If you are not real experienced with the intelliscope, you will find that it doesn't work well on grass or a soft base. Make sure you are on blacktop, concrete or a solid wood deck. Also make sure you have leveled the scope tube to the dobsonian base. <br /><br />One last thing I found out. Try not to take too long locating the second star after you identified and selected the first alignment star. The longer you take, the less accurate the alignment to the computer will be. For this reason, I began using the Orion EZ Finder II. <br /><br />All of this will be a brief learning spell. You already have Starry Night. Once you learn where objects are, and to locate objects using Starry Night and actual star fields with binoculars, you will no longer use the intelliscope. <br /><br />Starry Night is the best locating/learning tool I have purchased. I have just upgraded to Pro V 5.0.1. I purchased the 10" Intelliscope less then a year ago. I used the computer about two or three weeks and haven't used it since. <br /><br />Best of luck<br /><br />Bill