<p>According to general theory of relativity gravatational force creats curvature in space-time. time can be slowed down by creating high gravational field . also we can travel back in time by creating closed time like curves . can we use some other force to creat this type of curves .</p><p> I think that after every sccond a new parallel universe is created . and the universes created after our was created are the backup copies of our past . we can travel back in time or can travel in future by going in those universes . going those universe is like going in 4th dimension . but problem is that the people of universe which was created first can travel in 4th dimension but only in past not in future . </p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong><font size="3" color="#0000ff">E=MC^2</font></strong></p><p><strong></strong></p> </div>