asteroids not too toxic should suffice for whatever manufacturing activities.
Thermal cycling is to be limited thus away from planets. Quiet from habitation. There are bio possibilities too though freeze drying is an issue and pharmaceuticals justify the cost maybe not nutrients.
Jan 29, 2020
Plastic outgasses so hermetic seals are needed around it or the part. Tin is radioactive maybe only the shielded part of the Moon. Cadmium, Selenium, plastic, Al, Al2O3, and metal gate diodes are enough for transistors, displays, quantum dots, sensors, minus the seal and UHV container. Silicon Valley makes the majority of this.
Some of these list items have lower melting temperatures more suitable towards Saturn.
The machinery might be iron, Beryllium Oxide or Sapphire that makes these things. The list isn't suitable for stainless steel replacement materials. At low G and for non-structural applications a good fraction of space station and unmanned experiment probe materials can be made here. Too cold and the materials will freeze dry, too warm and the get elastic. Just right a temp and it is like the bakelite revolution at the middle orbits.
...A high vapor pressure isn't as much an issue. 8 at a station the volume is more manufacturing space at own vacuum. So you can vent some cadmium surface area but to have a 50% zinc materials as surface area is too much atmosphere to waste. Ideally captured asteroids would be sent to orbits at gas giant speed as a factory.
Iron rusts and Beryllium oxide is toxic to use for factory station equipment. Habitability is needing more products invented.
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Jan 29, 2020
Magnesium and clay should be key interior and furniture materials. Sealed with sapphire. TiO2 on exteriors for air cleaning. Silica is useful for ion engine fuel but dust not wanted. Manufacturing at UHV should enable less than a nm of coating of organics or light gases. This should make superior materials. Ideally the bulk substrate are stable in phase at STP. Eventually a Nitrogen atmosphere enables plants not in glass. Qunatum dots long lasting enable displays and sensors and berylium for hotter spots on the ship...hope in situ mines are found. I'll machine learn the space economy, I'm not sure how cold the materials are good to, but magnetic floors are not needed here.
Jan 29, 2020
The materials used for manufacturing products at the middle orbits have temperature dependant properties. Mines can be selected to retrieve these materials immediately suitable for processing.
Metals tend to crack in the cold and accumulate radiation. The trojans are at the thermometer middle ground here but maybe radioactive mostly. Instead of steel for interior objects you'd use magnesium. It will be hard enough at -160C a manufacturing temperature to stay hard even at room temperature as long as it is thinly layers it won't change to a weaker phase. Your food trays can be Mg coated with sapphire. Contraband coated dice and board-game pieces might be lithium. Clay doesn't get radioactive. Pipes are not Beryllium Oxide where there is gas exposure or explosion risks but can be coated with graphite. Plastics will eventually be carbon (better CofTE and less outgassing). Hermetic seals are needed for toxic elements like in quantum dots. These displays are good enough for GIS, mining, weather....Tungsten powder can be applied to a sacrificial pipe and core drilled but the powder needs to be post-processed stronger 1st...Refractory metals provide heaters and coolers. Iron is there too.
You start out Saturn with W/Mo, quantum dot elements, BeO, Al, carbon, stone/clay, Pb. Si or Fe asteroid belt mines are developed to make powder for ion engines. 80 miners totalling 1500T payload set out for 6 Saturn mines and an outer moon base. They use Pb pipes to syphon rocket fuel from Enceladus. Each mine trades with other mines to set up a self-contained base and makes surpluses of UHV storable stuff. The Moon needs microwave-based (and radar isn't affected by dust) R+D that will be easier around Saturn without the dust. Niobium is toxic but okay for the USA to do superconductor R+D on Eris or somewhere toxic. Saturn won't need magnetic equipment right away due to health concerns, it is nearer to Earth. I expect cube sats to lead to ion engine boosters for ion manufacturing at the asteroids. Then Saturn is ready as are observatories not needed to unfurl from a narrow rocket. On the Moon stuff should be changed every few yrs ideally and radiation at Saturn on metals may also necessitate segmented piping and such. I suppose the question is how populated the USA wants Saturn to be this century? Suggested are 6 Monk's huts with labs.
Jan 29, 2020
Saturn mines will require 20T payload/miner departing from the belt if there is powder made on a belt asteroid(s), +4T for every key material not minable at Saturn. Cube Sat companies can become ion booster companies. If NASA wants to make or scoop comets, or do classified R+D outside the solar system, they need the Trojan temperature materials 1st en route to wherever. I'll come by in 3 decades for duck races and my own magnetic sensors for the thruster glider race.
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