thx <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" /><br />I am mighty pleased that somebody sides with me (even if it might be only partly for all I know) as your pointing out that thread implies, it always seems like one is against the whole world and nobody agrees at all with what one says<br /><br />but there is always something to add or expand upon especially since one always gets feeling the message is not getting accross<br /><br />strictly speaking zero is not a number, numbers are 1,2,3,... that's also the reason why it was invented only later on after numbers have been long in use - and since I have argued in that post that infinity is not a number either, it might be viewed that zero and infinity have that in common but that is a relationship that has no usefull message in it for the audience so to speak<br /><br />if anything infinity is best compared to the infinitesimal, the name alone would lead one to suspect that they are very similar if not the same, their function in mathematics is the same in principle and they differ only in that one caps the number series at the upper end and the other at the lower end<br /><br />one might see zero as the lower end of number series but zero fails us when we take into account fractions of numbers and try to specify the smallest one - zero is not a fraction and has no 'size' and won't do for this purpose<br /><br />when it comes to 'smallest something' as opposed to nothing we have to invent infinitesimal which is itself not a fraction (similar to infinity not being a number) but a limit of fractions with precisely defined ways how it is handled (again similar to infinity which also has its specific ways how it should be used)<br /><br />just like infinity is bigger than any number by definition so the infinitesimal is smaller than any fraction of a number - again by definition, both were invented to function as caps of number series because at the upper end the series is open ended and at the lower end the zero is not a cap for the purp <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>